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Scavengers Page 15

by Christopher Fulbright

  He looked around the windows again. The creatures swarmed.

  He had to believe.


  “Carson here. We’ve got some activity. Looks like two folks overtaken and holed up in a truck on I-20, just past the edge of the compound. A third person is down.”

  The chirp came over the walkie-talkie scanner in the still of the morning. David Murphy blinked at the counter where the talkie stood. The springs of his cot creaked as he rolled over, putting down the paperback he’d been reading by candlelight. He glanced around the former Sunday school classroom turned dormitory. The others slept, some fitfully, but none of the other eight people in the room awoke at the announcement.

  He went to the counter and slightly turned down the volume of the talkie.

  “I hear you, Reeves,” said a second voice. “You takin’ a posse to the interstate?”

  “Ten-four. Maurice, T.D., Kathryn, and Graham are getting up now. We’re loading up and heading down.”

  “Great way to start a Monday morning, huh? You gonna need any more help?”

  “Nope, that should do it. We’ve got the launchers. Should clear it for us okay.”

  “Be careful. May God watch over y’all.”

  “He always does.”

  David thought he could hear a grin in Carson’s voice.

  Reckless S.O.B., he thought. But then, how many people had been saved in just the past few days because he was reckless. Carson fancied himself some kind of anointed Chuck Norris hell bent for revenge. Invincible. Or at least he thought he was. At the very least, he was not at all afraid of dying. He claimed the right of Heaven like a warrior claimed the right of Valhalla.

  Best of luck, Carson, David thought. The talkie went dark. He looked around the room again, sitting on the edge of his cot. Something beside him moved in the gloom. He caught his breath. Just barely stopped himself from screaming.

  “Sorry,” whispered Matthew. He was six. He’d taken a liking to David, probably because his Mom had, too. Caitlin lay asleep two rows over. “I have to pee.” The child’s big eyes shimmered in the light of David’s candle.

  Thoughts ran through his head, but none of them louder than the reminder that kid had just seen his father ripped open and gutted by the infected three days ago.

  David nodded. “Come on,” he whispered. He took little Matthew by the hand into the hallway bathroom.

  * * *

  Carson led the way through the forest on a four-wheeler. He was dressed in camouflage, face painted black and green, only the whites of his eyes shining in the moonlight. A M-32 40mm grenade launcher and an AK-47 assault rifle were strapped to his back, a Beretta 96G pistol on each hip. The Jeep, with the other four people inside, bounced over the hill until it reached the bottom of the rise and the edge of the forest. Interstate 20 stretched before them. Carson held a fist in the air, stopping his four-wheeler.

  The Jeep rolled to a halt behind, headlights beaming over him like spotlights on a prison escapee. Two of the doors opened and slammed closed. Graham and Kathryn, came up on each side of him, both wrapping their arms through the straps of their rifles, placing stocks to their shoulders, aiming at the vile crowd of Hell’s children. To Carson, they just looked like damn movie zombies — rotten, guts hanging out, blood and shit all over their faces; but according to the reverend, these infected bastards were Hell’s children. Children of Hell. Sinners. People that must have majorly fucked up in some huge way to get zapped with such punishment from God. He recalled the old campfire song that said and they’ll know we are Christians by our love, which was no longer the simple truth. Now, the lines were easily drawn. Christians equaled healthy. Infected equaled Hell’s children.

  This one’s for you, Reverend.

  Carson loaded the grenade launcher with a Kolokol-1 canister and fired a well-placed lob into the mob of Hell’s children that were streaming over the red Dodge Ram he’d seen in the perimeter cameras. The grenade landed right where he’d aimed. It popped and emitted its gasses. The ground crew donned their gas masks. Carson counted down from sixty, loudly. By the time he’d reached one, they could see the mass of Hell’s children falling to the ground in unconscious heaps on the Interstate around the truck.

  They rushed to the scene in a small squad wedge formation. The three in the lead used their AK-47s to waste the zombies rendered unconscious by the gas. The two flanking them broke off after the zombies were cleared and opened the truck.

  “Oh my—” gasped Kathryn. She gagged, reeling backward, when she saw the gory mess that was Dejah in the passenger’s seat of the truck. Maurice came up beside her.

  “Shit … this one’s a goner.”

  “No!” shouted Shaun as they pulled him from the driver’s side of the truck. “She’s okay. She’s immune, you’ve got to … bring her….” His eyes rolled into his head as the roiling tendrils of gas knocked him out.

  Maurice and Kathryn looked skeptically at each other. T.D. looked over their shoulders, formulating an opinion that didn’t get announced because Carson wasn’t one for wasting time.

  “Grab her, let’s take her back,” ordered Carson. “We’ll keep her sequestered and if we have any trouble, we’ll take care of it then.”

  “We’ve got the kid loaded up,” said Reeves.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Carson said, taking a few shots at some groaning children of Hell, just to make sure they wouldn’t get up again, spraying grue across the blood-slimed asphalt.

  The four-wheeler and Jeep turned around, heading back into the dense forest hills south of the interstate. They left the road in stillness, the haze of Kolokol-1 drifting like mist over water among the bodies of the dead.

  * * *

  David delivered young Matthew to his mother’s bedside when he heard the announcement on the walkie-talkie that the group was returning with two people in tow. “We’ve got one kid, teenager, dazed and seems okay, but a woman … not so good. We’ll need Doc Ward up front right away.”

  David stood there for a moment. He wasn’t a doctor and maybe he couldn’t do a damn bit of good, but he’d done some emergency medical battlefield training before he’d been shipped off to Desert Storm years ago. Damned if he would probably remember any of it, but they might need some strong backs or some strong stomachs. Besides, he was curious and he wasn’t getting a lick of sleep. Maybe there was something he could do.

  He blew out the candle. A swath of darkness cloaked the room. He felt young Matthew’s eyes follow his progress as he crept out the door of the makeshift dorm. Closing it lightly behind him, he made his way through the maze-like corridors of the church’s school to the front of the building.

  This was no ordinary church. David hadn’t been sure what the hell it was when he’d hovered over it in his helicopter, at least not until he saw the small manmade lake with a hill set with a twenty-foot cross. Then the extravagance and the giant parking lot in which he landed made perfect sense. A “megachurch,” set back far enough away from civilization on its own swatch of forested land to make it suspiciously a lot like a compound – and a damned attractive place to set down if the inhabitants were friendly. As he landed the IBC4 News copter that day, he was treated with a touch of suspicion, but more or less welcomed into the fold. After all, a copter pilot could be useful, especially one who came with his own helicopter. He actually found a curious mix of folks here in the building: from the normal to the fanatic, from the wise to the downright crazy. Walking through the school hallways toward the front reception area just this side of the cathedral and worship areas, he recalled the irony that struck him on seeing the name of the place – Church of the Risen King. Well, he’d thought, someone’s sure risen.

  The church was roughly the size of a shopping mall, with a massive cathedral, temple, school, café, administrative buildings, and baseball and football fields. A small city set back in the woods: a place of their own. The scene had been marred when he saw the blackened pile of ash that reeked of burnt flesh in
the back parking lot. Other than that, he could almost have forgotten that hell had come to earth, could almost conceive living with these people for however long it took for the world to be sane again.

  “If it was ever sane to begin with,” he muttered.

  He rounded the corner of the corridor leading into the massive, wide-open front entrance hall. He saw a small crowd gathered around the away team near a long bank of twenty glass double-doors. It was the old front entrance of the church, the roof sloping high above them to a line of ornate stained glass in the only homage to classic church architecture among the steel-framed construct of modern style. They had two of the doors open near the Jeep. Carson was barking orders as they unloaded their dead.

  David pushed his way through to get a look at the newcomers. Doc Ward was giving oxygen to a teenage boy whose face was streaked with blood and grime. He stirred, under the influence of the gas, David guessed. T.D. and Kathryn rolled in a second stretcher, a blood-soaked sheet covering the body. Kathryn stood there, face pale, almost a light shade of green. Carson walked over to the stretcher.

  “Need any help here?” David asked.

  “We’ve got it under control, pal.”

  David nodded toward the stretcher. “Looks like this one might be trouble.”

  Kathryn gasped, slapping her hand over her lips. Eyes wide, she took a step back. T.D. did the same, which seemed all the more frightening to those who stood nearby, because T.D. was a man of imposing stature. His dark skin shimmered in the light of dawn painting the floor in a stained glass mosaic. Fear darkened his features. David froze as well.

  No one had been expecting anything under that sheet to move.

  David reached out, pulling away the sheet.

  What lay there was barely recognizable as human. The only time he’d seen anything worse was a helicopter crash in Iraq when his co-pilot Henry Peele, 19, from Connecticut, had been burned so bad his skin was reduced to charcoal and deep cracks seeped clear pus from a raw map of rivers over his body. His eyelids were burned away, leaving wide staring eyes that still haunted his dreams. This was worse: flesh torn apart by teeth, by claws, ripped to shreds. Blood pooled in cavities swimming with entrails, muscles, tendons and sinew, ripped veins and shredded skin. Bone white and raw in places. In others, broken.

  And yet, somehow, the mound stirred. Or rather, twitched. And then the head rolled slightly. Half a head of long brown hair, caked with gore, drooped over the side of the stretcher.

  “It’s coming back! It’s infected! Kill it!” yelled a frantic woman in the crowd.

  Kathryn and David exchanged a look. T.D., Reeves, and Carson stood motionless nearby, transfixed and heedless of the yells as a few others agreed with the gal crying out for the death of the shape on the stretcher.

  That was when the Reverend himself, Lawrence James Keller, in suit pants and white dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, pushed through.

  “What’s the meaning of this, Carson?” demanded Rev. Keller. “Bringing a child of Hell in here? Good Lord!” He grimaced and backed away when he saw the awful remains of the woman beneath the sheet.

  Carson only half paid attention to the reverend as he said: “The kid said she was okay, that she’s immune.” He was staring hard at the torn body however, as if seeing something deeper.

  David noticed Carson’s increased curiosity and moved in, studying the awful pile of horror. His jaw dropped. Near the savaged throat of the woman, he swore he saw the esophagus and larynx begin to close, growing a new wet layer of tissue to repair the opening. In fact, even as David blinked to ensure he was truly seeing the spectacle, he detected small changes all over the body, barely perceptible if you just glanced from one minute to the next, but if you really focused, you could see muscles fibers straightening, growing. You could see veins and arteries lengthening like small worms, seeking to reestablish themselves. Even skin, from the torn remaining patches, seemed to be expanding.

  “Carson?” Kathryn was next to them

  “I’ll be damned,” said T.D. in his deep but quiet voice.

  “Are you seeing this, too?” Carson looked at David.

  David nodded. “I’m seeing it.”

  “What the heck are you people talking about?” the reverend demanded, red in the cheeks, pale everywhere else. A crowd of people hovered behind him, as if they thought he could protect them from anything, even death.

  “She’s … she’s healing,” David said.

  “Get her into my intensive care room, pronto,” shouted Doc Ward, who’d come up alongside the stretcher.

  They flung the sheet over the woman and wheeled her through the hall. David watched them go. The teenage boy breathed, still deep asleep on the gurney.

  “I’ll take this one back to the dorm rooms,” David said. “Let him sleep it off.”

  He pushed the cot with Shaun’s sleeping form into the inner reaches of the church.


  “It’s the damnedest thing,” Doc Ward said, standing next to Dejah’s bed, her body now almost completely rejuvenated.

  “A god damn miracle is what it is,” said Carson.

  “Please,” said Reverend Keller, leaning back in a leather captain’s chair rolled in from an outer office. “Language.”

  A small group of men stood in the makeshift doctor’s examination room near Dejah’s bed. There’d been a steady stream of observers filing through for days. Word of the healing woman spread and rubberneckers arrived like sharks swarming a meal. Finally, they cordoned off this wing with guards, allowing only the families of those under care to visit the area. Shaun had set up a sleeping cot next to Dejah. She hadn’t yet awakened, but Shaun swore she would, and he was going to be there when she did.

  They’d grilled Shaun for details until everyone at the church knew their story. It was really not too dissimilar to those of at least three dozen or more of the 600 or so people who’d ended up under the roof of the Church of the Risen King. Except for Dejah. Who was very much unlike any of them, at least in one very important respect: she was coming back from the dead.

  Completely healed.

  Doc Ward rubbed tired eyes. Shaun shot Rev. Keller a suspicious look that wasn’t lost on Carson. “Maybe we should head out to the cafeteria, reverend. Grab something to eat.”

  “And miss the moment we’ve all been waiting for?” The reverend’s eyes shimmered with a slightly maniacal gleam.

  “Reverend Keller,” said the doc. “I don’t think she’s quite ready to speak anyway. If she stirs, I’ll send someone for you, okay?”

  “Well,” he said. He stood reluctantly, paused, staring down at Dejah’s form. “As long as you send someone right away. I want to speak to her immediately, do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir, we will.”

  Carson patted the reverend on the back and edged him toward the door.

  Shaun and Doc Ward watched him go.

  “That guy’s a fucking creep,” Shaun said.

  Doc Ward allowed a grin to split the side of his face.

  “I don’t want him anywhere near Dejah when she wakes up,” Shaun said, a slight tone of threat in his voice.

  “No problem, son. We’ll see to it.”

  “Thanks, doc. And I’m … sorry about the language.”

  Doc Ward smiled, scratched a three-day growth of gray beard. “Ain’t hurtin’ me none.”

  David appeared in the doorway through which Carson and the reverend had just disappeared. “Got the sandwiches y’all ordered.” He had a tray from the café full of sandwiches, a bag of chips to share, and water bottles for each of them. He came in and they divvied up the food, taking hungry bites. They’d been rationing church-wide so the sandwiches were small. The doc took a seat with one leg up on the bed next to Shaun and Dejah. David sat in the reverend’s recently vacated chair. They all chewed hungrily for a couple minutes, washing down the food with water.

  David nodded at Dejah. “How’s she doing?”

  Doc shrugged. “Coming

  “She’ll be okay,” Shaun insisted, stuffing a chip in his mouth and crunching.

  “How about you?” David asked Shaun.

  Shaun shrugged. “I’m okay,” he said, but he didn’t look up and didn’t meet David’s eyes.

  David nodded. He and the doc traded a look.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Doc Ward said. “Except I wish I had a damned x-ray machine so I could see what’s going on in there. I do know her heart’s beating, and she’s got a strong pulse. Her body’s taking nutrients through the IV and she’s breathing well. As I tried to tell the reverend – it’s a god damn miracle.”

  “I take it he didn’t appreciate the sentiment.”

  “Oh, he appreciated the sentiment, just not the language. In fact, I’m sure he’s about to go friggin’ nuts and start spouting scripture from Revelation, claiming this woman’s the bride of Christ, the bride of the Church, or something of the sort.”

  “Seems like the buzz has gone beyond these walls,” David said, finishing his sandwich, still aching with hunger but pushing the gnawing sensation to the back of his mind. “I’ve heard people talking. Some of the more zealous folks seem to think it’s a sign, too.”

  “That’s all we need,” said the doc. He shook his head and licked his fingertips.

  Shaun finished his chips and took a deep drink. He regarded the two men seriously. “A sign of what?”

  “End times. Resurrection. The second coming. That sort of nonsense.”

  Shaun nodded, thoughtful.

  David placed a hand on Shaun’s shoulder. “Would you like to take a walk? Get some air? Might do you some good. The area around the main courtyard is plenty secure.”

  Shaun shook his head. “I’m going to be here when she wakes up.”

  Doc Ward checked her pulse again. He’d been doing that on a regular basis, even though he could see the rise and fall of her chest. It was as if something in him wouldn’t fully accept that she’d just be able to come back like she did, without becoming one of them. As much as he’d become endeared to Shaun, he wasn’t willing to bear the responsibility of taking the kid fully at his word, then have her awaken and start ripping into the flesh of the others in the room.


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