Lang, Chloe - Strong Attraction [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Lang, Chloe - Strong Attraction [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 1

by Chloe Lang

  The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 1

  Strong Attraction

  Charly Wynn attends her cousin’s wedding in a little Nevada town and learns firsthand from six hot cowboys about the untamed charm of Wilde. Though itching to leave and licking past wounds, she finds it hard to resist the temptation of hunk Drake Strong.

  The moment Drake Strong meets Charly, he vows to do whatever necessary to possess the beauty for himself and his brothers Dax and Seth. Keeping her away from his three other lusty brothers, Nate, Heath, and Tobias, is going to be tough. Though the ambitious city girl is itching to pursue her dreams, Drake is determined to convince her there's plenty of action in Wilde. Will Charly let go of old hurts and open herself up to Drake, or will the killer in the shadows destroy their only chance at love?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 24,886 words


  The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 1

  Chloe Lang


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever


  Copyright © 2011 by Chloe Lang

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-118-9

  First E-book Publication: December 2011

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Lana.


  The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 1


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  The large sign mocked Charlene Wynn on the empty road, informing travelers that Wilde, Nevada was a mere 62 miles ahead. Its motto would’ve normally caused Charly to grin, but she wasn’t in a grinning mood no matter how ironic the welcome.

  Wilde, Nevada – population 969, we welcome you with 1,938 arms.

  “And almost as many dicks, too, apparently,” Charly muttered to herself. “Fuck-fuck-fuckity-fuck.”

  Her mother’s frequent admonishment to Charly to curb her tongue fired in her head.

  Aloud, as if her mother were standing with her, she said, “I know. I know.”

  She had a very good excuse for flinging the F-bombs, though. Her old car, which looked like it had been through a couple of wars, was parked on the side of the road in the middle of bumfuck.

  No stranger to an engine, she’d changed the oil, topped the fluids, and aired the tires to get the beast up to par for the twenty-three-hundred-mile-long trip from Baltimore to Wilde. She’d only stopped once in Lincoln, Nebraska, after already traveling twenty hours. The one night at the hotel cost her thirty-eight dollars, leaving her less than four hundred bucks. Not much, but enough to get her to Malibu. She’d hit the road at four in the morning today, and now, sixteen hours later with only an hour to Wilde, her car had crapped out on her.

  The sun hung low in the sky and would soon dip behind one of the peaks to the west. She looked at her cell. One bar. Please, let it be enough to get a call out.

  Charly hated to call her cousin, Jessica Greene, for help, but she didn’t have a choice.

  “Hello,” a strange voice answered.

  “I’m sorry, I must—”

  “No. No. This is Jessie’s phone. She’s indisposed at the moment, getting her wedding dress fitted. I’m Maude Strong.”

  Charly wanted to talk some sense into her cousin. Jessica’s wedding was the very reason she’d taken this detour on her trip to Malibu in the first place. Marrying a stranger she’d only just met a couple of months ago was nuts. Marrying five was completely insane.

  “Oh. How long before I can talk to her?” Charly didn’t want to tell the woman on the other end of the line her troubles. Independence was so important in her life, and she normally was self-sufficient. Not this time. Fuckity-fuck!

  “A while. Is this Charlene I’m talking to?” The voice on the other end of the phone sounded very welcoming.

  “Yes.” Even listening to the woman’s warm tone, the truth of the matter was Charly didn’t want to be here. She’d only agreed to come to Northern Nevada to try to talk some sense into Jessica. Wilde had put some kind of spell on her cousin, and Charly didn’t have any interest in the town or its citizens. All she cared about was her interview and landing her new job in Malibu.

  “Where are you, honey? You need some help?”

  Charly shook her head and tried to sound chipper. “Yes, I do.”

  * * * *

  Halfway between Vice and Wilde, Nevada, Drake Strong expected to come upon the bride’s stranded cousin at any moment.

  His current errand pissed him off, but he wasn’t about to cry over spilt milk—literally.

  He eased his foot off the gas pedal, slowing his three-quarter-ton Chevy Silverado Crew Cab to the speed limit while continuing to scan the road ahead for any sign of the woman he’d been sent to

  He’d first learned about Charlene Wynn a week ago at Norma’s Diner. His ears had perked up when Jessie Greene, the Wilde brothers’ fiancée, had mentioned that she, too, had a cousin. That very moment he’d wondered if the twenty-five-year-old coming to town for the wedding might be perfect for him and two of his brothers—Dax and Seth—as much as his five cousins’ big-city girl had been for them.

  Seeing how Jackson, Phoenix, Dallas, Denver, and Austin openly doted on their bride to be made Drake want even more to find the woman who would sweep him, Dax, and Seth off their feet. But the instant Jessie had mentioned her cousin’s summa cum laude distinction with her bachelor’s and her recent completion of a master’s degree in psychology, his she-might-be-the-one fantasy had crumbled to dust. That kind of woman just wasn’t his type, nor would such a woman be Dax’s and Seth’s dream girl.

  Over the years, his three older brothers—Nate, Heath, and Tobias—had competed with him, Dax, and Seth for the affection of several beautiful women in town. Drake smiled. This would be a first. Let them have free rein with Miss Charlene Wynn when she gets to town.

  The Northeastern girl likely would be one of those who skipped breakfast, ate two grapes and a single lettuce leaf for lunch, and for dinner downed a diet drink in the idiotic hopes of keeping her unflattering board shape intact. Any person who dared to join her for one of those sparse meals would certainly have to tolerate academic blathering and arrogance from her.

  I hope she doesn’t float one of those three-dollar words at me on the ride back to Wilde. With the mood I’m in, I won’t be able to hide what I think of that no matter what the fallout to come from her and the other wedding revelers.

  The whole town had become completely obsessed with the Wilde wedding, and though he’d tried diligently to steer clear of the craziness, he’d been swept up in the matrimonial mess when the phone call had come from Ms. Wynn.

  A grumbling in his gut reminded him that his earlier lack of restraint had been the cause of being on this mundane mission in the first place, instead of riding fences where he felt more at home than anywhere else. The call for help had come just as he’d begun cleaning up the broken glass, chocolate cake, and milk on his mother’s kitchen floor. How he wished he’d found the willpower to resist his mom, Maude Strong. But he never could. Her offer of dessert had turned him into a clumsy fool, tripping over the saddle that he’d brought into the house. If I’d only left it on the porch, I might’ve gotten away before the girl called.

  “Your cousins have their hands full with a million chores your Aunt Mary has given them, Drake.” His mom had smiled. “Be a dear son, and go get Ms. Wynn.”

  He’d considered trying to find one of his dads to take on the rescue, but when his mother had given him the don’t-argue-with-your-mom glare, he just nodded that he would go.

  Dax, his identical twin, had been much smarter than him, even skipping their mother’s blue-ribbon pot roast meal. Seven minutes younger than Drake, his twin definitely had gotten the brains between them, while he’d been blessed with more brawn and—though the actual measuring hadn’t been done since they were thirteen—at least a half inch where it really counted.

  Drake suddenly realized that he hadn’t seen any of his brothers, except Heath, in the last couple of days, which was very unusual.

  “Damn it, why didn’t I think to lay low while these nuptials were in full tilt?” he asked himself just as he spotted the old white Ford Fiesta on the shoulder on the opposite side of the road.

  The car’s hood was up, but that wasn’t what was demanding Drake’s instant and absolute attention. The perfect curvy ass in white jeans wiggling in front of him was. Not an inch of her would ever be called stick-like. Hot fuck, I’d love to take a ride on those curves.

  The little thing stood on her front bumper, leaning into the engine in such a way that her amazing body folded into the most appetizing shape, causing his balls to load up.

  This job was actually turning out to have some nice fringe bennies. Since there was no traffic on the county road, Drake made a U-turn on the asphalt to point back the way he’d just came. He wanted to get his truck in front of the old Ford in case he needed to tow it back to Wilde, but he was having trouble keeping his mind on the task. The sexy bottom half he’d just seen was temporarily hidden from view by the hood, but he had to wonder what the upper half was like.

  As Drake slowly passed the heap, his damsel in distress stepped down from her perch in a single bound, causing her full breasts to bounce in the cotton top and her taut nipples to stretch the white fabric. Both her upper and lower halves were harmoniously matched.

  Tipping his hat as he worked the truck in front of the Ford, he thought that such a delectable presentation of womanly beauty should’ve been classified as a barely concealed weapon here out here in the Wild West.

  “Charlene Wynn?” he mouthed.

  She nodded and chewed on her thick, lush lips. Her shoulders sagged in an apparent sign of relief that he was the one who’d been sent for her and not some deranged stranger. Once his truck was parked, he got out of the cab and walked over to the dazzling temptation.

  “Welcome to Nevada, Ms. Wynn.” Drake realized she couldn’t be more than five foot two, which with his six-six height created quite a contrast. She’d be so easy to lift up in his arms and carry around. His cock stood up and cheered in his jeans at the idea. When she flipped back her long, dark hair, the beast between his legs nearly ripped the denim in two.

  “Are you one of Jessie’s men?” she asked, holding out her hand for him to take.

  Her voice reminded him of a spring shower, refreshing and light. Like a pocket watch swinging from side to side, her sea-blue eyes with full eyelashes mesmerized him.

  He shook her hand and enjoyed the feel of her soft, delicate fingers. “No. I’m one of their cousins. Drake Strong. Pleased to meet you, Ms. Wynn.”

  “Just Charly. I’m really sorry about this.” Her lips were luscious and wet. She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen in his life.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said in his deepest tone, hoping to impress her. “Let’s take a look and see if it might be something I can fix on the spot.”

  Her pretty little eyebrows shot up. “I think I’m going to need a new starter.”

  “Really? Why do you think that?”

  “When I turn the key in the ignition, nothing.” She placed her hands on her curvy hips, causing lust to fill him up. “Unless the battery is dead, and it shouldn’t be since I just replaced it before this trip, it’ll be the starter.”

  “You know a thing or two about engines, yep?”

  “I’ve had to.” Charly nodded, and even that small gesture ignited something hot and uncontrollable in him.

  Did the woman have a clue how fucking hot she was? Watching her, he doubted it. “Why?”

  “Being a full-time student for the past seven years, I’ve had to do a lot of things to save money. Surprise you, Drake?”

  “Some.” He wondered what other surprises this girl had up her sleeves. “Belts look good. Fluids are fine.”

  “I changed my oil only two days ago.” She was close enough for him to get a whiff of her scent of warm honey and clover. He realized that his nose had to be connected to his dick somehow, since the message of her sweet-smelling notes made his cock rock hard. “If it turns out to be the starter, I’m going to have to wait on changing my brakes.”

  “You can change your own brakes?”

  “That and a whole lot more, cowboy.”

  “I look forward to finding out about the more.”

  She frowned. “How much longer?”

  Drake wondered why she was so impatient. If you wanted something done right, it normally took time. And right now, he wanted something really bad. “I want to try to jump-start your car just to rule the battery out as the problem.”

  Charly shrugged.

  Drake attached her battery to his jumper cables and had Charly turn the key
a couple of times. He realized the beautiful would-be home mechanic was right about the starter. He unhooked the cables and closed the hood. “We need to tow you to the garage in Elko. Let me get my chains and we—”

  “Don’t need them,” Charly said, holding up her own set. “Keep them in the trunk for these kinds of occasions.” Without waiting for him, she crawled under her front bumper, obviously with no care about keeping her clothes out of the dirt. Her upper half disappeared, leaving her lower half in the white tight jeans for him to enjoy without hesitation.

  He was so tempted to crawl down and pull off her pants to see the pretty pussy he knew was behind the denim. That vision caused his cock to extend more to the almost painful.

  Damn, if all prenuptial tasks were this good, he’d have to give some serious thought to ditching his saddle and spurs for a wedding planner’s pen and clipboard.

  * * * *

  “Seven days, ma’am. You can have your car by Wednesday. It’s the best I can do.”

  “Fuck-fuck-fuckity-fuck.” The news the guy in the greasy overalls gave Charly wasn’t good, not one damn bit. Things were going from bad to worse in microseconds, and there seemed to be nothing she could do about it.

  The mechanic turned to Drake, the sexy cowboy who had helped tow her car to this garage, and nodded. “This one’s feisty.”

  “Seems to be.” Tall, tanned, and hot grinned.

  “I must have it working by Monday morning. That’s the latest I can suffer.” She looked at her car in the middle stall at Elko’s Auto Repair World and felt her pulse pound in her temples. She needed to be in Malibu by Tuesday, two days after her cousin’s wedding, no matter what challenge got thrown in her way. She knew that even one mistake by this small-town mechanic would have her missing the interview. But she wasn’t about to let that happen.


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