The Fifth Reich: Beyond The Stars

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The Fifth Reich: Beyond The Stars Page 17

by J Palliser

  From somewhere in the distance, a horn sounded. All but Dejah stopped in their tracks. "What?" she asked, annoyance again creeping into her voice.

  "Didn't you hear that?" Casana replied.

  "Hear what?"

  "The horn!" "I... yes. I did," she realized. "I heard the horn, but... it seemed normal to me. As though I had heard it many times. As though I expected it." The four exchanged glances.

  "I don't like this," Casana finally broke the silence.

  "Perhaps we should get to the palace," Sonya said softly.

  "Yes. Let's go to the palace. We may rest inside," Dejah agreed.

  As they walked, Sonya thought she heard a voice, strong, yet feminine.


  City Palace, 1030 hours local Sonya and Kara pushed with all their strength and the gem-studded gold doors swung slowly open. Torches lit the room and an enormous bronze statue, identical to the giant one outside, stood in the center of the room. Two stair cases ran up either side of the circular room, with steps of white marble and ivory rails. The room was capped by a massive, gold-trimmed dome.

  None of them noticed. Instead, they slowly climbed the stairs, Dejah and Sonya on one side, and Casana and Kara on the other. At the top, they walked silently down a long hallway. It was lined with windows, their white curtains blown around by the wind. When they reached the end of the hallway, Kara and Sonya turned and passed through small doorways on either side of the hall.

  Inside, they each found a large, decorated four post bed in a lavishly furnished room. Large doorways led out to balconies overlooking expansive gardens. They each removed their clothes, folding them neatly and setting them on small tables near the doors. Sonya and Kara slid under the covers of their beds and closed their eyes.

  Dejah and Casana continued up the staircase to a landing. They stopped and turned to look at each other. Casana bowed deeply, and Dejah nodded her head before continuing up another set of stairs. Casana walked silently through a double door on one side of the landing and into another, larger bedroom. After releasing her hair, she too removed her clothes and slipped under the covers of the bed. She stared up into a mirror above the bed, and closed her eyes.

  At the top of the stairs, Dejah passed through a curtain of small gemstones into a cavernous room. Fountains spouted water from the walls, feeding crystal clear water into a small pool in the center of the room. Dejah crossed the pool on a small footbridge and climbed another set of stairs. At the top, a giant bed with snowy white sheets highlighted with gold threads and green trim. She also removed her clothes, letting them drop to the floor, and crawled into the bed.

  Her eyes closed as well.


  City Palace, 0720 hours local Sonya's eyes opened slowly. Groggily, she sat up in the bed and looked sullenly out the window at the gardens below. She quietly slid out of the bed and crossed the room to the table at the door, wincing as she stood. Her groin and ass were still sore from the previous night. Slipping the thin white robes on, she opened the door and crossed the hall to the other door. "Iris, wake up," she whispered through the door as she knocked.

  Inside, Kara opened her eyes and sat up, smiling broadly. As slipped from beneath the sheets, she gazed out the window, admiring the garden. "I'm up, Shayla, thank you." Kara threw on her robes and left her room.

  "Lords, you're glowing," Sonya said to Kara as they climbed the stairs.

  "Lady Milan was in a particularly gracious mood last night," said Kara, smiling. "You?"

  "Master was not," she sighed, hanging her head.

  "Perhaps you should seek comfort elsewhere," Kara whispered into her ear.

  "That is forbidden!" Sonys gasped. "My body belongs to my Master, and is for his pleasure alone, on pain of death!" "You don't know what you're missing," Kara smiled as she turned towards the doors to Casana's room. Sonya sighed as she quickly climbed the stairs and passed through the curtain. She hurried over the bridge and climbed up the last flight of stairs. Peeking over the top of the stairs, she sighed in relief when she saw Dejah still asleep. She walked quietly up to the bed and knelt, bowing her head.

  "Milady," the guard greeted Kara as she reached for the door. He was tall and muscular, and appeared human except for the angular ridges on his forehead and cheeks.

  "Good morning, Artimis," she smiled back. "Is my Mistress in?" "She still sleeps, milady," he smirked as Kara quietly entered the room. She locked the door and crossed the room to the bed. Dropping her robes to the floor, she lifted the covers and slid over next to Casana. Kara sat up in the bed and gently pulled Casana's head over next to her, playing with her hair. Casana gently stirred, a smile spreading across her face.

  "Hmmm," she moaned happily.

  "Good morning, Mistress," Kara said softly.

  "So it would seem," she smiled, running a hand along Kara thigh. "And how are you this morning, Iris?"

  "I await your command, my Mistress," she smiled meekly down into Casana's grey eyes.

  "Ugh! How many times have I told you to drop the formality?"

  "Every day, my love. I just like teasing you." "Well, I like other kinds of teasing," Casana grinned, rolling over onto her stomach. Kara pulled her up into a soft, lingering kiss, her fingers lightly running up and down Casana's arms. The tips of their tongues grazed each other, dancing over the other's lips. Casana broke the kiss and wrapped her arms around Kara's torso, resting her head on the ample breasts. She closed her eyes and sighed happily as she felt Kara's legs wrap around her waist.

  "Don't you have work to do?" Kara giggled, brushing a stray lock of hair from Casana's face. "Yes, but not for a while. Aris was up late last night with Shayla," she said with disgust. "It will be some time before he is awake."

  "I spoke to her earlier. She did not look well," Kara frowned.

  "He is a pig. He takes her for his own pleasure and thinks nothing of her."

  "I feel sorry for her," Kara whispered sadly. Casana opened her eyes and looked up into Kara's eyes.

  "When he is gone, when I have her, will you still give yourself to me?" she asked, worry in her eyes.

  "Of course. I will obey you without question, Mistress," Kara replied.

  "No, no! Will you give yourself to me willingly? Will you be mine, and I yours, as we are now?" she pressed.

  "Do you love her?" Kara asked.

  Casana hesitated, trying to predict Kara's response. "Yes," she finally whispered.

  "And do you love me?"

  "Yes!" she cried, sitting up on her knees between Kara's legs. "And will you show her the same kindness you have shown me?" Kara asked, her voice slowly rising. "When you take her into your bed, will you give her the same pleasures you give me? The same gentle touch, the same loving caresses, the same sweet admiration?"

  "Of course," Casana answered. Kara cupped her cheeks and drew her into a strong, passionate kiss. Her tongue pressed into Casana's mouth and she threw her arms around her lover's shoulders. "Yes, my Mistress," she smiled when the kiss broke. Casana smiled and moved forward, placing her knees on either side of Kara's hips, pressing her groin into Kara's stomach.

  "Thank you, my sweet," she smiled, a tear running down her face. "As long as when you take her, you take me as well," Kara grinned playfully up at her, pressing her hip up into Casana's damp pussy.

  "But of course!" Casana replied, bending forward to kiss Kara's forehead, grinding herself against Kara's abdomen.

  "Thank you, Mistress," Kara smiled invitingly. "Please, Mistress, take me." "So, you're in that kind of a mood, are you?" Casana smiled as she reached into one of the nightstand drawers. Kara nodded as she pulled out several strips of red silk. "Very well. Close your eyes, girl," Casana commanded her, tossing the covers back.

  Kara's eyes closed, and she felt the silk drag up her body, tickling her from her pussy to her nose. Casana took a handful of her hair and pulled Kara's head forward, wrapping the silk around her eyes, blinding her. A wet warmth slid up Kara's neck to her ear, and she heard a soft whispe
r. "Give me your hands, girl."

  "Yes, Mistress," Kara said obediently, and brought her hands to her chest. Casana grabbed them roughly, and wrapped a strip of silk around them in a figure eight, binding them together before tossing them back over Kara's head. Then, the weight of Casana's body lifted off of Kara, leaving her exposed to the cool morning air. Kara felt cold and alone, and desperately wanted to feel her lover's body again.

  A drawer opened and closed, and there was again silence. Without warning a hand came down on her breast with a slap, and Kara jumped in surprise. "Be still, girl," Casana hissed.

  "Yes, Mistress." There was another slap on the other breast, followed immediately by a soft, tickling sensation. Kara's nipples hardened immediately, and she arched her back. There was another slap, this time harder.

  "Be still!" "I'm sorry, Mistress," Kara pleaded, and the tickling returned. This time, it was on the other breast. The sensation danced over her skin, setting it on fire as it went. When it disappeared, the tickling was replaced by a weight on her stomach. It was warm, and Kara felt soft, slick skin on her abdomen. The smell of Casana's arousal filled the air, and she had to bite her lip to avoid crying out.

  "To whom do you belong?" Casana asked softly, rolling Kara's nipples between her fingers.

  "I am yours, Mistress," Kara answered.

  "And what may I do with you?" Casana said playfully, pinching hard on Kara's nipples.

  "Ahh! You may do with me as you wish, Mistress!" she cried.

  "And what do you do?" Casana cooed, gently squeezing her breasts.

  "I do as you command, Mistress," she answered, her voice full of desire.

  "And what do you desire, my pet?" Casana smiled to herself, knowing the answer.

  "I desire only to please you, Mistress. May I please you?" "You may!" Casana cried. She grabbed Kara's hands and pinned them to the headboard with one hand, while the other reached down to take a handful of red hair. Casana scooted forward, pulling Kara's head to her pussy. "Lick me, girl!"

  "Yes, Mistress." Kara barely had time to blurt it out before her face was pressed against Casana's pussy. She licked and nipped at the small outer lips. As Casana moved her face around, her small trimmed patch of hair tickled Kara's face.

  Casana closed her eyes and threw her head back. She moved Kara's head around her pussy, forcing her to please certain areas, listening to the wet sounds of their lovemaking. As pressure built, her hips began to rock and her juices flow. When she felt her orgasm near, Casana pushed Kara's head back down into the pillow. "Whom do you serve?"

  "I serve you, Mistress," Kara immediately replied, gasping for air, and Casana forced her face back into her pussy. Her hips ground against Kara's face, smearing her juices all over her cheeks and nose. She pulled Kara's face side to side, running her nose over Casana's lips. Occasionally she would slide her hips down, bringing Kara's mouth to her clit, driving her higher. Casana felt her lover's hands tap on her wrists, and she pushed Kara's head back down.

  "Breathe, pet. We are only just beginning," Casana whispered. Kara panted beneath her, trying to catch her breath. When her breathing slowed, Casana again pulled her face between her thighs. At first, she pulled gently, waiting for another tap. When it didn't come, she pulled harder, forcing Kara's lips around her clit.

  As the redhead's tongue lashed against her nub Casana leaned forward, panting heavily as her body tensed. She waited as long as she could, and when she could bear no more, Casana again forced Kara's head to the pillow. "Whom do you love?" she asked throatily.

  "I love you, my Mistress!" Kara cried back. "Good girl," Casana smiled, pulling Kara in again. Soft squeaks and moans escaped Casana's lips as she neared climax, steadily becoming louder and louder. Tension grew in her muscles and she squeezed her eyes shut.

  Finally her body went rigid, her mouth frozen in a silent scream for a brief moment. "Oh, Lords, yes!" Casana shrieked as her body began to quake. She forced Kara's head back and forth over her opening, and felt her tongue extend. Casana thrust her hips forward, pulling Kara's tongue into her at the same time, fucking herself with the redhead's face, shrieking in joy as orgasm after orgasm rolled through her.

  When she could take no more, Casana released Kara's head and arms and collapsed to one side. She lay on the bed panting, running her hands over her body and through her hair, spasming periodically. Kara slid over to her, pressing her face into Casana's neck, gently kissing.

  "Are you pleased, Mistress?" Kara asked sweetly, pulling away from Casana's neck. Casana responded with a feverish nod before diving on top of Kara, pressing their lips together in a crushing kiss. She took a handful of Kara's hair and roughly pulled her head back, giving her room to attack Kara's neck.

  "I am very pleased, Iris," Casana said in a husky voice when she pulled away. She lifted one of Kara's legs and pushed her own underneath it, resting her dripping pussy on Kara's other thigh. "Would you like for me to return the favor, girl?"

  "Please yes, Mistress," Kara moaned. "Very well," Casana smiled and took hold of Kara's hips. She thrust her own hips forward powerfully as she pulled Kara towards her, pressing their groins together tightly. Kara had already created a wet spot on the sheets with her juices, and their slamming together made a wet slapping sound.

  "Oh, Lords, yes! Thank you, Mistress," Kara squealed as Casana slammed and ground into her, pulling Kara's leg higher and wrapping her arms around it for more power, unconsciously licking and kissing her calf.

  The pace of their hips built steadily, as did the volume of their moans and cries. Their worlds shrank, until all that existed was each other, their mutual pleasure all that concerned either of them. A thick, intoxicating smell filled the room, and neither of them could think straight as they raced towards their peak.

  "Yes, yes, oh yes, oh Lords please, Mistress!" Kara screamed before exploding into tears as she came. Her body twitched and jerked uncontrollably as Casana continued to grind against her, bringing herself closer.

  "Come for me, girl. Show me how much you enjoy being mine," Casana growled before throwing her own head back and releasing a powerful, primal scream as she came, too. She reached down and grabbed Kara's bound hands, pulling her up. Casana had intended to kiss her but missed, and they ended up with their arms wrapped around each other as their bodies slumped together, hips still pounding.

  They could hear each other's cries and feel their chests rise and fall rapidly. Casana rested her chin on Kara's shoulder while the redhead cried softly into her neck, their hips finally slowing to a stop. Her arms were tired, and Casana was out of breath, but still had enough strength to undo Kara's blindfold and bindings before they collapsed onto the pillows, still in each other's arms. With her last bit of energy, Casana pulled the covers over them before she fell asleep.



  Lord's Chamber, 0810 hours local Sonya's legs burned, but she didn't dare move. To her relief, Dejah finally stirred, yawning and scratching her chest. Dejah tossed her covers off and stood. As she stretched her arms and arched back, Sonya readied a long, thick, flowing robe of fine furs and expensive fabrics. Dejah raised her arms and Sonya slid the robe onto her. Moving around to the front, Sonya secured the gold clasp across the neck of the robe before kneeling to close the robes. A thick, masculine scent filled her nostrils, and she cringed.

  "No, leave it open," Dejah commanded. Sonya stood, her head bowed, and backed away. Dejah marched down the steps and across the foot bridge, guards kneeling as she passed, Sonya following close behind her. As they exited the room, two guardsmen in full steel plate armor fell in behind them, following as they descended the stairs and passed through the long hallway.

  It was lined with guards, their armor consisting of a gold plated chest plate molded to look like a finely muscled bare chest, shining steel greaves and bracers over leather boots and gloves, and metal helmets painted emerald green, a single crest running down the center. Dejah ignored them, turning at the end of the hallway and walkin
g through a massive double door which two guards opened for her.

  The room they entered featured a large round table to one side, upon which was built a scale reconstruction of the city. The model showed every detail of the city down to the carvings on individual streets. The only thing missing was great statue behind the palace. On the floor in the center of the room was a detailed map of the area painted onto the marble floor. Hanging on one wall was a full map of the planet, clearly machine-made.

  Casana stood with her arms behind her back, speaking to an official as she stared at the city model. Behind her, Kara stood near one of the open windows with a pitcher and two jeweled goblets on a silver platter. As soon as the doors opened, Casana looked up at Dejah. "You are dismissed," she said to the official. "Good morning, my Lord," she said, bowing her head.

  "What do you have for me today, Milan?" Dejah asked impatiently. "I just spoke to the Imperial Architect," she reported, walking around the table. "He informed me that construction on the new harbor facilities is proceeding ahead of schedule. He expects it to be finished within the month."

  Dejah was completely uninterested in the harbor. "How did you get your consort to be so cheerfully obedient?" she asked, looking at Kara. "Shayla is always so dour." Sonya blushed and looked away in shame.

  "I reward her loyalty. I return to her all of the pleasures she brings me," Casana smiled.

  "Hmm," Dejah frowned. "So do I. It must be something else." "Lord Aris, the Mason's Guild is still demanding better conditions," Casana said, trying to catch Dejah's attention. "They are complaining about dangerous conditions, and say that pay has been withheld."

  "I tire of this," Dejah sighed. "Round up the leaders and execute them."

  "Milord?" "Find the leaders of the Mason's Guild, and kill them. Leave the bodies in the streets," Dejah ordered, turning to face her.

  "Milord, I think that may be unwise," Casana advised her. "I am the Lord of this world!" Dejah yelled. "I am to be obeyed unquestioningly! Those are the terms of my agreement with your ancestors, and your people WILL honor that agreement!"


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