Refuse: A Junkyard Wedding

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Refuse: A Junkyard Wedding Page 11

by SH Richardson

  I spoke loud enough for him to hear me over the pipes. Our earlier conversation wasn’t complete, but he got my meaning. All the things I wanted to say but didn’t were etched on my face as I stared him down eye to eye, never moving a muscle. “She’s mine, motherfucker, find your own woman,” “I’ll kill you if you touch her,” “Don’t ever fucking come back here again.” He got me, he hated it, but he got me. A quick chin lift in my direction, and they took off toward the highway. It was a temporary cease fire, but it was enough for this round.

  “Gonna do one more perimeter sweep of the property and lock it down for the night. Range, Sebastian, be ready at zero five hundred hours. Don’t be fucking late. Congratulations, Clover, welcome to the family.” Mem gave his last instructions and took off to do his duty. There was no need to reply, we knew the drill; locked and loaded and ready to roll out when it was time.

  “Range? What’s going on? Are you going somewhere?” Clover asked.

  “I’ll explain later, baby, I promise. Nothing to worry about.” It was a lie, but a necessary one to keep her safe.

  “And when were you going to explain, Mr. Man?” Ashley questioned Sebastian.

  “Right after I’m done spanking your ass for that fight you almost got yourself into, little worm.” Sebastian grabbed her by the arm and led her to his sports car. I got the feeling Ashely was going to enjoy her punishment from the excited look in her eyes along with the extra bounce in her step.

  “Come on, wife. Let’s go to bed, yeah?” I threw my arm around her shoulders and led her toward the house.

  “Um… Range, I…well…I almost got into that fight, too, you know,” she hinted with a sly smile on her beautiful face, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. My baby wanted to play, and I was happy to oblige.

  “Don’t worry, tootsie baby, you’ll get what’s coming to you.”

  Chapter 19


  The day had been absolutely perfect, just the way I wanted it. Family and friends gathered around to celebrate, drinking, dancing, and just having a grand old time. So much better than sitting around some stuffy reception hall being served watered-down champagne and too small hors d’oeuvres. Range and the boys would have been completely out of their element wearing tuxedoes and spit-polished shoes. No. This had been my dream reception, well, except for the almost cat fight between Ashley and Marci. Sebastian should have let her loose on that bitch just once, so I could witness that beat down in person. I couldn’t imagine what the fuck Shelly was thinking just standing there watching that tramp paw all over Gan when she obviously liked him. I wanted to scratch his eyes out for siting on that motorcycle like he hadn’t done anything wrong with that guilty as fuck look on his face. I was definitely gonna pin her down and make her tell me what happened between those two.

  “Baby? What you thinkin’ about so hard standing over there?”

  “Just…things, I guess. You ready for bed?”

  “You gonna open the box first?” Shit, I forgot I had been holding the gift that Elle gave me earlier. It had been such a perfect day. I just didn’t want to ruin it with talks of Buck and his missing wife.

  “No, I think I’ll save it until tomorrow.”

  “Won’t be here tomorrow, baby. Got word on Max, going to check it out. Now, stop your stalling and open the present, baby. You’ve been carrying that thing around all night.” I sat down on the edge of our bed, contemplating the odds of me making it down the stairs if I decided to break out into a flat run, giving me enough time to chuck this thing into the woods. There could be anything inside of it, an old treasure map, a severed finger, or a box of used condoms. I was probably overreacting as usual, but Range was my life and I didn’t want him hurt by anyone, especially by a woman who up and deserted his mentor after their son’s death when he needed her the most. I couldn’t run away from this, but I could prepare him just in case this was a complete fuckfest.

  “Before I open it, Range, there’s something you should know,” I hedged.

  “Ok…what is it?”

  “I love you with all my heart, and no matter what, I’ll always be here for you.”

  “Baby, what the fuck? I love you, too, you know that. Why are you saying all this shit? Just open the box already.” Well, shit, that didn’t work. Range was losing his patience with me, and I had nothing else in my arsenal of stall tactics to throw at him, so I had to hope for the best. I gently removed the ribbon that was wrapped around it, careful not to jostle the contents too much, just in case. The box was wrapped in shiny gold and silver paper with the words “Congratulations on your wedding” printed on it with intricate lettering. Once I ripped it all off, the only thing left to do was remove the top and see what was inside. I spared a quick look at Range, who was standing over me with his hands on his hips expectantly, and I lifted the lid. The white tissue paper fluttered open, and the first item inside took my breath away in disbelief.

  “Oh my God. This is impossible…how did she get this?” Range snatched the folded-up piece of paper out of my hand for a closer look. We both knew what it was, but there was no way she could have one of these unless…

  “This is Buck’s funeral announcement, Clover. Where the fuck did it come from?” On the back was a yellow post-it note, which read:

  “The pastor was kind enough to let me spend some time with Buck before the formal service. Please don’t be angry. Elle.”

  I had to tell him the truth about this gift before moving on to the rest of its contents. We’d had enough lies and deceit to last us a lifetime, and with everything that had happened to us in our past, we’d vowed to never let it happen again. Keeping him in the dark wasn’t going to ease his pain when he finally learned the truth about my time with Elle. There were always three sides to every story in this world: his side, her side, and the truth. Range’s loyalty to Buck was solidified and would never waiver, but maybe, just maybe, there were unknown factors concerning Elle’s departure from Buck that were never shared. Making her the villain in this whole scenario definitely ended the boys asking further questions that Buck wasn’t willing to answer. Let’s face it, what self-respecting biker wanted to show his true feelings to anyone? No, this had been the easiest way out for Buck, and sadly, it’d worked. But at what cost?

  “The gift came from Elle Calhoun, Range. She stopped by the house when I was brushing my teeth after being accosted by Marci, the slut puppy.” His anger was escalating, evident in his stiff shoulders and squinty eyes. The mere mention of one woman’s name was about to cause my husband to stroke out right in front of my eyes.

  “You mean to tell me that bitch had the fucking balls to show up at my fucking wedding party after all the shit she’s done, and you just welcomed her in with open arms? Is that what you’re telling me, Clover?” Don’t you just hate it when men call women bitches?

  “Yes, Range, I did spend a few minutes speaking with her, but no, I didn’t just welcome her in with open arms like the idiot you’re making me out to be.” I was getting a little heated myself over this shit, but then again, I didn’t know Buck and didn’t have the same history with him that Range did, so I didn’t feel like I was breaking any man codes here. I wasn’t one of the “boys.”

  “Shit, baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just…She left Buck high and fucking dry like he didn’t mean shit to her after all those years they were together. That cunt doesn’t deserve to step one foot on this property ever again. Fuck that shit.” Cunt, bitch’s evil twin when used to describe a woman.

  “Let’s just see what else is in the box before we judge her too harshly, Range. I know Buck was your friend, but I think he left a lot of the story out when it came to him and Elle. I just want to keep an open mind before I label her Hester Prynne, ok?”

  “Who the fuck is that? You know what? Never mind, just finish with the rest of the shit in the box so we can go to bed. I have an early morning.” Oookaaay

  I wasn’t the winner of this argument, no one was. This
wasn’t a game or a contest, and I certainly wasn’t looking for a prize. I just wanted to get this over with as soon as possible and make it as painless as I could for the both of us. Range had too much on his mind, especially since he and the boys were planning something big in regards to Max and his unknown whereabouts. The only thing I knew for sure was that they were all leaving in the morning to find him and bring him back. A strange turn of events considering the last time I checked he was on the outs with the rest of the boys, especially Sebastian. Guess I had a lot of catching up to do.

  “What is that? Some sort of shirt?” Range curiously asked as item two in the box was revealed. I held it up in my hands as something fell to the ground when I picked it up out of the box. It was a Polaroid photo of a much younger Buck and Elle holding their baby boy and smiling at each other. The baby was wearing a Christening gown, the very one I was holding in my hands, and it was absolutely beautiful.

  “No, Range, it’s not a shirt. It’s the Christening gown that belonged to their son.” I held the photo out to him so he could get a closer look at it. The more I felt the soft fabric between my fingers and thought about the significance of this gift, the heavier my heart felt by the minute. She told me to fill this place with babies, a dream, something she and Buck failed at doing. I couldn’t hide the tears that escaped my eyes as I took in the selfless gift from a complete stranger to me. I would honor them by bearing as many children as the good Lord would allow me, and each would be christened in this gown, I swore it.

  “Don’t cry, baby, please. Not tonight.”

  “I’m sorry, Range, it’s just such a special gift, is all, so very special.”

  “I know, baby. I know. Was that the only thing left in the box?”

  Range was brushing my tears away and holding my face in his hands as he spoke lovingly to me. His touch gave me the strength I needed to continue and recover quickly from the impending breakdown I felt coming on. I’d have enough time for that later. There was one last item in the box left for us. It was a letter from Buck addressed to Elle. It was worn and faded, like it had been read over and over again over the years. I felt like an intruder peeking into the lives of complete strangers, so I handed the envelope to Range to read. It was his place, not mine. I would sit and listen as he read his father’s words to the woman he loved, and I would know that I, too, was loved by the best man in this world.

  Chapter 20


  Buck never talked about his life with Elle much. As snot-nosed kids, we never asked. Once we got older and into other things, especially women, Buck expressed the importance of finding a good woman, the right woman, once we were ready to settle down. We assumed he meant someone better than his wife, since she was the one who left him stranded and alone. Tonight made me realize that the only thing he ever said was that she left him after their son died. Nothing more, nothing less. He never talked shit about her or called her hateful words. Hell, he never even said he was angry over her leaving. When Clover handed me the letter to read, I knew it was something that was gonna rock me. I just didn’t know how hard.

  “Range? We can wait to read that at a later time if you want. I know you have a lot on your mind right now, and I’m in no hurry.” My beautiful wife, always willing to support me, no matter what.

  “It’s fine, tootsie baby. I’m just taking a little time to get over my shock, I guess. Buck never once mentioned that he wrote letters to his wife. Shit, I didn’t know he was still in contact with her. Now to find out all this shit at once, it just fucked me up for a minute.”

  “I know it’s hard for you, Range, but I’m right here with you…forever.” I dropped my ass down on the bed next to her, the weight of the moment finally catching up to me. As she gently laid her head on my shoulder, we prepared ourselves to read Buck’s words. Clover by my side gave me a sense of calm and security that only your woman could. She would never judge or think ill of me for hesitating, and if I needed her comfort, I only had to reach out and take it. Tonight, I needed that more than anything, and I was happy she was here to give it to me.

  Dear Elle Bell,

  I ain’t no good at writing shit down, but I suspect you already know that. I know the way things ended was fucked up, Elle Bell, but now I see it was for the best. I finally found what I needed to keep going in this cruel and unforgiving world, something I’m meant for. The way our boy was taken from us, I didn’t think I would have another chance, didn’t want it, but now I do. I have a boy who needs me, Elle, needs me to show him how to be a man, something I didn’t have a chance to do with my own son. He’s smart as a fucking whip and reminds me so much of our boy, I sometimes think this is God’s way of playing a cruel joke on me. Why would he give a fucked-up, old man like me a chance to mess it all up again? I can’t mess this up, Elle, I won’t. Range (that’s his name) saved my life, baby, and now I’m going to save his.

  I wish for some many things, Elle Bell, but wishes are like assholes, everybody’s got ‘em. Be well, my love, and remember that you have my soul, baby…forever.


  I almost forgot. The little shit needs a haircut, for fucks sake. Fucking kids these days all wanna look like bitches.

  Clover’s small body was shaking uncontrollably with grief as she tried to hold herself together after I finished reading the final words of Buck’s letter. I had so many mixed feelings about this whole thing, it was hard to concentrate on just one. I was wrong to think so crudely of Elle. She didn’t deserve it; this letter proved that. Buck loved this woman and she loved him back; one tragedy, one mistake, and they lost their chance. If there was one thing this letter taught me, it was that I would never lose my chance when it came to Clover. I would fight till my dying breath to prove to her that she was my forever. No matter what happened in the future, we would always be together.

  “They loved each other so much, Range, and they lost it all. I wonder what really happened between those two.” Clover lifted her hips enough to throw her leg over my lap and straddle me, locking her ankles around my back while hugging my neck tightly. I worked the letter back into the envelope behind her back and placed it back inside the box with the other things then covered it with the lid. Clover was still holding on as I stood from the bed and placed the box on the chest of drawers and out of the way for what I had planned next. So much hurt and pain, I needed the one thing that gave me the greatest pleasure, and I needed to have it now. I could feel my cock getting harder and harder in anticipation of entering her warm sheath and pounding her hard until all thoughts of regret and loss were long forgotten. Buck and Elle were over, lost forever was their love, but mine was just beginning. We had a fresh start, a new marriage, a new chance. Together, our future was brighter than the stars on a hot summer night. Together, we would achieve everything we ever wanted.

  “Don’t know, baby, but whatever it was, I promise you, it will never happen to us.”

  “How can you be so sure, Range? No one can predict the future.”

  “I can, tootsie baby. I’m telling you now you’ll never be free of me. Never.”

  “Promise me, Range. Promise me that you will never leave me, no matter what.” She removed her beautiful face from the crux of my neck and looked me straight in the eyes with so much hope and love. She didn’t need my words. They wouldn’t be enough tonight. I needed to show her the strength of my resolve, the certainty in my kiss, the commitment in each and every one of my thrusts as I fucked her long and hard that we would forever be a family and nothing and no one would take that away from us.

  “No, baby, I won’t promise you. I’ll show you.” I touched my lips to each of her eyelids before moving them softly to her cheeks, then her button nose, then finally melding our lips together in a heated battle for supremacy. Our tongues fought for control, each sweep being too much or not enough to kill our hunger for each other. We ripped off the clothes we could without ever breaking contact, keeping our connection tight, our lips fused together like melted glass.

  “Range, I…need you.”

  “I know what you need, baby, and I’m gonna give it to you.”

  “Please, please…” she begged.

  She didn’t need to beg me for this. I’d give her all I had as long as she could take it. I swung her over and threw her down on the bed, so her ass was right where I wanted it. She managed to get all of her clothes off with the exception of a tiny thong she was wearing under her dress. That tiny slip of fabric was blocking my meal, and I wasted no time ripping that fucker right off and tossing it to the side of the bed. There would never be a more glorious sight than my wife’s naked body lying facedown on the bed, waiting for me to fuck it. I took a moment to appreciate the view as I rid myself of the rest of my clothing. I palmed my stiff cock in my hand and squeezed the tip to ease some of the pressure building, causing me to inadvertently moan loud enough for Clover to hear me.

  “Well? You just gonna stand there playing with yourself, or are you gonna join me?” she sassed me as she spread her legs wider, giving me a perfect view of her heart-shaped pussy as it creamed against the sheets. My wife was a vision, and if I didn’t stop staring, I was going to blow my load on her back instead of inside her where I wanted to. The little minx wasn’t making it easy for me. She wiggled her ass in my direction while looking at me seductively over her shoulder as if to say “come and get it.”

  “You are so fucking beautiful, wife, so soft and warm.” I ran my hand around the curve of her ass and cupped her wet sex to see if she was ready for me. She moaned as I inserted a finger into her entrance just enough to feel her wetness coating the tip as I lightly stroked her clit. Yeah, she was ready, and I wouldn’t keep her waiting any longer.

  “Turn over, baby, I want to see your eyes when I fuck you.” She rolled over onto her back and positioned herself in the middle of the mattress, where she spread her legs enough for me to lie between them. She always felt so small beneath me, as if I could crush her with my weight if I wasn’t careful with her. I pushed in halfway, never taking my eyes off her face as she moaned deeply and held on to my neck as her pussy stretched to accommodate me.


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