Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part III

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Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part III Page 3

by Anderson, Alisa

  Jess ignored his question.

  “If now isn’t the time, why did you come here? And, Nick. You’re kidding, right?”

  “Because I have business. And, as to if I’m kidding.” He finished his wine, pouring another glass. “Much like the answer to how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? The world may never know.”

  “You’re an idiot.” She burst out laughing at his stupidity. “And we both know you don’t have business here except me. Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

  “Ok. Fuck. You win. I did come partially because I couldn’t stand the thought of the two of you alone in my house. Satisfied? Dammit.”

  “You where the one who sent us here, remember? I thought Nick Roman never gets jealous.” She teased, laughing at the expression on his face. “And I already know you’re kidding. You aren’t capable of killing anyone.”

  “What the fuck ever. I’m not jealous.” He softly touched her cheek. “And I never lie. I just…omit facts when I have to. But Jess. Baby. I’m fully capable of taking someone’s life. Believe that.”

  She sat quietly, blinking at him.

  She wasn’t quite sure how to come back at that one.

  “Now, about that non-existent business you said I don’t have. I could use your help.”

  “Me?” She choked on her wine. “I thought you wanted me to stay out of your business.”

  “I do.”

  “You do, but you’re asking for my help?” She threw her hands up, exasperated. “Oh my God. Why are you are so fucking contrary?”

  “It’s one of the many, many thing you love about me.”

  “Right now, loving you is questionable.”

  “We both know you love me. Stop the bullshit.” He softly kissed her, teasingly flicking his tongue over her lips.

  “Tonight we’re going to a club I own here. I’ll point out a guy. I need you to flirt with him. Get him to come into the back room with you.” He placed a plate of ziti in front of her.

  “That’s it?” She took a piece of pasta onto her fork, blowing to cool it before putting it into her mouth. She watched his lips part slightly as she slowly removed the fork, running her tongue over it.

  “You are a fucking brat. Now, think you can handle your mission?”

  They heard the door open. Eric and Angel entered, laughing as they came into the room.

  “Hey mami. How was your day?” Eric passed by, sitting next to her.

  “Relaxing. How was yours?”

  “We had a blast. I bought you something.”

  “With my damn money, too.”


  “Nothing.” Jess busied herself in her glass of wine. Angel hid a grin.

  She had better behave. This was getting dangerous.


  Nick stood silently observing. His stance was deceptively casual, contradicting the fact he was screaming inside.

  Eric lightly brushed a strand of her hair from her face. Placing a hand firmly around the curve of her waist. Nick wanted to tell the bastard to keep his fucking hands off of his woman, knowing he had incredible nerve considering Connie.

  Guilt filled him, though it had no reason to do so. She was his wife. It was expected of him from time to time to service her. Didn’t make it any easier to swallow.

  He really hated Eric. With every ounce of his being. He had to go.

  He caught Carlo’s gaze. He was shaking his head at Nick, instinctively knowing exactly what he was thinking.

  Enough of the fucking pity party, though. There was business at hand.

  “You guys wanna hang tonight at my club? Drinks, coke on me.”

  Eric looked to Jess. She shrugged. “Sounds pretty cool. Thanks.”

  “I’d really like to get to know you better Eric. Since you’re my kiddo’s boy.”

  Nick sauntered over to her, ruffling her hair, gently touching her cheek.

  She and Angel both sat, staring at him. In complete disbelief at what he just did.

  Carlo burst out into hysterical laughter. She shot him a look that was supposed to shut him up. Instead he found himself even more amused, laughing harder.

  Eric however, was less than thrilled. He grabbed Jess’s hand, hard enough to make her wince. She’d pay for this later.

  “Come on mami. Let’s go get ready. Nick, you want your room back? We don’t want to put you out.”

  “Nah, you two stay. I’m only going to be here a day or two. No need in you guys moving. I’ll grab Connie’s.”

  “Connie’s?” Eric looked confused.

  “She’s my wife, Eric.”

  “You have a wife?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.” Jess smothered a nervous giggle.

  Laughter of the insane. Had to be.

  Once they were out of eyesight Nick immediately turned to Angel.

  “What’d you find out?”

  “Says he loves her. He also thinks you’re into her. I talked with him, though and thought it was pretty well handled. That shit was on lock. I say was because well…that shit you just pulled? Not cool, boss. We both know it might have put her in danger.”

  Nick nodded tersely, chin in hand. “Yeah. I know.”

  “Did you actually hear what I said, Nick?”

  “I heard you. Moving on.”

  “I see I’m not going to get anywhere on the subject of you having a pissing contest over Jess.” Angel rolled his eyes heavenward. “So. About the thing. I’m ready for when she gets him into the back. I think it’s better for you not to have any part of this, Nick.”

  “Gabriele’s been bitching to lay low since the feds are watching my ass.”

  “You need to listen to him. We can’t afford for you to serve time. We need you with DeMoretti and the shit Connie’s dad is trying to pull.” Carlo interjected.

  “I’m not worried about them. And while we’re at it, fuck the feds. They won’t get shit on me regardless if I have a part in tonight or not.”

  “I swear you’re not thinking straight. If you’d stop running around chasing women like a pussy whipped bitch long enough to work this shit through, you’d be a hell of a lot safer.”

  “Don’t go there Angel. Best friend, consigliore or not.” Nick crossed his arms over his chest, already coming to the same conclusion as Angel and probably Carlo.

  Jess was clouding his judgment.

  Hearing it from his men didn’t make it any easier to accept.

  “Just looking out for you, man. No harm, no fowl. By the way Sal called while I was out. Said he captured one of DeMoretti’s men. He and Pauli are gonna get info out of him.”

  “Regardless, when we get back I need you to plan a meeting with the heads of New York, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Staten Island.”

  “Sure, boss. Want Carlo and me there?”

  “Yes. Tell them all their aides are welcome.”

  “Think she’s ready for all this, boss?” Carlo handed him a cup of espresso.

  “I know she’s got my back.”

  “Let’s hope so cause this could backfire in your face. And badly.”

  Nick went to the window, staring at the waves coming ashore.

  It had to work out.

  He didn’t want to have to kill her.


  Jess stood gazing into her suitcase trying to figure out what to wear, finally deciding on the outfit Eric bought. Black stretch pants and a teal shirt, tying under her breasts.

  She went to the bathroom, locking the door. She needed to be alone with her thoughts for a while.

  She wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Nick showing up put their relationship on a whole new level. One she now wanted to be on an even playing field.

  Him needing, craving, obsessing over her. Just as much as she did him.

  She stared into the mirror, pulling her hair up. Deciding to wear it in a messy up-do. Dipping a brush into blood red lipstick, she couldn’t help but think about Nick’s cock against her lips.

  Feeling a familiar twi
nge between her legs, she slowly slid her hand inside of her pants, finding she was wet, nearly soaked. She touched her clit, remembering the feeling of his mouth feasting on her pussy. She rubbed furiously over her clit, biting her lower lip as to not to moan out loud.

  Reaching further, she pushed two fingers inside of her. Envisioning they were Nick’s. She worked her pussy harder, faster. Pushing a third finger inside, her thumb worked her clit, plucking the thinly membraned little bud.

  She arched her back, climax building. She grabbed a towel, biting down to keep from screaming out loud. Her body exploded as she rocked against her hand. Wetness covering her fingers.

  When finished she looked into the mirror, sighing heavily at her reflection.

  Eric was suspicious. He’d be a fool not to see this.

  Damn Nick. Damn his games and damn his rules.

  She needed to get a damn grip.

  A voice startled her out of her thoughts, as she opened the bathroom door.

  “Your ass is getting bigger. I think I like it.”

  She raised her head, seeing Eric sitting on the bed. A rather large bulge showing through his jeans. Quickly she moved toward the door.

  Revulsion filled her.

  How much longer was she going to have to play this game? It was physically starting to have its effect on her and she didn’t like it.

  “Thanks. I think. We’re running late. We don’t want to make them wait.”

  Eric ran his hand down his erection. “You can take care of this later.”

  The nasty taste of bile rose in her mouth once more.

  “Well, I did promise you a night to remember.”

  “That you did, darlin’.” Eric gave her a lascivious grin, walking towards her taking her hand. She practically pulled him out the door, in fear he would want them to go back.

  Coming around to the marble staircase, she saw she was right. Nick and the guys were standing in the entry, waiting.

  She watched as Nick swallowed, a flush overcoming him at the sight of her coming down the stairs. Extending a hand, he helped her off the bottom step.

  Always the gentleman.

  As everyone walked out the door, Nick waited until Eric was ahead of them before sauntering up beside her, leaning close to her ear. His breath tickled her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

  “You’re making me fucking hard.”

  She tripped over her own feet. “Dammit Nick. Stop that.”

  He quickly moved ahead, turning back to give an inviting grin.

  Apparently, he found this entire fucked up situation humorous.

  She on the other hand, did not.

  They were greeted by a black stretch limo at the end of a walkway. The driver opened the door as they approached. “Evening Mr. Roman.”

  “Evening, Marcus.”

  “Where would you like to go this evening?”

  “Ice, please.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  “You roll like this, Nick?” Eric asked, the faintest hint of jealously in his tone.

  “You’re either somebody or nobody in this world.” He looked at Jess directly. Refusing to break eye contact. She remained frozen. Rooted to the spot, unable to tear her gaze away.

  “Welcome to the world of being somebody.”

  The ride to the club was filled with idle chatter between the men.

  Jess didn’t utter a single word. Instead she admired Nick. The sharpness of his jaw. The curve of his full, pouty lips. The twinkle in his eyes as he laughed. The way his suit molded against his toned, muscular body.

  Her eyes fell to his mammoth cock. She gave a soft inhalation of breath. Lips parting involuntarily as she remembered once again how it felt pulsing and throbbing into her mouth. The taste of pre-come on his head.

  Her cheeks warmed as she felt her body heat. She traced the plunging neckline of her top, skimming her hand across her breast. Her lust for him becoming clearly evident.

  Nick caught her staring noting where her eyes fell. She watched as he slowly ran his hand over his cock. He bit down on his lower lip, as she raised her eyes, looking into his.

  The air around them stilled. Everyone, everything disappeared. It was just the two of them.

  Carlo slapped Angel’s arm. “Guardate gli idiota del cazzo. Fare qualcosa.” (Look at the fucking idiots. Do something.)

  “Jess.” Angel uttered forcefully. His attempt to break up whatever the fuck was going on between them.

  “Huh? What?”

  Spell broken. Just like that.

  “Have you heard anything back on your application to Julliard?”

  “Not yet.” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, wishing he hadn’t brought up the subject.

  “Wait. I wasn’t aware you applied to Julliard, kid.”

  “I didn’t say anything in case I got denied, Nick.”

  “If that’s the case, why does Angel know?”

  “He overheard me talking to Allie. Offered to take me for moral support and all that jazz.”

  “I wasn’t aware of it my damn self.” Eric said, displeasure clearly evident in his voice.

  “I wasn’t keeping this from anyone. It’s not a big deal, jeez.”

  “It’s a huge deal to you, kid.”

  “And, something she probably won’t get either.” Eric scoffed, leaning back in his seat.

  Jess rolled her eyes.

  “Thanks for the encouragement, Eric.”

  Nick shot Eric a look of pure repulsion to which Eric was once again oblivious. He couldn’t help but contemplate if the boy truly was that stupid or just that self-centered.

  Rationalizing he’s was a musician.

  Probably stupid and self-centered.

  “I can pull strings, get you an audition.”

  “Don’t Nick. If I get in, it’s on my merit. Not yours.”

  “I can respect that. Offer stands though.”

  “I bet it does.” Eric muttered under his breath. Jess was the only one to hear.

  She sighed again. It was going to be a long ride.


  Nick was never so thankful to arrive at a destination in his entire life. As soon as the limo stopped and the driver opened the door, he got out. He had to, or he was going to say something he wouldn’t regret. Or kill Eric, whichever came first.

  He really was leaning toward the killing thing.

  He took Jess by the hand, helping her out. Stealing a kiss on her wrist before letting go the moment asshole approached. And claimed her.

  It was pure torment watching Eric put his arm around her waist, taking her away from him. His hand moved to the gun hidden under his suit jacket without thinking. Pausing long enough for Angel to stroll up beside him.

  “Boss. No.” He chastised.

  “I know…I know. Pussy whipped. I get it. I fucking get it.”

  He heard both Jess and Eric gasp at the clubs exquisiteness when he got inside. It was mix of fashion, art and European design. Upscale to the max. It screamed everything about him. Glamourous and tempestuous. Sinful. Classic.

  As they were escorted toward his section, they crossed a floor suspended over water. Blue lights shimmered off chandeliers creating glowing flecks against the dark gray walls. Sexually charged house music blared through the speakers. The beautiful people mingled and danced.

  It truly was a sight to see. Even he had to admit the design came out better than he thought. He’d have to thank his niece Lena for that later.

  Once in VIP, they slid into a large dark gray cushioned booth, lined with silvery blue pillows. When they settled in, Nick softly touched the curve of her lower back. Lowering his lips against her ear, he flicked his tongue over her earlobe. He moved his mouth closer to her ear, making sure she could hear him over the music.

  Having his mouth this close to her, his hand openly on display against her bare flesh. Her body leaning into him. All in front of Eric. It was the most erotic, perverse heat he ever felt.

  That’s right fucker. She’
s mine.

  “Is that the guy? The one in the purple shirt?” Jess interrupted his thoughts.

  “All I have to do is get him in the back, right?”


  “And, once there?”

  Their conversation intruded on by the waitress.

  “Good evening Mr. Roman. Would you like Champagne service this evening?”

  “Usual for the table. Make sure we are not interrupted from this point forward, please.”

  “Of course Mr. Roman. By the way, your niece left a message for you. It’s on your desk.”

  “Thank you.” He turned his attention back to Jess.

  “Where were we?”

  “We were...umm...at…umm. We were somewhere.” She smiled helplessly.

  Nick knew he was getting to her, the same as she was getting to him. He felt his cock twitch as it started to stiffen.

  “I want you so fucking bad my balls are aching.”

  “Nick. Behave. Back to my mission please. Once I have him in the room?”

  “Just shut the door. Angel will take it from there.”

  “Should I go now?”

  “Sooner you go, the sooner I can bend you over and fuck you against my desk.”

  “Gentlemen I need to use the ladies room. Please excuse me.”

  Eric moved so Jess could slide out of the booth. As she stood, he kissed her on the cheek.

  Nick felt that unfamiliar pang shoot through him again. He really needed to explore what the fuck that feeling was.

  He didn’t like it.

  Whatever the fuck it was, which wasn’t jealousy, needed to go.

  “Angel, will you please show me where the ladies room is?”

  “Of course, bambino.” Angel knew she was helping him make his escape.

  “Thanks. This club is huge.”

  Nick observed as they walked out of VIP, dispersing in different directions. His gaze followed her. Noting her casually bump into the mark. Causing his drink to deliberately spill on her.

  She gave an innocent smile, working her magic on him.

  She was a pro.

  It didn’t take long before he followed her to the bar. Once there she leaned in, just close enough for him to get a clear view of her cleavage. She touched his arm, patting it lightly.


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