Lang, Chloe - Strong Attraction [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Lang, Chloe - Strong Attraction [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 8

by Chloe Lang

  Well, at least one of the Strong cowboys finds me attractive. Unable to resist, she squeezed Drake’s hand.

  He squeezed back, and Charly felt all gooey inside. “Here we are, princess.”

  She looked at the wooden door with the gold numbers. “Yes, we are.” Gazing down at her cell, she realized how late it was. “Oh God, it’s almost midnight.”

  “We’ve got plenty of time, Charly.”

  “For what?” But she already had an idea what he planned for her.

  Drake placed the gold key in the lock and opened the door. He guided her in and followed behind.

  He shut the door and kissed her. Charly’s toes curled, and her heartbeat raced. What was it about this guy that got to her?


  He was charming, handsome, and so… so unlike any guy she’d ever known before. But he was still a guy. Old feelings and doubts welled up, and she pulled away from him.

  “I’m tired. I think I need some sleep, Drake.”

  “Damn that motherfucker who screwed with your head.” Drake’s tone was filled with anger. Since she met him, Drake always seemed to be able to read her deepest thoughts. He didn’t use that power against her, but instead tried to soothe her anxiety whenever he sensed it. “I’d like to pound him into the ground right now.”

  She wouldn’t mind seeing Drake do that herself. But it wasn’t just one guy. Actually, there were two. One was the football player from school. The other guy was her father.

  Drake cupped her chin. “You’re a million miles away, Charly. Whoever did this to you, it wasn’t me. Understand?”

  It wasn’t. “I know.”

  Drake had been wonderful. From the very first night in the truck, he’d been kind and amazing. He’d stayed by her side like a knight of old and kept calling her princess in a sincere, devoted way.

  Drake wasn’t the football player or her father. But he wasn’t her future either. “Thank you for walking me home. I really do need some rest.”

  “Yes, you do. I’m going to make sure you get some. But you’re more keyed up than you’d like to admit. I know just the sleeping remedy for you.”

  His hands came down her sides and landed on the curve of her waist. He pulled her in tight, and she could feel his hard cock through his jeans. He wanted her. God, help me, I want him.

  Everything inside her began to fire. “Drake, I can’t. I’m in too deep already. I can’t be with you.”

  “Sweetheart, you are with me. Tonight. Quiet that pretty little head of yours. Don’t think about tomorrow. Just feel tonight. Now.”

  “But that’s not like me. I am a planner. I will be leaving for Malibu in—”

  Drake silenced her by kissing her. She tried to hold onto her invisible armor with all her might. But the more he kissed her, pressed his lips to hers, slipped his tongue into her mouth—the more her logic faded.

  He kissed her again, and sensations rolled through her like a flood.

  There was not a sliver of resistance left inside her. He’d told her to let tomorrow take care of itself. Let tonight be a time of memory making. How could she refuse him?

  Drake began unbuttoning her blouse. He kissed the top of her breasts. Then he licked her neck. He slowly undressed her.

  “I have a surprise for you, princess,” she heard him say as he continued undressing her.

  “What is it?” Charly asked when he cupped her chin.

  He smiled. “Impatient little vixen, aren’t you?” He captured her lips again with his.

  Overwhelming sensations raced through her body. Every cell inside her seemed to burn as he kissed her into a frenzy of wantonness. He pulled her close, and the feel of his chest pressing hard on her nipples caused her pussy to moisten.

  A knock on the door jolted her from the dreaminess he was giving her.

  “Who could that be at this hour?” But she had a pretty good idea.

  “That’s the surprise, sweetheart.” Drake released her, leaving her bare-chested in the middle of the hotel room. He walked to the door, and she wrapped her arms around her breasts. He opened the door. “Come in.”

  In walked his twin, Dax, and his other brother, Seth.

  Her heart jumped up to her throat. She’d never had that fantasy before, but her body was immediately on board as a little hum rolled through her.

  “It’s obvious what you guys have in mind, but I’m not sure about this.”

  “Sweetheart, don’t you worry about a thing. You’re going to enjoy what we have in store for you. Did you bring everything, Seth?”

  Seth patted the backpack he was carrying. “All here. Hello, Charly.” His tone was throaty and so very sexy.

  “Hello.” Dax stood in front of her. “Since seeing you at the chapel tonight, I’ve been looking forward to getting to know you better, honey.”

  He looked so much like Drake that she had the urge to wrap her arms around his neck. But she didn’t. Instead, she hugged herself, hoping to hide some of her chest from Dax and Seth.

  Drake was behind Charly. He held her by the elbows, forcing her to lower her arms. “Take a look at her tits. They’re the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”

  She should’ve been a wreck and screaming for help since she barely knew Dax and Seth. But she wasn’t. Was it because Seth had escorted her to the chapel when she’d been so nervous to walk in the quiet, tiny town? Likely. And Dax? Well, perhaps his looking like a replica of Drake was making it easier to warm up to him so quickly. Probably. The most likely reason she remained excited and compliant, though, was that Drake had told her to stay in the present with the promise of a new pleasurable experience.

  Let tomorrow come when it comes. Tonight, I’m going for it.

  “You’re right about that, bro.” Dax cupped her breasts.

  Charly couldn’t use her hands to push him away, not that she even wanted to, since Drake was holding her arms. Dax’s touch made her nipples ache and throb. Tingles spread up and down her spine.

  Obviously these guys had shared women before. With these three growing up in Wilde, it was inevitable.

  Dax looked at her. His hand came around the back of her neck. “I’ve just got to taste her lips.” Without another word, he captured her mouth with his.

  The torment of his kiss left her weak in the knees. He pressed with a fervor and hunger that thrilled her. The whole time Dax kissed her, Drake was rubbing her back so gently. She peeked at Seth, who was undressing. His fixed stare on her never faltered. Her pussy ached and moistened.

  When Dax ended their kiss, she felt wonderfully dizzy.

  Seth stood to the side, completely nude. The man had the sexiest chiseled body she’d ever seen anywhere. In person. Magazines. Internet. Film. She bit her lip, unable to look away from his rock-solid muscles.

  The twin cowboys finished undressing her, leaving her without a single thread to cover her.

  “Fucking A, she’s incredible.” Dax stared at her like she was a large rare steak and he’d been fed only vegetarian meals for months.

  Seth’s sexy mouth curled up. “I like what I see, missy.”

  “I told you. Charly is more than you can imagine.”

  “You guys are too much.” She breathed deeply, hoping to get her bearings.

  Without a word, Dax stepped back and disrobed.

  “No, princess.” Drake moved in front of her. “We’re not trying to play you.” Then he knelt down like a devotee of some mythological goddess. “You truly are more than I could’ve imagined.” With his fingers, Drake feathered both her legs up and down, just to the edge of tickling her. His touch made her marvelously woozy and warm.

  She peered over at Seth. His thick, long cock stood erect. Its size made her tremble some, but what made her tremble even more was his steamy gaze. To her, he seemed about ready to pounce. Seth was a man who took what he wanted, when he wanted it. And right now, she was what he wanted.

  Seth moved behind her and pulled on her hair. “You’re quite the morsel, missy.
” Then he reached around her and pinched her nipples. Between his thumbs and forefingers, her bits of flesh throbbed and fiery desire detonated through her.

  Drake began licking her pussy, causing her to get even wetter. His tongue swept over her sensitive flesh like a possessive soldier. As his hands cupped her ass to pull her in closer to his greedy mouth, her womb clenched.

  “Dax, bring me some lube.” Seth licked the center of her back between her shoulder blades then down to the base of her spine. She felt his hands latch on to her thighs, and heat exploded in her face as he spread her ass cheeks apart. The sexual exploration Seth seemed to be pushing her to made her extremely nervous. But being surrounded by such male beauty and experience tamped down some of her fears.

  Drake fingered her pussy and stared up at her with his big, dark eyes.

  Charly felt floaty and humid. “Guys, did Drake tell you that I’m really new to this?”

  Seth bit her left ass cheek, sending pulses through her insides. “New to what, missy?”

  “Actually, everything. He was my first.”

  Standing next to her with a plastic bottle of lubricant, Dax froze.

  “What?” Seth sounded like he was speaking through clenched teeth.

  “I’m a virgin. Well, I was one until the other night with Drake.”

  Dax glared at Drake. “You asshole.”

  “I didn’t have a chance to tell you guys.”

  Charly began to tense up, worrying about the brothers’ irritation with each other. She was the cause of that.

  “Relax, missy. You don’t worry about what my little brother said or didn’t say to us. The three of us will work that out later. Right now, our job is to give you pleasure.” Then she felt Seth’s tongue tip touch her backside tightness, causing her to hold her breath. Then he pulled away. “For tonight, we’re going to go nice and easy. No anal.”

  Charly felt disappointed by Seth’s talk. This was a one-time event she would enjoy recalling her entire life. After this, she’d definitely choose the more traditional one on one. But for now…

  “You don’t think I can take it, cowboy? Wrong.” Charly sighed, hoping to arouse the men more. “I like adventure. If you promise to stop if I say to, I’m game. I’d like to discover more about myself and what I like.”

  Drake smiled at her. “Charly, you continue to surprise me. What do you say, guys?”

  Dax nodded. “Let’s fire up her body.”

  Seth kissed her ass. “Before we’re done, you’re going to be thrashing between us, begging for relief.”

  She laughed. “Promises, promises.”

  “Missy, I’ve got a paddle at home with your name on it.” Seth’s threat didn’t seem to come from anger but from lust. The idea of being spanked by him made her squirm.

  Dax’s eyebrows shot up. “Drake, I think you might be right about this one.”

  “I am right, bro.” Drake stood up and nibbled on her ear. “Enjoying this, princess?”

  “Yes.” Her heartbeat raced as his hard cock pressed against her belly.

  Drake moved to her left side and Dax to her right.

  “You hang with me, and you’ll discover so much more.” Drake leaned down and sucked on her left breast, and every nerve ending in her body popped alive.

  One night. That’s all I can promise.

  Dax devoured her other breast. She looked down at the identical twin cowboys, each suckling on one of her nipples. The sight, sound, and feel of their lips on her chest caused sensations to blast through her. Her nipples and clit throbbed. Her pussy wept. And then she felt Seth apply slick liquid to her backside entrance. Anxious but curious, she spread her legs a bit.

  “Missy, leave everything to us. You don’t have to do anything until we tell you to, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. I get it.”

  “A goddamn natural. You’re burning me up, Charly.” Seth’s tone was heavy with hunger.

  Dax reached down and grazed her clit with his fingers, making her crazy with desire. His skillful touches stoked her pussy, and more moisture poured out of her.

  Seth gave orders from behind her as he circled her tight hole. “Get her out of her head, guys. Suck her into oblivion. When I know she’s ready, I’ll stretch her out. Missy, don’t you come until I say. Got it?”

  With the three cowboys working her over, her whole body burned with cravings. She needed to come so bad she thought she would burst. “I’ll try, Seth.”

  He slapped her ass, and she bit her lip. The sting warmed up her backside and her pussy. “Don’t try. Do it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She felt Seth’s lips graze her ass on the spot he’d just whacked. “Fuck, you are perfect.”

  His praise thrilled her.

  Drake kissed her, sweeping his greedy tongue into her mouth. Dax continued fingering her and sucking on her nipple.

  “Excellent, guys. Good job.” Seth’s finger pierced her ass, and Charly felt her whole body tense. “Shhh. Breathe, missy. This is just a precursor of what is to come. Are you too fresh to go on?”

  “No, Sir. I–I’m okay.” She took a deep breath and blew it out. The little pain subsided.

  He added another finger to her entrance, all the while nipping her ass cheeks. Their wet tongues, long fingers, and hard dicks pressing against various parts of her body took Charly to the very precipice of climax.

  “I’m so close.”

  “Don’t you dare come, Charly.” Seth’s tone was deep and commanding. “Hold back.”

  Charly bit her lip and willed the orgasm down, but only in a very tiny way. She wouldn’t be able to control herself much longer.

  Drake cupped her chin. “You’re going to love what’s coming, Charly. I promise.”

  He was so gallant and charming. Everything about him called to her. “I trust you.”

  “That makes me happy.”

  Dax kissed her shoulder then looked at Drake. “I want to feel her lips around my cock, bro. Are you going fill up her pussy with your dick?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  Charly watched Drake undress and then put on a condom. She wanted him inside her so bad she thought she might faint.

  Seth’s continued work on her ass sent her to a dreamy space of delicious desire. She craved to be filled up, to be possessed completely, even though she wasn’t sure how that would feel.

  Drake fixed his stare on her. “Charly, are you ready?”

  She nodded.

  He feathered his lips against hers. “Let’s get you on the bed.” He hoisted her up off the floor. Completely on fire and near toppling over into an orgasm, she melted into his muscled chest.

  Drake stretched out with his back to the mattress, keeping hold on her. Gently, he moved her down his frame a bit until her pussy’s folds slid on top of his massive cock. She gulped as the tip of his dick hit her clit. His hands rested on her sides. He shifted below her until the head of his cock parted her swollen folds. Then he filled her pussy up, pumping into her with his dick. Trembles began deep inside her.

  “Don’t come, Charly. Not yet.” Seth put on a condom.

  Drake slowed his strokes to a crawl. She looked him deep in the eyes. Such control stunned her. Clearly, he wanted to shoot his seed into her, but he wasn’t. He was holding back so that she could have more pleasure. I can hold back, too. I must.

  Somehow, she wasn’t sure how, she found a way to push her orgasm back.

  “I can’t wait to get inside your sweet little ass, missy.” She felt Seth crawl up her back. Then she felt his dick press at her backside entrance. “Swallow a bunch of air and hold it.”

  She obeyed Seth.

  “Now, blow it out all at once.”

  As the last ounce of oxygen left her lips, Seth drove his dick deep inside her ass. She gasped at the pain and bit her lip hard. Her insides were totally full, stretched beyond possibility by two massive cocks. Fuck-fuck-fuckity-fuck. It’s too much. Her jaw and eyes clenched shut.

  “Breathe, princess.
We won’t move until you say, okay?” Drake’s lips grazed hers. His touch calmed her.

  The pain changed to something different, something strange but oh so amazing. Two cocks stretched her insides wide. Charly surrendered to their possession.

  “I’m okay, Drake. I’m good.”

  Dax’s stare unhinged her with its heat and lust. “I want your sweet mouth on my dick.” He moved onto the head of the bed and positioned the tip of his cock on her lips. “Lick me, Charly. Make me come.”

  She tasted the tip of Dax’s dick, licking the salty slickness that oozed from its slit. He slid the rest of his cock down her throat.

  And a sense of satisfaction, like none she’d ever felt before, overtook her. Three cowboys were giving her pleasure that was out of this world, filling her entire body up with their cocks.

  Drake began pumping her pussy with his cock. Seth started drilling her ass with his dick. And Dax fed her mouth his shaft. In and out. Her entire body began to vibrate as the orgasm she’d been able to hold back bubbled to the surface. Her pussy ached, and her clit throbbed. She clawed at Drake’s shoulders, and her body began to shake.

  Dax touched her cheek as he continued fucking her mouth.

  Seth pulled her hair with one hand and placed the other at the center of her back as he continued filling her ass up with his dick. “Now, you can come, missy. Come now.”

  “Yes, sweetheart. Come for us.” Drake seemed to be waiting for her to reach climax before he came.

  Yes! Yes! Yes! A quake rocked through her body, burning her insides. Her womb released, clenched, and released again.

  Seth shoved his dick to the hilt in her ass, and then he came without a word.

  Dax shot his seed down her throat, and she tried to swallow every drop.

  Drake closed his eyes. “Coming!”

  She tightened her pussy around his dick as his seed fired into her.

  Then her orgasm went to another level, another height, another space of sensations and emotions. Though the strokes of the three brothers into her body backed down—pussy, ass, and mouth—the pleasure still took her breath away. Tears rolled from her eyes as she exploded with shivers so strong and powerful she knew there were no words in any language that could describe them fully. The final blast of climax rocked her entire body.


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