Lowry, Brian, 95
McNutt, Myles, 111
Rosenberg, Alyssa, 267
Sepinwall, Alan, 90, 95
VanDerWerff, Emily Todd, 152
White, James, 388
Meereen, 230, 248, 291
Melisandre (Carice van Houten)
birthing scene, 106–108
bringing Jon Snow back to life, 288–290
casting for, 97–98
death of, 376
sorcery of, 253, 379
Merchant, Tamzin. See Daenerys “Dany” Targaryen (Tamzin Merchant)
Middle Ages
books based on, 28, 278–279
church corruption during, 245
roles of women in, 278–279
sexual egalitarianism in, 278–279
walk of shame during, 261
Mirri Maz Duur, 92
Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel), 130–131, 333–335, 400–401, 416–417
Momoa, Jason. See Khal Drogo
Morocco, 39–41, 61, 129
Mother of Dragons, 92, 125, 348, 391. See also Daenerys “Dany” Targaryen (Emilia Clarke)
the Mountain. See Gregor “the Mountain” Clegane
“Mountain and the Viper” fight, 201–204
Murray, Hannah. See Gilly
Myrcella (Nell Tiger Free), 229, 237, 243, 340–341
Nairn, Kristian. See Hodor
Night King (Richard Brake), 256–257
Night King (Vladímir Furdík), 257–259, 347–348, 377–380
Night’s Watch
Eddard “Ned” Stark, 85
as fundamentalists, 244
Jaime Lannister, 391
Jeor Mormont, 104
Jon Snow, 133, 140, 254, 290, 424
in pilot opening, 36, 55
Yoren, 86, 88, 91
north-of-the-Wall sequences, 134–137
“Not today,” 67
nudity, 75–77, 92–93, 138–139, 261–262, 333–334, 421–422. See also sex scenes
Nymeria (direwolf), 233
Nymeria Sand (Jessica Henwick), 237, 238–240, 247, 338–339
Obara Sand (Keisha Castle-Hughes), 219, 237, 238–240, 338–340
Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper (Pedro Pascal), 200–205, 237, 241–242
O’Connor, Brenock. See Olly
off-screen cast romance, 133–134
Olenna Tyrell (Diana Rigg)
brothel scene, 114
casting for, 101–102
death scene, 342–343
as Queen of Thorns, 101
on Tyrion’s innocence, 197
Olly (Brenock O’Connor), 141, 290
one-shots, 310
Orell (Mackenzie Crook), 139
Out of Her Mind (BBC comedy), 192
pages-on-the-day, 61
Paint Hall studio hangar, 36
paparazzi, 221–222
parallel scenes, 88
Parkinson, Art. See Rickon Stark
Pascal, Pedro. See Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper
Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish (Aidan Gillen)
arranges marriage for Sansa and Ramsay, 269–271
brothel scene speech, 112–113
Catelyn Stark and, 112, 358
death scene, 357–359
Littlefinger-Varys throne room scene, 64–65
playing Arya and Sansa against each other, 353
photo leaks, 222–223
primal barbarism, 1
prophecies, 253–254, 379, 420
props. See sets/props
Pryce, Jonathan. See High Sparrow
Purple Wedding, 186–189
Queen of Thorns. See Olenna Tyrell
“The Rains of Castamere” episode, 151, 157
Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon)
arranged marriage for, 269–271
at Battle of the Bastards, 307–309
bedroom “rape” scene, 273–274
castrating Theon, 174–175
death of, 316–318
fleeing Winterfell, 314–316
Rickon Stark and, 233
Sansa and, 229
Ramsey, Bella. See Lyanna Mormont
rape, 74, 273–274, 279
Red Keep, 60, 109, 163, 183, 194, 264, 267, 402–405, 412–414
Red Viper. See Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper
Red Wedding massacre
blocking for, 154–155
brutality of, 153–154
Catelyn Stark at, 157–158
dinner sequence, 156
inspiration for, 152
massacre, 157–161
public’s reaction to, 164–165
shot in chronological order, 155
Walder’s welcoming speech, 155
wedding ceremony, 156–157
the Red Woman. See Melisandre
the Redheaded Whore. See Ros, the Redheaded Whore
Renly Baratheon (Anthony, Gethin), 51, 106
Rhaegal, 400
Rheon, Iwan. See Ramsay Bolton
Rickon Stark (Art Parkinson), 37–38, 172, 233, 308–309
Rigg, Diana. See Olenna Tyrell
Robb Stark (Richard Madden)
casting for, 31
death of, 151, 152–154, 160
direwolf of, 233
stunned over Talisa’s death, 158–159
Robert Baratheon (Mark Addy), 62–64
Rome (HBO series), 18, 58, 95, 115
Roose Bolton (Michael McElhatton), 99–100, 147, 148, 158, 316
Ros, the Redheaded Whore (Esmé Bianco), 32–33, 185
Samwell Tarly (John Bradley)
attack on the Fist of the First Men, 136
casting for, 34
learning of Jon’s parentage, 349
“The Long Night” episode, 385
returning to Gilly, 170
reveals Stark bastard identity, 396–397
as show’s happiest ending, 417–418
Sand Snakes, 231, 237–241, 335, 338–339. See also Nymeria Sand; Obara Sand; Tyene Sand
Sandor “the Hound” Clegane (Rory McCann)
Arya Stark and, 175–176, 178, 422–423
backstory, 178
benched for season five, 229
casting for, 26
duel with Brienne of Tarth, 179–180
escorting Sansa to Red Keep, 60–61
faces the Mountain, 414–415
McCann struggling to play, 176–179
off camera during season six, 297–298
Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner)
arranged marriage for, 269–271
bedroom “rape” scene, 273–274
casting for, 29–30
Daenerys clashing with, 396
direwolf of, 233
the Hound as escort to Red Keep, 60–61
Jeyne Pool and, 270
killing Ramsay, 316–318
Ned Stark’s execution, 85
ruling the North, 391, 420–421
wedding scene, 272–273
security, 221–222, 287
seduction scene, 40–41
Sellers, Rosabell Laurenti. See Tyene Sand
Sept of Baelor, 88–89
Septa Unella, 248, 264–265, 303
Ser Pounce, 194–196, 209
serialized dramas, 319–320
Blackwater Bay boat, 124
cast praise for, 48
Castle Black, 48–49
Eyrie castle, 66
Iron Throne, 21–22
Jackson, Gemma, 47, 66
Moon Door, 66
Old Town o
f Dubrovnik, 369
party diversions, 187
pie filled with live birds, 187
Red Wedding, as a Vermeer painting, 154
security for, 221–222
severed heads, 89
Viserys’s death scene, 78
Winterfell, 368–369
sex scenes, 50–51, 75–76, 111, 349–350. See also brothel scenes; nudity
sexposition, 111
sexual violence, 274–278. See also rape
Shae (Sibel Kekilli)
casting for, 27
testified against Tyrion, 198–199
Tyrion strangling, 205–207
Shaggydog (direwolf), 233
Shireen (Kerry Ingram), 250–253, 269, 332
Shore, Jane (Edward’s mistress), 260–261
cast and crew’s view of, 234–235
“death calls” from, 249
interacting with fandom, 215–216
negotiating end of Thrones, 327–328
pranks, 170
wanting to end series, 320–325
on writing final episodes, 360–361
Sigur Rós, 182, 184
Simon, Eugene Michael. See Lancel Lannister
Slaver’s Bay, 248
social media, 215–216
A Song of Ice and Fire saga
A Clash of Kings, 96
A Dance with Dragons, 226
A Game of Thrones, 8–14
A Storm of Swords, 127–128
writing the series, 8–9
Sons of the Harpy, 248
source lighting, 389
special effects, 22
spirit-animal trope, 233–234
spoilers, 85, 220–223, 298–299, 363
Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane), 96, 104–106, 115–116, 121, 250–253
Stark family reunion, 351–354
Stephen, King of England, 189–190
A Storm of Swords (Martin), 127–128
Summer (direwolf), 233
Syrio Forel (Miltos Yerolemou), 66–67
Talisa Stark (Oona Chaplin), 151, 153–154, 156, 158–159, 163
Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen)
casting for, 25
castration scene, 174
character bleeding into actor’s life, 174–175
delusions of grandeur, 271–272
forced to watch Sansa and Ramsay, 273–274
heroic moments of, 374–375
rescuing Yara, 415–416
Robb Stark and, 173
sea battle, 340
torture of, 172, 174
torture scenes affecting Allen, 174
Three-Eyed Raven. See Bran Stark
Tiger Free, Nell. See Myrcella
Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman), 194–195, 196, 302
Tormund Giantsbane (Kristofer Hivju), 99, 139
Turner, Sophie. See Sansa Stark
The Twilight Zone reboot, 7–8
two-handers scenes, as solution to short episodes, 62–64
Tyene Sand (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers), 237, 238–240, 338, 340–341
Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage)
adept at getting captured, 193
Battle of the Blackwater, 115–116, 123
at Battle on the Green Fork, 59
casting for, 22–23
cell scene with Jon Snow, 405
chance to correct past failings, 418
as Eyrie castle prisoner, 65–66
joining Breaker of Chains, 249
jousting dwarfs to humiliate, 187–188
loyalty to Daenerys, 399
maneuvering against Cersei, 109–110
prisoner storyline, 193–194
saving Jaime from imprisonment, 399–400
Shae’s damning testimony, 198–199
strangling Shae, 205–207
trial for regicide, 196–200
Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance)
orchestrating Red Wedding massacre, 163
Shae and, 205–206
skinning a stag, 67–68
Tyrion and, 205–206
Unsullied Army scene, 127–130
van Houten, Carice. See Melisandre
Varma, Indira. See Ellaria Sand
Varys (Conleth Hill)
casting for, 25–26
execution of, 399
Littlefinger-Varys throne room scene, 64–65
Ned Stark’s execution, 85
Vaughan, Peter. See Aemon
Viserion, 348
Viserys Targaryen (Harry Lloyd), 40, 77–80, 393
the Waif (Faye Marsay), 291–294
Walder Frey (David Bradley)
casting for, 99
stage-manages Red Wedding massacre, 159–160
welcome speech at Red Wedding, 155, 158
“Walk of Shame” sequence
casting Headey’s body double, 261–263
Cersei’s walk, 264–267
High Sparrow at, 264
inspiration for, 260–261
Septa Unella, 264–265
The Walking Dead (TV show), 322
Water Gardens fight, 241–242
waterboarding, 303
weather issues
Battle of the Bastards, 306–307
Daenerys’s wedding scene, 61–62
Hardhome battle, 255–256
“The Long Night” episode, 380–381
as nemesis through the series, 60–61
“what if” process, 63
Whelan, Gemma. See Yara Greyjoy
Whispering Wood clash, 60
White Book of the Kingsguard, 413–414
White Walkers
costume design for, 36–37
Jon fighting against, 333
mythology of, 257
Rangers, encounter with, 36
as silent, 258
threat of, 370
Valyrian steel needed to kill, 256
Wildling attack at Castle Black scene, 140–141
Williams, Maisie. See Arya Stark
courtyard scene, 38
Doune Castle used for, 37
as largest battle, 371
wolves. See direwolves
The X-Files (TV show), 322
yacht rage, 202
Yara Greyjoy (Gemma Whelan)
casting for, 99
Ellaria and, 337
receiving brother’s genitals, 174
rescued from captivity, 415–416
Yerolemou, Miltos. See Syrio Forel
Ygritte (Rose Leslie), 98–99, 133–134, 138–142, 168, 214, 424
Yoren, 86, 88, 91
Yunkai, 248
James Hibberd is an award-winning entertainment journalist who has written thousands of stories covering the business of Hollywood across nearly two decades. He's currently an editor at large at Entertainment Weekly and was previously the TV editor at The Hollywood Reporter. Prior to covering entertainment, Hibberd made headlines in 2001 as a staff writer at Phoenix New Times when he risked imprisonment amid a legal battle versus county and federal authorities in order to protect a confidential source (and won). His freelance work has appeared in The New York Times, Salon, Cosmopolitan, Details, and The Best American Sports Writing. He lives in Austin, Texas.
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* She wa
* There are seven different accents floating around Game of Thrones, according to Chris Taylor, who broke them all down for a Mashable story in 2017. Sean Bean had a Yorkshire accent (which, fittingly, is from Northern England), and all the Stark boys and most of the Wildlings use it too. Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon all took after their mother Catelyn’s posh accent, which Daenerys has as well.
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