Long Gone Girl

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Long Gone Girl Page 8

by Amy Rose Bennett

  “A girl’s got to be prepared for any situation, Captain Kelly. Including dirty weekends.”

  Jett grinned. “So let’s get dirty.”


  Jett eased himself off Ginny so he could reach for his discarded jeans and wallet on the floor by the bed. Within a moment, he’d pulled out a packet of air force issue condoms. “Military strength,” he joked as he ripped open the packet, then quickly slid it on. He was thrilled beyond measure that he’d driven Ginny over the edge already, but he wanted to take her there again and again. Single-minded and calculating it may be, but he was determined to ruin her for any other man.

  One night together would never be enough. And he had to make her see that.

  He slid alongside Ginny again on the narrow bed, and the springs squeaked in protest. Crap. It wasn’t a patch on the sumptuous king-size bed he had at The Beacon, but it would have to do. “Let’s hope Mrs. Fingle doesn’t come a-knocking if she hears any noises—or expletives—coming from your room.” He was still blown away by the fact that he’d driven Ginny to the point of complete abandonment.

  Ginny blushed. “Hey. You have to take some responsibility here,” she said, poking his chest. “If you weren’t so darned amazing I wouldn’t have—”

  He silenced her with a kiss, gorging himself on the succulent taste and texture of her mouth. “I’m not complaining,” he murmured when they both came up for air. “Far from it. I love it that you lost control before. But what I am worried about,” he covered her with his body again and thrust gently against her lower belly, “is the fact that I’m so damned turned on by you, that when I come this time, I’m going to explode. And God knows what I’ll do or say.”

  “Oh.” Ginny wrapped her arms around his shoulders and circled her hips a little beneath him. Her mouth was curved in a decidedly feline smile. “So what are you waiting for? Let’s find out.”

  “Minx.” Jett claimed her mouth in another thorough kiss as he gently nudged her legs apart and positioned his cock between her thighs. The urge to thrust into her balls deep was nearly overwhelming but he was large and didn’t want to hurt her given that it had probably been some time since she’d had penetrative sex. Instead, he gently swiped his fingers between the folds of her pussy to test her readiness and was richly rewarded with a simultaneous moan from Ginny and a rush of fresh juices. Holy shit she was responsive. The feel, sound and scent of her arousal was nearly his undoing.

  Gritting his jaw against an imminent urge to ejaculate, Jett began to nudge her slick entrance. She was so tight, he felt like he was entering a virgin. Ginny whimpered and gripped his shoulders, her fingernails drawing blood. Shit. Jett immediately ceased all movement, and hovered over her, taking all his weight on his forearms. His thundering heart pulsed painfully at the thought he was hurting her so much. What if she didn’t want this? “Do you want me to stop?”

  Her eyes flew open and met his again. “No way. Don’t even think about it,” she panted. Her brow furrowed and her mouth was set in a determined line. “I want you. This will work.”

  Sweet Jesus, he hoped it would. Jett closed his eyes and red fireworks flared behind his eyelids. Sweat poured off him and his muscles quaked with the effort it was taking not to pound into her. “Ginny…I don’t know if I can hold on—”

  “Just take me, Jett.” Ginny tilted her hips and wrapped her legs about him. “Now.”

  With a guttural groan, Jett flexed his hips then thrust all the way in. Ginny bit his shoulder to stifle her own cry. Fuck she was tight. But Christ it felt good.

  “Are you all right?” he rasped into her ear.

  “I will be.” Ginny’s voice was little more than a hoarse whisper but he believed her. Already he could feel her body starting to relax beneath his. Although the clench of her inner passage around him was still tight as hell.

  She kissed his throat and stroked her hands down his back until she gripped his ass. “Come on, Fly-boy. Show me what you’ve got.”

  Hallelujah. “Yes, ma’am.” Jett withdrew slowly then plunged back into her.

  This time Ginny made a low sound deep in her throat. A sound of pleasure. “Oh God, that feels good.”

  Damn straight it did. Animal need roaring through his veins, heart crashing against his ribs, Jett began a slow, driving rhythm of long deep thrusts. Ginny rocked her hips, matching his pace perfectly. The way her internal muscles rippled around him, he didn’t think it would be long before she was climaxing again.

  Helpless to resist the pull of his own mounting orgasm, Jett increased the tempo of his thrusts. Sounds of sex filled the room; the slap of his sweat-slickened flesh against Ginny’s, his own low grunts and Ginny’s breathy gasps and moans. The rhythmic squeak of the bed.

  If Mrs. Fingle walked by, there would be no doubt as to what was going on in this room.

  But he didn’t give a flying fuck. He’d take Ginny to Paradise again come hell or high water. He gripped one of her legs and hitched it a little higher, changing the angle of his penetration. His hips ground against her clit. He pumped harder. Faster.

  “Jett. Oh God…Yes.” She was so close he could feel it. Her quivering inner passage contracted tighter.

  He slid his other hand into her wet hair and gripped her skull. “Look at me.”

  Her eyes locked with his, flashing gold fire. On a shuddering gasp she breathed his name. “Jett.” And then she came. Gripping him, spasming around him. Sending him hurtling over the edge into blissful oblivion as well.

  “Fuck me.” He collapsed on top of Ginny, shuddering, gasping her name into her neck as the seemingly endless shock waves of his release pulsed through him. The raw intimacy of that moment when Ginny had climaxed and the ferocity of his own orgasm shook him to his very core.

  She owned him, heart and soul. There was no doubt in his mind. He just prayed that what they’d shared was enough to convince her that they were meant for each other.


  Jett had stayed all night. Now that was a consequence Ginny had not expected.

  When she awoke the next morning in her room at the Driftwood Boarding House, it was to find herself still cradled in Jett’s arms. Their legs were entwined and her head was nestled against his chest. The steady thud of his heartbeat and the gentle rhythm of his breathing were the perfect counterpoint to the muted pounding of the surf outside. It must have stopped raining—weak sunlight filtered through the chintz curtains.

  It promised to be another fine day.

  Except for the fact that bittersweet sadness pierced her heart and tears pricked at the back of her eyelids.

  Because when Jett woke, she would kiss him good-bye.

  There was no doubt he was a lover like no other. But that’s all he could ever be. Her heart was still bruised after Charlie’s loss. And she couldn’t risk giving her heart away again, especially to a hardened player like Jefferson Kelly, given that he’d already broken her heart before.

  Besides that, she wanted a career, not a relationship of any kind. Even though it hurt, she had to be ruthless and crush the tender emotions welling inside her chest for this man. Forget the moment when Jett had locked his gaze with hers during their first round of sex last night. When she’d felt like he was staring into her very soul.

  She bit her lip and swallowed to ease the tight ache in her throat. No. Don’t think about it, Ginny. So what that he’d stayed with her, holding her in his arms, the whole night? This had been a one-night stand. A night of mutually gratifying sex between two consenting adults who were physically attracted to each other. Nothing more.

  She might want Jett. But she sure as hell didn’t need him.

  She swiped at a tear that had escaped and her movement woke Jett. He stirred and gathered her closer into his arms, then kissed her forehead. Her cheek. Then her mouth. Light, gentle kisses that spoke of tenderness. Just like the tender light in his sky-blue eyes as his gaze caressed her face.

  It’s only the afterglow following a marathon bout of mind-blowi
ng sex. Don’t kid yourself, Ginny.

  “Hey,” he murmured sleepily. “Good morning, gorgeous. I have to sneak away to the bathroom but I’ll be back in a minute.”

  She swallowed and cleared her throat. “Sure.” She hoped the betraying huskiness of her tone could be mistaken for a rusty morning voice.

  Jett rose and wrapped a towel about his lean hips. “Just in case I encounter Mrs. Fingle.”

  Ginny forced a smile and nodded, trying to ignore how drop-dead sexy he looked in nothing but a towel. “Let’s hope not.”

  He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Back soon.”

  As soon as the door snicked shut, Ginny scooted out of bed and dug her pink cotton robe and fresh panties out of her valise. It would be easier to farewell Jett if she at least had something on. She’d only just finished dragging a brush through the nightmarish mess of her hair when he came back.

  “I take it the coast is all clear then?” she asked with a falsely bright smile. That’s it. Keep it light and breezy. We’re all adults here.

  “Yep.” Jett’s forehead creased into a slight frown as his gaze wandered over her berobed body. “Well, except for a cat.”

  “Good. I guess it’s too early for Mrs. Fingle to be up and about yet. But you never know...” Unsure what to do or say next, she turned away to make the bed. Her movements were hurried and clumsy, her knuckles white as she grasped and tugged at the sheets and quilt.

  “Ginny…what’s the matter?”

  Jett was right behind her. His hands rested on her shoulders and she had to crush the impulse to lean back into him. Crap, this is going to be harder than I thought.

  “Nothing…I was thinking that now would be a good time for you to make your escape. You know, before Mrs. Fingle does get up.”

  There was a beat of silence then Jett turned her around. He stared intently into her eyes and she couldn’t stop a flood of heat rising to her cheeks.

  “No, something’s definitely going on that has nothing to do with Mrs. Fingle,” he said, his tone serious. “Have I said or done something wrong?”

  “No…no not at all.” Ginny twisted her fingers in the tie of her robe, then stopped herself, aware that the action would betray her inner turmoil. “It’s just that…last night was last night, and today…Well today I’ve got plans.” She sounded so unconvincing, even Mrs. Fingle’s cat wouldn’t believe her if it was here.

  Jett cocked an eyebrow. “You do? But it’s Sunday.” His mouth kicked into a wicked grin. “If you’re going to church to confess your sins, I guess I should come along too.”

  “No…” Ginny pressed her lips together to stop herself smiling back. Or crying. She blinked rapidly and glanced toward the window. The white curtains were growing brighter by the minute. Why was he making this so difficult? Isn’t he supposed to love me and leave me? Wham, bam and thank you, ma’am?

  Jett grasped both her hands and linked his fingers through hers. “Look. How about I make tracks back to The Beacon and then we could meet up for coffee there in an hour or two before hitting the beach again? The sun’s out and I don’t have to head back to Fort Dix until late this afternoon. And after that” –he smiled and his hands slid to her waist— “both Fort Dix and LaGuardia aren’t that far from Ridgewood. If you were free on weekends—”

  “No, Jett…” Ginny closed her eyes for a moment in an attempt to control the frustration and confusion rising inside her, constricting her throat. She swallowed, then drew in a steadying breath and met Jett’s gaze. “I’m serious. There are things I have to attend to. And the way I see it…” She sighed heavily, hating herself for the words she was going to say, but her self-preservation was paramount. “Look, we’re both grown-ups. And last night was terrific. More than terrific. But I think it would be best if we said good-bye now.”

  Jett ran a hand down his face. Although she’d always thought of him as a Lothario, there was no denying the look of hurt confusion in his eyes.

  “You’re giving me the brush off,” he said at last, his voice flat with disappointment.

  Ginny winced. Ouch. “Jett, you’re a great guy, but I don’t see any point in prolonging...this…us… You’re at Fort Dix, soon to be moving onto bigger and better things and I’m… Well, I’m trying to get out of Ridgewood. I have a job interview for a surgical nursing position tomorrow at Mount Sinai and I don’t want to screw it up. I need to go over my resume and some medical journals today, and aside from that…I’m not ready to rush headlong into a relationship with anyone, casual or otherwise at the moment. I need to be Ginny Williams for a while. No commitments. No obligations except for my work.”

  Jett released her and rubbed the back of his neck—an almost awkward gesture. It wasn’t like him at all. “Yeah, sure, Ginny. I understand.” His mouth twisted into a small rueful looking smile. “I wouldn’t want to get in your way. I’ll get dressed and go.”

  Ginny nodded, not trusting herself to say anything as Jett moved over to the radiator where his clothes hung. When his hands moved to his hips to loosen the towel, she skittered over to the door. “Just going to the bathroom,” she mumbled.

  Standing in the hallway, on the other side of the closed bedroom door, Ginny bit her lip and clenched her hands into fists, willing herself not to cry. Crap, crap, crap. Had she got Jett all wrong?

  But even if she had, even if he’d changed, it didn’t matter. She had to be strong. She couldn’t afford the distraction he represented. And she wouldn’t give up her dreams of a stellar nursing career, not even for him.

  When she returned to the room a few minutes later—she trusted that the cold water she’d splashed onto her face had removed the traces of any tears, if not her red-rimmed eyes—it was to find Jett, fully dressed, standing by the window and looking out at the beach.

  “Still all quiet out there?” he asked, dropping the curtain back into place. When he smiled it was so smooth and practiced, her heart twisted. The cool, confident, disarming version of Jett was back. Absurdly, she wanted to smack him.

  But she didn’t. She simply nodded. “Yes. Except for the cat, it’s deserted.”

  “So.” He took a few steps toward her then caught her hand and raised it to his lips, his gaze capturing hers. “I guess this is good-bye.”

  “Yes,” Ginny said faintly. Her skin still tingled where his lips had brushed and for one wild moment she contemplated taking everything back. “Thank you…I…I wish you all the very best with your new career as an airline pilot.”

  Jett shrugged. “It’s a living. Good luck with your interview tomorrow too.”

  “Thanks.” Impulsively she leaned forward and kissed Jett’s stubbled cheek, then took a step back toward the door before she could do anything else she might later regret. Like throw herself into his arms and beg him to stay. “Who knows, maybe I might see you around some day.”

  Jett flashed her a bright grin as he opened the door. “You bet.”

  And then he was gone.

  Shit. Ginny bit her hand to stop a sob from escaping. She was doing the right thing wasn’t she? She had to be. Suck it up, Williams. No time for tears.

  Which was easier said then done when she felt like her foolish heart was breaking into a thousand pieces.


  You bet I’ll be seeing you again, Ginny Williams.

  His gut might be full of leaden disappointment, but as Jett strode down the boardwalk toward Jenkinson’s Pavilion in the direction of his hotel, his heart was full of steely determination. Ginny might have pushed him away this morning, but he knew she cared about him. He’d seen it in her eyes last night when they’d made love. And the reluctant attraction in her eyes this morning even as she’d shied away from him like a cornered deer. She didn’t trust him yet. He got that. And along with that, there was probably a good dose of fear—of being hurt by him again.

  Then there was her desire to be her own woman attaining fulfillment from her career. He got that too—admired her for it in fact. But having a career and a lovin
g relationship weren’t mutually exclusive, for him at any rate. He just had to get her to see that too.

  The rising sun over the Atlantic peered out from behind a distant bank of clouds, as if reminding him there was always hope. Smiling, he pulled out his sunglasses from his still damp jeans’ pocket then put them on to shield his eyes from the glare off the water. Plan A of Operation Ginny might not have panned out exactly as he’d wanted, but there was always Plan B.


  Six days later, Ridgewood, New Jersey

  “So when do you think you’ll move to Manhattan, dear?”

  Ginny took a sip of her steaming cup of coffee before responding to her grandma’s question. She so needed coffee after pulling an unexpected all-nighter at the county hospital. It also gave her time to consider her answer. The telephone call heralding the good news that she’d been the successful applicant for the surgical nursing position had come late yesterday afternoon, just as she was getting ready for her shift. Given the crazy night she’d had, she’d barely had time to get her head around that fact, let alone consider her plans—her plans to start a new life afresh, and be her own person. A career woman.

  She should be over the moon happy but for some reason, she felt a little like a deflated balloon the day after the party. And she really didn’t want to think about why that should be so. Maybe she just needed more coffee. And sleep. Sleep would be good.

  “Well the job at Mount Sinai starts in a month,” she said eventually, summoning a smile for her grandmother who’d been toying with the handle of her own cup of tea with one gnarled finger while she’d patiently waited for Ginny’s response. “So I figure I’ll spend the next few weeks finding an apartment to rent in Greenwich Village. Hopefully I’ll be moving in the week before, but if not, there’s always the nurses’ quarters.”


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