Take Me in Tahoe

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Take Me in Tahoe Page 2

by Shelli Stevens

  But it wasn’t just the sex. She pulled the blankets tighter around her and sighed. It was having a man’s arms wrapped around her, holding her close. The hardness of his chest beneath her head and a different hardness between her…

  No means no. Go to bed, you horny bitch.

  Taking deep breaths, she did some meditative exercises. It was her sure-fire way to get herself to pass out.

  Chapter Three

  When she opened her eyes, the cabin was cold. Freezing, to be exact. Her teeth chattered as she tucked the blankets around every inch of her body.

  There was a bit of morning light peeking through the lace curtains on the window. Such a quaint little place. Her trembling lips tilted up into a smile.

  She closed her eyes and just lay still, listening. Listening to the sound of absolutely nothing. There were no cars, horns, yelling people, buses…it was just silent.

  It was nice.

  She must have fallen back asleep because, when she opened her eyes again there was more light pouring in from the window and she could hear the sounds of Chase moving around in the other room and a fire crackling.

  Easing the blanket down to her waist, she sat up. Thank God. It was a little warmer now. She kicked her legs over the side of the bed and stood.

  “Argh!” The wood floor was like ice. Moving quickly, she ran into the living room toward the fireplace.

  There was a furry throw rug in front of it, and she sank down onto it, stretching her hands out toward the warmth.

  “Cold?” His voice was just as sexy as yesterday and tinged with amusement.

  “Cold? Freezing my ass off, thank you very much.” She laughed and turned to look at him. Her laughter clogged in her throat, and she swallowed hard.

  Holy hell, he was a hottie in the morning. Heat stirred low in her belly. Distressed T-shirt over flannel pajama bottoms, his hair was disheveled, eyes were sleepy, and he was nursing a cup of coffee between his hands.

  “I want one.”

  “One?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Coffee.” She groaned. “Please don’t make me beg.”

  His mouth curled into a smile. Wow. Did he have a great smile or what? How had she not noticed that last night?

  “How do you like it?”

  “Black, with sugar. At least three spoonfuls please.” She tucked her legs under her butt to keep them warm and pulled the long shirt down to her knees.

  He made a sound of disapproval from the kitchen, but when she looked back at him he was dutifully pouring in the sugar. What a good boy.

  Or man, she corrected herself when he crossed the room toward her. He carried two cups of coffee, his white shirt was stretched taut across his chest. Her gaze lingered on the clearly defined pectorals. Mmm. So, he liked to work out.

  Stop it. It obviously isn’t happening.

  “That much sugar isn’t good for your teeth, you know,” he lectured while handing off the mug of steaming coffee.

  “And what are you, my dentist?”

  His lips twitched. “Not unless you’re one of my new patients.”

  Whoa. Really? She blinked then blew on her coffee. “For real? You’re a dentist?”

  “Yes. For real, I’m a dentist.” His sat back down on the tan couch, pushing aside the blankets and pillows.

  “Oh.” She took a sip and sighed. “Caffeine. Mmm.”

  “What do you do, Nikki?”

  “What do I do? As in a career?”


  She blew on her coffee, watching him closely. How would he react when she told him? A dentist would surely find her job to be somewhat impractical.

  “I’m an artist. A painter.” Something flickered in his eyes. Interest?

  “What do you paint?”

  “Oils. Landscapes as well as portraits.”

  He nodded. “Really? I’d love to see your work some time. Where do you sell them?”

  “I work with a small art gallery down by the waterfront. I can give you a card if you’d like.”

  “I’d like. Very much so.”

  A small amount of pleasure stole through her, and she felt her cheeks warming. This was just weird. Usually men got all freaked out when she announced she was an artist. As if they expected her to ask for handouts during the date. It was nice to not be written off or just so judged.

  Maybe it was time to go. Get the hell out of Dodge. This just wasn’t good. She was getting way too sappy over a sexy dentist who so obviously wasn’t going to be hitting on her.

  Standing up, she walked toward the bedroom. “I’ll grab my things and head out.”


  She heard him get up and walk after her.

  “You can’t leave, Nikki.”

  “Well, I can’t share this cabin with you.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Look, obviously there was a mix-up. You were nice to let me crash here last night, but I should leave you to your weekend alone.”

  His jaw had hardened, and he didn’t look to be listening to a word she was saying. His narrowed gaze was moving over her body.


  “You’re half naked.”

  “I’ve got a T-shirt and panties on. I’m dressed.” Jeez, you would’ve thought she was completely naked. And the T-shirt covered her bottom by at least two inches.

  He cleared his throat and looked away. “Anyway, you can’t leave.”

  “Why?” He should be begging her to leave by now. What the hell was going on with this guy?

  He walked past her and pushed aside the white lace curtain. “This is why.”

  Had he even opened the curtain? Her eyes narrowed, and her stomach dropped. Oh God. The curtains were open—everything outside was just covered in white. It had snowed, just like he’d predicted.

  She hurried to the window, pressing her hands against the glass as she looked down the road. The entire world seemed to be blanketed in snow. Why hadn’t she taken him seriously when he’d brought up that smell of snow thing last night?

  She leaned her forehead on the glass. “Oh, shit.”

  Chase folded his hands across his chest and tried not to look at the back of her thighs. All smooth and pale peeking out beneath the long, black T-shirt.

  He wanted to grab her a pair of sweatpants out of his bag—cover her up. No, that was the last thing he wanted. Those thighs were proving to be a great source of entertainment visually.

  “Maybe I should try and drive now before it gets any worse?”

  Was she nuts? “Do you have chains?”

  “Chains?” She shook her head. “What do you mean? I have an awesome chain metal necklace, but—”

  “Chains for your tires. Have you never driven in the snow before?”

  “No. Hell, this is probably only the second time I’ve ever even seen the stuff besides on television.”

  Was she kidding? But the mixture of confusion and fascination on her face made him realize she was dead serious.

  “You need to get out of the city more.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him. “Trust me, I try. This weekend was actually the biggest trip I’ve taken in a while. It should have been…” She hesitated. “This just wasn’t how I envisioned it.”

  A thought hit him. One that had his gut clenching and him reaching out to grab the knob on the wooden bedpost.

  “Was he planning on coming up here too?”

  “He?” She dropped the curtain and sat down on the bed. “He who?”


  She snorted. “Oh, no. He had those damn tickets for the theater and wanted to stay in the city.”

  Was he missing something? “You don’t like the theater?”

  “It’s fine, I guess.” She shrugged. “Though I can think of better things to do with my time.”

Had something happened between her and Justin? He looked at her closely, hoping for some hint in her expression. But she looked calm, maybe a little pissed as she kept glancing out at the snow.

  She had a pretty face. It was washed clean this morning and, under all the makeup, it was rather sweet. Round and cherub-like, with long eyelashes and full, pink lips.

  When she’d walked out of the bedroom this morning, fresh faced and sleepy, she’d almost appeared vulnerable. Was that why she covered it up with the war paint? To make her appear harder?

  “You’re looking at me again.” She tucked a wavy strand of black hair—now down from the braids—behind her ear.

  “Yeah. Sorry about that.” But he wasn’t. He couldn’t look away and had no intention of doing so. What could looking hurt? Even if he couldn’t touch. She managed to look innocent, sexy and fun all at the same time.

  “You know, Chase.” She cleared her throat and slid off the bed, closing the distance between them. “We’re going to be stuck here for a while, with this big, bad snowstorm outside.”

  The blood started pounding through his veins the closer she got. Then she was right next to him, yet not quite touching him.

  She was petite and, when he looked down, he was staring at the curve of her breasts. The sweet smell of patchouli oil reached his nose. She was so exotic, so different from any woman he’d ever desired before.

  She licked her lips. “What are we going to do to keep busy?”

  Bend you over the couch, pull down your panties and fuck you senseless. He bit his tongue before he could say the actual words.

  “How about breakfast?” he suggested instead.

  He saw the flash of dismay in her gaze and wished things could have been different. Because how nice would it be to go away for a supposed weekend alone and wind up with some sex kitten who clearly wanted to bounce the bed springs with him?

  She finally nodded and sighed. “Breakfast it is. Do you need me to cook?”

  His brows drew together. “Why, are you any good?”

  “Honey, I’m great.” She winked and sauntered past him.

  Christ. He thrust a hand through his hair and shook his head. She couldn’t keep walking around in the cabin wearing just that. His willpower was only so strong. She didn’t seem too bothered by him though.

  He followed her into the kitchen where she was swinging open the fridge door.

  “You’ve got eggs, milk, butter…” She turned around to look at him, her eyes shiny as she bit her lip. “Do you have flour and sugar? I’m thinking crepes.”

  “Yeah, in the bottom cupboard on the right.” She knew how to make crepes?

  Nikki bent down and tugged open the cupboard. The shirt rose above her waist, exposing blue lace panties with pirate skulls on them. The lacy edges rode high on each ass cheek, leaving little to the imagination.

  How the hell pirate skulls could be sexy was beyond him. All he knew was he had a raging hard-on now, and his Boy Scout honor was going down the tube.

  “Nikki. How the fuck could my brother send you up and not want to come too?” The words ripped from him.

  She stood, flour and sugar bin in hand. “What? What do I have to do with your brother?”

  The fog of desire that was clouding his thoughts lifted for a moment.

  “Everything if you’re his girlfriend.”

  “Girlfriend?” Nikki laughed and gave him a sideways look as she pried the lid off the flour. “Honey, I wouldn’t date that lazy ass for a million bucks—no offense, him being your brother and all. He’s dating my roommate.”

  Chapter Four

  Chase blinked. Then blinked again. Justin wasn’t her boyfriend? The shock of her words dissipated, and the green light symbol blinked in his head.

  Warning: curves ahead, proceed with caution.

  Nikki started measuring out the flour. “You didn’t think—oh!”

  He was already behind her, sliding his hands around her waist and pulling her firmly against him. His lips grazed the nape of her neck.

  She gasped and pressed her ass against the crotch of his jeans. “I thought you weren’t interested.”

  “I thought you were Justin’s girlfriend.”

  Cliché cabin sex starting in 3, 2, 1…

  She spun around in his arms, and flour spilled over both of them as she tossed the measuring cup back onto the counter. She dragged his head down toward hers. “Silly boy, why didn’t you just ask?”

  He covered her mouth with his, and fire spread through Nikki’s blood. His mouth was soft and firm, parting her lips so his tongue could thrust inside.

  The heat spread between her thighs, and her panties grew increasingly damp. Oh, wow. She wanted this. Wanted him. And he’d only been holding out because he’d thought she was dating his brother? Ugh! What a waste of time.

  His hands settled on her hips, and he backed her up against the counter. The jut of his erection pressed against her belly, and she moaned, kissing him back just as fiercely as he kissed her.

  “Nikki.” He tore his mouth away and grabbed the hem of her shirt, jerking it up her body.

  She raised her arms up so he could pull it all the way off. The cool air in the cabin hit her naked breasts, and her nipples tightened.

  He lowered his mouth back down to hers, and she closed her eyes, her whole body tingling.

  His hands slid up her waist to cup each breast, and her body trembled.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured and kissed his way down her neck. He pinched each nipple, pulling them into rigid peaks.

  “Chase.” She groaned and arched into him.

  He released her, and she cried out to protest, but then he lifted her onto the counter, bringing her breasts within reach of his mouth.

  “Take off your shirt.” She plucked at his shirt, feeling solid muscle underneath. “Now, please.”

  “So impatient, yet polite.” He laughed, but obligingly removed the shirt.

  She swallowed hard against the sudden tightness in her throat.

  And he’d called her beautiful?

  His shoulders were broad, his whole torso muscled and defined, with just a small speckling of hair. She slipped her hands onto his shoulders, letting her fingers wander over the unyielding muscles.

  She heard the shift in his breathing when she touched him. He spread her legs, stepping between her thighs to cup her breasts again. Dipping his head, his mouth locked around one sensitive nipple, and she gave a choked gasp.

  Her head fell back against the upper cupboard. Her eyes drifted shut. Each suck he made on her flesh sent stabs of heat between her legs.

  He lifted his head. “You like that. Don’t you?”

  “Yes. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” She bit her lip when he pinched the nipple he’d been sucking on, and moved his mouth to the other breast.

  She reached out blindly, threading her fingers into his hair and holding him against her. His teeth closed over the tip as he pressed his hand between her legs.

  “Mmm. Warm, damp panties. My favorite.”

  A husky giggle escaped her, and she lifted her hips a bit, pressing his fingers harder against her aching flesh.

  “What do you want?” he asked, licking her nipple. “You want me to rub your clit?”

  “Mmmm. That’d be a start.”

  His fingers pushed against her panties, sliding between her lips to her swollen clit.

  “Here we are.” His fingers closed over the kernel of flesh, pressing against it and moving in circles.

  “Oh.” Her hips lifted against him.

  “You like that?” He pressed harder and caught her nipple between his teeth again.

  Did she like that? Was he trying to be seductive? Because words were really beyond her ability right now.

  He gripped the sides of her panties, pulling them down her thigh
s and off her legs. A second later she felt his fingers slipping between her legs and deep inside her.

  She gasped, and her body tightened around him.

  “God, you feel incredible.”

  She took an unsteady breath and dropped her gaze, watching as he penetrated her with two fingers. Deeper and faster he thrust them inside. She couldn’t breathe. Oh God. Her stomach clenched, and she bit her lip.

  He sank to his knees, pulling her ass closer to the edge. He draped her legs over his shoulders and plunged his fingers back inside her body. Her body clenched around his fingers, already anticipating the touch of his mouth against her clit. She watched him lift his mouth toward her, felt his hot breath against her.

  His fingers parted her lips, exposing her clit. He blew lightly on it, and her hips lifted off the counter.


  She gave a choked moan as his tongue pressed against the button of nerves. This time when her hips lifted, he pressed them back down, holding her thighs and drawing her clit into his mouth.


  His sound of approval made her wetter, hotter, and she pressed her body against his face instead of trying to arch away.

  Every nerve focused on his wet, rough, tongue lapping at her. Her body tightened, and the room started to spin. He focused on her clit, bringing her to the brink.

  Her thighs trembled, and her stomach clenched. He lowered his tongue, thrusting it deep into her channel, and she exploded.

  He held her, his mouth continuing to move in and on her through the orgasm. When she finished shaking, he stood and helped her off the counter.

  As her feet hit solid ground, she reached for his pajama pants, jerking them down and watching his cock spring free.

  “Hang on. Let me grab a condom.”

  She stifled a groan of disappointment, even while she was thankful one of them was prepared.

  He returned to the kitchen a moment later, brows drawn as he struggled to unwrap the condom.

  “While you’re doing that…” She fell to her knees, her mouth already watering for a taste of his thick, long erection.

  “No, God, no,” he rasped, slipping on the condom. “If you do that I’ll never make it to penetration.”


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