CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set Page 40

by C. Shell

  I scoff. “Of course. Give me a second to grab it.” I dart into the bathroom and pull the file out from between the stack of towels where I hid it after we came back down to the basement. It’s not the most genius of hiding spots, but with Jimmie hot on my tail, it was the first option I came to.

  As I return to the room, it grows immediately silent as every eye zeros in on what I’m holding. “I don’t think we have much time, so let’s work fast.”

  I pry open the metal tabs on the envelope and spill the contents out onto the bed for all to see. There are a ton of formal looking papers with dates, and numbers written all over them. Nate reaches for the first stack and sits back against the headboard while he flips through them. Dex takes a couple for himself, and I grab up the rest.

  I don’t understand half the legal jargon I’m reading but the deposit slips attached, and the side notes written by my father are crystal clear.

  “It’s worse than I imagined.” My guys look at me as if waiting for me to break down or something. They should know me better than that. I’m not as sad as I am furious. In my stack alone, I’ve counted three people my father has stolen from. Nate and Dex’s stacks are thicker which means more victims and people’s lives that he has meddled with. My stomach sinks with the realization that everything around us has been bought with the tears and hard work of honest families that trusted my father to do right by them.

  “Jelly Bean, are you okay?” The tenderness in his voice soothes the turbulent storm brewing inside me.

  Folding my arms over my chest, I give Dex and Nate a sad smile. “I will be. As soon as I make my father pay for being such a douchebag.”

  “First things first,” Nate says with a frown. “We need to convince David that if he doesn’t leave Jimmie alone, then we will take this to the police. What we do with this information after that is up to you.”

  One side of my mouth quirks up. “I’ve already got an idea brewing,” I admit.

  “Of course, she does,” Dex laughs. “Are you going to clue us in this time or is going solo a new thing for you?”

  I blink in surprise at the bite in his tone. “Are you feeling butthurt that I didn’t tell you about putting the bug in the smoke alarm?”

  I try and catch Dex’s eye, but he isn’t having it. This pisses me off. Leaning forward, I capture his chin in my hand and hold his gaze to mine. “The idea came to me at the last minute. I would have told you, but Jimmie hasn’t given us much alone time since we’ve been here, and I didn’t want to text about it in case someone else saw it. Going solo is the last thing I want. You and Nate are my rock. Don’t ever forget that.”

  At the sound of the upstairs door opening, I scoop all the papers up and shove them back into the envelope before running back to the bathroom and hiding them once again between a stack of towels. I’ll wait until Jimmie falls asleep and then I will find a better hidey-hole.

  I have no intentions of telling Jimmie about the crap our father has pulled. Jimmie for whatever reason looks up to our dad and is continually seeking his approval. If I told Jimmie what a craptastic father we have, he would get angry, and I would take the brunt of his fury. It would eat at our relationship until there was nothing left. I won’t let David come between us.

  Jimmie will learn the truth one day, but it won’t come from me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I went to bed by myself last night on the air mattress with my belly full of strawberry cheesecake and lots of leg room, with a light quilt draped over me. I woke up sweating, cocooned by two imposing men, one with their hands wrapped around my waist and the other using my boobs as a pillow. My legroom is all but gone leaving me to sleep twisted up like a pretzel.

  I was so tired last night that I don’t remember anything from the time my head hit the pillow until now. I’m not sure why or when they decided to join me on the air mattress, but my heart flutters knowing they wanted to be close to me.

  I’m also glad I woke up before Jimmie saw us all cuddled up together. I wouldn’t even know where to begin to explain the new weird twist to our relationship. One guy is hard enough to deal with, but then you add in a second and…well, shit, I don’t know what happens then. I’m still working out those details.

  Using Nate’s hip as leverage, I ease myself out from between them and slink to the bathroom to brush my teeth and grab a shower before all the hot water can be used up.

  The thought of what today holds sits heavily on my heart. I take no pleasure in tearing my father down, whether he deserves it or not. After a quick shower, I stand in front of the mirror with a towel wrapped around my torso and my forgotten bag of clean clothes in the other room. This is what happens when I have too much on my mind…I become a forgetful buffoon.

  Cracking the door open about an inch, I stick my head out hoping to find someone up and moving around that can help me out. The towel I’m wearing covers all the goods, but that doesn’t mean I want to prance around in front of my brother half naked.

  The room is quiet, sans the occasional soft snore from Nate. I glance at my bag tucked next to the bed with longing. Swallowing my nerves, I tip the door open further and dart out of the bathroom on bare feet, doing my best to keep my steps quiet.

  Kneeling on the floor, I slip the strap around my shoulder and twist around ready to get back to the privacy of the bathroom and throw some clothes on. I take a step forward not realizing that the bottom corner of the towel is in the way. My weight is no match for the cotton towel before I can catch it, it tumbles to the ground leaving me in nothing but my birthday suit.

  My shriek can’t be helped. I glance over at Jimmie and sigh in relief to find him still dead to the world and oblivious to my embarrassing predicament. With my eyes glued to his slumbering form, I reach down to gather up my fallen towel, only to find that it’s gone. I look down at the floor in disbelief, then I turn in a circle to look for it. Instead of something to wrap up in, I find two pairs of mischievous eyes viewing my body as if there is going to be a pop quiz on it later.

  “Good morning, Princess,” Nate whispers.

  You couldn’t shock me more right now if you poured a bucket of cold water over my head. That actually might be a good idea, because then I could at least use the bucket to cover up a body part. Instead, I pull my bag to my chest. I should’ve brought more clothes because my small backpack can’t cover my breasts and my nether regions at the same time. As with most things in life, the pussy wins.

  “I need my towel,” I whisper back. “Now!”

  “Where is the fun in that?” Dex asks. Of course, he would be the bastard holding my towel hostage and using it as a pillow. I resist the urge to flip him off and instead try and get Nate to help.

  “Nate, I need that towel to finish drying my hair. Would you mind getting it for me?” I smile big and even go as far as batting my eyelashes.

  Nate throws his hands up. “I wish I could help, but I don’t think it would be fair for me to choose sides.” His eyes meet mine before traveling over my body, his perusal intense and pure decadence.

  I flush under their scrutiny. This is not what I envision when I imagine myself naked with two men. My imagination would never be so cruel as to leave them both clothed. Then again it also wouldn’t have my brother sleeping only a few feet away. Neither of them is wearing shirts, and all the tan, muscular skin they are showing is very distracting. Men shouldn’t be so beautiful. The twin bulges under the thin quilt aren’t helping to keep my wits about me either. Shaking my head, I focus back on the problem at hand.

  I scowl at him, hands clenching. “Get a good look, Dex, because it will be the last time you see me naked for a very long time,” I whisper-yell before turning on my heel and speed walking back to the bathroom. I keep my head held high, trying to ignore the fact that my entire backside is on display.

  “I hate to see you go, Jelly Bean, but I love watching you walk away,” Dex calls out, igniting my cheeks to a fiery red just as the door slams shut.

sp; ***

  As a little girl, I loved the idea of marriage and love and two people walking off into the sunset together. Now as an almost adult, I can admit that a perfect wedding is nothing but a façade.

  Weddings are hard work and stressful for everyone involved. Too many level-headed women turn into Bridezillas. I might not like Cindy, but I can commiserate with her as she freaks out, running around in nothing but a night slip barking orders and telling anyone who will listen that this is her day and they better make it memorable. I’ve already decided that if I ever decide to tie the knot, I’m doing it on the beach with only close friends and my mom in attendance. I don’t want to spend months of planning the big day. Instead of an expensive reception, I want to have a party right there around a bonfire where I can dance until the wee hours of the morning.

  Cindy snaps her fingers in my face, gaining my attention and a growl in the process. “Addison, stop daydreaming and go find your father. Tell him that the caterers are here with the seafood. He needs to have them set it up in the formal dining room.”

  My gaze snaps back to hers. It’s the day before her wedding, and I’m trying to be nice, but she is making it damn hard. “Sure thing, Stepmother dearest.”

  I start back down the stairs in search of my father. The guys left after breakfast for a trip into the city for some more chairs and bags of ice. I overheard Cindy’s nephew say they’re expecting around a hundred guests to show up for the rehearsal dinner.

  I walk through the living room and kitchen searching out my dad and coming up empty. It doesn’t help that that the house is full of so many unfamiliar faces. The decorators arrived at the crack of dawn followed by van after van of supplies and alcohol. I even saw two swan sculptures set up on the back lawn. To say they’ve gone overboard is putting it mildly.

  When I can’t find my father right away, I give up and start yelling out his name. “David!” I holler. “Has anyone seen the groom around here?” I ask a few people passing by.

  I walk to the backyard continuing on my quest. I finally find him tucked away on a stone bench near the pond talking on his phone. When he notices my approach, Dad is quick to end the call as if he doesn’t want me to overhear the conversation. Standing, he crosses his arms over his chest and raises a brow. “Can I help you with something, Addison?”

  “Cindy needs you to direct the caterers to set up the food in the formal dining room.”

  “Of course,” he remarks, blowing out an exasperated breath, “I’ll get right on that.”

  I start to walk away but stop myself before I get too far and turn back. Dad is pacing back and forth when I approach, and his head whips up to cast a tired gaze on me. “Did you forget something?”

  My jaw flexes as I watch him with a critical eye. “What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?” An edginess fills me as we stare at each other.

  “I don’t hate you.” Taking a seat on the stone bench again, Dad runs a hand through his hair, making the styled strands go every which way. “Seeing you in Florida made me realize that although we’ve talked over the years, I don’t really know much about you.”

  I gaped at him. “And whose fault is that?”

  Dad’s brows slant low. “I’m not blaming you, Addy. I know I could have done more. Should have done more, but the damage is already done. You’re on the cusp of being a full-grown woman now. You have two men who follow you around like lost puppies and know you better than I ever could. Your life is full. It’s hard to place your face with the little girl who used to call me Daddy and look at me as if I hung the moon.”

  I push away a strand of hair that fell in my face. The way my dad talked about me, you would think I was dead. I should have left good enough alone and gone about my business, but his hot and cold act was wearing on me. I needed answers, and now that I have them, I hate how sad and alone they make me feel.

  “I’m the same person,” I interject.

  “I will always be here for you, sweetheart. Maybe after the baby, we can talk more and work on getting to know each other again.”

  I so badly want to scream and yell and call him every name in the book, but I know it’s pointless. I also know a brush off when I hear one. The man sitting before me is a weak version of the man who used to read me bedtime stories. He’s right in the fact that I’ve changed, but so has he.

  I stare at him, putting this last peaceful moment between us to memory. I draw a shallow breath and give my dad a parting wave. “Sure thing.”

  With those parting words, I walk back to the house. There is nothing left to say and, after tonight when I drop the truth bomb on him, what is left of our relationship will be blown to smithereens. With a belly full of nerves, I head to the basement to get ready.

  It’s almost showtime.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The dress I wear tonight is light blue with a silk bodice that hugs my breasts, and a circular bottom that accentuates my toned legs. It’s gorgeous and makes me feel like a princess. With my hair styled in long curls, I exit the basement bathroom with a smile on my face and pep in my step.

  My steps falter at the sight of Dex and Nate standing together by the bed, each dressed in pressed slacks and button-down shirts, none of which hide their strength or dangerous appeal. How I became lucky enough to hold their attention is beyond me.

  They take their time examining my body. My cheeks warm and a shiver runs through me. “You look absolutely beautiful,” Dex says. Reaching out a hand that I gladly take, Dex draws me in closer. I take a deep breath and work to slow my pounding heart.

  “And delectable,” Nate adds, studying me as if seeing me through new eyes.

  My throat tightens, and I have to look away to keep my emotions in check. So much is riding on tonight, and I’m going to need every little bit of strength they can provide to make it through without crumbling.

  “You two clean up nicely. I can’t remember the last time I saw either of you in anything other than beach attire.” I look them up and down as if they’re juicy steaks. “I like it.”

  Dex picks up my shoes and crouches low, offering me help with slipping them on. I hold onto his shoulder for balance while he adjusts the straps, switching feet when he taps the inside of my ankle.

  “You ready for tonight?” Nate’s question gives me pause. Am I? Not really, but I don’t want them knowing that. If they sense any hesitancy in me, they’ll try putting the breaks on our plans, and that can’t happen. Jimmie needs us.

  “Sure.” I clasp my hands in front of me to stop fidgeting. “The dinner should be served soon, so why don’t we go on upstairs and start mingling. I’ll pull my father aside for our father-daughter talk once the party winds down, and everyone starts leaving.”

  The guys stare at each other as if they’re in cahoots. When Dex speaks up, I know immediately that I’m not going to like what he has to say. “We want to be there when you talk to David.”

  I shake my head, not accepting this new twist. “No way. I’m his daughter, and I’m fine with him being mad at me. You don’t deserve his wrath. This is all on me.”

  “Not anymore,” Nate says, crossing his arms over his chest. “You do this with us or not at all.”

  “Excuse me?” I bark out a laugh at their audacity. “You don’t get to make that decision.”

  “We just did,” Dex says, looking as if he is ready to take on the world. “We’re a team, Jelly Bean. It’s all or nothing. We’re not letting you do this alone.”

  I want to be mad at them for being so bossy and overbearing, but I can’t deny the flicker of relief in my chest over them having my back. With a small nod of acceptance, I link my arms with theirs and start for the staircase. “Lead the way, boys.”

  The party is in full swing upstairs, the room packed wall to wall with guests dressed to the nine’s while servers parade around with big platters stacked with finger foods and bubbly drinks. We wind our way through one room to another in search of my brother, who we finally locate near the g
ame room in the back of the house talking animatedly to a pretty, blonde girl. She looks close to our age, but then again, make-up, heels, and a push-up bra can do wonders.

  Cammy would have a shit fit if she saw how close they’re standing. One wrong move and they’ll be within kissing distance. She’s twirling her hair and giving him goo-goo eyes—all the right signs that she’s interested. I can’t deny the chemistry between them, which is precisely why I’ve got to put a stop to it.

  Sidling up beside Jimmie, I wrap my arm around his shoulders and give him a good squeeze. “Brother dear, Cammy is looking for you. If you're going to wander off, then you really should tell your fiancé where you’re going.”

  Jimmie’s face turns a pretty shade of red. Before he can speak and ruin my lie, I ask the girl to excuse us which she promptly does with a huff and a stomp of her feet. Jimmie’s eyes blaze with anger. “What the hell was that about?”

  “I did you a favor,” I explain. “Cammy would be furious if she found out you were hitting on someone else.” I glare back at him. “What were you thinking?”

  “Cammy and I aren’t together anymore. It doesn’t matter if I talk to another girl or not.” His voice punctuates the air, and I rolled my eyes at his stupid words.

  “Stop being dramatic.” I poke him in the chest for emphasis. “You and Cammy are simply on a hiatus. She’ll forgive you soon enough and want to get back together. Unless of course, you screw it up by humping the first pretty girl you meet.”

  “You think so?” His voice softens, and that’s when I realize that Jimmy really thought Cammy was done with him. She and I are going to have to have a talk when I get back home. Her stubbornness is going to be her undoing one day.

  “Of course, I do. I wouldn’t get your hopes up for nothing. Now stop being stupid and think with the top half of your brain and not the one in your pants.”


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