The Law and Dan Mesa

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The Law and Dan Mesa Page 13

by Dan Sears

  Francisco Meana, Carlos’s brother, is somewhat different in that he is trying to become respectable. He is a petty criminal with convictions for theft and trafficking in women after dark.

  “Carlos,” he says, “you are my brother, but I will not have you bringing your troubles to my home. If I were you, I’d try contacting Jackson’s family and asking them to help you get rid of Mesa. I hear they’d love a chance to get even with the good ranger. I just happen to have a number where you can reach that female cousin of theirs, Mandy. She is a looker but tough as any guy who ever drew a gun. She hates Mesa with a passion. It seems he scorned her advances some time ago, and she hasn’t forgotten that. Plus, Mesa killed Jackson.”

  “Francisco, you know you just saved the day. I owe you one for this,” Carlos says. “Brother, do you see that police car cruising by? I am getting the feeling he is looking for me. I am going to slip away. Take care, and maybe I will see you when this is over.”

  With those words Carlos and Antonio leave south San Antonio, and using back roads, they start making their way back toward Arizona, hoping to make it to Yuma before the police realize what they are doing.

  Dan Mesa arrives in San Antonio and reports to Major Huerta. As he enters the building for the Department of Public Safety, he notices a familiar face, or he thinks he does, and Dan Mesa never allows a warning to go unchallenged. He makes a note in his ranger daybook. Then he walks in and speaks to the receptionist.

  “Good afternoon,” he says. “I’m Sergeant Daniel Mesa of the Arizona rangers, and I’d like to speak to Major Huerta. Here are my credentials.”

  “I am Morgana Blake, Ranger Mesa,” she says. “The major is expecting you. Your Captain Johnson called and told us you were coming. Carlotta will take you to the major. Welcome to San Antonio.”

  Carlotta is young and somewhat provocative. Mesa is familiar with the type and keeps a very business-like demeanor.

  “Ranger Mesa, have you been to San Antonio before?” she asks. “Oh, here we are. The major’s office is here. If you need someone to show you around, I am available.”

  Mesa opens the door and steps in. In the room is Major Boca Huerta, a military veteran and a veteran of many Ranger fight. In the room are several rangers who are looking at various reports. As Mesa walks in all talking stops.

  Mesa speaks, “Sir, Sergeant Mesa of the Arizona rangers, reporting.”

  “Welcome to San Antonio and to our headquarters. Captain Johnson told me why you are here. Now how can we help you?”

  “Sir, I need your help in locating a Carlos Meana and Antonio Blackbear. These are the latest photos we have of them. However, rumor has it that Carlos has grown a beard and Antonio is sporting a mustache and longer hair. I believe I saw Carlos and Antonio as I was entering the building. He was driving a Dodge truck, maroon in color, a four by four with a camper on back and Arizona tags.”

  “Ranger Mesa, if you were Meana, what would you do? Where would you go?”

  “Sir, I would go to a place where I could see anyone coming after me. He came here to get help from his family. He has a brother named Francisco Meana, a petty criminal. Are you familiar with him? If I couldn’t get help from my brother, I would try to find someone who had a grudge against the rangers and talk them into helping me. There is one family he would go to, and that would be the family of Jose Guittierrez-Jackson, the family of the man I killed a while back. They’d help him. I would probably hide out someplace in the southwest, close to the border. The Big Bend country or the Davis Mountains would be appropriate. Sir, I recommend an all-points bulletin along I-10 west and Highway 90 west. If possible, have your sketch artist put together pictures of Meana with a beard and Antonio with a mustache and pass it along to all state police and rangers along that route. I will notify the Arizona rangers in Yuma and Tucson to watch for the Guittierrez family leaving and heading east. May I use a phone to call my captain?”

  Major Huerta buzzes Carlotta saying; “Carlotta, will you come in please? Carlotta opens the door and walk in saying, “Yes Sir?

  Yes, Carlotta will you show Ranger Mesa to a phone.”

  “Ranger, please follow me.”

  Mesa follows Carlotta, who once again makes it known she is available. Mesa say “Thank you but I never mix business and pleasure.” He smiles politely and continues with his business. The telephone rings at Santa Cruz Headquarters.

  “Santa Cruz headquarters, Ranger Hernandez speaking.”

  “Bonnie, this is Dan Mesa. Is the captain in?”

  “Yeah, Dan, hold on a minute.”

  “Mesa, how are things in San Antonio?” The captain asks when he picks up.

  “Sir, things are good here,” Dan says. “Captain, while talking with Major Huerta, we came to the conclusion that Carlos and Antonio are probably heading toward the Big Bend country and into the Davis Mountains. Once they get deep into those mountains, we will never catch them. Also, I believe Carlos has contacted Jose’s family, in particular Mandy. They’ll probably join forces to fight us. Captain, I believe we should contact Major McMasters and ask him to put a watch on the family members to determine if they are heading in this direction.”

  “That’s a good idea, Dan,” the captain says. “I will put Alana on it immediately. Have you spotted Carlos?”

  “Yes, sir. I saw him as I was entering the building this morning. He has a beard, and Antonio has a mustache. They were traveling in a maroon Dodge truck with an extended cab and a camper on back. It is the same one they purchased in Douglas. They don’t know I’m here. Maybe we will finally have a break.”

  “Dan, take care of yourself and remember that Jackson’s family hates your guts. They would love to kill themselves a ranger, in particular one Daniel Mesa.”

  Mesa nods his head and says, “Major I plan to be very careful but thanks for caring.”

  Sergeant just remember that your aren’t bullet proof. Now let me speak with Major Huerta.”

  Mesa hands the phone to Major Huerta saying, “Sir Major Johnson wants to speak with you. Captain Johnson here. Sir, thanks for your help. Are you familiar with this case we are working on?”

  “Yes, I am. How can we help you?”

  “Sergeant Mesa is deeply involved in this case, and I would appreciate it if you and the fellows could keep an eye on him. He is a damn good ranger, and this case is personal for him. He is the only person I have who can bring a conclusion to it. He has a temporary appointment as an FBI agent, but Texas is your domain, and I would prefer it be a Texas and Arizona joint effort to capture Carlos and Antonio.”

  “Captain Johnson, we are more than happy to work with you and Sergeant Mesa. I have kept a close watch on this case, and I’d love to see Carlos and his entire family locked up. I believe the Sergeant is correct in his assessment of the situation. If I were Carlos and Antonio, I’d head for the closest route to the border. There are smuggler routes into Mexico through those mountains that we aren’t aware of. The sooner we get into place in those mountains, the better off we are. There are a few places in southwest San Antonio where we may be able to get some information. Let’s stay in touch, okay?”

  “Major, I really appreciate this. If I can ever return the favor, just call.”

  In a small café in Toronto, Canada, Satan—in the form of Armanti Sandovaldecides to lend a hand. He is reading the Dallas Morning World where he reads an account of the case involving Carlos Meana and Antonio Blackbear.

  Carlos Meana and Antonio Blackbear, two underworld figures, are sought by the Arizona and Texas rangers for their involvement in the kidnapping and death of a lady in Amado, Arizona. They are also sought in the bombing death of Arizona ranger Sergeant Savalas. A fellow ranger, Sergeant Daniel Mesa, was injured but is recovering. The rangers are actively looking for any and all evidence leading to the whereabouts of Carlos Meana and Antonio Blackbear. They are
wanted in the deaths of Sonia Perdenales and ranger Sergeant Savalas and for the injury of Sergeant Mesa.

  Sandoval contemplates the situation and decides to place a call to his friends in Houston.

  “Mark, this in Armanti Sandoval. Are you familiar with the situation in Arizona involving Carlos Meana?”

  “Yes, I’ve kept up with it, because it interests me. I want to see how Carlos handles himself. He is always shooting off his mouth about how he can take care of business. I want to know if he is all mouth or what.”

  “I know he is a big mouth,” Sandoval says, “but should we get involved in this situation? Someone took out Pellegrinni, and we know it wasn’t one of our people. Is there another player in this game that we are not aware of?”

  “Armanti, I honestly don’t know, but I have been monitoring everything that has happened. I don’t like any of it. I wish you could have ended it all, but apparently, that wasn’t meant to be. You had best stay clear of this whole thing. Let me work it from our end. As it stands now, we have the Arizona ranger, the Texas rangers, and the FBI involved and possibly another party that neither one of us can identify. I don’t like unknown factors. Stay where you are until you hear from me personally. Do you have all the comforts of home there?”

  “Mark, I believe your decision is a wise one, and yes, I am very comfortable here.”

  Armanti Sandoval is a very careful man, and he never allows anyone to get too close. The women in his life are the pay-as-you-go type. Things weren’t always this way. There was a time when he was a successful college professor, teaching philosophy. Then his wife was accidentally killed in a botched hit on a government witness posing as a teacher. After the funeral Sandoval mourned his wife, and then he extracted revenge. The rest is history. His hit list numbers twenty-two confirmed kills in five years. His path of death reaches all the way to the Soviet Union.

  Mark Adams is a third generation Mafia family member and cherishes his Sicilian blood. He is careful in all he does. He knows he should just wait and watch, but he decides to contact his informant at Texas ranger headquarters in Austin. Sometimes it is good to cultivate relationships with various groups of people. He places a call to an office in ranger headquarters, and secret information is passed on to Mark Adams

  In the meantime, Captain Johnson calls Major McMasters in Yuma.

  “Major, Captain Johnson here. I have it on good authority that Carlos and Antonio are going to try to contact Jackson’s family to ask them to join in the fight against Sergeant Mesa and the Texas rangers. If possible, could you check with your sources and find out what is cooking around there?”

  “Sure, Sam, not a problem. I will send the lieutenant and some backup to a couple of places down on Yuma Avenue. Someone will talk. I will call with whatever we find out.”

  “Thanks, Major. I owe you a big one.”

  McMasters walks down the hall to Lieutenant Osborne’s office. The Lieutenant is busy on the computer when he walks in.

  “Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?”

  “Alana, I want you to take three rangers and go down to Yuma Street. Visit the hangouts of Jackson’s friends and family and see what you can find out about them, Carlos, and Antonio. Captain Johnson believes Carlos has contacted or will contact them to help him get rid of Sergeant Mesa once and forever. If I was in their place and Carlos offered me the opportunity, I would probably go, and so will they. Find out what you can, and let me know.”

  “Yes, sir. When do you want me to get started?”

  “You should get going right away.”

  I always wanted to be in charge so I finally have the chance to prove just how good I am, Alana thinks. So I’m going to use the Dan Mesa approach and take a few big tough Rangers with me. I think probably Corporal Dixon, Sergeant Rice, and Sergeant Benavidez will make the ideal team.

  “Gentlemen, we have a mission to try to find out if Jackson’s family has been contacted by Carlos and Antonio. There are some bars on Yuma Street where we can get information. We are going there. I chose you because of your abilities to take care of yourselves. I want each of you in your vests and armed. Remember, don’t take any chances. If we have to, we will fight, but that is not our primary objective. Let’s move.”

  Yuma Street is the kind of place the world could do without. Every kind of deviant hangs out there. The first place belongs to Harvey Harlan. He is an ex-marine sergeant who just happens to love the rough life. He is a standup guy and a good friend to the Rangers.

  “Hello, Harlan,” Alan says. “How’s business these days?”

  “Alana, it is good to see you,” he says. “I see you are loaded for bear. What’s up?”

  “Well, I am sure you know about that business with Jackson and his family. Jackson is dead, but the story continues. It seems as if another nasty customer by the name of Carlos Meana and his sidekick, Antonio Blackbear, may be trying to contact them for help to get rid of Ranger Dan Mesa and some of the Texas rangers. Carlos is hiding out in the Big Bend country in southwest Texas.”

  “Alana, I do know that Martha, Miguel, and Carlo have been seen around the area. They are still angry with Dan Mesa and all of you for what happened. They will do anything to get even with Mesa. Be careful down here. There are some strange people on the street. Something is in the air. Take my word for it.”

  “Thanks, Harlan. We are going to the Tin Bucket. I’ve heard that the family hangs out there. Keep your customers inside for a while. I have a feeling all hell will break a loose before this night is over.”

  As Alana and the rangers are leaving, she sees a car parked with someone inside watching them.

  “Guys, we are being watched so be careful,” Alana says. “Remember, if it feels bad, it is bad. Use your gut feelings.”

  They enter the Tin Bucket, and Alana says, “Good evening, Manny. I want to know if any of the Jackson family is in here. Don’t bother lying to me. I will know if you lie. Guys, fan out and cover every exit.”

  A loudmouth yells, “Hey you! Yeah, I’m talking to you, Mama. Why are you bothering us when you and I could be making music together?”

  Several people break out laughing. Then the entire room turns silent as a really big woman, about six feet tall, walks toward Alana. Alana knows that the woman is Martha Guittierrez, Jose’s cousin, and one of the people involved in the shoot-out with Jose and the rangers.

  The lady walks toward Alana and stops about two feet away to make her pitch.

  “Well, look at the ranger bitch. Someone ought to slap that badge off you.”

  The scene unfolds as if in slow motion. The lieutenant suddenly moves with a swift kick to Martha’s left knee. As Martha turns slightly, Alana lands a punch to her kidneys. Before anyone can move, Martha is on her knees with her head forced to the side and the lieutenant’s hand is in claw-like form, digging into Martha’s throat. Martha is gagging and gasping for air. Alana looks around the room and slaps the woman on the side of her head. She passes out. The entire place is silent.

  Alana turns around and takes Martha’s weapon, and all hell breaks loose. In less than ten minutes, two men are shot, and one female wishes she had kept her mouth shut. The police arrive and take them to jail.

  Alana and the group move on down the street. Suddenly, someone fires a shot, but no one is hit. The rangers take cover. Alana fires, hitting one gunman in the chest. Just at that moment, two more shots ring out, and Corporal Dixon fires, hitting one of the assassins in the chest. As quickly as it began, it is over. The score is rangers two and assassins zero.

  Major McMasters arrives on the scene. Alana knows she has to go through internal affairs. The major is a humane sort of fellow and knows what a shooting does to some people. Yet, he knows he has to question Lieutenant Osborne.

  “Alana, how did all this get started?”

  “Sir, it started in the
Tin Bucket when Martha Guittierrez attacked me, and it just spread. I took her out and disarmed her. I left her lying on the floor. Arresting her will serve no purpose. We left the Tin Bucket, and suddenly, all hell broke loose. The shooters were professionals, as you can tell from their weapons. Someone is paying a lot of money to kill us. The question is whether all this is associated with Sergeant Mesa and Carlos Meana.”

  “Lieutenant, I have to assume it is all related in some manner. Jose’s family is vindictive and very nasty, and they do hold grudges. Do not become careless, as you may wind up a statistic, and that is not good. Stay alert!”

  “Major, what do you want me to do now?”

  “I want you to stay with this and see where it ends. I don’t feel comfortable with things the way they are. I just have a bad feeling about all of this. Keep me posted about everything. I don’t care how small it is, tell me about it. Visit Jose’s parents and see what you can get from them about the family’s involvement in this affair.”

  Chapter Nine

  In Tucson, another story is unfolding at the Bank of America on Main and Fifteenth Street. There are two Corvettes parked in front of the bank; one is white and the other is a bronze color. Inside the bank, four women dressed in business suits are robbing the bank.

  “This is a robbery, and we would appreciate if all of you would lie down on the floor and stay there until we are finished. If all of you will do as we ask, no one will be hurt. This money isn’t worth your deaths. We are armed, and we know how to use these weapons.”


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