Corps Justice Boxed Set: Books 1-3: Back to War, Council of Patriots, Prime Asset

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Corps Justice Boxed Set: Books 1-3: Back to War, Council of Patriots, Prime Asset Page 42

by C. G. Cooper

  “I’m not sure how to relay this, so I’ll just go ahead and say it. We’ve been hearing rumors that you’re providing protection for the Jimenez cartel.” Stokes let the accusation hang. If Ponder had been clear headed he might have handled the situation differently. He would’ve denied it.

  “So fucking what? Even Mexicans need protection!” Ponder laughed out loud at the joke.

  Col. Stokes exhaled. He’d hoped to have an intelligent conversation with Ponder. Yes, The Ponder Group was technically competition, but a certain respect was assumed between American security contractors. He’d never dealt with Ponder directly, but had heard stories of the man’s exploits, both in and out of the service. The Army had drummed him out at the rank of Major after a little ‘situation’ in the Philippines. The unofficial report, provided by Stokes’s contact at the Pentagon, gave vague details of how Ponder had singlehandedly slaughtered the families of five men suspected of being conspirators in a planned terror attack. Ponder had freely admitted to the atrocity and thrown it in his superiors’ face. He even called them cowards for not doing the same.

  Apparently the rumors were true, and the idiot had just admitted it.

  “Look, Nick, I was just giving you a courtesy call before I turn this over to the authorities.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?!” Ponder yelled into the phone.

  “Without going into the details, I’ll tell you that we’ve been doing some contract surveillance work for a Federal agency. I’m bound by our contract to give them everything I have,” Stokes explained.

  “Bull-fucking-shit! You’re trying to torpedo my ass! I’ll have your ass…”

  “No, you won’t.” The cold menace in Stokes’s voice cut through Ponder’s cocaine high. “Like I said, I’m calling you out of professional courtesy. Either you wrap things up or prepare for the Feds to come down on you. It’s out of my hands.”

  It was the one and only conversation he’d ever had with SSI’s founder. He’d heard the prick died on 9/11. Asshole.

  None of it mattered anymore. He was about to make his retirement. One last op and he’d be fucking rich. They might have to fend off some of the competition but that didn’t matter. Ponder was on his home turf. Plus, with the promise of a king’s ransom coming his way, he could afford to up his firepower a bit.

  Unfolding his huge frame from the desk chair, he walked over to the large bay window overlooking his horse corral. Maybe he’d take a ride after visiting with his prisoner. It was time to make sure his little investment paid off.

  Chapter 3

  Hotel Terra, Teton Village, Jackson Hole, Wyoming

  5:39pm, September 26th

  Cal threw his bag on the twin bed. The room wasn’t huge but more than comfortable. Outside they had a little balcony that afforded a beautiful view of the ski runs. Too bad they weren’t on vacation.

  “How about we go get some food.”

  Daniel agreed with a nod. “Where do you want to eat?”

  “Let’s stay close. How about that restaurant right across the quad?” Cal pointed through the window. “What does that say? The Mangy Moose Saloon? I could use a beer and a steak.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Briggs grabbed the small backpack that Cal had recently discovered carried an assortment of reserve ammunition for his concealed weapons. Daniel took his new role as Cal’s security seriously. Always the first through the door, Briggs kept a vigilant eye out for his new boss. Hell, in the first week they’d known each other he’d saved Cal’s life no fewer than three times.

  The two Marines walked down to the first floor and stepped outside. It was a short walk across the outdoor common area to get to the Mangy Moose Saloon. The place had an old log cabin feel and fit right into the Wyoming wilderness vibe of the trendy Teton Village development.

  There weren’t many patrons as they walked into the two-story establishment. Briggs paused at the door and scanned the tables. He did a once over of the Japanese couple sitting nearest the stage and the four guys dressed in riding gear sitting at the bar. No threats. Satisfied, he led the way in.

  It was open seating, so Daniel chose a small table with a good view of the bar and dining area. A pretty, Nordic-looking waitress stepped up just as they were sitting down.

  “What can I get for you, gentlemen?”

  “Do you have any local IPA on tap?” Cal asked politely.

  “Sure. Sir, what can I get for you?” she asked the blonde-headed sniper.

  “I’ll have a Diet Coke, please.”

  As the waitress walked back to get their drinks, two men walked into the restaurant and headed to the bar. Neither man looked toward Cal and Daniel, but the hair on Briggs’s neck stood straight up.

  They were both wearing well-worn outdoor clothing. The first man was skinny, of average height, with slicked back black hair and a wind-burned face. His beak nose was the feature that made him really stand out.

  His companion was a full head taller and walked in with a swagger. He took off his grey beanie, shook out his light brown hair and sat down on the barstool.

  “Give me shot of Beam.” He ordered loudly enough for Daniel to hear across the room. His smaller partner quietly took a seat and ordered a beer.

  Briggs didn’t know the men, but he knew the type. It was the way they carried themselves. These guys were former military, and they radiated danger to the highly attuned Marine. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re armed too, he thought.

  “Don’t look behind you,” Briggs mentioned casually to Cal, “but I think we’ve got a little trouble. Two new friends just sat down at the bar.”

  With his back to the bar Cal couldn’t see what Daniel was talking about, so he just nodded. He knew better than to question the Marine’s senses. Briggs was a man of few words, so when he talked you listened. Not to mention he had an uncanny sixth sense when it came to danger. The man could sniff it out like a hound dog.

  “So what’s our play?” Cal asked.

  “Let’s just see what happens. Maybe I’m wrong.”

  Cal smiled and nodded.

  Their drinks were served a minute later. Cal took a long pull from his large mug and savored the bitter goodness of the local beer. He’d have to ask what brand it was.

  “Any movement from our friends at the bar?”

  Briggs shook his head.

  “You think we’re good to order?”

  “Yeah. Let’s keep it casual. If I’m right about these guys, I don’t want to tip them off,” Daniel instructed.

  They ordered their food and made random small talk as they ate. Cal had hoped to use the time to plan their search for Neil, but it looked like that would have to wait until later.

  Finishing quickly, they asked for the check and paid. The two men at the bar were still downing their second drinks as Cal and Daniel made their way to the exit. There wasn’t even a glimpse in their direction by bird nose and his companion.

  Briggs hoped the warning was just in his mind. It would make their search for Patel a lot harder if they already had a tail.

  “Let’s take a little walk around the village and digest some of those ribs we just ate,” Briggs suggested.

  They headed uphill toward the large ski lift that was running the last tourists off the mountain. Both men were in excellent shape but could still feel the effects of the elevation. During their time in the Marine Corps, they’d each trained at the Mountain Warfare Training Center in Bridgeport, California. They knew it would take a couple days to acclimate to the decreased oxygen. Hopefully they wouldn’t have to test their sea level legs quite yet.

  After thirty minutes of walking through the modern ski village, and ducking into most of the little shops, Briggs led the way back towards the hotel. He hadn’t spotted the two men from the restaurant. It didn’t really surprise him. Teton Village wasn’t big. It would be easy to be observed and not even know it. It would be easier to lose a tail once night fell. Darkness was already imminent.

  Daniel took a right
turn past a small playground, heading toward the hotel’s front desk. Instead of walking into the hotel, he continued past. The darkness was almost complete as they walked by the little sushi restaurant and headed up the street toward the mountain. Briggs wanted a little free space to see if anyone was following.

  Just as they rounded the corner past the last neighborhood, a set of high beams switched on and blinded the companions. They heard an old truck door open and saw a man get out and walk toward them.

  “You two weren’t planning on going up the mountain were you?”

  Briggs could now make out the man’s shape. He was wearing a Park Ranger’s uniform.

  Cal answered first. “No, sir. Just taking a little walk after dinner.”

  The young man came closer. “Just wanted to make sure. We’ve had a lot of bear activity up that way.” He pointed up the mountain. “Bears are hungrier than usual what with the lack of berries this year.”

  “Lack of berries?” Cal repeated.

  “Yep. This is my first year, so I don’t really know the details, but the old-timers are saying the weather kept the wild berry bushes from growing enough fruit. We’ve even had one grizzly break into a house looking for food. Luckily the family was out of town at the time.”

  “Thanks for the heads-up. I think we were gonna turn around soon anyway.”

  They said their thanks and headed back down to the hotel. Once they were out of earshot, Cal coughed a laugh. “I almost pulled my pistol out when those lights came on.”

  Briggs chuckled too. “I don’t think that kid knows how close he came to having his truck shot up.”

  Now that the tension was broken, they enjoyed the cool night air as they strolled down the hill. It was the last night of calm they’d have for the rest of the trip.


  “We got eyes on the two guys. You want us to hang out?” the man with the beak nose asked his employer on the phone.

  “Yeah. Get a room at Terra, and be up early so you can stick close. They’ll probably start asking around about their friend. Just make sure you don’t lose them,” Nick Ponder instructed.

  “You got it, boss.”

  “And, Trapper…”

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Don’t do anything to them until I give the okay.”

  The skinny man known simply as Trapper licked his lips as he thought about the coming confrontation. “I know, boss. You just let me know when.”

  Ponder terminated the call and sighed. He wanted to make sure his team kept tabs on all the guys SSI sent to his backyard. If he knew where they all were it would be easier to take care of them when the time came.

  He’d be paying his boys overtime for around-the-clock surveillance, but it didn’t matter. That would be chump change soon enough.

  Ponder dreamt of his coming riches as he watched the live video of his prisoner. Patel was even now trying to hop to the small toilet in the corner of his cell. Ponder chuckled at Neil’s discomfort. That leg sure had to hurt. He hoped his buyer wouldn’t be too pissed that he’d had to lop the guy’s foot off. It just wouldn’t do to have a tracking implant around once his buyers showed up, and cutting it off had been easier than trying to dig it out.

  Negotiations were still underway for the final payment amount. A small escrow of one million dollars had already been deposited into Ponder’s Cayman bank account. That wouldn’t even pay his mortgage on his multiple homes. No, he was in it for the big payday. Once he delivered Patel to his buyer, life would be a whole lot sweeter. Maybe it was time to ask for more money.

  Nick Ponder grinned as he thought about not only the cash, but also the sweet revenge he was about to drop on Col. Stokes’s company. The old man would probably roll over in his grave.

  Chapter 4

  Hotel Terra, Teton Village, Jackson Hole, Wyoming

  7:17am, September 27th

  Cal and Briggs had both been up since five am, ready to start the search for their friend. After a quick workout in the hotel gym, they walked over to one of the small cafes lining the village square. Cal paid for the chocolate croissants and coffee as Briggs scanned the area for prying eyes. There were none that he could see.

  “Let’s eat while we walk and then get ready for the rest of the boys to get here,” Cal said through a huge bite of pastry.

  Returning to their room without incident, they took turns showering, and Cal checked his email. No updates from Travis.

  Marine Master Sergeant Willy Trent would be arriving via private jet in the next twenty minutes. Another three SSI employees were accompanying him, including former Navy Corpsman, Brian Ramirez. Along with the four SSI operators, the Learjet was also carrying most of the gear they would need if they had to go exploring in the wild. This time of year you never really knew what kind of weather you might get. It could be bright and sunny with a high of seventy, or cold and blustery with heavy snow. Better to be prepared.

  Cal had hand selected sixteen men to come along for the search. He based the selection on their prior experience with him (Trent, Briggs and Ramirez were all veterans of at least one of Cal’s covert ops), and their training in mountain warfare. Cal wasn’t taking any chances this time around. He also had two more teams of sixteen standing by at SSI’s Tennessee headquarters if the need arose for more firepower.

  Briggs walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. “Any word from Mr. Haden?”

  “Dude, I told you four times already, his name is Travis,” scolded Cal.

  “I know, I know. Old habits die hard, Cal. He is the CEO of our company.”

  “So how come you don’t call me Mr. Stokes?”

  “‘Cause you’re just a dumb grunt like me.” Daniel smirked.

  “Whatever,” Cal returned mockingly. “No update from Trav. We’re kinda dealing with a needle in the proverbial haystack.”

  Briggs didn’t say anything as he threw the towel back in the bathroom and got dressed. “I’ve got an idea I wanted to run by you.”

  Cal looked up from his laptop. “What’s that?”

  “Call me crazy, but I still think those two guys from the bar last night were keeping tabs on us. I was thinking about finding them first and seeing if we couldn’t…extract some information out of them.”

  Stokes thought about it for a minute. While he didn’t doubt the sniper’s abilities in the least (they called him Snake Eyes for a reason), the tiny cautious part of Cal’s subconscious still wasn’t sure about making a scene. “So you’re sure those guys were following us? I know I don’t have to tell you this, but the last thing we need is a mess right in the middle of Poshtown.”

  Briggs shrugged his shoulders. “You have any better ideas?”

  Cal didn’t, and he hated it. They were really just waiting for word from Travis before they could do anything. Apart from doing the street cop thing and knocking door-to-door, Stokes didn’t really have anything better.

  “Okay, tell me what you had in mind.”


  Trent ducked his near seven foot frame under the Learjet’s exit door. He stretched to his full height as he stepped out onto the top platform of the portable steps. MSgt Trent was a black man with the muscular build of an NFL linebacker. Not only was he a professionally trained chef, Trent was also lead instructor for SSI’s hand-to-hand combat training course.

  “Enjoying the view, Top?” The question came from behind him.

  Trent turned around to face Brian Ramirez. “Sure thing, Doc. That, and I’m trying to get the kinks out. My big ass gets a little cramped even in the nicest jets Cal puts me in.”

  Ramirez laughed as he and the two other SSI operators followed Trent down the stairs. In comparison, his five foot nine body fit comfortably in the luxury jet they’d just spent close to four hours on.

  “I’ll bet you loved spending time in AAVs,” ribbed Ramirez.

  “Hell no! I prefer humping to wherever I need to go, Doc.”

  The four SSI men gathered the gear that the airport staf
f was now unloading off the back of the plane. As requested, there were also four pushcarts already standing by for them to pile everything on. Within minutes, the bags and boxes were stacked neatly on their respective carts and the small team headed for the terminal.

  They passed under an arch of antlers and Trent pointed up. “What the hell animal do those come from?”

  “They’re elk antlers. I hear they’ve got a big elk preserve just down the road. The Boy Scouts and some other groups go out there and pick up the antlers and give them to local craftsman. In that book I was reading about Jackson Hole they had some pictures of downtown Jackson where they’ve got four huge arches made out of the damn things. Pretty cool.”

  Trent whistled in admiration. “Can’t imagine how much the things weigh.” He shook his head as they continued on into the single story terminal building.

  Fifteen minutes later they’d loaded all the gear into the two rented SUVs. It was a tight fit, but they’d manage to cram it all in. Trent picked up his phone and dialed Cal.

  “You guys on the ground?” Cal asked.

  “Yeah. We’re loaded into the vehicles and headed your way. Any updates on Neil?”

  “None. Travis still has the tech boys doing background checks on the people at the conference. We’re trying not to alert anyone that he’s missing yet.”

  “Good idea. I’d rather catch whoever’s behind this by surprise,” Trent growled. He and Neil had become close over the years. Although their backgrounds were completely different (Neil came from a rich Indian family and Willy came from the streets of Atlanta), they both respected the other’s talents and often spent their time off together. Trent couldn’t wait to get his big hands on whoever was behind Neil’s disappearance.

  “Slight change of plans. Briggs caught a couple locals tailing us. Just to be safe, we rented a house next to Teton Village to stage everything. It’ll be a little cramped with all our boys, but at least we can secure it.”


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