The No. 1 Sheriff in Texas

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The No. 1 Sheriff in Texas Page 10

by Patricia Thayer

  The night was a great cap to a near perfect day, and Brandon had loved sharing it with Nora; the trip to Mustang Valley, going on the roundup with Zach, winning the team roping event. And the evening was looking promising as he held her in his arms and they moved around the makeshift dance floor to a Country-Western ballad.

  Since he was a kid, he’d been to a lot of these rodeos, brought girls, too, but this was by far the best time. Nora was different. And Zach. Who would have thought he’d be crazy about a seven-year-old kid? But he was Nora’s kid. And Brandon wanted them both in his life. He’d realized that today when he’d told his parents he wanted to live in the house and also get closer to the family.

  He might continue to work for the sheriff’s office, but he couldn’t erase his roots here any more than he could move out of Texas.

  Now, all he had to do was convince Nora to stay in San Angelo and give their relationship a chance. Hopefully to start a life together. The music ended and he slowly pulled back, but didn’t release her. “That was nice.”

  She nodded. “It’s been a long time since I’ve danced. I’m not very good.”

  He didn’t know much about her first marriage, only that her first husband was not a good man. “I wasn’t thinking about the steps, only how you felt in my arms with your body pressed against mine. I could get used to this.”

  He could see the heat in her gaze. “Oh, Brandon. I thought we were going to take it a day at a time?”

  He didn’t want to hear her doubts. “Then I guess we shouldn’t waste any of it.” He wanted privacy while he stated his case as to why they should stay together. Taking her hand, he walked her off the dance floor, through the crowd of people and past the numerous tables. He picked up his pace on the gravel driveway, along the white-slatted fence and away from the noise and festivities so he could convince her of his feelings.

  With the combination of soft music in the background and the dim light to protect them, he only wanted to kiss away her doubts.

  “I want more than just today, Nora. I want tomorrow, too, and the next day.”

  Nora ached with the same need. God help her, she wanted a chance with Brandon. “I’m no good at this. My marriage was a disaster. I’m afraid—”

  “I’m not your husband. I’d never intentionally hurt you, Nora,” he promised. “I’m crazy about you and Zach.” He stepped closer and gripped her shoulders. She was trembling, or was it him? “Just give it a chance, Nora. For us.” He lowered his head and brushed his mouth against hers. She gasped but couldn’t make herself pull away. He went back again and again and her arms slipped around his neck as she rose up to meet his kiss.

  His mouth opened over hers and she pulled tight against him. Her heart was drumming in her chest as his tongue danced with hers. He swallowed her soft whimper and deepened the kiss, angling his mouth over hers, trying to get closer.

  He finally came up for air and rested his forehead against hers. “I want you. Tonight.”

  “Brandon,” she breathed.

  He smiled. “I like you saying my name. Say it again.”

  She hesitated, then rushed out with, “Brandon…”

  Brandon’s covered her mouth once again as his hands moved over her back and lower, clutching the fabric of her skirt, drawing her against him. He released her mouth, and rained kisses over her face and neck. This time she moaned and cupped his face, kissing him, pressing herself further into him.

  The entire world was slowly fading away when suddenly there was a burst of applause in the background, letting them know how close they were to losing it, and how fleeting their privacy was. It became a reality when they heard Zach calling their names.

  They broke apart in time to see the seven-year-old running toward them. Brandon reached out and caught him. “Whoa, partner. What got you in such a hurry?”

  Those wide eyes shone even in the dim light. “I won. I really won.”

  “What did you win?” Brandon asked.

  The boy swallowed. “The horse. I won the horse at the raffle.”

  Nora frowned. “How could you win a horse, Zach?”

  Brandon froze, then finally said, “Ah, I might have bought a ticket and put Zach’s name on it.”

  Zach’s eyes widened as he nodded. “Yeah, Mom. Hawk’s Flame is my horse now.”

  Within the hour Nora had packed up her and Zach’s belongings, and after some long goodbyes they’d headed toward the car. The ownership of the horse would have to be dealt with later. Even though Brandon had offered Zach to leave it at the ranch, Nora couldn’t ask him to board an animal she couldn’t afford to keep in the first place. Besides, she and Zach would be leaving San Angelo, and probably Texas. Soon.

  She didn’t have any choice. If Jimmy found out she was here, there wasn’t any telling what he’d do. It would be safer for everyone to move on. Maybe east. Florida, or South Carolina, or Georgia. All she knew was she needed to get lost in the crowd again.

  Her thoughts turned to Brandon. She tried not to lead him on, but that was exactly what she’d done. And she wasn’t going to end it yet. If he wanted to stay tonight, she wouldn’t turn him away. She had made the mistake of getting close to someone, and so had Zach. It would cost them both.

  She glanced in the backseat and saw her sleeping son. She smiled. He’d had a near perfect day. At least she’d been able to give him that before they had to leave town. No matter what it cost them both, she wanted some sort of normalcy for her son. And for herself, she needed to know what it was like to be with a man who cared about her and her feelings, her needs. She didn’t want it to go beyond the physical desire with Brandon, but it had and that meant it would be harder to walk away.

  Nora turned off the highway and drove toward her complex, then pulled into her spot and Brandon parked next to her. She shook her son awake. “Zach, wake up. We’re home.”

  Before she could get her son motivated, Brandon opened the back door. “Let him sleep…I’ll carry him inside.”

  He looked at Nora. Her heart began to race, knowing he was giving her the choice as to whether he stayed tonight. Good Lord, she couldn’t turn him down.

  “Thank you, I’d like that.”

  Brandon smiled. “My pleasure, ma’am,” he told her as he unfastened the seat belt and lifted the boy into his arms.

  Zach mumbled a few words and opened his eyes and smiled. “Are we home?”

  Brandon smiled back at the boy, hoping he wouldn’t wake up too much. He had plans tonight and that didn’t include a third party. “Yeah, and in a few minutes you’ll be in bed.”

  The boy yawned and laid his head on Brandon’s shoulder. “Will you take me?”

  Brandon wanted nothing more. “Sure, but we’re going to condense it tonight—pajamas and teeth brushing. It’s too late for a story.” He wanted all the time he could get with Nora. “If that’s okay with your mom.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  Brandon carried his precious cargo toward the steps, thinking how he could get used to this. He glanced at Nora. Oh, yeah, he most definitely could handle evenings with this woman, and the boy.

  “It’s been a nice day.”

  “Yes, it was,” she admitted.

  It would be hard, but he would do what he promised her, and take things slow. They reached the landing and headed upstairs to her apartment. Suddenly he realized the porch light was out, and further investigation revealed her door was ajar.

  The lawman in him went on alert, and he put out an arm stopping Nora from going any further. Silently he directed her back down the steps to the truck. He opened the door and set Zach down on the seat.

  “Get in, Nora.” He directed her into the passenger side.

  She climbed in, looking frightened. “Is there someone inside my apartment?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m not taking any chances.” He took out his phone and called for backup, then opened the glove compartment and reached for the weapon he carried in the truck. He tucked the gun into his belt.
br />   Nora grabbed hold of his arm. “Brandon, don’t go up there alone. What if they’re still there?”

  He nodded. “If someone’s up there, I can’t let them get away. So lock yourselves in and don’t leave the truck. No matter what. I’ll be back.”

  She continued to hold on to him. “Please, be careful.”

  “Always.” Brandon squeezed her hand, then closed the door shut. He ran across the small lawn to the steps, taking them two at a time. Gun drawn, he paused and listened beside the partly open door. Not hearing anything, he silently moved inside, keeping his body flat against the wall as he glanced around.

  The drapes were closed, but the light over the stove cast a dim shadow over the empty room and the destruction. The place was in shambles; all the furniture had been turned over, drawers in the kitchen emptied onto the floor.

  He continued down the hall, careful not to trip on any of the debris. His pulse pounded in his ears as he checked both bedrooms. Seeing there was no one there, he flicked on the light to assess the damage.

  Returning to the living room, he saw that everything was either overturned or broken. Even the sofa cushions had been sliced opened. “Damn, this was a personal attack.”

  Brandon headed outside as a patrol car pulled up. Nora got out of the truck and ran to him. “What happened?”

  “Someone did break in. I’m sorry, Nora, the place is a mess. You can check for missing valuables later.”

  She looked panicked. “But I need to go up there.” She stated as she started for the steps, but he stopped her.

  “You can’t, Nora. It’s a crime scene now.”

  “Zach needs his insulin.”

  “I’ll take you to the hospital to get some more,” he promised, then walked off to meet up with Deputy Griggs.

  “Any sign of the perpetrator?” the young officer asked.

  Brandon shook his head. “They’re gone.” His cell phone went off and he answered it. “Randell.”

  “Brandon. Captain Marks. How does it look there?”

  “It’s not good.” He turned away so he could talk to his commanding officer. “Nora Donnelly’s apartment has been broken into and pretty much everything was destroyed. Did Carlson make bail, yet?”

  “Yeah, he was just released.”

  “Then we need to pick him up again.”

  “Can’t do it. Carlson had an alibi for the night Nora Donnelly was attacked,” the captain said.

  That couldn’t be. “So he gets out and comes here to punish his accuser?”

  “Hold on a minute.” Brandon waited about two minutes and his captain came back. “Randell, I just checked with the jail, Carlson was released not twenty minutes ago. I doubt he could get across town and do the deed without getting caught red-handed.”

  He glanced at Nora, then walked out of earshot. “Then who did this?”

  “You’re a detective, Randell. I guess that makes it your job to find evidence, DNA, anything to find out who’s been after Mrs. Donnelly. Pete Carlson didn’t have anything to do with this attack.”

  Brandon couldn’t believe it. The man was quick tempered, and used his fists on women. “He’s the logical suspect.”

  Brandon heard a sigh. “You’re still new at this, Randell, so you’ll learn it isn’t always about logic. Now, we have to start at the beginning and see if there’s something we missed. Talk with Mrs. Donnelly and see if there is anyone else. This all seems too personal to me.”

  Brandon’s head was pounding, not wanting to believe the proof, or the alternative. He looked at Nora talking with Jason Griggs. She wasn’t telling him everything.

  Brandon hung up and went to speak with Griggs, letting him know to call him if anything came up. Now, he had to find Nora and Zach a safe place to stay.

  He walked back to them. “I think we better find a drugstore and pick up a few essentials.”

  Zach looked teary-eyed. “Where are we going to live now?”

  Brandon ruffled the boy’s hair. “How would you like to stay with me for a few days?”


  TWO hours later, despite being tucked away safely in Brandon’s condo, Nora couldn’t stop shaking.

  He’d found her. He’d been the one who’d caused her attack in the parking lot, hacked into her bank account and trashed her apartment. It was all Jimmy’s doing.

  Nora pulled the lapels of the borrowed robe tighter over the extra large T-shirt, trying to stop herself shaking. It didn’t work. She glanced around the master suite where her son was sound asleep under the covers in the large bed.

  The room was like the man; large and masculine. The furniture was dark, and the comforter navy with tan and brown pillows. The pictures on the dresser were of his family. She glanced at the photo of a teenage Brandon with his horse. Another showed him at his college graduation, standing beside his proud parents. Family and roots—that was what was important to the Randells. And letting Brandon get involved in her life, she’d put them all in harm’s way.

  Did Jimmy have her followed out to the ranch? Had someone been watching them? How sick was that? What was worse, she knew her ex-husband wouldn’t stop until he had her back in his power.

  She went to the window. The blinds were closed, but she sneaked a peek out from the second story down to the deserted street.

  Was he out there watching her now? Even from jail, Jimmy had connections. There were too many people on his payroll who would be more than willing to do the job of getting rid of her.

  A feeling of doom clouded any optimism she once had of making a decent, safe life for herself and Zach. She glanced at her sleeping son. Her mothering instincts were to do anything she could to save her child. He deserved a chance at life. A normal life.

  No, she couldn’t let Jimmy take her son. He didn’t want Zach anyway. He wanted her. She shut her eyes, thinking of the cruel man she’d married, the man she’d once loved and now hated. She’d never go back, never let him touch her child, ever again. That was why somehow she had to get out of town.

  Her thoughts turned to Brandon. As much as he wanted to help, she couldn’t let him jeopardize his safety. This time she had to end it. Then she had to leave, and fast.

  Brushing a kiss on Zach’s forehead, she left the room. In the hall, she walked to the second bedroom that was made into an office. There was a sofa bed against one wall, and a large desk with a computer against the other. That was where Brandon sat, talking on the phone.

  Brandon ended the call, frustrated and angry with himself. Although there were no clues on who had broken into Nora’s apartment, just as there were no clues as to who attacked her, he’d discovered a lot about the woman he’d fallen for.

  He turned toward the doorway and saw her standing there. Even in his too-big bathrobe, she looked pretty. He glanced away. No, he couldn’t let his feelings get in the way of this investigation.

  He stood. “I’m sorry about the lack of wardrobe. There wasn’t much that was salvageable from the apartment.”

  “I only care that Zach and I are safe.”

  “It’s not okay, Nora,” he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Someone’s after you. He’s made two attempts on you and I haven’t been able to stop him.” He glared at her. “But you haven’t been much help, either.”

  “I’ve told you everything I know.”

  He’d wanted her to trust him enough to tell him the truth. “I don’t buy that. Dammit, Nora. Both attacks were personal.” Too personal to be just random, he added silently.

  She blinked at his harsh words.

  “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me everything.” He couldn’t keep the frustration out of his voice.

  She stood there, her throat working nervously. “Don’t you think I know that?” She walked to the sofa. “It’s not going to matter anyway. It’s not going to stop him.”

  He went to her. “Stop who?”

  Before she could say any more, the phone rang. Brandon raised a hand. “We’re not finished,�
�� he told her.

  “Randell,” he said into the receiver.

  “Brandon, it’s Jason. I got a match on the fingerprints from the apartment.”

  He sat down. “Great, give me the names.”

  He heard the hesitation in Jason’s voice. “We only got one set. It was on Nora Donnelly, but the prints say her name is Kathryn Nora Mullins. She had a juvenile record.”

  All at once air was trapped in his lungs.

  Jason continued. “I investigated further and found a marriage license, but also a divorce decree dated two years ago.”

  “Who to?”

  “A Jimmy Archer. I found him in the system, too. He also has an alias of Rey Alcazar and is in jail right now, awaiting trial in San Diego, California, on drug trafficking charges. Man, this guy’s got a rap sheet as long as my arm.”

  His gaze shot to Nora. “I’ll have a look at it later.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry, Brandon.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about.” He felt like a fool. “Are there any outstanding warrants on Mrs. Archer?”

  Nora’s head jerked up.

  “No, she’s clean.”

  “Thanks, Jason.”

  Brandon hung up and looked at Nora, suddenly seeing a stranger. Somehow he had to put aside any feelings for her and do his job. He walked around to the other side of the desk and sat down on the corner. “It’s your ex-husband that’s after you, isn’t it?”

  “We don’t know it’s him.” She couldn’t look him in the eye. “Besides, he’s in jail.”

  “Why, Nora? What did you do to him to make him angry enough to attack you?”

  Her gaze met his, but he didn’t like the panic he saw.

  A dozen different scenarios raced through his mind. “Okay, answer me this, is it anything illegal?”

  She nodded slowly. “I kidnapped my son.”


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