The Law and Dan Mesa

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The Law and Dan Mesa Page 4

by Dan Sears

“Good morning, sir,” she says. “I am well and working on some case files I left unfinished. I just want to say thanks for keeping me on as a ranger. I would be lost without you guys.”

  “Lieutenant, you are a good cop. With or without your sight, you are one of the best. You and Dan Mesa have instincts like no one I know. Have you spoken to him since he left? I don’t mean to pry into your affairs, but Alana you are a good friend, and Lucy and I worry about you. You are a like a little sister to me.”

  “Major, thanks for caring. Tell Lucy I am well and I will see her this weekend. As for Dan, no I haven’t spoken to him. He doesn’t know I have regained my memory. I said some awful things to him when he was here. I called him a trigger-happy cop. Major, when he left, he was so close to falling apart. He killed a man who was once his best friend, and the girl he loved let him go because he killed a man who was trying to kill him in her presence. His wife left him after almost twenty years of marriage. He has had a hard time, and I don’t want to mess up his life any more than necessary.”

  “Alana, I have known men like Dan Mesa before. They have a hard exterior, but inside they suffer a lot. They are the ones who save us from ourselves. They do the things no one else can do. They usually die alone on some battlefield with just God and their memories. It is amazing that men like them have close relationships with God. They really are good men for the most part. Don’t let Dan become one of those men. He deserves better. He has given a lot to this country and has gotten very little back,” he says. “Well, I have to go and call the colonel, something about a prisoner being transported back from Virginia by one of the rangers. I’ll look in on you later.”

  Alana feels the weight of the world on her shoulders. She knows that everything the major has said is true, but how does she rectify all that is wrong? She has dreams about this ranger and can’t get him out of her mind, but still she can’t convince herself to call him.

  Back at the ranch Matilda is thinking of the lonesome handsome ranger also. She wonders what she would do if she were in Alana’s position. Would she call him and tell him how much she loved him and ask him to come back? Suddenly, she picks up the phone and dials his cellular number.

  Jonathan is driving west on I-85 when the phone rings.

  “Dan, your phone is ringing.”

  Dan Mesa picks up the phone.

  “Sergeant Mesa here.”

  “Dan, this is Matilda calling. Where are you and what are you doing?”

  “Hello, Mrs. Osborne. Is everything okay? How is Alana? Is something wrong?”

  “No, Dan everything is okay. Alana is recovering and is doing fine. She has returned to work on limited duty. Dan, I have some good news. Alana has regained her memory, but she is partially blind in one eye and may lose her sight altogether. She doesn’t know that I am calling you, so please don’t let her know I called. She is afraid to call you because of how she acted when you were here. She also doesn’t want you to know she is blind.”

  “Mrs. Osborne, you don’t need to worry. I will never let her know that you told me. I am returning from a long trip and won’t be home for a while. I am on an assignment and can’t talk about it on this phone. When we stop for the night, I will call you if possible. Better yet, call Captain Johnson, and he will explain. Take care of Alana for me. One of these days, if all goes well, I’ll show up at your door.”

  “Dan Mesa, you are welcome at this house at any time. You are missed here. Take care of yourself. That last case of yours scared me to death. Don’t become a dead hero. I like you the way you are. Good-bye.”

  After he hangs up, Nadia asks, “Dan is everything okay? Who is Mrs. Osborne?”

  Jonathan says, “Nadia, don’t be nosy. Stay out of the man’s business.”

  “Jonathan, I am not being nosy just curious. So, Dan, who is Alana?”

  Dan Mesa smiles.

  “Mom, she is a friend who was shot by an assassin sent to kill me. She took a bullet meant for me. Matilda Osborne is her mother. Alana is the lady I spoke to you about. She lost her memory due to the bullet wound to her head. She didn’t remember me when she regained consciousness. She referred to me as a trigger-happy cop. Her mom just informed me she has regained her memory but is partially blind in one eye and may lose her sight completely. Alana doesn’t want me to know any of this. Mrs. Osborne is very concerned about Alana and about me too, I guess.”

  Nadia is aware of Mesa’s inner turmoil. She smiles and says, “Son it will all work out for you. Just trust in God and keep doing what is right. Jonathan, as you can see, I am only being a concerned friend.”

  “Nadia, the world needs more people like you. It would be a much better place to live. That is why I love you so much, my dear.”

  Agent Ortiz just smiles at Dan.

  “Dan,” he says, “you are a most fortunate man. Always remember that it is a fortunate man who has friends who worry about him.”

  The motley crew continues down the road.

  Meanwhile, back in Tucson, Carlos Meana is in conference with his people.

  “Amigos, I have news that Ranson is not dead and Ranger Daniel Mesa is transporting him back to Tucson. We know the route he is taking and that he is traveling by personal vehicle, an RV. Antonio, I want you to put together a group you can trust to get the job done. I want you to lead them and take care of Ranson and Ranger Daniel Mesa. I want Mesa dead.”

  Juan Reynosa, a member of Carlos’ group, says, “Señor Meana, killing Ranson is not a problem, but killing a ranger is a different story and especially Ranger Mesa. Mesa is a hard kill, and if we miss, you can be assured he will hunt us and kill us one by one. I want no part of killing Ranger Mesa.”

  Carlos is angry because of Juan’s remarks but knows that the others present feel the same. “Do I have cowards working with me? Must I do everything myself?”

  “Carlos,” Antonio says, “we are not afraid of Dan Mesa, but why ask for trouble we don’t need? You said yourself, you want to present a much cleaner and more positive image. Killing Mesa will work against everything you want to accomplish.”

  “Okay, Antonio, we’ll table that for now. Just kill or kidnap Ranson. Call your contact at ranger headquarters and find out for sure what route they are taking back to Tucson.

  In Tucson, a call is put through to Colonel Grant’s office and his secretary answers.

  “Ranger headquarters, Maria speaking.”

  “Maria, this is Antonio, and I need to know the route Ranger Mesa is taking to bring Ranson back to Tucson.”

  “Antonio, I can’t give you that information! If they find out I told you, they would send me to jail. I have already done too much. I am afraid all the time now. I can’t do what you ask.”

  “Listen to me, Maria, either you tell me what I want to know or I will fix it so your boss will find out everything. Señorita, what will it be?”

  “Antonio, I thought you cared about me, but all you want is information. This is the last time I do anything for you. Your threats will not scare me anymore. Ranger Mesa is leaving Virginia via I-85. He will connect to I-64 and then to I-40. That is all I know. Don’t ever call me again.”

  Antonio smiles to himself and thinks, It really doesn’t matter, because it is time for me to find a new job. Carlos is becoming overly ambitious, and it could spell his doom.

  In Wheeling, West Virginia, the group stops for food and to stretch.

  Dan Mesa turns to Ransom and says, “You are safe traveling with us as long as you remember someone has already tried to kill you and your best bet is to do as I say so you can live to become an old man. I will not hesitate to shoot you if you try to escape or if you attempt to harm or put my friends in danger. Do you understand me?”

  Ranson knows Mesa will do exactly as he has said and nods his head in agreement. “Ranger, I have no desire to die,” he says. “Believe me
, I will follow your orders to the letter.”

  They stopped at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Now they go inside to eat. As always, Ranger Mesa is alert and ready, because he knows it only takes one minute of carelessness to get killed. He is consciously observing every person he sees—man, woman, or child. He asks for a table for five away from the window. He knows all eyes are on him because he is armed and wearing a badge. They are an interesting lot—one white male, a Hispanic male, a black female, and two black males. Dan sits so he can observe every approach.

  Scott Ortiz is watching Mesa’s every move and smiles to himself, thinking, he hasn’t changed one bit. If anything, he is more watchful and alert. I know why they sent him; he is the right person for this job. He is a dying breed, and that is a shame. The world needs more people like him. I only wish I could bring happiness to my old friend’s life. He deserves to be happy after all he has done for this country and its people.

  The waitress approaches and asks for their order. Nadia orders a chef’s salad, and Jonathan orders the fried chicken dinner. Ranson orders a steak, and Scott orders a burger. Dan orders soup, a cheese sandwich, and iced tea. The conversation between everyone is is lively and slowly everyone returns to their meal.

  As is always the situation, though, someone has to start something.

  “Hey you over there, what kind of lawman are you?” Mesa turns slowly and looks at the man with eyes that burn like fire. The man suddenly realizes he is facing someone who could be very dangerous, so he changes his tactic and says, “Mister, I don’t mean any harm; it’s just that I haven’t seen a Texas ranger up close before.”

  “Mister, I am not from Texas. I’m from Arizona, and I’m an Arizona ranger. Texas rangers wear a silver star and we wear a gold star.”

  Mesa turns around and continues his conversation at the table.

  Jonathan asks, “Son, do things like that happen to you often? It seems as if you attract trouble wherever you go.”

  Agent Ortiz has known Dan Mesa longer than anyone at the table and knows how sensitive Mesa can be when he is questioned in such a manner. He responds in a friendly off-hand way, saying, “Oh, he has been like that since the first time I met him. We have known each other for more than thirty years. He is like a lightning rod when it comes to trouble. Dan walks in to a bar and every tough guy in the place wants to try him. I guess that is why he doesn’t go to bars very often, unless he is with a lady. I do believe women soften him up. Garnett was always able to soften him up and calm him down.”

  Mesa smiles and drinks his coffee quietly. He excuses himself to go to the restroom.

  When he leaves, Nadia says, “I have known Dan for twenty years, and I realize I really don’t know him at all. Before he became a ranger, he smiled more, and now I only see him smile when he is with Devlin. He is too serious. But being a ranger is really what he is all about. It suits his personality to a T. I only wish he could find happiness with someone. He and Garnett belong together, and I know he loves her dearly and she loves him, although she doesn’t want to admit it. Scotty, you have known Dan longer than Jonathan and I. Can you tell us what makes him tick?”

  “Mrs. Williamson, Dan Mesa is an enigma. I love him like a brother, and yet he only allows me to get so close. He is the best friend I’ve ever had. He’d walk through hell for a friend and never complain. When we were younger and thought we owned the world, we fought our way out of a lot of bad places. As he got older, he changed into the responsible and dependable person you see now. He was never reckless though. I don’t know what drove him and Garnett apart, although I suspect it was due to his love of the West. I do know she hates the West, and he hates the East.”

  Dan returns and sits down and their meals are served. After the meal, he pays the bill, and all depart. Mesa’s sixth sense kicks in; he gets that old familiar feeling. He knows someone is watching them.

  He turns to Jonathan and says, “Dad, we are being watched. Let’s hurry and depart.”

  “Son, I have that same feeling. It is as if I am back in Korea. I always knew when an attack was coming, and I feel it now. We will be hit before long. Scotty, look under your seat and you’ll find an old Thompson machine gun and three magazines of ammo.”

  Ranson looks at each one of them and shakes his head and says, “Meana is crazy if he attacks you people. I wouldn’t attack you for all the money in the world. Carlos was always a little crazy. He only attacks if he is sure he can win. Someone has told him something that makes him believe he has the upper hand. However, don’t ever underestimate Carlos Meana. He is a very treacherous and dangerous man.”

  Nadia looks at Jonathan and smiles.

  “I love you, honey, so don’t let anything happen to you or me.”

  The group continues down I-64, finally reaching Saint Louis, Missouri, and connecting with Highway 67 south to take them through southern Missouri and northern Arkansas and into Little Rock. There they will change to I-40.

  It has been three days since they left Richmond, and they have had no trouble yet. Everyone is becoming edgy, because they know it is coming. It is only a matter of time. Dan sees a rest stop and decides to stop. He pulls into the rest stop and turns the wheel over to Jonathan.

  “They are behind us,” he said, “so we’d better face them here.”

  Mesa and Scotty go outside to meet the trouble. Scotty carries the Thompson, and Mesa carries two side arms, a 9-mm, and a .357 magnum. Two cars pull in and immediately stop, assessing the situation. Slowly, they ease forward, and Mesa and Scott step out to meet them.

  The shooting starts, and when the smoke clears, one car is on fire and the other is shot full of holes. Neither Ortiz nor Mesa is scratched. They walk ahead and stop to examine each man. After close examination, they find that no one is dead, but all of the men are banged up severely.

  “Who is in charge of this group? You’d better speak up now.”

  A tall lanky gentleman says, “I am Peter Whitfield, and I am in charge. What do you want?”

  “I am Ranger Dan Mesa of the Arizona rangers, and you just committed a felony by attacking and trying to kill a law enforcement officer. However, you are not the ones I want. I want the crowd in Washington, DC, and the ones in Tucson. I suggest you go back to whoever hired you and tell them you weren’t up to the job. If I see you again, I will shoot you on sight. There isn’t anything this side of hell that will stop me. Now turn this hunk of junk around and get out of here.”

  As the assassins turn to leave, one tries his hand and reaches for a gun, suddenly the calm is shattered by gunfire again. Mesa walks into the melee steadily shooting, killing one, and seriously injuring another.

  “Is there another of you who’d like to try his hand at killing me?”

  An Oriental fellow steps out and says, “I don’t believe you are as tough as they say you are, and I intend to prove it. Let’s see how tough you really are.”

  He takes a karate stance. Mesa tosses his weapons to Scott, loosens his tie, and takes it off. They circle each other, and his opponent tries a roundhouse kick. Mesa steps in and blocks the kick. He grabs his opponent’s ankle and twists hard, breaking the ankle. In one motion, he kicks the man in the testicles and smashes his knee with short, sharp, breaking kick. He drops the man’s leg and steps away, reaching for his gun and strapping it on. He turns and walks away.

  He and Scott load into the motor home and drive away. No one says a word. As Jonathan drives, slowly everyone relaxes. Nadia makes coffee and pours brandy into Dan’s coffee. She turns toward him, and he notices a tear in her eye. He gets up and takes the steering wheel, telling Jonathan to look after Nadia.

  He drives down the highway as solemn as a church mouse.

  Scott turns to Dan and says, “You really are hell on wheels. When did you learn karate?”

  “Scotty, I never learned it. What I know, I picked up from
watching you and observing others. I hate fighting, but when I have to fight, I fight to win, and I won’t be merciful. This is being forced upon me; I will do what is necessary to accomplish my job.”

  “Dan, I have known you for over thirty years, and as I said to Mr. Williamson, I really don’t know anything about you.”

  Dan turns toward Scott and smiles meekly.

  “Okay, buddy,” he says, “what you want to know?”

  Scott looks at him and smiles, saying, “Go to hell.”

  Suddenly, the tension eases.

  “Dan,” Nadia says, “at that rest stop when they attacked, weren’t you afraid? I watched you, and every move you made was as if you had rehearsed everything ahead of time. Son, you are not ten feet tall and bulletproof. You’ve been shot once, and from what you told me, there is a lady in Yuma who was shot and almost killed in your presence. How do you do what you do? Has life made you so hard? I love you like you are my son, and Jonathan feels the same, but we find that we don’t know you at all.”

  Jonathan is watching Mesa as Nadia speaks and sees how each word is like a lightning bolt to his soul. He knows the pain Dan Mesa is feeling. He knows it quite well, having been there himself, but that is another story.

  “Mom, I am a ranger. That is who I am and what I am. I am good at what I do, and I like what I do. I don’t intentionally make myself a target. I want to live to be an old man and to see Devlin have children. I love that boy dearly, and I don’t plan to get myself killed. You and Dad are my responsibility, and I won’t let anyone hurt you. Ranson is my responsibility, and I plan to get him to Tucson in one piece. Speaking of Tucson, I should call Captain Johnson and let him know what happened.”

  The phone rings at ranger headquarters in Nogales.

  “Ranger Headquarters, Sergeant Savalas speaking.”

  “Savalas, Mesa here. May I speak to the captain?”

  Savalas sticks his head in at the captain’s door and says, “Sir, Sergeant Mesa is on the phone and wants to speak to you.”


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