By the Light of the Moon

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By the Light of the Moon Page 14

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Dakota looked at Sam with an arched brow. “You told them?” “ Well, I couldn’t very well keep it a secret. Besides, I trust Josh and Mark to keep this to themselves. Sooner or later, all my friends will have to know, babe. I don’t like keeping secrets from them.” Sam took the groceries from Dakota and smiled. “They think I’m full of shit though.”

  “Why didn’t you just shift then?” Dakota smacked Sam in the arm. Mark smiled at the man he’d known as a wolf. “Thank you, for everything you did for me and Josh. You put yourself in danger to protect us. I won’t forget it.” Mark took Dakota in his arms and hugged him tight.

  “Well, you guys did feed me on a regular basisand

  kept me in the cabin when it got cold.” Dakota chuckled softly. “I owed you that much.” Dakota had to smile at the look of wonder on Josh’s face. “Still don’t believe Sam?”

  Josh shook his head. “No, I do. I’m just trying to wrap my brain around the fact that my best friend is a werewolf.”

  “ I had no choice,” Dakota sighed and sat down on the couch. “He was dying and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.”

  Josh took Dakota’s hand and squeezed. “I’m grateful you saved him, Sam is a good man.” “ Yes, he is.” Dakota smiled as Sam came out of the kitchen and sat down next to him on the couch. “So, are you guys staying for Christmas?”

  Mark sat in Josh’s lap and smiled at Dakota and Sam. “We wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  ~~ Christmas Eve had everyone gathered around the Waters tree. Nadine had bought each of the pack member’s gifts and they were all allowed to open one. Troy would be here in a few weeks to visit and Sam had tried to put it off but Troy wasn’t having it, he’d be there come hell or high water. Sam hung up and winked at his Mom. She shushed everyone and Sam took Dakota’s hand, taking him over to the fireplace.

  “What’s going on?” Dakota looked at the room full of smiling faces. Archer made his way over and took Dakota’s hand. “I would be honored if you would be the beta of the pack, Dakota. I know you’re stronger than me and I will understand if you feel you cannot.”

  Dakota looked at John. “But you are the beta, this is your position.”

  “Aposition best filled by the stronger wolf. I’m not angry Dakota, it was my suggestion.” John winked and took his

  hand. “You will be a fine beta, and one dayyouwill be

  Alpha and Sam your beta.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Dakota felt the tears on his cheeks. His life had changed so much. He had a family that loved him and accepted him and he was happy. “Alright, I accept.” Dakota shook Archer’s hand.

  “ Good, now that that’s out of the way.” Sam got down on one knee and produced a small box out of his pocket. He heard Josh’s loud cough and shot him a look of ‘shut the fuck up’ before turning his attentions back to Dakota. “All my life, I felt lonely. I felt somewhere, somehow I would meet the person I was meant to be with when the time was right. Little did I know I’d hit that person with my truck.” Sam smiled as Dakota’s eyes filled with tears. “I love you with my body and soul Dakota Cadotte, please do me the honor of becoming my husband.”

  The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Dakota got down on his knees in front of the one man that had taken his heart and filled him with love. “Yes.”

  EPILOGUE~ Dakota watched Sam on the floor with Wyatt. Wyatt was shifting back and forth with ease, as Sam tried to do the same. It was easier on the little ones he guessed. Sam closed his eyes and managed to produce canines and claws, before shifting back to human.

  “ You’re fighting it again.” Dakota sat down next to his mate and brushed the hair from his face. Sweat dripped from Sam’s brow as he took deep breaths.

  “ I know, it hasn’t been as painful lately. I don’t know why I’m so hesitant.” Sam smiled as Wyatt crawled into his lap and growled, biting his shirt. “Want the tennis ball?” Wyatt’s ears perked up and Sam laughed.

  Wyatt shifted and smiled at Sam. “I want the talking ball.” “ It’s in the kitchen somewhere.” Dakota lay back, trying to see under the dining room table. “I swear you broke it though, Wyatt.” Dakota sat back up in time to see Wyatt shifting back and running for the kitchen. Dakota crawled into Sam’s lap and wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing him. “I made you a big pot of coffee.”

  v> God, you turn me on. The things you say, babe.” Sam laughed and pulled Dakota into his chest, crushing him. His mouth found Dakota’s and he licked inside, tasting his mate. “Mmm,

  Captain Crunch?”

  “ Crunch Berries.” Dakota smiled, licking Sam’s lips and slipping his tongue inside. Dakota’s hands found Sam’s very large erection and he squeezed, hearing a loud moan from his mate. Canines nipped his lip and claws scratched lightly across the skin on his back. Okay, so he knew he wasn’t playing fair, but Sam shifted more easily when he was horny. Trying to keep an eye on where Wyatt was, Dakota stroked his mates cock until Sam was lying on top of him, panting. He looked into wolf’s eyes and smiled. “There you go.”

  “You’re a good doggie.” The babble ball squeaked in

  its helium voice.

  “I found it!” Wyatt giggled, throwing the ball. He then shifted, chasing it down the hall. Sam nuzzled Dakota’s crotch and picked his head up. Even in wolf form, Dakota could see the lust in his mate’s eyes. He sat up and pushed Sam off of him, hearing a soft whine of protest. Dakota smiled and kissed his nose. “You have to be patient, there’s a young one in the house.” Sam gave him a snort and Dakota laughed. He put his hands on his hips and looked at Sam. “Did you call Troy and tell him we are getting married?” Sam huffed and pushed Dakota over, making his way down the hall to chase Wyatt.

  Sawyer came in, smiling at Dakota lying on the floor looking up at the ceiling. The babble ball rolled down the hall, spewing its helium words. Wyatt ran right over it, curling into a ball and crashing into Sawyer’s leg. Sawyer picked him up and looked at his brother’s face.

  “You need a bath.” Sawyer laughed. Wyatt shifted. “No! I’m clean, I just had a bath.” “ Yeah, two days ago. Come on munchkin; let’s get you into some bubbles so Sam and Dakota can have private time.”

  “And play poka?” Wyatt giggled, squirming in his brothers arms.

  Dakota chuckled as Sawyer clapped his hand over his brother’s mouth. “See you two later at dinner.” Dakota waved and lay back down. He felt a cold nose on his forehead and looked up to see Sam looking down at him. “No time for fun, we promised your parents we’d help out on Troy’s parents’ house.” Dakota managed to get away from Sam and get in the shower.

  Sam lay on the floor on his back, watching Dakota in the shower. Dakota washed his hard prick with soapy hands. Sam wondered if they should try getting it on in wolf form. This was odd, he was in the exact same position Dakota had been when he himself had taken a shower, so long ago. God, it seemed like forever. Dakota got out of the shower and stepped over him, wiping the fog from the mirror. Sam decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and shoved his muzzle up Dakota’s ass.

  “ Hey!” Dakota almost fell over, grabbing the sink for balance; he turned and looked at his mate with a smile. “I’ll tell you what, Assmunch. If you can shift in less than ten seconds, I’ll give you the best rim job you’ve ever had, for one whole hour.” Dakota looked at the clock on the bathroom wall. “Starting now. One Mississippi…” Dakota watched the clock as Sam shifted; he felt a hand on his dick and looked up at his mate. “That was eleven seconds.”

  “Oh come on!” Sam huffed and put his hands on his hips.

  “Okay, a half hour rim job.”

  “I’ll take it.”

  ~The End~ ~~~ A sneak peek at “Half Moon rising.”~~ ~Chapter One~ “ Oh fuck me!” Troy felt the air heat up around him as round after round of gun fire whizzed past him. He’d taken out his target without a hitch. It was afterwards, that all hell broke loose. The compound had guard dogs, and those dogs were headed in his direction, as
well as men with guns. Alot of men with guns. His boots dug into the leaves and vines on the forest floor of the Congo and he nearly tripped over a tree root as he ran. Thank God he worked out almost every day, or he’d be winded by now. The thick jungle spread for miles around him, and Troy continued looking for a way to evade his pursuers as he ran. To his left, the sound of water flooded his ears, he recalculated his route and he ran in the direction of it. Shouts erupted behind him as Troy finally saw an open area. “Oh, thank God!”

  Flying out of the forest, he came to a sliding halt at the edge of a cliff, barely managing not to plummet. A large waterfall was to his right and Troy looked down to the water below. Way down.

  “Oh, shit.” Judging by his position and the water below, he was guessing fifty feet to the water. What he didn’t know, was how deep it was. Troy ran a hand through his hair and weighed his options. Shot by the men behind him? Or jump in the water and risk possible paralysis if it wasn’t deep enough. Troy turned his head; the men were much closer now. More gun shots went off behind him. Troy looked back down at the water, it was starting to look better and better. It was moving fast, maybe twenty miles an hour or more. He threw his rifle around his neck and closed his eyes.

  Fuck it.”“ Hands on his chest, he hit the water, cannonball fashion and went under. The current caught him and dragged him under as he fought a nasty undertow. Troy clawed his way to the surface, only to see what looked

  like a very large cliff looming closer.Oh fuck, another damn waterfall. Troy looked around, hoping to find something,anythingto stop his forward progress. A rope

  landed a few feet in front of him and he grabbed for it. It occurred to him at that moment that he might not like what was on the other end of it. Looking towards where the rope originated, Troy saw a gathering of men on the bank.

  Just grab it asshole!” One of them shouted. “

  Troy grinned. “Oh, I like you guys already.”

  It took a few minutes and a bit of man power, to pull him close enough to shore for him to get a grip on the rocks that protruded from the water. A hand came out in front of him and Troy looked up into very mesmerizing grey eyes. The man was absolutely breathtaking. His black hair, strong chin and high cheek bones were attached to a UFC fighter’s body. Troy grabbed the offered hand, and was hauled up out of the water.

  Are you alright?” The man asked.“ Troy shook the water out of his hair, and leaned his head to the side, tapping it to get the water out of his ear. “I think so.” Troy looked at all the men standing there staring at him. It took a minute, but he began to recognize some of them. Holy shit, these were the guys Keegan and Devin were assigned to keep tabs on. Troy put his hand out. “Troy Bishop.”

  “Lorenzo Costa.” “ Well, Lorenzo,” Troy said. “Thank you, for saving my ass.” He pulled his jacket and shirt off and squeezed the water out. After wiping most of the water off his back, Troy checked the condition of his rifle.

  One of the other men chuckled softly.

  “It’s going to need a lot of TLC.” The man said. Troy looked at the man who’d spoken. “And you are?” “You don’t know who I am?” The man smiled.

  “Vince, leave the man alone.” Lorenzo sighed. “We’re obviously here for the same reasons.”

  Troy narrowed his eyes at the man. “Vicious Vince Markov.”

  Vince chuckled. “I see my reputation precedes me.” Vince put his hand out. “Nice to meet you, Troy Bishop.” One of the other men let out a loud sigh. “Why is it no one knows who I am?”

  Troy looked the man over; a picture from Keegan’s desk came to mind. “Justin Maddox.”

  Justin smiled. “Finally.”

  Lorenzo sighed in frustration. “Can we get to safety, please? The whole complex is about to go boom.” Lorenzo got on his radio. “Dimitri?”

  “ Yes?”

  “Are you ready?” Lorenzo winked at Troy.

  “We are a go my friend.”

  “ Light up the sky.” Lorenzo put the radio back in its holster and eyed the man they’d just pulled from the river. “Government?”

  “Sort of.” Troy treated them to his lopsided grin. Lorenzo looked at the blood on Troy’s arm. “You are injured. I will have my husband tend to that.”

  Troy’s mouth fell open. “You’re gay?”

  Lorenzo crossed his arms and looked down on him. “Yes, you have a problem with gays?” Troy glanced around at all the men, they all wore wedding rings except for Vince Markov, but even he had a tan line on his ring finger. Troy chuckled softly. “Hell no, I don’t have a problem with gays. I’ve banged my share of men.”

  “Ohhh really?” Vince’s eyes roamed over Troy’s body,

  giving the man a slow once-over. “Native American?” “Vincent,” Lorenzo sighed. “We do not have time for this, can we please get moving?” They walked for what seemed like miles through the dense jungle, before they finally came upon a clearing. Troy dug out his transmitter and held it up; he had a signal. He’d met the rest of the men on their walk through the jungle, and a few more had joined them after the fireball lit up the sky. It was like looking through Keegan’s files, except it was live. Dimitri Voronova was the man Lorenzo had spoken to on the radio. He was obviously Russian and also drop dead gorgeous. In fact, they all were. They were like runway models for Christ sake. A smaller man, maybe five foot ten, jumped out of a hummer and ran right into Lorenzo’s arms.

  “Hello my love.” Lorenzo smiled. “This man may need some care. Troy Bishop, this is my husband, Reece.” “It’s nice to meet you.” Troy shook Reece’s hand. “Nice to meet you too, were they nice to you? Vince can be a dick.” Reece chuckled.

  “Hey!”Vince pouted.

  Dimitri laughed. “You aresovicious when you look like

  that, Vince.”

  “Anyway,” Reece looked at Troy. “Let me check that out.” Troy was shuffled to the hummer and was seated in between Lorenzo and Vince. He radioed Derek, letting him know he was safe, and would call with his extraction point. Derek pelted him with questions.

  “What the hell, Troy? Why didn’t you call us sooner?” “ Well let’s see, I jumped into the water and almost went over a hundred foot drop. The good news is, the target is down and thanks to the guys I’m with, the complex no longer exists. It went boom.”

  “Alright, just get on the radio when you’re ready. I’ll let James know you’re okay.”

  “Roger that.” Troy shut off his radio and looked at the two men on either side of him. “So, anyone have coffee?” Troy sat on the table in a make-shift infirmary as Reece Costa tended to his wound. The guy was adorable, brown hair and equally brown eyes were assessing his

  injury. Reece’s husband, Lorenzo, as well as threeother

  men, now stood guard out front.

  “So, how long have you and Lorenzo been married?”

  Reece smiled. “Almost twenty years, we have a teenage daughter.”

  Troy shivered. “I feel sorry for her dates.” Reece giggled. “So do I at times.” Reece looked up, arching a brow. “Do you have any idea who any of us are?”

  “I’m not sure I should answer that.” Troy winked. “The point is, I won’t be telling secrets.” Reece sat back on the chair and studied Troy’s bicep. “It’s not bad, looks like a graze. Just keep it clean.” Reece looked at Troy’s back and side. “Seen some combat?”

  Troy nodded. “Afghanistan.” “ Thank you for your service.” Reece tilted his head, holding back a smile. “You should probably call your ride before Vince decides he needs to get laid.”

  Troy laughed loud. “I’ll do that Reece; it was very nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise, Troy.” Troy stood up and looked around. “It would’ve been nice if we’d known you guys were coming to do the same job. I could have passed on it and taken my vacation.” Troy grinned. “Maybe we’ll meet again.”

  “You never know.” Reece shook Troy’s hand. As the chopper hovered over him, Troy waved at the group of men that had pulled him from
the river. Derek hauled him into the chopper. Troy sat back in the seat with a loud sigh.

  “ Jesus, you have nine fucking lives, Troy.” Derek shook his head. “As soon as we get back, you need to be debriefed. Any chance I can get you to tell me who those men were?”

  “ I think that was number ten.” Troy closed his eyes. “And no, I’m not going to tell you. I’ll be telling Keegan and James though and they can decide whether or not to tell you. I hate having to repeat myself fifty times.” Troy just wanted to get back to New York. He was going to make a few changes, starting with where he was living. It was time to go to his real home.

  A few days later, Troy was sitting in front of James and Keegan. To say Keegan was excited, was an understatement; he was bouncing up and down in the chair.

  “Youmethim?” Keegan’s eyes widened comically and

  glazed over.

  “He shook my hand.” Troy smiled as Keegan sighed. “I agree with you, by the way.”

  Keegan furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?” “ That man is so fucking gorgeous, it should be illegal for him to walk around without a warning attached to him.”

  Keegan giggled. “I told you.” “ I also got to meet Lorenzo Costa, Justin Maddox and Dimitri Voronova.” Troy almost laughed out loud at the look on Keegan’s face. He looked ready to explode.

  “So unfair.” Keegan mumbled. “ Okay, as much fun as this is,” James looked at the two of them. “This is exactly what I was talking about, Troy. Once again, we go after a douchebag and they’re already on the scene. It’s like they have access to all the same records we do.”

  Keegan looked up. “Hey, it’s not me! Our classified documents are protected, trust me. I wrote the damn program myself.”

  “ I don’t think it’s you, Keegan. These guys have access to the same intelligence we do.” James ran a hand through his hair. “We’re doing the same job they are and wasting resources. It would be in their best interest to work with us.”


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