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Being Oscar: From Mob Lawyer to Mayor of Las Vegas

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by Oscar Goodman

Cusumano, Joey, 77–78

  Dalitz, Moe, 6–7

  Danson, Ted, 199

  DeJesus, Esteban, 88

  DelGiorno, Thomas “Tommy Del,” 161–162, 167–168

  DeNiro, Robert, 134, 195–196

  Dennis, S.G., Jr., 163–164

  Departed, The (movie), 174

  DePasquale, John, 42–43, 44, 46, 47

  Dickinson, Angie, 197

  Dirty Pictures (movie), 212–213

  Domenica, Sister (“singing nun”), 133

  Donaghy, Tim, 253

  Drug legalization/taxes, 264, 268–270

  Dugas, Julian, 255

  Duhamel, Josh, 202

  Duran, Roberto, 88

  Edwards, John, 226

  Emanuel, Rahm, 228, 230

  Epp, Dan Van, 218–219, 222

  Farrakhan, Louis, 230

  Ferrara, Vinny, xi, 173–178, 213

  Finney, Mark, 113–114

  Fishburne, Laurence, 199

  Flamingo Hotel-Casino, 17, 18, 47, 48

  Foley, Roger, 49, 79

  Foley, Tom, 26

  Foster, Frances, 199

  Fountainebleau Hotel, 45, 47, 49

  Fox, Byron, 53

  Franklin, Ben, 14

  Franklin, George, 32–34

  Fratiano, Aladena “Jimmy the Weasel,” 124–125

  Fretwell, Betty, 212

  Fullam, John P., 163


  addiction, 250, 251

  overview, 251–253

  Gans, Danny, 197

  Garland, Judy, 143

  Gaughan, Michael, 194, 210

  Gehry, Frank, 222–223

  Genovese crime family, 36

  George, Phyllis, 98

  Ghanem, Elias, 93

  Giancana, Sam, 132

  Giuliani, Rudy, 89

  Glassman, Tony, 207

  Glick, Allen, 74, 129

  Godfather, The (movie), 77, 201

  Golden Nugget, 42, 193

  Goldmark, Carl, Jr., 41

  Goldmark, Hazel Seligman, 41

  Goldstein, Ruby, 51, 118

  Goldwater, Barry, 156

  Goodell, Roger, 260

  Goodman, A. Allan

  career, 10, 17, 23–24, 104

  death/funeral, 104, 105

  Oscar moving to Las Vegas and, 21–22, 104

  Oscar’s childhood and, 11, 12

  play investment and, 13–14

  Goodman, Cara

  bat mitzvah, 77, 78

  childhood, 39–40, 45, 77, 78, 84, 85, 202, 273

  college/as adult, 188, 200, 273

  Goodman, Carolyn

  adopting children/as mother, 39–40, 42, 66–67, 272

  background/parents, 19, 40, 41

  gambling/poker, 21, 22, 35, 250

  Las Vegas mayoralty and, 274–275, 276

  Meadows school, 12, 84–85, 181, 241, 274

  meeting Oscar/dating, 40–41

  move to Las Vegas, 17–19, 21

  Oscar’s law cases/career and, 30, 32, 36, 46, 66–67, 109–110, 135, 148–149

  Oscar’s mayoral campaign/terms, 3, 5, 187–189, 206, 213, 226, 227, 244, 246

  Prada bag/Oscar and, 254–255

  requests to Oscar, 271–272

  wedding, 41–42

  Goodman, Eric

  as adult, 273

  childhood, 39–40, 66, 67, 84, 202

  Goodman, Ericka, 11, 41

  Goodman, Laura

  background/description, 11

  in hospital, 209

  Nicky Scarfo, Jr. and, 168

  organizing hunger strike, 12

  on Oscar, 132, 196

  Oscar moving to Las Vegas and, 21–22

  Goodman, Lona, 11

  Goodman, Oscar

  acting, 134, 195–201, 202

  description, xi–xiii, 186, 188, 195

  drinks/drinking and, xi, 16, 32, 153, 189, 202, 238, 241, 256

  on family, 40, 42, 271–274

  gambling, 14–16, 50–51, 100, 189–190, 249–250

  Haverford College/classmates, 13, 15, 40, 41

  relationship with clients/staff, 134–135, 136

  trip/move to Las Vegas, 17–19

  University of Pennsylvania law school, 16–17, 41

  U.S. Senate and, 226, 231

  Goodman, Oscar/childhood

  activities, 10, 11, 14–15, 86–88, 199

  father/courtroom trial, 23–24

  parents/sisters and, 10–11, 21, 23–24, 87

  Goodman, Oscar/defense attorney career

  client examples/diversity, 65–66

  client gifts and, 203, 205

  daily routine with, 239–240

  Dino/accident, 24–26

  family and, 65–67

  fees, 172–173

  first mob case/effects, 35–39

  former teacher on, xii–xiii

  government surveillance on, 76–77

  jury selection and, 164–165

  justice and, 10, 23–24, 115–116, 173

  move to Las Vegas/office, 18–19, 21, 22

  opponents on, 70, 76–77

  oral surgeon client/trial, 65, 85–86

  Rolls Royce and, 168–169

  University of Pennsylvania law school/bar and, 16–17, 18, 41

  as wiretap/laws expert, 46, 47, 52, 54

  See also specific cases/clients

  Goodman, Oscar, Jr.

  as adult/on parents, 272, 274

  childhood, 39–40, 67, 84, 202

  Goodman, Oscar/Las Vegas mayor

  after being mayor, 275–276

  baseball team/throwing out first pitch, 3–6

  brand, xi, 3–4, 176, 208, 223, 240, 255–256, 257

  campaign/debates, 185–190

  criticism/media and, 206, 207–208, 211, 215, 216, 221, 223, 224, 234, 236, 238–239, 244, 264

  former clients and, 186–187

  graffiti and, 233–236

  homeless people and, 214–216, 223–224, 233

  honoring bartenders/waitresses, 192

  if Benevolent Dictator, 263–270

  life as mayor, 190–192

  as match, ix

  pay/hours, 203

  professional sports team and, 249, 252–254, 257–262

  “public perception” and, 203, 205–206

  reasons for running, 181–182, 184–185

  running decision/reactions of children, 185

  satisfaction with, xi–xii, xii, 190, 191–192, 221–222, 239, 240

  wins/terms, 190

  See also Las Vegas downtown revitalization

  Goodman, Ross

  as adult, 189, 206, 272–273

  childhood, 39–40, 67, 84, 202

  Gordon, Jack, 68

  Gore, Al, 156

  Gotti, John, 203

  Gravano, Salvatore “Sammy the Bull,” 171

  Greenspun, Hank, 151, 157

  Guilfoyle, Paul, 199

  Hacienda, x, 22, 35, 78, 120, 210

  Hamlet, Floyd, 31, 32

  Hanley, Andy Granby/Tom, 112–113

  Harrelson, Charles/wife, 33, 106, 107

  Harrelson, Leonard, 33

  Harrelson, Woody, 33, 106

  Hefner, Hugh, 244

  Herbert, Bob, 236–237

  Hitler, 23, 26, 244

  Hodges, Joe Henry, 251

  Hoffman, Walter, 151

  Hogan, Frank, 17

  Hole-in-the-Wall Gang, 121–122, 123, 130, 131, 137

  Holmes, Larry, 88–89

  Holyfield, Evander, 92, 93

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 17

  Horowitz, Mel “the Professor,” 35–37, 44, 50

  Hughes, Howard, 69

  Hundley, Bill, 49

  Hunt, Roger, 58, 60, 61

  Jackson, “Action,” 74

  Jackson, La Toya, 68

  Jacobson, Nate, 21

  James, Jerry Ray/wife, 109, 111, 112–114

  Jerbic, Brad, 197–198

  Jerde, Jon, 223

  Kane, Marty “the
Jew,” 50, 51–52, 118

  Kay, Bobby, 65

  Kennedy, Anthony, 149

  Kennedy, Robert, 49

  Kentucky Derby, 97, 98

  King, Alan, 197

  King, Don, 88, 89, 92

  King, Rodney, 231

  Knowlton, Ellen, 212, 213

  Laine, Frankie, 21

  Lamb, Ralph, 80, 81, 202

  Lane, Mills, 92

  Lansburgh, Morris, 47

  Lansky, Meyer, x, 17, 36, 47, 48–49

  LaRue, Eddie, 145–146, 151

  Las Vegas

  in 1960s, 19–21, 28, 80–81

  “best/worst of” contest, 216–217

  Carolyn Goodman mayoralty and, 274–275, 276

  centennial celebration, 242

  description, ix, x, 6–7

  divorce regulations, 20

  elections procedure, 186

  work cards/criminal records, 217–218

  See also Goodman, Oscar/Las Vegas mayor

  Las Vegas downtown revitalization

  agora and “river,” 210–211, 214

  before revitalization, 186, 210

  other city examples, 194–195, 218

  plans/description, 193–195, 210–214, 218–221, 222–223, 233, 245–246

  Las Vegas Review Journal, 185, 216

  Las Vegas Sun, 151, 157, 260

  Las Vegas (television), 201

  Lasorda, Tommy, 84, 85–86

  Law enforcement

  government practices and, 9–10, 52–57, 79–80, 123, 138

  government witnesses and, 54–56, 109, 111, 112–114, 123, 124–125, 129, 130–131, 138, 147, 149, 150, 150–151, 152, 159, 161–163, 167–168

  “mob funerals,” 138

  302 memo, 55–56

  See also Crime/criminal cases; specific cases/individuals

  Laxalt, Paul, 71

  Lehman Brothers land, 219

  Leonetti, Nancy, 165

  Leonetti, Philip, xi, 165, 166, 168, 170–172, 173

  Lepore, Dennis “Champagne,” 12

  Limoli, Jimmy/murder, 175, 177

  Lisner, Sherwin “Jerry”/murder, 122–123, 131

  Los Angeles Times, 13, 221

  Lottery and Nevada, 267

  Louis, Joe/Martha, 89, 90, 91

  Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 36

  Luntz, Frank, 193–194

  M&M murders, Chicago, 74, 123, 129–130

  Maddux, Greg, 5

  Mapplethorpe, Robert, 212

  Marcello, James, 138

  Marciano, Rocky, 87

  Marion, Izzy/trial, 89–91

  Martin, Bob, 36, 37, 50, 250

  Martin, Dean, 143

  Mauch, Gene, 83, 84

  McCarthy, Billy, 129

  McCrory, Pat, 241

  McManus, James/libel suit against, 207

  Merck case, 182–184

  Meth, 166–167

  Miragllia, James, 129

  Mitchell, John, 49, 50, 52–53, 54, 56


  code of silence and, 123–124, 175, 177

  factions, 126–127

  See also specific individuals

  Mob-making ceremony/case, 173–175, 176–177

  Mob Museum, Las Vegas, 211–214

  Moore, Robin, 250–251

  Mormons/Mormon Church, 28, 30, 186

  Mustang Ranch, 147–148

  NBA All-Star game/weekend, 257–259

  New York Times, 207, 221, 236, 261–262

  Newton, Wayne, 197

  Nicholson, Jack, 174

  Nitti, Frank, 132

  Nixon, Richard, 49

  Nuclear waste site/Yucca Mountain, 241

  Obama, Barack, and Goodman, 225–231, 232

  O’Callaghan, Mike, 51

  Ocean’s Eleven (movie sequel), 197

  O’Donnell, Tom, 29–30, 31, 32, 154–155

  Omnibus Crime Bill (1968), 43

  See also Wiretaps/law

  Oscar’s Beef, Booze, and Broads, 232, 276

  Owen, Richard, 91

  Panarella, Charlie “The Moose,” 203, 205

  Patriarca, Raymond/Patriarca Crime Family, 36, 173

  Perry Mason (television), 27, 198

  Pesci, Joe, 134, 196

  Petti, Chris, 67

  Philadelphia Eagles, 11

  Philadelphia mob

  drug case/trial, 165–168

  extortion case/trial, 159–164

  RICO case, 170–172

  See also specific individuals

  Philadelphia Phillies, 4–5, 11, 83–84

  Pignatello, Joe, 133

  Pileggi, Nicholas, 80, 133–134, 195

  Playboy photo shoot/party, 243–244

  Pollock, Joseph L., xii–xiii

  Prima, Louis, 21

  Product liability law, 183–184

  Prostitution legalization/taxes, 236, 263–264, 265–267

  Quaid, Dennis, 80

  Raggio, Bill, 150

  Ralenkotter, Rossi, 254, 255

  Rand, Tamara, 74

  Ratner, Bret, 197

  Reagan, Nancy, 268

  Reagan, Ronald, 71, 103, 214

  Rego, Bobby, 162

  Reid, Harry, 21, 199, 229

  Resnick, Ash, 126

  Richichi, Natale “Big Chris,” 203–205

  Rickles, Don, 196

  RICO cases description, 170

  Roberts, Robin, 4–5, 11

  Rocky (movie), xiii

  Rome trip, 254–257

  Romney, Mitt, 232

  Rosen, Dave, 44–45, 46, 48, 79

  Rosenthal, Frank “Lefty”

  car bombing and, 117–118, 125, 126, 134, 135

  description/background, x, 79, 118–120, 121, 125, 129, 135–136, 250

  television show/gaming regulators and, 119, 135–136

  Tony Spilotro and, 119, 134

  wiretap/sports betting case, 50, 51, 52

  Rosenthal, Geri, 121, 125, 134

  Ross, Barney, 87, 94

  Rossman, Lulabell murder case, 16–17, 18

  Rouse, Willard, 160–161

  Rudman, Warren, 155

  Runyon, Damon, 45

  Rush Hour Two (movie), 197

  Russell, Bill (Los Angeles Dodgers), 84

  Russell, Bill/wife (Boston Celtics), 255

  Russo, J.R., 80, 173–177

  Ruvo, Larry/Lou, 222, 223, 241

  Salerno, Fat Tony, 36

  San Diego and redevelopment, 194–195

  Sarno, Jay, 69, 70, 127

  Scarfo, Nicky, Jr., 168–169

  Scarfo, Nicodemo “Little Nicky,” 55, 159, 164, 166–167, 168–170, 171

  Schulz, Axel, 91, 92

  Schwarz, David, 223

  Scorsese, Martin, 133–134, 195–196, 199

  Sebelius, Steve, 242

  Seifert, Danny, 74

  Selby, Doug, 195

  Selig, Bud, 260

  Selleck, Tom, 202

  Sessions, William Steele, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108–115

  Severino, Michael, 241

  Shendal, Dean, 201–202

  Siegel, Bugsy, x, 17, 143

  Siegfried and Roy, 120, 197

  Silver, Adam, 257

  Simon, Neil, 13

  Simone, Bobby, 159, 162, 165, 172

  Simpson, O.J./case, 115, 119

  Sims, Mollie, 202

  Sinatra, Frank, 13–14, 119, 143


  cases/examples, 47–49, 127–129, 131

  description/taxes and, x, 47–48

  Sklaroff, Jesse, 43

  Sklaroff, Little Marty, 43–44, 45–46, 47, 50

  Smothers, Tommy, 196

  Social media effects, 270

  Soderberg, Steven, 197

  Specter, Arlen, 16, 18, 20

  Spilotro, John, 122, 123, 132

  Spilotro, Michael, 132, 137, 138, 139

  Spilotro, Pat, 132–133

  Spilotro, Tony “the Ant”

  Cullotta and, 122, 123, 129, 130–131

round, 120, 131–132, 133–134, 141

  gift/jewelry shops, 68–69, 70, 71, 122, 131

  Goodman/Goodman’s family and, x, 68–69, 70–71, 72–73, 74–75, 77, 82, 129–130, 131–132, 137–138, 141

  government witnesses against, 123, 124–125, 129

  Jimmy Chagra and, 95–97, 100

  murder/aftermath, 137–139

  parents/family, 132–133, 137

  reputation/allegations against, 68, 70, 71, 72–73, 74–76, 78, 82, 129–130, 133, 137

  Rosenthals and, 119, 134

  skimming case and, 129, 131

  Stallone, Sylvester, xiii

  Stardust casino, x, 74, 120, 136, 210

  Steinbrenner, George, 98

  Stern, David, 252, 253, 254, 257, 258–259

  Stone, Sharon, 196, 263

  Street, John, 208–209

  Sweeney, Frank, 131

  Swift, Jonathan, 234

  Tagliabue, Paul, 260, 261, 262

  Tendler, “Lefty Lew,” 87

  Thomas, Carl, 127–128

  Time magazine, 13, 72

  Tropicana, x, 127, 128, 129, 131

  Trump, Donald, 220–221

  Tucker, Chris, 197

  Tyson, Mike, 92–94

  Unions, 244–248

  Urich, Robert, 145

  U.S. News and World Report, 13, 221

  Vaughn, Sarah, 21

  VEGA$ (television show), 145

  Vegas Village, 19–20

  Veltroni, Walter, 255, 256

  Voronina, Irina, 243

  Walcott, Jersey Joe, 87

  Walters, Billy, 98, 250

  Waters, Noel, 85, 86

  Weinberg, Marty, 177–178

  Wheeler, Curtis, 28

  Williams, Edward Bennett, 49

  Wilson, Will, 53


  bookmaking case, Miami, 43, 44, 47

  bookmaking cases (1970/twenty-six cities), 50, 52–54, 56–57

  Goodman as expert, 46, 47, 52, 54

  lawyer’s office and, 128–129

  theory vs. practice, 49–50

  Wolf, Mark L., 175, 176, 177, 178

  Wood, James, 212, 213

  Wood, John H., Jr., “Maximum John”/murder, 98–99, 101, 102, 103, 107

  Wynn, Elaine, 196

  Wynn, Steve, 69, 132, 193–194, 196, 210

  Yablonsky, Joseph, 71, 72–73, 78–79, 82, 130, 143, 147

  Zuiker, Anthony, 198




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