Corps Justice Boxed Set: Books 1-3: Back to War, Council of Patriots, Prime Asset

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Corps Justice Boxed Set: Books 1-3: Back to War, Council of Patriots, Prime Asset Page 35

by C. G. Cooper

  “You got shot, man. Don’t move. My guys should be here in a second.”

  As if on cue, the five team members spotted them and hopped over the fence. Gaucho reached the pair first. “He shot?”

  Cal nodded. He then pointed to the Asian assassin. “We need to get that body out of here. Can your boys take care of it?”

  Gaucho nodded and barked quick orders over the booming music.

  Cal started peeling off Daniel’s shirt so he could find the entry wounds. When he did one of the bullets rolled off of the sniper’s Kevlar covered chest. Cal looked down in confusion.

  Daniel gasped as he explained. “I was…tell you. It just hurts…like a…sonofabitch.”

  “You lucky fucker,” laughed the short Hispanic, shaking his head.

  “Wait,” Cal stopped, “I didn’t hear your pistol shots go off.”

  Daniel smiled. “These are…paintball…guns.” He handed one to his friend.

  “You crazy fucker,” muttered Cal in admiration. This guy had real balls. “Come on. We’ve gotta get out of here.”

  Between the two of them, Cal and Gaucho helped Daniel up. He was still in pain but regaining his breath quickly. They all stowed their weapons under their shirts and headed back into the hotel as the disposal team went to work taking the body to a inconspicuous drop-off location.

  What else could go wrong today?

  Chapter 31

  Las Vegas, Nevada

  3:05pm, September 18th

  “What the hell happened down there?” Neil blurted as the trio walked back into the suite.

  “Someone just tried to take us out,” Cal explained. “Please tell me you found out something that’ll help us nail these assholes.”

  Daniel peeled off his Kevlar vest and grabbed some ice as Neil and Cal went over to the bank of computers.

  “So, I think we’ve hit the motherload. These guys are into a whole lot of dirty business. You’re not gonna believe how deep this goes.”

  “Start at the beginning while I grab a drink, Neil. You want one?”

  Neil raised a Red Bull and shook his head.

  “Okay. Brief overview: Ichiban Gaming is neck-deep into blackmail. It looks like they’ve got at least twenty Congressman and five Senators in their pockets. Pretty even between Democrats and Republicans. While that may not seem like a lot, they also have over one hundred political staffers under their thumbs. Not to mention lower level government employees. They’ve got these people on everything from alleged murder to heavy drug use. And that’s just the government stuff! I haven’t even started pulling out the database of civilians that are on their extortion list.”

  “So what are they trying to do with all these people?”

  “I haven’t gotten to that quite yet. My system has to translate everything from Japanese into English. I’ve probably only uncovered about a quarter of it so far. It’ll take some time to unravel.”

  “Neil, I know I don’t need to tell you this, but the shit’s about to hit the fan. I’d really like to know more as soon as we can,” Cal requested, not unkindly.

  “I know, Cal. I’m working as fast as I can. Even my technology has its limits.” Neil exhaled in frustration.

  “I understand. We just need something we can act on right now. How about you print me off a list of those top politicians so I can take a look. Maybe we can give somebody a heads-up. I mean, I’m not sure how we should handle this information yet. As much as I’d like to make a bunch of Washington-types look like idiots, I’m not so sure America needs that right now.”

  “Why don’t you talk to the Council about it?”

  “Our friends are a little busy right now. I think I’ll wait until we know a little more about what the exact threat is. Where are Zimmer and Top at?”

  Neil pointed up. “I got them a room right above us. Trent’s got him cooped up in there for now.”

  Cal looked over at Briggs. “You good to walk?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be okay.”

  “Neil, we’re headed up to have a little chat with the Congressman. Can I take those names with me?”

  Patel handed him the two sheets of paper and the former Marines headed for the door. Cal had no idea what to do next. There was a large piece of intel they were still missing.

  As they reached the stairwell, Cal’s cell phone buzzed. It was Captain Andrews.

  “Hey, man. Are you here?” Cal could hear slot machines on the other end.

  “Yeah. We just landed. You have time to grab a drink?”

  Cal glanced at Briggs. “I’m not sure, Andy. I think I’ll know more in a few minutes.”

  “Everything okay?” Andy asked in concern.

  “You know me. Never a dull moment.”

  Andy laughed. “Yeah, don’t remind me. All right, give me a call when you know. I have a meeting with the planners at nine, but I’m free until then.”

  “You got it. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Cal put the phone back in his pocket and opened the stairwell door.

  “Who was that?” Briggs asked.

  “Just another Marine buddy. He’s a Captain with the Silent Drill Team. Can you believe they’re out here to do a show for the Convention?”

  “You’re kidding me! I thought they only did shows at football games and stuff.”

  “That’s what I said! I guess someone pulled some strings to get them out here. Maybe it’ll be…”

  Cal stopped when Daniel grabbed his arm. “What if they’re part of this?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean it seems more than a little odd that the Silent Drill Team is performing at a political rally, doesn’t it?”

  Maybe Daniel’s right. But how could they be involved?

  “I guess, if nothing else, I can give Andy a heads-up that there could be a threat.”

  Briggs agreed. “I don’t think any of us can be too careful right now.”

  Cal climbed the last few steps to the next landing and turned to his new friend. “You sure you want to be a part of this mess?”

  Daniel grinned. “Are you kidding? I haven’t had this much fun since Ramadi.”

  Cal smiled and clapped the sniper on the back. He’d be a good man to have around. Hell, in the span of less than a week, he’d already saved Cal’s life twice. Too bad the man didn’t drink or he’d be getting a lot of free booze.


  They stepped into the suite. Trent and Zimmer were playing cards at the dining room table.

  “You want in, Cal?” Trent asked over his shoulder.

  “We need to talk.” The seriousness of his tone made both men turn.

  Cal sat down at the table next to Zimmer. The Congressman glanced down at the sheets of paper. “What’s that?”

  “Neil hacked into their system. We don’t know everything yet, but hopefully we will soon. I need your help, Congressman.”

  Brandon looked at Cal. It was the first time the Marine had asked him for anything.

  “How can I help?”

  Spreading the list on the table, Cal explained. “These are the names of other politicians and government employees that the guys behind Ichiban have been blackmailing. Some of them are long-standing. Some are new to the list. The problem is, we don’t know what they’re being used for.”

  “I’m still confused. How again do you want me to help?”

  “I need you to remember whether this Nakamura guy ever asked you for anything. Did he try to get any information out of you? Did they try to get access to secure files or facilities? Anything out of the ordinary?”

  Zimmer sat back and thought about the last six months. At first glance, nothing stood out. He’d thought at the time that Ishi was just working up to asking him something. It always felt like there was a request right around the corner. After all, why else blackmail a Congressman unless you want something in return?

  “Not that I can remember. They kept it pretty professional.”

  Cal knew there had to be a goal
. “Did they ever give you anything?”

  Zimmer shook his head in frustration. “No. Honestly, I don’t remember them trying to manipulate me other than that morning with Beth.”

  Cal pointed to the list. “Do you recognize any of these names?”

  “Of course. Some of them are very powerful men.”

  “What about a connection. Do you serve with them on any committees? Do they run in the same social circles?”

  Zimmer thought for a second. He really wanted to help, but he was the new guy in Washington. He wasn’t useful to the old stalwarts yet. “No. I’ve met the Senators before because of Dad, but I really only know two or three of the Representatives on that list.”

  It felt like it was just beyond reach.

  Daniel interrupted Cal’s reverie. “You mind if I take a look at the list, Cal?”

  “Have at it.”

  Cal slid the list across the table. Briggs looked down at the list with Trent. Cal was right. Nothing jumped out. Then an idea popped into the sniper’s head: what if it wasn’t WHO they were but WHERE they were? Each name had a two-letter abbreviation for the state they served. Daniel scanned the list again, simply focusing on the geographical locations.

  The others noticed his increased concentration.

  “What do you see, Daniel?” Cal asked.

  “I’m not sure, but I think there’s a connection with the states these guys represent.”

  He read the states out loud. “Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Nevada, Iowa, Colorado…”

  “Wait a minute,” Zimmer interrupted, “those are all swing states!”

  Cal looked over at the Congressman in confusion. “Like for the election?”

  “I’m not sure about Colorado, but I’m pretty sure the rest of those states are a toss-up right now. But, how could they have known that before the election?”

  Cal didn’t have a clue, but at least they’d latched on to something. “So you’re saying that the Presidential candidates are fighting over these states?”

  “Do you ever know what’s going on in politics, Cal? Even I know this stuff,” Trent teased.

  “What can I say? I vote, but in general, politics make me want to throw up. No offense, Congressman.”

  A week earlier, Zimmer might have fought for his profession. Now, he understood the Marine’s point of view. Looking at the blackmail list proved how dirty politics could be.

  “Don’t worry about it. Right about now it makes me want to puke, too.”

  The response surprised Cal. Maybe the Congressman really was coming around. He turned back to the list. “Okay, so are we in agreement that these guys might be trying to rig the election?” Nods around the table. “If that’s the case, why go to all the trouble? If they want the President to get re-elected, why not just dump a bunch of money into the campaign?”

  No one had an answer. What they didn’t know was that there would soon be another candidate in the race for President.


  After calling SSI headquarters and updating Travis and his staff, the four men walked down to Neil’s suite. They were all energized by the recent revelation. These Japanese guys had some balls.

  As they walked, one question kept nagging at Cal: Where was the leak?


  The politician smiled into the mirror. Tomorrow would be a very big day. As long as Nakamura kept his end of the bargain, he’d have the election wrapped up in a matter of days.

  Chapter 32

  Las Vegas, Nevada

  3:17pm, September 18th

  Kazuo Nakamura called the number for the third time. It wasn’t like his prized assassin not to check in. Still no answer.

  Ishi looked on with interest. For years, Matsura had been a thorn in his side. The man never said much, but Ishi could see his influence growing. Sometimes he felt like his father treated the assassin more like a favored son. Secretly, he hoped the man disappeared.

  “Have you tried him again?” Nakamura asked his son.

  “Yes, Father. He’s not answering calls or texts.”

  “Maybe he is busy disposing of the bodies.”

  “I think we need to assume the worst, Father.”

  Nakamura shot his son a murderous glare. “What do you mean?”

  “With all due respect, Father, I think we’ve underestimated our adversaries again.”

  “I’ve sent that man out alone to kill five men at once before! He does not fail!”

  Ishi bowed to his father, silently relishing the old man’s lack of composure. “I know he has never failed, Father. Maybe he finally met his match.”

  Kazuo Nakamura paced back and forth, hoping his phone would ring. “We had them within our grasp! We’ve taken care of the Secret Service and the FBI. How is it that Stokes is evading us?”

  Ishi knew he had to steer the conversation back to the task at hand. “Father, tomorrow will be the start of a glorious new path for our people. Perhaps we should focus on that, instead.”

  His father looked at him with an uncertain gaze. “Of course. Of course, you’re right, my son. We must get back to finalizing our plans for tomorrow’s festivities.”

  Ishi nodded and pulled out the chair for his father. Both men sat down and returned to the drawing of the Las Vegas Convention Center.


  Cal checked the caller ID on the dead assassin’s phone. “Same number. Did you get a lock on the signal yet?”

  Neil shook his head. “I don’t know how they’re doing it, but I can’t pinpoint where the call is coming from.”

  “I thought you had that super duper tracking system.”

  Patel shot his friend an exasperated look. “I do. Problem is, the number isn’t registered anywhere. It’s like a ghost.”

  “Maybe I should call him and ask him where he is,” Cal offered.

  Instead of replying, Neil gave Cal the finger.

  “Take it easy on him, Cal.” Trent moved closer. “But maybe you’re on to something. Hey, Neil, would it help if Cal got the caller on the line?”

  “Of course, but once the guy hears it’s not the dead dude, he’s gonna hang up. I need him on the line for more than a second.”

  “Maybe Cal can piss the guy off and get him to start talking. How long do you need him on the line?”

  Neil wasn’t sure. He’d never run into a number that he couldn’t track. “I don’t know. Maybe thirty seconds?”

  Trent turned to Cal. “You think you can get under the guy’s skin?”

  Stokes grinned. “That’s my specialty. Just ask Neil.”

  Patel gave him the finger again, then refocused on the tracking program.


  Five minutes later, everybody was ready. Gaucho had two of his four man teams loaded into their vehicles in the parking garage. Neil sat poised at his computer, ready to track the call. Cal picked up the dead man’s phone. “Everyone ready?” There were murmurs of assent around the room.

  Cal nodded and dialed the number.


  Nakamura glanced at his phone. The call was from Matsura. He breathed a sigh of relief and answered.

  “Where are you?”

  “In hell,” Cal replied.

  Nakamura’s eyes went wide. “Who is this?”

  “Somebody you don’t want to fuck with.”

  “Where is my employee?”

  “Oh, you mean the dead guy?”

  Nakamura couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Had they really killed Matsura?

  “Where is he?”

  “I told you. He’s probably having a nice little conversation with the devil right now.”

  “You will pay for this! I will unleash all…”

  “Now listen here, asshole. I think it’s about time you and I had a little chat. I’m sick of having to kick the crap out of all your goons.”

  Ishi kept motioning for his father to end the call. The manufacturer had promised it was untraceable, but it was stupid to take the chance. The elder Nakamura ignored him. His pride d
emanded he confront the cocky American.

  “So you are prepared to have me release all our evidence to the authorities?”

  “That’s where you keep misunderstanding. I could give a shit about a bunch of politicians. Let them fend for themselves. What do you really have? Some pictures of old guys hanging out and talking? That’s all retired politicians do!”

  Nakamura didn’t know how to respond. His contact had assured him that the contents of the envelope would scare off the meddlers.

  “I think you are the one misunderstanding me. There will soon be a shift in your puny world. An avalanche is about to cover your little company. I will destroy you.”

  Cal laughed. “You’re welcome to try, buddy. Thing is, next time why don’t you show up to the party instead of sending one of your cronies?”

  Ishi finally grabbed the phone out of his father’s hand and ended the call.

  “What are you doing?!” Kazuo Nakamura screamed.

  “I’m saving you from making a big mistake, Father. Is it not you who is always telling me to keep my emotions out of business? We are too close to victory to lose our tempers.”

  Nakamura took a deep breath. His son was right. He wasn’t used to having things not go his way. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d failed at anything. It was an unsettling feeling.

  “I’m sorry, son. Thank you for putting things in perspective.”

  Ishi nodded and handed the phone back to his father. “Should we go back to our planning?”

  Nakamura nodded and returned his attention to the Las Vegas Convention Center diagram.


  “Did you get him?” asked Cal, expectantly.


  “What do you mean? I swear I had him on the line for over a minute, Neil.”

  “I know, but they’re using some really new technology. I didn’t even get a blip in my program.”


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