export licenses
Anzalone and
bribery vs.
Burkle and Stern and
Collatos and
federal statute
Martinez and
organized crime and
by public officials
Scrushy and Siegleman and
fair warning
false invoices for medical procedures
false statements
AIG and
Avery and Migliaccio and
Cintolo and
KPMG and
Leichter and
Muntasser and
Stewart, Martha, and
Faneuil, Douglas
Fardella, Jess
FDA. See Food and Drug Administration
FDCA (Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act)
federal extortion statute
federal vs. state criminal law
Federation of State Medical Boards
Ferrell, Robert
Fiber Materials, Inc.
Fifth Amendment
Finneran, Thomas
First Amendment
Fischel, Daniel
Fisher, Frank
Fitzgerald, Patrick
Flaherty, Charles
Fleischer, Victor
FLIP (Foreign Leveraged Investment Program)
Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (FDCA)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Foreign Leveraged Investment Program (FLIP)
forfeiture of assets
Fourth Estate. See news media, lack of scrutiny by
Franklin, Lawrence A. fraud
ABA and
AIG and
Avery and Migliaccio and
common law
Enron and
Fisher and
Gleason and
health care
KPMG and
Leichter and
Milken and
no-sale theory of
Scrushy and Siegleman and
Stern, Jared Paul, and
TAP Pharmaceuticals and
See also health care fraud; mail
fraud; securities fraud; wire fraud
fraud statutes, federal prosecution under
free press See also Miller, Judith; news media; Stern, Jared Paul
free samples of drugs
free speech See also Miller, Judith; Stern, Jared Paul
French-Smith, William
full disclosure, loss of corporate confidence and
Fuller, Mark Everett
Gambale, Richard
gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Garber, Dorothy
Gen Terra
General Re
generic drugs
germ warfare
Gerstein, Joseph
Gertner, Nancy
GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate)
Gillers, Stephen
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Giuliani, Rudolph W.
Gladwell, Malcolm
Gleason, Peter
Glisan, Ben F.
Golden, Daniel
Gonzales, Alberto
Good, Andrew
good faith medical practice
end-of-life situations and
false invoices for medical procedures
pain treatment and
vague regulations and
Goodson, Sally
government-funded medical payments
Goyal, Prabhat
grand juries
Graves, James
Greco, Michael S.
Greenberg, Maurice R. “Hank,”
Greenwald, Glenn
Greenwood, Sean
Gregory, Earnest B.
Grundfest, Joseph
Guantánamo Bay
Halpern, Stephen
Hamilton, Lee H.
Hansen, Charles
Harrison Tax Act of 1914,
Hassman, Jeri
Hausman, Kenneth
Hawaiian Airlines, Konop v.
Haymarket Cooperative Bank
Hays, Branzburg v.
health care fraud
HealthSouth Corporation
heart catheters
Heilbrunn, Jacob
Henderson, Donald A.
Hentoff, Nat
Heritage Foundation
Hiassen, Carl
higher-risk, higher-yield corporate bonds
high-tech startups
HIP (hot isostatic press)
Hirshman, Michele
Hobbs Act (1951)
Hochul, William J.
Hogan, Thomas
Holder, Eric
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
honest services theory
hope of influence
Horton, Scott
hot isostatic press (HIP)
Hotz, Robert H., Jr.
Humanitarian Law Project v. Holder
Hurwitz, William
hydrogen weaponry secrets
illusory earnings
Immigration and Naturalization Service
immunity orders
independent bar
India, sale of military equipment to
inducements. See bribery
initial public offerings (IPOs)
innocence, as inadequate defense
innocent intention
insider trading
Insider Trading Sanctions Act of 1984,
institutional reform
instructions for use of medical devices
insurance, malpractice
Intelligence Identities Protection Act
Intelligence Technology Innovation Center, CIA’s
intentional discrimination
Interloc, Inc.
Internal Revenue Code
Internal Revenue Service. See IRS
International Emergency Economic Powers Act
Internet service providers (ISPs)
Interpretive Rule, on controlled substances
interstate commerce, Hobbs Act and
IPOs (initial public offerings)
Iran, espionage and
Iraq War
IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
ISPs (Internet service providers)
Jackson, Robert H.
Jazz Pharmaceuticals
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeremijenko, Natalie
Joint Terrorism Task Force
journalists. See news media
propensity for following sentencing
witness cooperation and
junk bonds
juries credibility judgements by pre-trial publicity and
Kagan, Elena
Kansas Rule of Professional Conduct
Kaplan, Lewis A.
Karatz, Bruce
Kassirer, Jerome P.
Kehoe, James
Keker, John
Keller, Bill
Kempthorne, Jeanne M.
Kennedy, Anthony
Kennedy, Robert
Kessler, Glenn
Keverian, George
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail
Kirtley, Jane
Knoll, Erwin
Knox, Cecil
Konop v. Hawaiian Airlines
Kozinski, Alex
Kurtz, Steven
labels (instructions for use of medical devices)
Lachman, Walter L.
ladder climbing
LaFreniere, Walter
Lake, Simeon
Last Acts Partnership
law school accreditation
bsp; Lay, Kenneth L.
Leahy, Patrick
Lebedev, Platon
Lee, Wen Ho
legally questionable accounting devices
legislative redistricting plan, Massachusetts
Lehtinen, Dexter
Leichter, Lee
lenity, rule of
Levin, Carl
Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter,”
Lichtblau, Eric
Lie, Erik
Liman, Arthur
Limone, Peter
Lodge, Edward J.
loss of corporate confidence, full disclosure and
Loucks, Michael
Louisiana, Cox v.
lying, Lay and
Lyon, Matthew
Magna Carta
mail fraud
AIG and
Avery and Migliaccio and
Burkle and Stern and
Ferrell and Kurtz and
Leichter and
Milken and
Scalia on
Scrushy and Siegleman and
Stern, Jared Paul, and
Makov, David Amir
malpractice insurance
market-to-market accounting
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (MSLO)
Martin, Alice
Martinez, Raul
Marvi Gardens
Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
material non-public information
material omissions
material support for terrorism
Materials International
Mauro, Tony
Mazzone, A. David
McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945,
McCaw Cellular
McGovern, George
McLean, Bethany
McNeil, John T.
McNulty, Paul J.
McPhillips, Julian
media. See news media
Medical Device Amendments (MDA)
medical devices
safety and efficacy of
sale and promotion of
medical education grants
medical payments, government-funded
Mencken, H.L.
mens rea
Merrill Lynch
Migliaccio, John G.
Milken, Lowell
Milken, Michael
Miller, Judith
Minister of Justice
Minnesota, Near v.
Mintz, Robert A.
misprision of felony
Mitchell, John N.
Moisen, Chandler Stuart
Moreland, Howard
Morison, Samuel Loring
Morissette, Joseph Edward
Morissette v. United States
MSLO (Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia)
Mueller, Robert S.
Mujahedeen Khalq
Mukasey, Michael
Muntasser, Emadeddin Z.
murder, Fisher and
Muslims, foreign born
narcotics. See pain management, medical practice of
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)
national defense secrets
National Network for the Right to Counsel
National Organization for Women, Scheidler v.
National Securities Letters, USA Patriot Act
national security
al-Hussayen and
dual citizen academics and
Kurtz and
Lachman and Subila and
Muntasser and
Rosen and Weissman and
Zehe and
National Security Agency (NSA)
Near v. Minnesota
Nelson, David S.
Nepal, Pfeiffer and
Nevas, Alan H.
The New York Post, Stern and
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
The New York Times
espionage/treason and
Pentagon Papers and
news media civil contempt and
criminal investigations and
espionage and
harassment of
lack of scrutiny by
national defense secrets and,
national security and
prior restraint and
subpoenas for
See also free press
Nissen, Steven
Nixon, Richard
Nocera, Joe
non-profits, lobbyists for
Norris, Floyd
North California Innocence Project
North Carolina v. Alford (1970)
no-sale theory of fraud
Novak, Robert
NSA (National Security Agency)
NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
obstruction of justice
Arthur Anderson and
Cintolo and
Clinton and
Finneran and
KPMG and
Milken and
Quattrone and
Russell and
Stewart, Martha, and
obstruction prosecutions
O’Connor, Kevin
Odom, Michael
ODWDA (Oregon Death with Dignity Act) 1994,
off-label uses of drugs
Offshore Portfolio Investment Strategy (OPIS)
Olson, Theodore B.
Operation Rescue
opinion letters
opioid therapy
OPIS (Offshore Portfolio Investment Strategy)
opposition party, vulnerability of to prosecution
Oregon Death with Dignity Act (ODWDA) 1994,
Orphan Medical, Inc.
Oscoda Air Base
over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines
Owen, Richard
Owens, Marcus
Page Six, The New York Post
Pain and Policy Studies Group
pain management, medical practice of
Bordeaux and
Fisher and
Graves and
Hassman and
Hurwitz and
Knox and
malpractice by undertreatment
national standard for
over-the-counter anti-inflammatory
medicines and
Pain Relief Network
The Papers & The Papers (Ungar)
Parloff, Roger
passive acceptance of a benefit
Patriot Act. See USA Patriot Act
Payback (Fischel)
PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)
PEN American Freedom to Write Committee
Pentagon Papers
Pepper, Claude
Cintolo and
Collatos and
Finneran and
Stewart, Martha, and
perjury traps
Petrolati, Thomas M.
Pfeiffer, Sacha
pharmaceuticals, aggressive promotion by physicians
physician-assisted suicide
picketing, aggressive
Pincus, Walter
Plame, Valerie
plea bargaining
AIG and
Alford and
Finneran and
Knox and
Milken, Michael, and
Russell and
Singleton and
Stern, Jared Paul, and
See also witness cooperation
nbsp; PMA (pre-market approval) application
politicization of prosecutors
Ponsor, Michael
pornography, child, possession of
Portenoy, Russell K.
post-publication prosecution
Powell, Lewis
balance of
separation of
Powers, Francis Gary
pre-market approval (PMA) application
PRESCRIPTION PAIN MEDICATIONS: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Health Care Professionals, and Law Enforcement Personnel
prescriptions, off-label
presidential signing statements
the press. See news media
pre-trial publicity
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
“Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organizations” (DOJ)
prior restraint
pro bono publico representation
The Progressive
Progressive, Inc., Erwin Knoll, Samuel Day, Jr., and Howard Moreland, United States of America v.
pro-jihad publications
Pro-Life Action League
prosecution, selective
prosecutorial zeal, excessive, Jackson on
prosecutors, politicization of
protection racket
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
public sector extortion
Putin, Vladimir
qualified privilege
Quattrone, Frank P.
qui tam law
Racketeer-Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO) law
Radio Farda
Rakoff, Jed S.
Reagan, Ronald
real tax losses
recall of medical devices
red flags, for abuse of controlled pain-killers
Reno, Janet
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
retention and destruction of documents. See document retention and destruction
Reynolds, Siobhan
RICO (Racketeer-Influenced Corrupt Organization) law
Ridge, Tom
Ridolfi, Kathleen
Risen, James
Rivkin, David B., Jr.
Robbins, Patrick
Roberts, John
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Ros, Enrique
Rosen, Steven J.
Rosenberg, Tina
Rosenthal, Alan
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana
Rove, Carl
rule of lenity
Rushing, Byron
Russell, Philip
Russert, Tim
safety and efficacy of medical devices
sale and promotion of medical devices
Salsberg & Schneider
Sandler, Richard
Sanford, Bruce W.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,
Saylor, F. Dennis
Scalia, Antonin
Scheidler v. National Organization for Women
Schmidt, Benno C., Jr.
Schmidt, Yuri
Schneider, Linda
Schneider, Michael
Schneider, Stephen
Three Felonies a Day Page 43