CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set Page 18

by C. Shell

  I grit my teeth in annoyance. “Unless you want me to scream bloody murder, I suggest you take your hands off me.”

  Nicholas coughs as he clears his throat. He releases his grip on me and holds his hands up showing me that he means no harm. “I just want to help. I have a stepsister about your size.” He points to a beautiful beach house up near Daniel’s. “I live right over there. You’re welcome to borrow something of hers. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. In fact, I’m certain she would insist on it.”

  I bite my lip as I consider his offer. Changing clothes now would be much easier than interrupting Cammy or waiting for Dex, who’s already mad and will probably use my mishap as an excuse to take me back home. He told me to stay around people I know, and since Daniel introduced me to Nicholas, he’s not a stranger anymore. I trust Daniel and his judgment. If he thinks Nicholas is good people then I should too.

  I hesitate for a brief second before shaking off my silly nerves. “I would appreciate that. Thank you.”

  Nicholas steps forward and takes the Jell-O shots from my hands, leaving me with my one unspilled beer which I’m thankful for. I’m not a big beer fan, but a little alcohol might help relax me. “No use carrying these around with us,” he says placing the small containers on a nearby table. “We can get some more when we come back.”

  Nicholas starts off in the direction of his house and I follow close behind. His home isn’t far, but the sand you go through to get there is thick and sucks at my feet as I walk through it. My muscles work double time trying to keep up with his long strides. By the time we reach the front porch, my calves are sore and I need a rest. I watch as he slips his sandals off by the back door and I follow doing the same.

  “Welcome to mi casa.” Nicholas unlocks the glass door and slides it open on silent rails. “Go on and take a rest in the living room while I run upstairs and fetch you some dry clothes.”

  I wander inside and tentatively look around as I wait for him to come back. Nicholas’ house feels lonely and stark compared to mine or the boys. The house is designed beautifully and has all the top appliances and electronics a person could want, but it lacks warmth. I don’t see one family photo dotting the stark white walls and the grande leather couches appear stiff and unused. The home is decorated with black marble flooring, modern art, glass furniture, and hideous gold fixtures. I’ll take my mom’s small, old, comfortable cottage any day over this cold monstrosity.

  “I wasn’t sure what you would like so I went with something simple. Will jean shorts and a tank top work?” My head shoots up to find Nicholas walking toward me with a stack of clothes folded neatly in his hands. His dark eyes rake over my physique with appreciation. It takes everything in me not to fidget. His gaze lingers on my exposed bra for a second too long before finding my eyes again.

  I set my beer down on a side table and take the clothes. I hold them in front of my chest using them to shield his gaze. “Thank you. I appreciate you doing this.” I glance around the room wondering which closed-door the bathroom is hiding behind. “Is there somewhere private I can go to change?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry, my manners must be slipping.” He points down a long hall to my left. “It’s the third door on the right. You’re welcome to use any toiletries you find.”

  I nod and turn on my heal. I’m ready to put on something that isn’t cold and sticking to me like a second skin. I take one step, and Nicholas moves in front of me, effectively blocking my path. I white-knuckle the clothing in my hand. My body freezes under his unyielding gaze. He licks his lips and once again his gaze finds its way to my chest. “Do you need any help changing? Those pants might be tricky to get off.”

  My eyes widen in disbelief before narrowing in anger. My teeth lock together so hard my jaw hurts. Regret and a tingle of fear wash over me. I should never have accepted Nicholas’ help. I need to hurry and get out of here without any further delay. I steel my spine as I refuse to show the anxiety clawing at my chest. The boys taught me years ago that I'm not a mouse who runs and hides when shit hits the fan. When confronted with a problem you step up and handle it. You never run from a lion.

  “I don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate that. He’ll be here any minute and he is terribly protective of me.” I force a smile past my nerves. “I’m going to go change now. I should get back to the party and my friends who are waiting for me. If I’m gone too long, they will get worried and come looking for me.”

  Without waiting to see if he understands my veiled threat, I fast walk to the bathroom and lock myself inside. He wasn’t lying about the pants being a bitch to take off. The beer has made the denim stiff and unwavering. After stripping them down my legs, I use the basin to wash myself off, then redress in the borrowed clothes that fit as if they were made for me. Gathering up my soiled clothing, I prepare to leave. The less time I must spend in Nicholas’ company, the better. Before opening the door I shoot Cammy a text.

  Me: Spilt your drink all over me. Changing clothes at Daniel’s friend's house. Will explain later. Heading back now.

  I store my phone away and head back to the living room to find Nicholas waiting right where I left him. The cockiness he oozed before seems to have left him. Either that, or he’s a good actor. “I knew I was right about the clothes. They fit you perfectly.”

  I nod, still feeling a bit uncomfortable in his presence. “Do you have a bag I could borrow to put my dirty clothes in? I’m afraid I’ll drop something if I have to carry them around in my arms all night.”

  “Oh, sure.” He takes the clothes from my arms and hands me back my drink from earlier. “I’ll go find something you can use. We might have some stashed in the kitchen. Relax and make yourself at home. I’ll be right back.”

  I roll my eyes at the thought of this place ever feeling like anything other than a mausoleum. With a huff, I perch myself on the edge of a large wingback chair and drink my lukewarm beer. I’m not sure how much time has passed, but I’m starting to think Nicholas has either ditched me and gone back to the beach or forgot I was here. I stare down into my now empty cup with a sigh.

  A strange noise catches my attention and I turn in circles looking for the culprit. I giggle when I realize that it’s just my phone ringing. Pulling it from my pocket, I fumble with the screen, swiping my finger multiple times before finally getting it right. “'Ello.” My tongue feels thick and heavy, making my words sound distorted.

  “Addison?” I recognize Jax’s voice. No, that’s not right. Axe. Backs. Dex. I nod my head in agreement with my brain, although the motion is hard to accomplish. Dex calls out my name again. He sounds upset. “Baby, where are you?” he asks.


  Where am I? I turn my head and look around the room. My eyes can’t focus. Everything around me appears blurry. It’s like I’m looking through a fun-house mirror. What is wrong with me? I blink a few times, but it doesn’t help. The phone in my hand feels heavy. I try and keep it to my ear, wanting to hear more of what Dex is saying, but my limbs refuse to listen. The phone drops and I watch helplessly as it crashes to the floor.

  My eyes are zeroed in on my broken phone when a hand reaches down and picks it up. Nicholas squats down until his eyes are level with mine. That emptiness I saw in him before is back, and this time it swallows me whole. Panic like none I’ve ever felt grips me as my muddled mind tries to make sense out of what is happening.

  He places my phone on the far table out of my reach. “Feeling tired yet, Princess? The pill I gave you should be kicking in by now.” He brushes a strand of my hair off my face, and I open my mouth to tell him to keep his dirty hands off me, but only a garbled sound comes out. Nothing about me is working as it should. I feel so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

  Nicholas bends down and scoops me up into his arms. My head lolls back, and the room begins to spin. Wetness coats my face, but I don’t remember when I started crying. I feel trapped and useless to stop him. I should’ve listened to Dex, but I was so set on being my own
person that I ignored my own gut intuition about Nicholas.

  More tears fall as Nicholas lays me down on a bed. I have no fight in me as he begins undressing me, moving me this way and that to make it happen. My stomach turns with bile. I feel violated and dirty as his hands touch me in places that are only meant for Dex. Lying in just my lace bra and silk panties, Nicholas takes a step back and ogles my body hungrily.

  His lips quirk up. “I’m going to enjoy this. When my step-sister said she had a girl for me I never thought you would be so fucking hot.” I feel the weight of his body as it presses down against mine. My weighted limbs uselessly thrash about as I try and push him away. A toddler has more coordination than I do at the moment. Nicholas laughs and leans in closer, pressing his erection against my covered core.

  “Lacey told me to fuck you hard. You messed up when you got on her bad side. My stepsister doesn’t like to be ignored. You have to pay for your sins.” I whimper in fright because that is the only thing I can do at the moment. “I’ve been asked to ruin you. She thinks that by fucking your pussy, your boyfriend won’t want you anymore.”

  Leaning down, Nicholas licks a path from my breasts to my collarbone. My body jerks in revulsion. His words make my fear spike. I believe in Dex's and my love for each other, but even I am not naïve enough to think that another man forcing himself on me won’t mess up our relationship. I don’t want Nicholas thinking he’s already won. Pushing my tongue into action, I manage to grit out two words. “Won’t. Work.”

  “Don’t be so sure, Princess. Several people saw you willingly leave with me. I’ll tell them you begged for it and Lacey will back my story with some candid pictures of us fucking. We’ll make it look consensual.”

  Tears fall helplessly down my face. My mind can’t comprehend everything he’s saying, but I grasp enough to realize that I can’t succumb to the panic trying to take me over. If I give in, I’ll never be able to get away. I have to fight, not just for myself, but for the boys. I might be able to come back from this, but they never would. They would blame themselves, and that can’t happen.

  Fueled by the rage burning inside me I calm my mind, open my mouth, and use all the energy I can muster to let loose a scream. My voice cracks at first, but in the end, it holds firm. Cursing loudly, Nicholas trips forward and reaches for my face. I twist my head back and forth trying to keep his hands off me. A kernel of hope blooms inside my chest and spurs me on. My lungs ache, but I keep fighting. I hear the crack in the air before the pain registers. The taste of blood fills my mouth, and the sticky wetness of it coats my lips. The bastard punched me. My face burns with shame and indignation.

  “I like a girl with some fight in her.” The challenge in his voice is as clear as the sound of his belt hitting the floor. This is it. I’ve exhausted the last of my energy, and with my nightmare on the horizon, I welcome the blissful darkness encroaching on my vision.

  My eyes flutter shut, and I imagine hearing my name being called. The voices get louder until they are all I can hear. It’s amazing the tricks your brain can play on you when you’re weak and at your lowest point in life. The fight has left me. With a shuddering breath, I succumb to the darkness.

  Chapter Twenty- Three


  “I fucking hate hospitals.”

  The last time I was here was when I was fifteen. Jimmy had attached a rope to an old limb next to our clubhouse. He thought it would be cool if we used it to climb down to the ground instead of using the ladder like a reasonable person. He and Nate dared me to try it out first. I never turn down a dare, not even a stupid one. The rope was old and snapped the moment my feet were airborne. I fell hard, fracturing my arm in two places. The boys were too scared to think straight. It was Addy that came to my rescue. She ordered Jimmie and Nate to run and bring my mother then she sat beside me and stroked my hair until she arrived. Listening to her sweet voice is the one thing that helped keep my mind off the pain.

  I ease out of bed and begin pacing. The small room only allows me a few steps each way. I don’t care; I’ll take whatever I can get. I feel like a caged animal in here. My head’s been spinning since we found Addison drugged and scared at that fucker’s house. The longer I sit, the more fucked up it gets. I need an outlet, something that I can take my frustration and anger out on, but until Addison is cleared by the doctors, my retaliation will be put on hold.

  Nate grunts. “I think most people would agree with you. Hospitals give me the creeps.”

  Jimmie jumps in, giving his thoughts on the subject. “It’s the smell. All hospitals have a distinct smell. Do you think that’s what death smells like?”

  “No. You’re smelling all the disinfectants, they use,” Nate answers with an eye roll. “Death reeks of mildew and dirt. At least, I think it does. That’s what the last funeral home I went to smelled like, and that place was full of death.”

  “Would you three please shut up? I’m trying to get some sleep. The last thing I want to hear while lying in a hospital bed is a conversation about death.” Addy’s irritated voice is music to my ears.

  The guys and I jump into action and crowd around her bed. She’s been sleeping for hours now, thanks to a cocktail the doctor gave her to help her rest. I frown at the dark bruise formed on her face from where Nicholas hit her. I’ve been fighting to keep the images of his hands on her out of my head. My anger rises to the forefront and, once again, have to shove it back down for the time being. I’ll soon have my chance to let it all loose and give Nicholas the payback her deserves . He’ll be pissing out of a straw by the time I’m done with him. Unfortunately, now isn’t the time. Not when Addy is hurt and needs me. Her well-being comes first.

  I sit down on the bed beside her and sweep my lips across her cheek. “How are you feeling, Jelly Bean?”

  A weary smile comes over her. “Tired and my head hurts. Besides that, I’m okay. She closes her eyes and leans into me. “My memories are a bit fuzzy. I remember everything up to when…” She pauses and takes in a shaky breath. “I remember feeling heavy and not having any control over my body. And him. I remember Nicholas and what he was trying to do. Everything after that is blank.” Her head turns to me, and the devastating look in her eyes makes me want to hold her close and never let her go. Her voice breaks as she speaks. “Um…he didn’t…did he succeed?”

  I grimace, and she notices my reaction. Her eyes go wide, already thinking the worst, so I quickly speak up, not wanting to upset her any more than is necessary. “Hell no, baby. The guys and I got there and stopped him. That fucker won’t ever touch you again.” I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. Breathing in her familiar sweet scent helps to calm me. “No one will ever touch you again. I promise.” My words are said with a conviction that stems straight from my soul.

  Jimmie steps back and taps Nate on the arm. “Let’s go find my mom and the doctor. They’ll be glad to hear that Addy’s awake. I’m sure they will want to speak with her.”

  I release my hold on her while she gives them both a hug before they leave to give us some privacy. The moment they go, I crawl in next to her and hold her close to my chest. My heart begins hammering away as I fight to find the right words. Everything that comes to mind seems inconsequential compared to what she just went through.

  I pull my face down so that our faces are inches apart. She licks her chapped lips and pins me with serious eyes. “I need details. All of them and no sugarcoating it.”

  I don’t want to talk about it, but I know Addy well enough to know she won’t stop until I give her what she wants. Besides, with the cops now involved this shit isn’t going away anytime soon. “Cammy got worried when you never came back. She texted Jimmie asking if we had seen you which as you can imagine, freaked us out.” I pause for a moment as I recount the panic we all felt.

  Addy lets out a long sigh and props herself up. “I’m sorry I worried you.” Her sad eyes bore into me. “I was stupid for not listening to you. I should never have wandered off. I only went
with Nicholas because he was a friend of Daniel’s and I thought that meant he was safe. You have every right to be upset with me.”

  A bitter laugh escapes my lips. “I was livid when I found out you went to the party without us. I get that we were messing up your plans with Cammy, but that was never our intention. When she called in a panic looking for you, I lost my shit. I’ve never been so scared in my life. We were parking the truck when we got the call. I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to find you.”

  She nods in understanding. I wrap my arms around her tighter, never wanting to let her go. “How did you find me?” she asks.

  “Nate gets all the credit for that. While we were running around screaming your name, he signed into your account on the Find My iPhone app, and we followed the GPS signal to Nicholas’ house. The bastard locked the door, so we had to break the glass to get it. We arrived in time to hear him spill his guts about Lacey’s involvement.” I reach up and stroke the dark purple bruise he gave her. The reminder of how it came to be has my stomach churning with acid. “He should’ve never been able to lay a hand on you. I failed you. I will never forgive myself for that. I didn’t protect you the way I should, and that’s something I’ll always carry with me.”

  “Don’t you dare blame yourself for any of this,” she says with a force that makes me pay attention. “You helped save me from being raped. I fought for as long as I could, but I was no match for Nicholas’ strength or the drugs he fed me. I don’t ever want to feel that helpless again.”

  Emotions tighten my throat making talking almost impossible. Instead, I just nod. Addy has absolutely no clue what she means to me. Almost losing her made me face the fact that I need her. Seeing her pinned to that bed with that bastard hovering over her sent me to a dark place.


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