Alicia Jones 3: New Frontier

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Alicia Jones 3: New Frontier Page 11

by D. L. Harrison

  Still, even just the triple shielding without the dark energy reactor would have been enough to resist sixteen simultaneous shots from the enemy’s ships. Nothing I could do about it, at least, not without being thrown in jail for treason.

  It was close to an hour later, when the Earth ships launched two thousand gravity missiles each. That was less than half their inventory, but at two million it was overkill for a wave with half those numbers. If this worked, they’d be able to do it over and over again. I was happy the admiral had taken my advice, it could save us a lot of pain for the rest of the enemy waves if it works.

  Kristi looked over at me, “I know this probably isn’t the best time, but the gravity balls are selling like crazy right now. Apparently your little live demonstration reached a lot of people. Not only more for the police, but for fire, search and rescue, special forces in the military, even the secret service just ordered a bunch and the FBI is making inquiries.”

  I nodded, “I knew they were underutilizing it, and trying to suppress it, I’m just not sure why. Maybe some civilians will demand its release as well.”

  Kristi jumped tracks, “Any idea when the next wave is?”

  I shrugged, “Anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days based on the past.”

  Kristi sighed, “Let’s go eat, or something. I’ll go crazy just sitting here waiting.”

  I smiled, “Too late for that.”

  Kristi glared, “Damn alien,” and got up and left the bridge with false haughtier.

  I giggled, and followed her out.


  The rest of the waves, seven in all, came over the next week. It wasn’t a battle; it was simple extermination. It not only worked the first time, but apparently the following waves had no idea of what happened and didn’t adapt. All seven waves when they reached just four light years away were ambushed by the anti-FTL torpedoes, and had their anti-mass particles stripped away destroying their ship.

  The next step was still undetermined, the treaty races were all deliberating whether or not to attack right now, since we had all these ships left after the waves. The Seltan were not happy with the idea of waiting a couple of years before striking. I’d said my peace, indicated we should scout first, and then went back to Earth as I really didn’t have an official standing anymore. As far as I knew, Earth was already doing that regardless, mapping the galaxy with stealth probe ships, and dropping off stealth sensors to expand the sensor net into the adjoining arm. Hopefully they would wait, at least long enough for me to build out my goal of five thousand platforms, it would take a few months. At least by then we’d attack with numbers that could do the job, and we’d also have partial recon data, although not even close to complete.

  It would also be time to try and make more improvements, although I wasn’t even sure what yet.

  So much has happened this last year, I’d never have imagined myself out here doing what I was doing back then. Between the bugs, exploring toward the rim, improving our technology, and all the little things we ran into and discovered doing those things, it has been a little overwhelming. Even if we face all those challenges, what about the amorphous race, they’ve been peaceful, but what if they were just already in a war. It was entirely possible that they are fighting off a similar invasion from the bug arm on the other side of them. Will they stay peaceful if we manage to remove the bug threat?

  I also wondered about the race that seeded this galaxy. What kind of race seeds a galaxy with four galactic arms, with several versions of four disparate lifeforms? Will they ever come back to see the results of those actions? Were we an experiment of some sort as the Seltan believed? It seemed absolutely absurd on the surface of it, and yet…

  If nothing else, that told me I needed to push the envelope of knowledge and continually strive for the next breakthrough, because I had no doubt we weren’t ready to face a threat like that…


  I hope you enjoyed this story, if you did please leave a review. Reviews are the lifeblood of independent authors, and I would appreciate greatly any constructive feedback or opinions. I was a little torn about how I left the ending, but it seemed a good place to stop. I was a little short there about the other waves, but I didn’t want to bog down the story with battle after battle, that’s not what the series is really about.

  About the Author: If you have any comments or suggestions you can send me an email at [email protected] If you like my work, or even if you don’t, please consider leaving a review of this book. I can also be found at

  Other books by D. L. Harrison:

  The Formerly Dark Mage, by D. L. Harrison – This stand-alone fantasy book follows the life of Silvia and takes place in a world unique and separate to our own.

  Silvia is a dark mage. Unfortunately, she finds herself about to be sacrificed. Someone must have told her evil master about her plans to kill him and take over. After that, things just seem to go downhill. She has no choice but to escape the kingdom of Zual, something that to her knowledge has never been done before. She will need to deal with many issues she never had to face before.

  Among those issues, the white mages, and her conscience.

  Celia Winters Novel Series

  Witch’s Moon: A Celia Winters Novel Book 1

  Celia Winters was raised by her single mother, and her earliest memories are of the store her mother owns and the nearby coven, who have always been her family’s close allies and friends.

  She grew up believing her magic was weak, but she was satisfied with her life, and happy. She was a midwife, healer, and supplier of surrounding covens.

  Then her mother died, and she’s about to discover she isn’t who, or what, she believes herself to be, not completely. She will learn that her entire life up until now was a lie. She’ll need to figure out her place, who she is when she no longer recognizes herself, and try to hold on to her closest friends as she gathers enemies for the simple crime of her existence.

  She’s stronger than she believes, but will it be enough?

  Power of Air Series:

  Just a Psychic: The Power of Air Book One starts off this series.

  Ben has grown up with missing memories of his early childhood.

  He has known he was a psychic since his earliest memories, seeing the future and gaining knowledge with his gifts.

  Is it possible he isn't just a psychic?

  Ben's world is about to be turned upside down as he turns twenty-one, all is not as it seems.

  Alicia Jones novels is a series that follows a bright young inventor and scientist named Alicia Jones. It is a space opera and light science fiction.

  The first book is titled First Contact:

  Alicia Jones is a genius, and a little odd. At just twenty-three years of age, she is close to finishing her doctoral dissertation. But when she tests her latest theory in the lab to generate a strong EM field, it has very unanticipated results. Results that lead to faster than light travel, and first contact with another race.

  Her life just gets more complicated after that, when she finds out who she really is, and that the universe may not be as nice a place as she’d been told. Her determination to help keep Earth safe takes her to places more dangerous and strange than she’d ever envisioned.

  Book Description

  Alicia Jones has a life that just keeps getting more complicated and ever more dangerous.

  Toward the Rim of the Orion arm lies the unknown. She’s tasked to start exploring it, and Earth’s leaders don’t want to wait a couple of years to build the fleets first.

  Then there are the Seltan, a race that lives in the core, they could attack at any time.

  Technology is another struggle, as she continually pushes herself for the next breakthrough in both new fields, and redesigns of the old. Especially as she starts to grasp the truth behind the design of those that seeded the galaxy
with life.

  It’s a good thing she flourishes under pressure, of course there is one more thing that might be more disturbing and dangerous than all the rest that she’ll need to deal with. Politics.




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