Stolen Secrets

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Stolen Secrets Page 19

by Cayce Poponea

  Marco entered the room just as the second viewing completed. London was hanging back, typing on her cell phone. “So, did you get the whole thing?” he questioned Gabby.

  Taking a side-glance at Ari, I noted her breathing had become sharp, her eyes were wide and pupils dilated. She was trying so hard to hide her concern. It was time to let her in, take away the fear she didn’t need to have. “Ari, may I speak with you privately?” I whispered into her ear. The smell of her perfume was light and clean, like a woman should smell, not hard and burning my nose like the cologne the other girls I’d been with did.

  Standing, I offered her my hand once again. She timidly accepted, and I pulled her with me. The design of the room afforded me the ability to speak with her near the windows yet hear the conversations continuing in the room. The back of the building looked over a quiet garden, well, what I would call a garden. It was nothing like the ones my mother worried over, but it was a good place to enjoy the seasons change. Ari was focused on the white benches facing a sculpted fountain. My mother had found it in a warehouse our construction company was about to tear down, and had the crew load it up and bring it here. She spent weeks restoring and getting it in working order. I’d spent hours sitting beside the fountains in Rome, listening to the calming sounds and enjoying their tranquil beauty while finding a home in the refuge they provided. It took nearly a year to get the Aphrodite fountain in the entry working properly since the parts had to be shipped over from Spain. Knowing the calm it would bring me, Mom was persistent, though.

  “Ari, can you look at me please?” Cautious eyes turned up to look at me. I loved how beautiful and expressive her green eyes were. I could lose myself in the calm they brought me, much like the trickling sounds of the fountain, Ari Taylor brought me peace. “Listen, I know you’re confused, and possibly a little scared right now, but if you would just hear me out, I promise to make everything clear.” Grasping her soft hands in mine, I pulled them to my lips and kissed her knuckles, never losing eye contact.

  She didn’t respond with words, remaining silent instead, thus allowing me to have the time to tell the story she needed to hear.

  “London has accused Miranda of being after me for a while now, but she was the one person in my life who never asked anything of me. She never wanted me to change who or what I was for her. Hell, she never even asked for money, which in my world is huge. Every woman I have ever encountered has wanted something from me, usually money, but not Miranda.”

  “Who is London to you?”

  She startled me with her question. It was easy to forget she wasn’t as involved with this Family as I would prefer her to be. Searching those deep eyes of hers, I realized I was wrong. Ari had never asked anything of me either, except to leave her alone—which I was incapable of doing.

  “London is Marco’s girlfriend, fiancée, whatever, depending on what day it is. Her father was a close associate of my father’s. When he died several years ago, Marco stepped in. He made sure London had what she needed. Their relationship isn’t like your typical couple, but they make it work.”

  “Miranda is a prostitute.” With her simple statement, Ari hit the nail on the head regarding mine and Miranda’s relationship.

  “She does other things for me, but yes, that is the gist of our relationship.” For the first time ever, I felt ashamed of admitting I paid for sexual acts.

  “You can decorate a pile of dirt in ribbons and bows, but under it all, it is still just a pile of dirt.” Her honesty wasn’t judging, but factual. “But now she wants more? I mean, she wants to be in a real relationship with you?”

  I gave her a questioning look, her comment not sitting well with me. “Excuse me?” I recalled a time where my mom had done something my father didn’t like. He’d raised his voice and told her if she did something like that without his consent again, she would regret doing it. She’d given him the same look Ari was giving me now. My mother’s answer was her index finger pointed in my father’s chest, while she told him he should remember she was his wife and not one of his men, and that she would do things how she saw fit. That unless it was immoral, he was the last person to call her on something.

  “Dominick, people are a product of their environment. They recreate what they see. They learn to survive by watching the world around them. Miranda knows a man such as yourself is going to do, and be, who he wants to be. Nothing she says or does will change that. She can either join the program or take a new class. Since this lifestyle you share is the only one she knows, it’s easier to let you call the shots. She isn’t bothered by having to share you with other people, other women, as she said to London. You can do whatever you want, as long as she has the life she wants. She already knows you’ll agree to it. Trapping you with a baby is just insurance, something to keep her in the royal chair so to speak.”

  There was nothing to say, she was absolutely correct. She understood how things were regardless of the fact she hadn’t been around the situation. I didn’t have to look at my mother to know she was smiling. She had told me Ari was different, that she would challenge me, change me, and make me a better man. “You know, this is the second time I have found I should have listened to the women in my life. London was on spot about Miranda, and my mom.” I looked over her shoulder at my mom and Gabby, who were holding each other in a side hug, eyes bright and faces happy.

  Ari looked behind her toward Sophia, and then back to me. “What about Sophia? What was she right about?” It was the million-dollar question, one I would rather part with the money than answer. Ignoring it any longer wasn’t an option, though; I had to take control of the situation, do something about getting this extraordinary woman in the center of my life.

  “She told me you’re a person I should have around. You’re the type of girl I need by my side.” With a deep breath and all the confidence I could muster, I began to plead my case. “Listen, Ari, I know you heard what Miranda said about how I feel about you. And for what I believe is the first time in her life, she was telling the truth. I have come to care for you quite deeply. I know you see the tough guy everyone in this room knows, but I want you to know the guy that thinks you’re incredible. The guy who pictures what our kids would look like. The guy who has turned into a complete pussy when it comes to going after what he wants. You make me question what I want from life, from a relationship. Actually, you make a lot of things pretty clear for me.”

  I wanted her to throw her arms around me and profess she loved me as much as I loved her. I wanted her to beg me to whisk her off to my bed and love her until she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t.

  “Dominick, I can appreciate what you’re saying, but it doesn’t change that we are two different people from two different worlds. You have to know I will never compromise my hopes and dreams. I will never change what I expect from the man in my life. I won’t turn a blind eye or accept a new Tiffany bracelet when you cancel at the last minute. I don’t jump into bed with random guys, or more importantly, with multiple people.”

  Grasping her hands tighter, I pulled her closer. She’d admitted nothing I didn’t already know. It changed nothing, I still wanted her, not just to warm my bed or suck me off, but to call me on my bullshit. I wanted her to make me feel bad when I had to change our plans, to give me a reason to get up in the morning, and an even bigger one, to come to bed each night.

  “Ari, I would never ask you to do anything you were uncomfortable with or ask for more than you’re willing to give.”

  She nodded her head before turning to look at Sophia and Gabby. Karla had joined the group and was watching the recording with Demetri. “Can I ask you a question and have you answer me truthfully?”

  “Anything.” And I meant it, she could ask me the account numbers for my bank accounts and I’d write them down for her.

  “Are you happy with your life?”

  No one had ever questioned me on my happiness. People always assumed because I did what I wanted, I must be happy. Hell, I’d never q
uestioned it myself.

  “Depends on your definition of happy,” I responded honestly.

  “Only you can define it, Dominick. Are you happy with the way your life is at this moment?”

  “Does my life include you?”

  “That depends.” Her response was quick and sure.

  “On?” I retorted.

  “Dominick, you have to know I would be everything you hate about women.” Her brows furrowed, showing her frustration, and shook her head as her eyes found the floor.

  “Impossible, I love women.” Regret warmed me the second the words left my lips.

  “Exactly!” she exclaimed pointing her finger in my face, the angry kitten returning.

  I could see it on her face, she had an entire spiel ready if needed. She was about to give me a hundred things I would have to change about myself in order to be with her. Little did she know, I was willing to do every single one.

  “You love when women flock to you. The selected few in your circle know the rules and are willing to follow them in order to have a piece of you. You take their understanding and use it to fit your needs. That is who Dominick Santos is, who he will be until his last breath. I, on the other hand, am not going to blow smoke up your ass and tell you it’s a campfire. I will not sit at home and pine for you, have you buying me a condo or throwing cash and gifts at me to have me when you want me. I won’t be stashed in the corner when you tire of me. I don’t have the tolerance for the bullshit you seem to need in order to be happy. I wouldn’t be happy with just a piece of you, a tiny slice of the man when it’s convenient for you. I would have to have the whole thing.”

  Of all the things I’d thought she was going to say, having to have all of me wasn’t anywhere on the list. “Tesoro, you’ve had all of me since the first cup of coffee we shared. All of the things you listed about me have found a resting place in my past. If you could just give me a clean slate, a chance to prove to you I’m being honest with you, I swear I could make us both very happy.”

  I waited and watched as Ari searched my face. I couldn’t place the look she was trying so hard to mask. Though the battle she had raging in that head of hers was unknown to me, I would do everything I could to chase her demons away.

  “Tesoro? You’ve said it twice now, what does it mean?”

  “It’s Italian for treasure, a term of endearment. My father calls you my desiderio, or my desire.”

  “Does everyone in your circle have a label like that?”

  Shaking my head and pulling myself closer to her, I whispered, “No, just you.”

  For several more minutes Ari searched my eyes, looking for the truth or maybe a hidden agenda. She would find only honesty and love waiting for her. Inside these walls I was free to be just Nicky Santos, a guy from Staten Island who liked to watch football on Sundays and drink beer with his friends. Here, I was not the mob boss I had to become when my car door closed. I needed her to see this side of me, the man who would cuddle with her, bring her chicken soup when she has the flu, and watch her for hours when she sleeps beside me.

  “You know something? You are much like this building.” Through confused eyes I looked at her, wondering why she had compared me to a house. “People see the outside, with its solid walls and strong features, nothing setting it apart from the other buildings in the neighborhood. But once you get inside, take in the beauty and gentleness hidden behind that generic brick exterior, nothing is how you assumed. Inside…” she pulled her right hand from my grasp and placed her index finger over my heart, “…here is a different place. This is somewhere reserved for only a handful of souls you allow in, showing them the softness you protect in your core.”

  Her green eyes darted back and forth between mine, evidence of the conflict inside her mind while her thoughts waged a battle against her heart. On one side was her need to protect herself from the man she knew, with his pocket full of women and take command attitude. On the other, her heart wanted the man she saw before her, stripped bare of the social image, just a man of flesh and blood with a deep desire to claim her heart. Ari was right about one thing, I was like this building and she held the only key.

  “I’ll give you the clean slate you ask for, but we take this at my speed.”

  I pulled her into my arms, though her body was stiff and rigid. I couldn’t blame her, everything she knew about me was telling her to run. I kissed the top of her head and looked over to see the pure joy on my mother’s and sister’s faces. Wrapping my arm around her waist, we walked back over to the rest of the family.

  “Dominick, we have to make Miranda think Ari isn’t interested in you. You’re going to have to keep this,” Karla pointed between Ari and me, “…on the down low. She’s planning on using my engagement party as the opportunity to pull off her plan. You have to invite her as your plus one. She already knows Marissa is history, so that shouldn’t be an issue.”

  Looking down at Ari, I noticed the same concerned look as before. “As long as Ari knows nothing is going to happen with Miranda. I’m not risking how far we’ve come, not when she has finally given me the chance to prove I can be the man she deserves.” I caressed her cheek with my thumb, trying to reassure her this gift she had given me was important. When she smiled at me I wanted to be overjoyed, but I could tell it wasn’t a real smile for her. Her eyes told me she was still being guarded. I would work hard to change that. She deserved to be happy every second of every day. I would do everything in my power to make that happen.

  I LOOKED DEEP INTO HIS eyes as he spoke of his desire to change everything about himself… for me. I listened while he plotted with his family regarding what would happen during Karla’s engagement party, how he would tell Miranda he wanted to change their relationship. Everyone had some input as to how to make certain the drug would never make it into his system. I felt his hand when he caressed my knuckles, his chin as he placed a number of kisses to my temple and the top of my head. Sophia looked at us with such pride and contentment. Had I not known the real reason for all of this, I might have been touched.

  Dominick didn’t know I had heard his warning, or that I feared the man who sat beside me. I was afraid to disagree with him, yet eager to prove him wrong. The twisted, sick part of it consumed me, and I wanted to believe him. I knew a man capable of having the type of control Dominick possessed also had extreme passion; a passion I knew could consume me.

  Gabby wanted to stop at the dress shop, which had her wedding dress. She still owed money on it and needed to make a payment today. Dominick wanted to order dinner in and have some time together, but I reminded him we had to keep up appearances. You just never knew who was watching. Sophia insisted on tagging along, as she wanted to look at dresses, too.

  “Ari, are you alright?” Sophia asked as I pushed dress after dress to the side, half-heartedly looking for one.

  “Yes, of course. Just tired.”

  Sophia took my hand from the pale green monstrosity it had landed on. “Look at me.” Her voice was soft but held an authority to it. “You are so much like me.” She sighed, shaking her head. “You’re holding back, I can see it. That’s good, you know?”

  I gave her a questionable look while trying desperately to build my walls back up.

  “Come, I know a great restaurant not far from here. It’s time you heard how I met Dominick’s father.”

  We said goodbye to Gabby, Sophia slipping her credit card to the cashier to settle the balance on her wedding dress.

  An hour and a half, and two empty wine glasses later, I sat across from Sophia with a completely different opinion of her. Gone was the image of a bored housewife who was given something to do in owning a business, replaced by a woman who had made a powerful man fall to his knees and beg for her attention.

  “So, as you can see, by denying him you’ve shown him you will accept nothing less than being his equal, just as I did to his father.” Sophia ordered another drink for each of us, assuring me she would call for a car to drive us both home
. “This is far too important a conversation to have without a little liquid courage to loosen us both up and, perhaps, open your eyes to my son’s true intentions.”

  She confessed to all the times she and Antonio had warned Dominick his past with women would catch up to him. “I swear, Ari, half the reason we have a personal physician on staff is to keep Dominick disease free.”

  Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe she was being completely honest with me, but I felt as if something had shifted. I still believed Dominick had killed the man who attacked me as a warning to keep me quiet, but now I questioned if Sophia even knew he was responsible. The news report said Anthony had worked for an organized crime family; I wondered how many of them existed in New York. I didn’t dare ask any of these questions, though.

  “Listen to me, Ari, my son has more arrogance than my husband ever dreamed of having, but I also know when he speaks, he tells the truth.” Reaching across the table, she gave my hand a tight squeeze. “Believe me when I say, you have my son’s heart in the palm of your hand. Be gentle with it and treasure it, because if you crush him, you will have me to deal with. Consider everything I’ve said. I know you’ll do the right thing.”

  A car was waiting for us when we left the restaurant. I suspected the place was owned by the Family since the waitress never gave us a bill, and Sophia didn’t leave any money when she wished the hostess a good night. The tall man Sophia introduced me to was polite enough, but he didn’t give me the best of feelings.

  When I was getting ready for bed that night, I turned off the light and looked out the window as I had every night for weeks. This time the man who’d driven me home was sitting in the car, the light from his cell phone illuminating his face. Sighing, I walked over to my bed and crawled between the cold sheets. Staring at the ceiling, I ran the conversation I’d had with Sophia over and over in my head. Even with the new warning, and no doubt she was not a woman to cross, I tried to close my eyes and sleep. My phone beeped indicating I had a text and I contemplated just ignoring it, but knew it would only sound again until I looked at it.


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