The Pantheon Moves (Emerilia Book 10)

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The Pantheon Moves (Emerilia Book 10) Page 26

by Michael Chatfield

  However, as it struck the thread of Mana that Boran-al was connected to the mutated demon with, it was like a line of gunpowder. It raced up that pure stream faster than Boran-al could react, racing into his body.

  Boran-al seemed to be brighter; light came from within his body as the Mana burned angrily. He spat out some blood that evaporated in the air, as if it were too hot.

  Boran-al poured power into his body, manipulating it so that he could stop the flames that were raging through his body. He did it, but it took a lot of Mana in order to put out the flames coursing through the Mana that made up his body.

  The mutated demon howled as its body came apart, burning from the inside.

  Jelanos was panting from the use of his Mana pool. Alamos finally let his shield go; the area that it had covered was now nothing more than a wasteland.

  Boran-al coldly cut his connection to the beast as he waved his hand in a grand manner. From his hands, smoke boiled forth to reveal mutated beasts that floated in the air on wings or dropped to the ground. They were as varied as they were terrifying. All of them looked to Alamos and Jelanos with hungry eyes.

  “We’ve got everyone off the main island,” one of the elders said to Alamos and Jelanos through a private chat.

  “All war mages are to stay on the headquarters’ island and keep the Alturarans and the Dark mages at bay. If they’re on the headquarters’ island, they might be on the others—make sure that they’re rooted out and dealt with,” Alamos said.

  “As soon as the last of the people from headquarters’ island are moved, move toward Verlun. Once far enough away, destroy the island. Have those skilled in Water magics in the water watching where the Alturarans are going. We’re going to need to find out what they’re doing in order to beat them back,” Jelanos said.

  As his words fell, the different islands started to rotate and move away from where they had rested for hundreds of years, moving around the central island and floating over the waves toward Verlun.

  “The Terra Alliance is moving forces to Verlun and readying a defense there,” another elder reported.

  “Good.” Jelanos stepped into the air. Wind appeared under his feet as Boran-al’s mutated beasts rushed outward.

  Alamos rushed into the sky as well. Now that they knew that there was no one but combatants on the island, they could unleash their full power.

  Jelanos unleashed an Air blade ten meters long that cut through anything in its path—cutting apart buildings and leaving a three-meter-deep line in the ground.

  Alamos shot out a blue fireball that melted everything in its path.

  The other mages were killed in the Mana shock waves of the attack, while half of Boran-al’s creatures were killed. However, more came from the seemingly endless bag of holding.

  War mages across the island were battling the Dark Champions and the Alturarans. The light and immense explosions of their battles could be seen and heard everywhere on the headquarters’ island. The port cities of Gudalo could only watch the display the noises of destruction hitting them like waves, stirring up the very sea itself.

  The mages’ eyes were as red as those of the bloodthirsty people and creatures’ they were facing. This was the center of their mage’s college. Countless generations of mages had come from this island and today, it had been broken apart by the Dark Lord’s minions. Their homes had been disturbed and people they had known were dead in the streets.

  They tore apart their own headquarters’ island to kill off those who had inflicted such a heavy wound into the weakness of the mage’s college and guild.

  In the sky, a blue and red light flashed into existence as a powerful aura rushed over the headquarters’ island.

  Jelanos and Alamos didn’t need to look up; they knew those two powerful auras.

  The red light appeared in the heavens with the blue light beside it.

  Red Mana circled the descending woman in the sky, creating an armor made of glowing red plates. She flicked her hand to the side. A staff that seemed to be carved from red crystal appeared in her hand. “You attack my island!” Fire’s voice resounded over the island as she pointed her staff downward. The black clouds above Emerilia boiled and burned, illuminating with red light before what looked like meteors rained down from the heavens, cutting through the conjured dark clouds. These meteor-like objects raced downward, the entire area burning with heat.

  The seas, that had been disturbed by the fighting on the headquarters’ island and the Alturarans that were below, now turned into a raging monsoon.

  An elderly looking man at the center of the blue dove toward the seas. From the water, a trident made of blue crystals appeared. It shot into his hands, his face filled with fury as he shot into the waters under what had been the bay that the Per’ush islands floated above.

  The waters boiled and shook with the violent attacks that Water led against the Alturarans and Dark Champions that were along the bay’s bottom.

  Fire’s meteors landed, making the entire headquarters shake as craters appeared all across it and more sections broke off and dropped into the waters below. The meteors hit the different holes that the Alturarans were coming out of, burning everything in them and exploding as they hit the curving walls of the tunnels, making great sections of the island collapse, killing the Alturarans within.

  Jelanos and Alamos fought onward, their fighting spirit stronger than ever before. Their attacks cleaved through Boran-al’s creatures as fast as he could bring them out. Jelanos landed on the ground, running so fast that he was a blur. His sword rushed out; icicles hit Alturarans, their bodies freezing and then shattering as he passed.

  Alamos soared through the sky. Spears and bolts flew from his hands, coloring the sky as the archmages of the mage’s college and guild gave a terrifying display of their might.

  The clouds above the island started to become thicker and more powerful, congealing into the shape of a massive man looking over the headquarters’ island.

  “Fire, it is good to see you, dear sister,” Dark said sweetly. His form, created of the black clouds, swiped out its hands. Rays of darkness shot toward Fire.

  A massive shield appeared, covered in runes as the hits were burned away.

  “All mages move to the rest of the Per’ush islands!” Fire yelled as lances of Fire appeared all around her. They shot forward; gaps appeared in her shield to allow them through before they closed again. The spears created powerful explosions that shook the island below as they hit the Dark Lord’s forces.

  Jelanos and Alamos looked to Boran-al; he was weaker than ever, but Fire had spoken. They moved their hands into a complex configuration to create a vortex of Fire and Air. The two elements reinforced each other, making the attack many times more powerful.

  Boran-al’s creatures moved to block the attack with their bodies.

  Jelanos and Alamos took out flying artifacts, rushing away as they gathered up those who were wounded or wouldn’t be able to make it to the other islands by themselves. They collected more and more war mages with them, creating a fast-moving and powerful unit.

  Everyone downed Mana potions to recover their Strength as they collected up the last of their people, smashing back the forces under Dark’s command.

  “That’s it!” Alamos said. His platform turned away from the Per’ush mage’s college headquarters’ island. In the sky above, flames and darkness clashed. Two true gods of Emerilia shook the heavens as the seas below them roiled with Water’s actions as he cut through the Alturarans marching toward Gudalo.

  They shot away on their flying platforms, escaping Dark’s clouds. None of them spoke as they looked at the headquarters’ island. Alturarans poured out from the holes on the island, tearing it apart before crashing into the surging sea below.

  A storm of Mana was whipped up into the sky, tearing at the air itself as it rotated underneath Fire’s feet, within her control.

  The world seemed to become silent as Dark’s attacks came from the sky and the he
adquarters’ island started to slip into the water below. “I’ll be coming for the rest of your mages soon enough.” Dark’s voice carried across the water with a gloating tone.

  “You can try, but unlike your people, they know how to create something incredible instead of just try to destroy and twist things down unnatural paths. Seems you don’t need this elemental clone.” Fire raised up her hand. A multicolored flame burned in the Mana that was all around her that she had pulled from the different artifacts and soul gems that were on the island.

  The flames raced through the Mana, instantly refining, changing the various powers into a red Affinity Mana. Fire’s power surged as in an instant the Mana under her feet spread out into a sheet, a land of flames, that faced the black clouds above.

  She raised her staff up, as the land of flames shot upward into the sky. The darkness of the clouds and the hungry flames of the land that Fire had created colored the sky.

  “What is this?” Dark demanded.

  “Too weak,” Fire snorted. Their voices were so powerful as to reach the mages as they fled.

  The flames burned away all of the attacks Dark shot at it. He unleashed more and more attacks. They were all burned away as the flames, illuminating the sky above, made the mages look in shock. They had all seen incredible things in their lives but the level of the spells that were displayed were not something that they could compare to.

  The fire burned through the black miasma that was released by the clouds. The black clouds started to move faster and faster, as if angered by the oncoming flames. The flames’ power surged as they clashed with the clouds.

  The sky was shrouded into darkness and light, as powers beyond the understanding of mere mortals fought.

  The black clouds became less substantial, bit by bit, and started to get burned away. The power of the clouds finally reached its limit. The clouds broke apart into different sections. Dark’s clone body made from the Dark energies of the summoned clouds dissipated with an angered yell. As his body disappeared, the strength of the clouds only weakened faster as the fires burned through anything that had remained in the sky.

  Finished with clearing the sky, Fire waved her hands. The sheet of flame fell apart. Different flames burned up the remaining Mana as they fell toward the water below. The water sizzled and let off steam as the still-burning Mana continued to fall. Some of it reached the bottom of the bay floor and melted through the ground below.

  In the distance, the Per’ush islands were now all passing over the shores of Gudalo, moving to Verlun.


  Daeundra had rarely visited the Lady of Light, only coming when summoned. However, she had been spending the rest of her time looking for the Dark Lord. It was only a few moments ago that she had found out about the events happening within the Per’ush islands.

  “Mistress, Dark has appeared in the Per’ush islands—” Daeundra was cut off by Light.

  “Prepare our forces.” Power fluctuated wildly around Light.

  “Yes, mistress,” Daeundra said, not daring to say anything that might turn Light’s ire onto her.

  “Dark, soon I will destroy your very bones, so there is nothing left of you in this world.” Light held a hand up and curled it into a fist. Her power surged.

  Cold sweat rolled down Daeundra’s back. Daeundra took her leave, rushing to tell the angel generals. She passed on the commands. They were about to go see to their people when a surge of powerful Light Mana rushed out across Markolm.

  This Light Mana was power from Light’s own divine wells. The Mana sunk deep into the ground, as if searching out something.

  Daeundra had a look of shock on her face as all of Markolm started to shake. Her eyes were wide as she looked at Light’s hall.

  It was said that the Per’ush islands had been based off the floating island that Light had commanded in history. That island had been Markolm. Once again, the runes that covered Markolm flashed with power as the entire large island started to shake.

  The seas around it shook as the island started to rise into the air. Waves were thrown about as the island rose. Its algae-covered underside was revealed as water fell off the rocks that made up the island.

  Markolm was rising from the seas once again!

  It was undeniably powerful and fear-inducing.

  The calm seas started to rush into the area where the Markolm continent had been. Great big waves crashed together in the center and created a pillar of water fountaining upward, barely touching the bottom of the Markolm floating island.

  The island came to a stop in the air. Its underside looked much like a boat that had been at sea for a long time might, covered in all kinds of creatures, algae, and grime.

  However, under this there were powerful runes that glowed with a golden light, pushing the entire island into the air. The island shot toward the west on a straight line, aimed at where the Per’ush islands had been.


  Josh lurched awake as different alarms rang through his head, as messages and alerts came in.

  Cassie, who had been sleeping beside him, opened her eyes and looked around the room with a fierce look, a blade in her hand.

  “Dark has attacked the Per’ush islands and Light is moving Markolm,” Josh said, looking through the information as it came through his interface.

  “What?” Cassie yelled in a shocked voice.

  “Markolm seems to be a floating island.” Josh hotkeyed his armor. Black clothes with runic lines covered his body. Power seemed to roll off him as his hand rested on his sword; the other moved over his interface.

  Cassie put away her sword and activated her own armor. Large gray plates appeared over her body, making her look like a tank. Her head was free from it all; she quickly adjusted her hair so it wouldn’t get caught in the armor and moved her weapons around to make sure she could use them in a moment’s notice.

  Even with her large armor, Cassie was a quick and deadly opponent. She was fine with taking a few hits in order to finish off her enemies. It made her a strange strength and agility build: strong enough to hold her armor easily, but fast and agile enough to hit the deadly points of her enemies before they knew what was happening.

  She’d ditched the golden armor she’d had before when she’d joined the Stone Raiders, using different armor types in order to boost her stats instead of looking good.

  “Command?” Cassie asked.

  “Yeah.” Josh put the interface away.

  They walked from the bed toward the door. Josh looped his hand into her sword belt and turned her around. She looked at him with a confused look as he kissed her and patted her armored butt.

  Her eyes fluttered with the passionate kiss, surprised by it, as Josh separated himself from her and walked through the door. He looked at his hand. “Would’ve been nicer without armor in the way.” Josh sighed.

  “Horny old goat,” Cassie said, a slight flush to her face as she got over her shock and followed Josh.

  “Neither a goat, nor old.” Josh left the room.

  Cassie shook her head behind him even as the corners of her mouth lifted into a smile. Their little moment was pushed to the back of their minds as they made it to the command center.

  The doors opened to a packed room, with people from all over Emerilia as well as different leaders seated or moving between different consoles and areas in the circular room.

  Lucy was already there in the center.

  “Dwayne, Kim, and Esa are mobilizing the forces of the Terra Alliance. The flying citadels are ready to move. We’ve got reports of the Alturarans moving straight through the bay toward Gudalo. They look to be aiming for the coast near the city of Myrar.” Lucy pressed a button for the main screen within the command room. A map of Emerilia appeared, a straight line from Markolm to Per’ush highlighted. “To me, it looks like Light and Dark are moving to have their last battle. The Alturarans would normally just spread out in every direction. However, they’re just going straight, not making any diversion. Marko
lm is also moving straight toward where the Per’ush islands were.”

  Josh took in a cold breath as he looked at the map. “Get our forces moved to Heval as well as the coast of Gudalo. If the Alturarans don’t change their direction for three hours, I want Myrar, Asamal, Holmslatr and everyone between those cities evacuated. I want to know, if they continue at their current pace, where will Markolm and Dark’s forces meet? All coastal villages and cities are to prepare for a large tsunami. I want people watching out for that and ready to evacuate as needed. Also, all cities in the flight path of Markolm to Per’ush should be ready to evacuate. If that thing comes down, or Light wants to kill them off, it would only be too easy.

  “Gather our forces in Terra. We don’t know where the battle will take place but we need to be ready for it. The flying citadels are to move to Heval.” Josh looked to the two women and one man who represented the mage’s college, guild and their overseers. “Let us know what we can do to assist Per’ush.”

  “Thank you for your support. We have many wounded who are already being moved to Terra. Otherwise, the islands are moving around Verlun and stabilizing in order to use their teleport pads,” the woman from the mage’s college said.

  “Good. I want everyone and everything ready for what’s to come.” Josh’s words were for those connected to the Per’ush islands, as it was for the different leaders and commanders in the room with him.

  It looked as if there was no way to stop the clash of Light and Dark; “What is our plan to deal with the Dark Lord and Lady of Light?” someone asked.

  “We need to cut off that portal first. Stop Dark from bringing in the Alturarans. That will not be an easy task. We—”

  “The Alturarans have stopped moving!” Lucy called out, interrupting Josh. An image showed Alturarans massing along the bottom of the bay. Being inorganic, they didn’t need air to survive.

  The forward units had stopped; others came around them, creating precise formations. The larger tank Alturarans moved into lines across the front, with regulars in box-like formations behind them. Behind the normals were formations of ranged Alturarans. Between the box formations of ranged and normals, the massive worms were in the lead, followed by groups of mutated Alturarans and followed up by another worm.


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