Alaska's Snowy Fate (Winter Rescue Bears Book 1)

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Alaska's Snowy Fate (Winter Rescue Bears Book 1) Page 3

by April Zyon

  “But I’m no one.” She whispered with that cloying scent of fear that had him moving so that he could cover her and rub his cheek to hers.

  “You are someone. You are my mate. I will protect you, Alaska. For now, just stay calm. We will figure this out, I promise you. Just take it easy for now. I hear the boys coming down the hall. We will get you out of here and home. Just trust me, can you do that?”

  She looked up into his eyes, and he knew the moment she made up her mind to believe in him. He saw the flicker of trust in her eyes and then heard her whispered yes which made his heart swell with happiness. He leaned in and kissed her cheek and then pulled back.

  “It’s cold out there but we are going to bundle you in furs, we know what we are doing even if the chuckleheads act as if they don’t.” Drake said with a quick grin and wink while he began to quickly pull furs out of his pack and then nodded to Oliver as he walked into the room.

  Chapter 7

  Everything happened so fast. When Drake started to talk she didn’t believe him at first but he was so sincere that she wanted to have faith in him. When he told her that someone tried to kill her she fully trusted that, even if she didn’t have any enemies. His men began to file into the room, and Oliver unhooked her from the primary IV lines leaving the lines in her hands and arms. He explained he didn’t want to hurt her further, and he would set her up once they were back at the den with the same medication.

  She was then wrapped in furs, soft and comfortable furs that made her instantly feel exceptionally hot in the hospital room. She just hoped she would appreciate the heat once they were outside. Drake carefully swept her into his arms, and as a unit, the men moved out of the room and into the stairwell. They moved upwards. “Why up?” She asked softly.

  “That’s where the helo is waiting for us. You forget, mate, we are para-rescue as well.” There was that dimple in his cheek when he spoke to her that made her feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy inside. Drake Tillman was a massive man, standing at closer to seven feet than not, huge across the shoulders like a linebacker and with sun kissed dirty blond hair and tanned skin he was everything she had ever dreamed of. But it was that dimple, there was something about that dimple or that quirk of his lips when he half smiled at her that made her insides all gooey. The man was just all kinds of gorgeous, especially when he turned his sky blue eyes on her, he was incredible to behold.

  “Oh.” She felt him pulling her closer and oddly enough her heart felt much happier. She should be fighting this. She should be battling the crazy man who thought that he was a polar bear, but that little voice inside of her that had spoken to her so often in the past was back now, and it was telling her to trust this man and his crew.

  Once she was placed inside of the helo, she was laid on a medical bed and strapped in tightly. She was struck by the competency of the men around her, and smiled up at Drake who watched everyone moving around her. Reaching up through the furs she grabbed his hand. He seemed to be so upset by the men touching her that she had to touch him, reassure him so she said, “Calm down. Even I can feel your frustration and upset.” Drake’s large hand encompassed hers, and she felt immediate release, and she sighed as she felt him relax as well.

  Closing her eyes, Alaska relaxed knowing that she was safe. They were taking her away from anything or anyone that might wish to do her harm. “I’m trusting you to keep me safe, Drake.” She felt the tell-tale signs then of the medication that would put her under and snickered, “Oh Oliver you are a naughty naughty boy, but I so adore a man that will ply a woman who’s in pain with drugs.”

  As she slipped into the arms of the waiting darkness, she heard growls and Oliver’s laughter, but she wasn’t sure why. She would ask later if she remembered. For now, all, that mattered was that she was safe, and she was flying to a place unknown, with men she trusted more than her family, how weird was that?

  Chapter 8

  When they got to the compound that Drake and his men called home they all began to tell her a bit about themselves, and their bears. Alaska loved listening to Drake talk, she laughed at the stories that the men told about their mischievous adventures. More than anything however she listened intently when they all told her the lore about mates and mating. The each had a different take on it and she wanted to know every single possible facet of what was coming her way by being in this life with Drake.

  She understood mates now, and the reason why she was so totally chill while he told her everything. She’d accepted everything he had to say because of the pheromones that his bear had put out to calm her, his mate. It was a wild and crazy thing, but in all actuality, it made perfect sense. It was Mother Nature’s way of ensuring that her creatures, all of them, had their perfect balance and it seemed that she was Drake’s perfect balance.

  Alaska giggled. When Drake asked her why she looked up at him and grinned. “I have dreamt about you since the first time that I saw you at the X Games and then the Winter Olympics. I’ve drooled over every poster, every picture, every, well, everything of you. It’s been so weird because I’ve practically stalked you for the last three years and now here you are telling me that I was born to be yours.”

  “That is actually quite funny.”

  “Except when I saw you with some woman, then it would break my heart. It was almost as if we were dating which was weird because I was freaking married at the time.” She was talking about him on magazine covers or in the gossip magazines where he dated on and off, on the very rare times that he did.

  She heard his growl and looked up at him. “I told you that, you knew that I was married.”

  “I know, and I still recall you telling me about the way your sister acted when you were going through the divorce. Personally, I think anyone willing to let someone as amazing as you go, in insane, but I won’t complain. It brought you to my bed.”

  Alaska sighed and brushed her hand down the bedding and shrugged. “I was never good enough for him but honestly.” She turned to look up at him again. “I think it was him that was never good enough for me. I think I was in a holding pattern waiting for you. Who knew that this Christmas trip, the one I nearly bailed on, was the one that would bring me to you.”

  Drake leaned in and brushed his lips against hers and rubbed his nose against hers. “Just heal. That’s all that you need to worry about right now little mate, heal and then we will work out everything else later.”

  “Healing does sound good, especially if you promise to take me skiing another time. I came to Alaska to ski, it’s a passion of mine too, you know.” She told him with a small yawn.

  Drake moved so that he could rest at her side but not jostle her too much she noticed. His heat kept her warm, and his nearness made her feel safe. She liked that, he seemed to know what she needed even if she didn’t. “But you are now my primary passion so rest. Stop fighting it, or Oliver will come back in here and ream me out, and you don’t want that, do you?”

  “No, he’s mean when he gets all worked up about his patients.”

  “That’s my girl. Sleep.” He was so kind to her, Alaska thought to herself when he kissed the side of her cheek and stroked her skin to get her to calm enough to start to slide into sleep.


  Alaska and Drake seemed to click together as if they were born for each other, at least that was what she told him over cereal one morning. They were sitting on the back porch watching the Northern Lights eating their Frosted Flakes cereal when Adam and Trent had come back from the forest in bear form. When both men shifted Drake put his hand up in front of her eyes and growled at his friends, “Not even funny guys, she doesn’t need to be privy to the viewing of the world’s smallest dicks you know.”

  Alaska had laughed at that. They hadn’t looked in the least small to her. Holy hell, those men were packing, in a good way too. They didn’t do the things to her woman bits like Drake did but she wasn’t dead and she could appreciate a good body and both men had them, like crazy good. “Awe, come on Drake t
hey aren’t the world’s smallest. They just don’t have monster penis’s which is a good thing because that would scare me away from this place.”

  Drake’s rumble had Alaska leaning her head on his shoulder and looking up at him. “Besides, no one would ever compare to you. You are the only one I love and you know it big guy.” That rumble turned into almost a happy chortle in seconds. It was just another thing she loved about her bear shifter, she could tell his moods by the sounds he made. God she loved that man.

  It was surreal how quickly time passed for Alaska and the men she was now living full time with. She had physical therapy with Oliver three times a week once she was deemed capable. Now she was looking down the face of a mountain with the whole group at her back, Drake at her side.

  She grinned and looked over at him with happiness all but bursting from inside of her, at least that’s how it felt. “I can’t believe that we are going to do this.” He was going to take her down the mountain. Well, hill, but still she was on the snow with Drake-freaking-Tillman. A man who was more than a man, a polar bear shifter who was also her mate. She shot him a heated look and grinned. “So my physical therapist has signed off enough for us to go skiing, think that means we can do other things too?”

  That was all she said before she stabbed her poles into the powder and took off down the hill. She knew every one of his friends heard her as well, but she honestly didn’t care. She was going absolutely insane because she was extremely mad-crazy for this man and needed him, desperately. She ached every single night for him, and it was made all the worse because she slept with him and couldn’t ease her own need with her fingers.

  Before she knew it, she had men flying past her, heard the others laughing as they flew past her and then she felt more than saw Drake at her side. “Yes, that’s exactly what that means which is why I’ve asked the boys to give us the weekend alone. I want to bond with you, my fucking bear is tearing me up inside to bond with you.” She didn’t know how he was talking as if he was walking alongside her when she was breathless, but then again, this was second nature to him, skiing.

  She slid to a stop at the bottom of the hill, she was breathless and ached a bit, but she felt amazing to be in the sunshine and on the snow. She looked up at him and then pulled her goggles from her eyes. “You’ve told me a bit about the bonding but will it really take the whole weekend?”

  “No, but is it so bad of me to want you to myself for an entire weekend?” He asked as he stabbed his poles into the ground and stepped off his skis in a practiced move and then stepped onto hers with her.

  He wrapped her in his arms, and she all but melted into his embrace. “No, it’s not bad at all. In fact, I approve of it, a great deal. I love the fact that you want to have me all to yourself.” She tilted her face up to his and smiled. “I think you should kiss me now.”

  When Drake did just that Alaska went weak in the knees and he quickly kicked the locks of her skis and pulled her up into his arms. She could hear his bear growling now, and it was the sexiest fucking thing she had ever heard in her whole life.

  “No more teasing.” His eyes were bleeding over into coal black, the color of his bear's eyes. She reached up and put her hand on the back of his head and pulled him down to her and kissed him again, it was all she could think to do at that moment.

  Before she knew it they were back at the house and she was in his bed once more. She had enjoyed sleeping at his side since they brought her here and now she was going to do far more than that and couldn’t wait. She began to tear at his clothes, the Velcro of his coat giving a super satisfying rip of a sound which had her grinning up at him. “God I love that sound.” Now if only she could get him completely naked.

  “I would love it even more if it were your shirt I was tearing off of you.” He told her with a low growl while he tore his way through her clothes, pushing her snow pants down her body and then rubbing his massive hands back up the backsides of her legs and ass as he worked his way up her jean clad legs. “You are fucking perfect, Alaska.”

  “You are pretty perfect yourself, big guy.” She moaned her words because by that time he had latched his hands into her jeans and was pulling them down her legs. Damn he worked fast when he wanted to. “Holy shit you are fast.”

  “Only on some things.” He assured her as he crept up her body, pausing here and there to kiss the back of her knees, her thighs, the backs of her calves and then finally he hesitated at her pussy and looked up at her. “I’ve smelled you for the last several weeks, and it's been killing me. I’ve wanted to taste you for weeks, and I’ve had to be good.”

  He parted her labia and before she could even mutter his name he licked her from the bottom of her pussy to her clit and then sucked on her clit driving her wild. She screamed his name while arching up and tensing from the pure pleasure that she received in that one small action. Using just his tongue, that large, thick muscle he licked her again, dragging the tip of his tongue against her clit to tease her.

  His thumbs held her pussy apart so that he could toy with her. She watched in stunned amazement when he pulled back slightly, a grin on his face. She shivered and then bit her lower lip when she watched him suck two of his fingers, oh hell yes he was toying with her and god she loved it, he then swiftly plunged those two thick fingers deep into her tight pussy which had her screaming his name again.

  Once more he was back to working on her clit, his tongue flicking it and then sucking, alternating between the two actions and keeping her guessing as to what he was going to do next. When he added a third and twisted his fingers, she braced her feet on the bed and arched her body up so that she could come again. Pleasure rushed through her body once more, and she saw spots swimming before her eyes while she orgasmed in a way she never believed possible. It had been so long since she had sex, and before that the sex was so bad that it was laughable but what Drake did to her was magical, he went in with a single-minded purpose and that was to ensure that she was satisfied and her ex had never done that for her, he had only been about getting his own rocks off and fuck what she needed.

  Chapter 9

  “That’s two.” He growled against her pussy. Fuck, mating her was going to kill him but he wasn’t going to do this halfway, he was god damn going to do this right because he was going to tie her to him for the rest of time. “The next time you come,” He moved so that his body was flush with hers and he could look down at her. “I’m going to be buried balls deep inside of you, and I’m going to be pumping you full of my seed. I’m also going to bite you.” He was letting her catch her breath, he had to let her cool down, just a bit, otherwise she was going to come again.

  He touched her with his fingers lightly at the base of her neck on the back. “You are going to be on all fours, and I’m going to bite you here, and that’s going to bond us together. When we bond it’s got to be like that. You are ready for me, I won’t hurt you more than I have to. The bite will hurt, but I promise you that afterward, I will give you nothing but pleasure, I swear. Do you trust me? After we’ve said the words and I’m inside you, you can’t come until I tell you that you can or it will nullify our bond and we will never be mated, we will never find that other half because we will have lost our one and only chance.

  She reached up and touched his cheek and nodded. “I trust you completely. Tell me what to do. And I won’t, I won’t do anything to jeopardize our bonding.”

  “Repeat everything I say.” He was growling now, all he had to do was hear her words that she trusted him.

  “I take you into my heart. I take you into my soul.” His bear was growling the words as much as the human was saying them, he could feel it as well as hear it.

  “I take you into my heart. I take you into my soul.” She was stroking her fingers down his cheek and over his lips as she spoke. He nipped her fingers and smiled, but he continued to speak.

  “You are my mate, my blood, my love from now until our time upon this world has ended..” He saw her frown and s
hook his head. “Say them.” He whispered.

  “You are my mate, my blood, my love from now until our time upon this world has ended..” She parroted his words back to him.

  “So it has been said, so it will be.”

  “So it has been said, so it will be.”

  “The bond will be formed with words, seed, and blood. On your knees, my mate, now the fun starts.” He was growling again and shifted so that he could flip her over, his bear was more than impatient to get her on her knees in front of him. “I need to be inside of you, now. Are you ready?”

  “Fuck yes.” She moaned and moved so that she was bracing her hands on the headboard. “I’ve been ready for a while now. Please, Drake.”

  He could feel the bond already forming and was sure she could too, her pupils were partially dilated, and her breathing was coming in gasps.

  He ran his hands down her back from her shoulders to her ass. He gave her ass a light slap and then rubbed his fingers through the slick liquid that was coming from her pussy. “Fucking hell baby you are so damn wet for me.”

  He grabbed his thick ten-inch cock and rubbed the head through her moist heat and then pressed lightly into her. “Don’t come until I tell you, baby, you can’t.” He couldn’t stress that enough for her because if she did it would nullify their mating bond and they would break apart forever.

  “I won’t. I just need you.” She pushed back on him and moaned. He reached out and put his hand on her shoulder to hold her still.

  “You are tight, Alaska. Hold still.” He was still growling in his bear voice because Bear was as close to the skin as he could get without breaking free. He grabbed her hips and plunged deep into her core and moaned as she cried out. “Are you okay?” He asked as he forced himself to hold still with his balls against her clit.


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