Well of the Damned

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Well of the Damned Page 32

by K. C. May

  They put the three clerics on the backs of Brawna’s, Cirang’s and Tennara’s mounts, and the three women shared a ride to the lordover’s property with Gavin, Daia and Calinor. As they approached the gate, Gavin could hear Feanna hollering all the way from the guesthouse.

  “Has she been screaming the whole time?” he asked Rikard.

  “Yes, my liege. We’ve had quite a few people come to ask who the maniac— uh, I mean, who was making so much noise.”

  Gavin scowled. They were talking about his wife and the mother of his unborn son. After seeing the clerics into the gaol, he decided to spend the night at the Princess Inn. There would be plenty of time on the ride home to listen to her screech and complain.

  “If you don’t mind, my liege,” Tennara said, “I’d like to relieve Lila.”

  Gavin nodded. “I’m sure she could use a bit of quiet. Tell Eriska and the others to have my wife ready for travel at first light. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Sleep well, my liege. You’ve earned it.”

  “What about her?” Daia said, indicating Cirang with her thumb. “Can I kill her now, or do you want to do it?”

  What would a king do? Gavin eyed Cirang up and down. “No. She drank the well water. She’s different now.”

  “That doesn’t change what she’s done.”

  “No,” he said, “but it changes how she feels about it. She’s no longer a danger to anyone.”

  Calinor gripped Gavin’s shoulder. “You’re going to set her free?” he asked, his whisper fierce. “After all she’s done?”

  “What we’ve done matters less than who we’ve become.” Gavin raised his eyebrows at Cirang. “What do you think a suitable punishment is?”

  Cirang burst into tears. The guilt and shame were heavy burdens, and now the king was sparing her life? She didn’t think she could bear the memories of her crimes or the faces of the people she’d slain haunting her dreams. “For the terrible things I’ve done, I deserve death, my liege, and I would be grateful for it.”

  “No,” he said. “I disagree. You deserve worse than death. You deserve to live with your memories and guilt. Until I find a way to repair the damage you did, consider yourself indentured.”

  Look for the conclusion of the story in book 4 of The Kinshield Saga, coming in 2013!

  About the author

  I grew up in the mid-western USA and in Hawaii, and earned a B.A. in Russian from Florida State University (go ’Noles!). After a year in Taiwan teaching English and studying Mandarin Chinese, I lived in the Arizona desert where I founded a Rottweiler rescue organization, studied karate, rode motorcycles, and wrote software. In 2010, I retreated to cooler, greener Georgia. I earn my living as a full-time writer.

  As an independent author, I don’t have a team of publicists and marketing specialists to spread the word about this book. I’m just a writer sitting at my keyboard searching for readers like you. If you enjoyed the story, please tell a friend! If you are so inclined, a review or rating on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Goodreads, Shelfari, or LibraryThing would also be greatly appreciated.

  If you’d like to contact me, visit my web site at http://www.kcmay.com or email me at [email protected] — I welcome your emailed comments! Sign up for my newsletter to get the latest news about my books and special offers not made elsewhere.

  Thanks for reading!



  I’d like to express my most sincere appreciation to my brother, Kirk, for his honest and sincere feedback. It was absolutely invaluable to me. He read the book three times in its various incarnations, and never let on that he was tired of it. Thanks also to Deb for her feedback during the revision phase of the book. Most of all, thanks to you, my readers, who inspire me to keep writing!

  Books by K.C. May

  The Kinshield Legacy

  A mysterious stone tablet with five magical gems has sat abandoned in a cave for two hundred years. The kingdom is in ruins, with only warrant knights to keep the peace. But then, the gems in the tablet, one by one, disappear.

  Warrant knight Gavin Kinshield is a man of many secrets. He’s the one deciphering the runes in the tablet. Unless he can find a suitable replacement, he’ll be Thendylath’s next king. All he really wants is the letter written by his ancestor Ronor Kinshield, the last person to see King Arek alive... a letter he must earn by tracking down a common thief.

  But when Gavin saves a woman’s life, what should have been a simple task draws him face-to-face with his nightmarish past... and the truth of King Arek’s demise.

  “The Kinshield Legacy is a rousing good fantasy tale, with nice characterization and some ferocious action. These days I read primarily for business rather than pleasure, but I found myself eager to return to this novel.”

  ~ Piers Anthony, best-selling author of the Xanth novels

  “From the very first page, The Kinshield Legacy grabs you by the throat and propels you into a world of magic, sorcery, jeweled-eyed gargoyles and a sisterhood of female warriors.”

  ~ Carol Davis Luce, Author of Night Passage

  The Wayfarer King

  Ritol, the most powerful beyonder from the realm of chaos, has been confined to the palace for over two hundred years, trapped by King Arek’s magic. As long as Ritol remains imprisoned in the realm of men, the beyonder invasion will never end, and innocents will continue to die.

  Having newly claimed the right to rule Thendylath as king, Gavin Kinshield must protect his people by stopping the beyonder attacks. Along with the crown, Gavin received the magic of Wayfarer, giving him the ability to journey to all seven realms. To end the invasion, he must journey to the realm of chaos and summon Ritol. But can he escape before the demon kills him, devours his soul and takes his place as Wayfarer?

  If wizard Brodas Ravenkind has his way, Gavin will never make it that far. Not only does Brodas want the throne for himself, he wants revenge for his cousin’s murder too. After all, he made a promise the first time Gavin crossed him…

  “...a riveting fantasy adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat.”

  ~Carol Davis Luce, author of Night Passage

  “This book is sure to please fans of the first installment. I’ve said before that the enjoyment factor is worth a lot when it comes to the awarding of stars, and this story was immensely enjoyable. It shines, in part, because of its style that manages to be well-developed while maintaining a certain simplicity, which allows the reader to become fully engaged. The development of the fascinating world Gavin inhabits really pushed my enjoyment up a notch.”

  ~ Grace Krispy on her blog Motherlode

  Well of the Damned

  Having banished the demon released from its prison by his defeated nemesis Ravenkind, Gavin Kinshield faces new challenges: a magical barrage by Ravenkind’s grieving mother and an age-old mystery whose time has come to be revealed.

  A former member of an elite battlers’ guild, Cirang Deathsblade has a dark past. She sits in gaol, awaiting the new king’s sentence for her terrible crimes... but she’s not who he thinks she is.

  In exchange for leniency, Cirang leads Gavin to a centuries-old, hidden journal that holds the secrets of ancient kings and a magical wellspring with its own dark past... and an even more terrible future.

  “...an extremely strong continuation to an already fantastic series.”

  ~Scott @ Indie Book Blog

  Sole Sacrifice

  Have you wondered how Sithral Tyr became the cold-blooded killer he is? My novella, Sole Sacrifice, tells the story of his journey from father and husband to soulless killer.

  Sithral Tyr watched helplessly while three of his children died of a strange illness. When his last remaining son falls ill, he gives up on his clan’s shaman and, amid protests from the clan chief and his neighbors, Tyr sets out to find a cure for his son. His journey takes him to a land of danger and debauchery where he’s forced to make the ultimate sacrifice in the hopes of saving not just his s
on but his entire clan.

  Visit my web site at kcmay.com for information on how to get a copy of this novella free.

  The Venom of Vipers

  A supervirus threatens to wipe out the human race.

  The only hope for the future is a cure hidden inside the human hybrid Ryder Stone. Created in a lab and brutalized, betrayed and hated by humans, Ryder yearns for freedom. On the outside, a group of human genetic purists want him dead.

  When Katie Marsh, a brilliant young geneticist, discovers his secret, she must fight to protect Ryder, gain his trust, and convince him to save humanity before the purists destroy them all.

  Originally published 2010 under the title The Venom of Vipers.

  “...a compelling read that was able to sweep me away.”

  ~ Grace Krispy on her blog Motherlode

  “The Venom of Vipers is a fast paced read with an interesting kick, exciting characters, and a unique story. I really enjoyed the pace and the believability of a future time and place in our possible history. In addition to being a futuristic thriller with a bizarre twist, the book is a great read that will keep you turning the pages and following the characters.”

  ~ Blog Critic

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  About the author

  Books by K.C. May




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