The Darkest Pleasure

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The Darkest Pleasure Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  They continued fighting as the sun started to crest. I was about to warn Kerian when I saw him grab hold of one of Roman's arms and rip it off. The cry that came from Roman was so inhuman, I covered my ears. I gagged as Kerian did the same to his other arm, tossing it to the ground like trash. Roman screamed as blood spurted over the beautiful flowers. I assumed his limbs would grow back due to a vampire's near-instant healing power, but nothing happened. He had two bloody stumps; both of his arms lay on the ground next to him. Kerian kicked Roman's leg hard. I heard a crack go through the courtyard like a firecracker. Roman dropped to the ground, white splintered bone sticking out through his pant leg. I could see his leg start to knit itself together, the bone pulling itself back into his leg. Kerian was by my side, and had me in his arms and into a shadowed corner before I could blink.

  "Don't watch."

  His voice was guttural in my ear and his breathing was hard and fast. He drew my head against his chest, but I could still see Roman through the corner of my eye. He had an insane smile on his face as he looked into the sky and closed his eyes. I watched in horror as the sun broke over the top of the stone wall, bathing him in light. I expected him to burst into flames, but what I saw was far worse. Blood dripped from his eyes, red tears streaming down his face. Blood ran from his ears and his skull, making a line down the middle of his face as it dripped onto the ground. I turned my head into Kerian's chest when I saw blood pour out of Roman's mouth. It was like a car accident, something you didn't want to see, but couldn't help looking at it. I looked again and saw a huge puddle of blood that had formed beneath his body.


  Roman's soft words made my heart break, even though I knew what a monster he was. There was a part of me that felt sympathy for the dying creature in front of me. He had lost the love of his life, and had wanted revenge. He might have been a wonderful man once, but the death of his wife had left nothing more than the evil before us. As if on cue, as soon as he said his dead wife's name, he burst into flames. The light was so bright, much brighter than flames should be, that I winced in pain. But that didn't stop me from seeing his body light up like a candle. A short while later, I felt Kerian's hand softly stroking my back.

  "I told you not to look, my love."

  "I know, but I needed to. I needed to make sure he was truly dead. He really is, right?” Kerian didn't answer, just nodded. We sat in that shadowed corner for hours, holding each other in silent gratitude. I had just started to drift off to sleep when I heard a familiar voice.

  "Come with me."

  I looked up and saw Christian standing in front of us with a black cloak in his arms. He handed it to Kerian, who quickly donned it and put the hood over his head, covering himself as best he could. We ran through the courtyard, the morning light bathing us in its warm glow. I could hear Kerian curse and hiss under his breath and we ran faster.

  I was amazed to find I'd been in a castle-like mansion for the past day. Christian explained that Roman had purchased the property years ago. It was hours outside of the city, and had hundreds of acres surrounding the historical building. After a little probing, Christian reluctantly told us everything. He was a hybrid of the two species. His mother was a human, and his father a vampire. He had all the strengths of his father's species and none of the weaknesses. He didn't need to drink blood, and could go out in the daylight. Although he wasn't physically as strong as his father's kind, he was stronger than ordinary humans, and he was immortal. Kerian wanted to kill Christian, and it took a lot of coaxing to calm him down to at least listen. Yes, it was Christian who drugged me in the first place, but after he explained the lies his father had told him, I didn't have so much animosity towards him. Roman had filled his head with lies. He had told Christian that Kerian stalked his mother and purposely bled her dry. Christian had lived with this his whole life, believed his mother had been murdered in cold blood. I didn't want to hear it, but I knew Kerian and I both needed to in order to full understand.

  We left at nightfall, and I was glad to get back home. Christian left that night for some unknown place. He had his bags in hand when I saw him last, and told me again he was sorry for everything that had happened. He said it was time for him to move on. I didn't know why I felt sad about him leaving, after everything that had happened, but I felt emotionally connected to him as a mother would to her child. I felt sorry for him and what he'd gone through with his mother and father, but life was cruel and there was nothing to do about it.

  Kerian asked me to stay at his home that night, and I had no objections. I needed his closeness, and didn't know if I could ever go without it. We ended up making love all night long and when I woke the following morning, I was surprised to see Kerian still wrapped around me. Of course the blinds were closed and the shutters in place, but the fact that he had stayed with me warmed my heart. For the next two days, we stayed in that bed, doing nothing but making love. I moved in with him shortly afterwards. I couldn't imagine life without him; I wanted to spend every minute near him.

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  Chapter Fifteen

  * * * *

  One year later

  I sat in the plush chair in front of the vanity Kerian had bought me for my twenty-third birthday. The oak shone under the lights as I placed a pair of pearl studs, another gift from Kerian, into my earlobes. My heart was pounding so hard, I could see it in my reflection. Tonight it was finally going to happen, and the anticipation and trepidation coursed through me. I smoothed a loose strand that fell from my chignon and took one last look at myself in the mirror. I had gone out and bought the most elegant dress I could find for this occasion, and had made Kerian wait to see it. The white pearls in my ears matched the white silk dress with crystals inlaid in it. I looked down at my hand for the hundredth time and couldn't stop the grin that spread across my face. The diamond on my ring finger sparkled into a million rainbows. Kerian had wanted to give me a bigger diamond than the three carat one I wore, but I put a stop to that. I was never much of a jewellery girl, but when he showed me the princess-cut solitaire, I fell in love with it instantly. Every girl loved sparklies, and I found out I was no exception. He had proposed to me six months earlier and promised me the dream wedding every girl wanted. I didn't care if it was just the two of us in a courthouse, but I would be lying if I didn't admit I was secretly planning what flowers I wanted and what colours I'd use. My proposal for the hospital had gone smoothly and had been accepted right away. My posters, flyers, and other promotional material I had created for the hospital was littered throughout Kerian's workplace. I was proud my ideas hung where Kerian could see them all the time.

  I stood and admired how the crystals on my dress caught the light and sparkled, like I wore a million diamonds. When I'd bought it, I made sure the neckline was impossibly low. I didn't want anything in the way. The straps were so thin, it was like they weren't there. They made it look dainty and elegant at the same time. I didn't bother with any other jewellery; less was more. I made my way to the stairs and stopped at the top. Kerian stood at the bottom wearing an expensively tailored Gucci suit. The black fabric moulded against his hard body and I felt myself get aroused just from looking at him. I made my way down and smiled at him when he held out his arm like a true gentleman. He led me into the dining room and held out my seat for me. I sat down and smiled when Kerian kissed the back of my neck.

  "Mmmm, you smell so good I could eat you."

  My heart skipped a beat. I felt his breath against my skin and knew that shortly, things were going to be quite different for me. He moved away and took his seat across from me.

  "You look so beautiful tonight, Ashliyn."

  I felt my cheeks get hot and knew I was probably blushing hard. Kerian still had that effect on me. He made me feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet. He made me feel like I was the most precious thing to him, and for that I loved him with all my heart. I looked at him and knew what I was doing was what was meant to be. This was
where I was supposed to me, with Kerian, for all eternity. We ate with soft music playing. It was a quiet dinner, and I thought perhaps it was because we were both nervous about tonight.

  We finished our meal and looked at each other over the taper candles in the centre of the table.

  "Will you dance with me?"

  I smiled and nodded. Before I could rise, he was there to pull out my chair for me. He swung me into his arms and I let out a little squeak of delight. My feet barely skimmed the floor as he twirled me around and into the centre of the room. I laid my head on his chest and moved with him to the soft classical music.

  "This is a beautiful song."

  "It's Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven."

  He put a finger under my chin and lifted my head so we were looking into each other's eyes.

  "Are you sure about this?"

  For the past year, he had asked me this same question every day, and each time I told him the same thing.

  "I have never wanted anything more in my life. I have never wanted someone as much as I want you. I love you."

  He dipped his head down and kissed me deeply. We kept swaying to the music and after a minute of our tongues moving together, I was ready to go upstairs.

  "Please, Kerian. Let's go upstairs."

  He scooped me up in his arms, as he had done so many times before. His mouth took possession of mine again as he strode to our bedroom. Once we were inside, he kicked the door shut and moved towards the bed. He let my body slide down the hard length of his as we continued to kiss. Then he trailed kisses down my face and neck. I moaned and closed my eyes at the feel of his hot breath skating over my skin. His hands found their way to my shoulder and he gently slid down my straps. The crystals were heavy, so once the straps were off, the dress plummeted to the ground. I had opted to wear nothing underneath, and I knew he liked it by his deep groan. He brought his lips to my mouth again and ran his palms over my nipples. They stood erect and hard. They were so sensitive, I could feel the roughness of his skin, the sensation making me shiver and moan. His hands moved away from my breasts and kneaded my bottom. I spread my legs, hoping he'd take the hint. He reached between my legs and found my vagina expertly. I shivered when his finger brushed along cleft before teasing my hole, but he didn't penetrate me. He ran his long finger back and forth along my soaking wet slit until we were both panting with need. He walked me backwards until my legs hit the bed. I sat down and let his heavy weight settle on top of me. He grabbed my ass and moved us both up the bed, never once taking his mouth from mine.

  I couldn't get his clothes off fast enough and before I knew it, we were both naked, a light sheen of sweat covering our bodies. We rubbed along each other sensuously, and I felt the hard, hot length of his erection sliding along my pussy. I was so ready for him, I thought I'd burst. He kissed my neck and I felt the sharp points of his fangs as he slid them up and down my skin. Goosebumps popped out along my overheated flesh and I moaned into his shoulder. I put a hand between our bodies and grabbed his huge shaft. Even after a year, it was still a pleasurable shock when he entered me. I guided him to my pussy and pushed myself onto him. His hands landed on my hips to stop me from any further movement. He looked into my eyes as he slowly pushed his way inside my body. I shivered at how good it felt and tilted my head to the side. He stretched me until the pleasure and pain mixed into one exquisite sensation.

  He started off slow, his thrusts deep and sensual. He didn't rush it, but then again, he never did in the beginning. I could feel my climax quickly approaching, and lifted my hips up to meet his thrusts. I wanted this to last. His movements became quicker, more frantic, and my moans grew louder. I could hear our bodies slapping together, and smell our combined arousals. Our sweat-soaked flesh slid together, making his movements seem fluid and perfect. His groans went through me like a hot poker and I felt my body tense around his erection. His balls slapped against my ass, the top of his shaft rubbing against my clit and sending spikes of desire through me. He leant back, holding my legs open wide as he continued to slam his cock into me. I watched as his eyes glazed over with lust, and nearly screamed in pleasure when he moved his hands to my inner thighs. He rubbed my labia, spreading my pussy lips open wide so cool air wafted across my overheated flesh.

  "You look so good, Ashliyn. Your pussy feels so hot and tight around my cock."

  I was breathing heavily, his words causing small tremors to wrack my body. He moved his thumb to my clit, rubbing small circles around the engorged bud and causing my hips to involuntarily lift. Just when I was about to explode in climax, he moved his hands away from my vagina and cupped my ass. He lifted me slightly, angling my hips up so he was able to go deeper inside my body. His grunts of pleasure fuelled my own and I felt my orgasm coming. He leant forward so his breath wafted across my shoulder. I wrapped my legs around his waist and gripped his biceps, my nails digging into his flesh and causing him to make a sound of approval. He slammed into me, over and over again, until my body lit up like a firework, my orgasm making me clench around his shaft. His thrusts were hard and fast, and I felt his mouth go to my neck, licking and nibbling at it. I would have begged him to bite me, but my climax was still going and I couldn't form the words. It was then I felt his fangs puncture my skin. I gasped at how wonderful it felt and wrapped my arms around him. His fangs slid into my throat as if it were nothing at all. His mouth latched onto me and I felt him pull at my neck. It was the most incredible thing I had ever felt. His body slammed into mine over and over, and I was light-headed from the pleasure. He sucked at my neck as my climax went on and on. I started to feel sleepy, drugged, but I knew it wasn't from the pleasure he was giving me. Of course, this was all part of the plan. I could no longer keep my arms around him and let them drop to the soft sheets beneath me. His body stiffened above me and he broke away from my neck, groaning loudly. My eyes were mere slits as I watched him find his release. Even though I was woozy, I could still feel the hot jets of his semen coat my inner walls. That feeling alone set off another orgasm. My mind grew hazy, my body feeling light and tingly. This was it. There was no turning back now.

  He looked down at me and I could see the dark red of my blood smeared along his lips.

  "I love you, Kerian.” The words were whispered softly but I knew he heard me nonetheless.

  "No, I love you, my sweet."

  He was still inside me as I watched him take his elongated nail and slice it across his neck. A crimson line appeared, and he cupped my neck and brought my face to the gash. I knew I needed to suck on the cut or he would heal. My face was so close to the wound, I could smell the dark scent of his blood. My mouth watered at the aroma and I wavered.

  "You must do it now."

  I knew he was right. He had taken a lot of my blood, and if I didn't do this now, there was no telling what my fate would be. I slid my tongue out and ran it across the cut. I felt Kerian's big body shake, and I was pleasantly surprised at how good he tasted, like a spicy, yet sweet wine. I latched my lips around the cut and sucked hard. At the first full taste of him, I moaned and clutched his shoulders. His blood was thick as it went down my throat and tasted exquisitely delicious. I could feel him grow hard inside me and I felt a gush of wetness coat my insides. He moved inside me and I wrapped my legs around his lean waist. I felt my body flash hot, as if I lay under the searing sun. The heat built until I was forced to pull my mouth away from his neck and gasp for air.

  "What's happening?"

  Of course I knew what was happening, but everything seemed so confusing. As the heat retreated, my whole body started to prickle with awareness.

  "It's the change; it'll be over with soon."

  I could hear everything Kerian was saying, but the tingle and prickling in my body gave way to a buzz in my ears. He continued to thrust inside me, his cock sliding along my channel with purpose. It was as if I could feel every ridge, dip and vein that made up his shaft. The pleasure intensified, burning brightly inside me until I thought I would go bli
nd. I could hear him growling above me, speaking a language I wasn't familiar with. He slammed into me once, twice, and on the third time I threw my head back and screamed at the most intense orgasm I'd ever had. I was dimly aware of Kerian's grunts of release and could feel his hot semen exploding out of him. I took a deep breath, not realising I had been holding it, and then sighed. My body started to cool, my limbs feeling insubstantial as I closed my eyes. The last thing I was aware of before I passed into oblivion was Kerian placing his hands on either side of my face and kissing me softly.

  * * * *

  I woke to the gentle strains of classical music. I smiled and stretched. The satin sheets beneath me felt as though I were lying atop silken waters. I could feel every fibre and hear every detail of my movement. I sat up and my memory of the night before assaulted me. I looked down at my naked form, expecting to look different. Everything looked the same, felt the same. I got out of bed, standing for a few moments and taking everything in. The wood beneath my feet felt smooth and cool, like blown glass. It was like I could feel every grain, could imprint it into my memory. I walked to the bathroom, flicking the light on and staring at myself in the mirror. I looked exactly the same. I didn't know if I were disappointed or relieved. The only thing that looked any different was my pale, flawless skin. It reminded me of a porcelain doll I once had when I was a child. I stepped out of the bathroom and slipped on a pair of pants and a knit shirt. I could hear the music so well, it was as if it were playing right in front of me. Every note came to me as if I were reading the music, the melody dancing in front of my eyes. I wasn't sure where Kerian was, but I had an idea. I had half-expected him to still be beside me when I woke, but I had no idea how long I had been out. I stepped off the last stair and made my way towards the greenhouse. Kerian stood with his back to me, looking out the crystal-clear glass. The moon was full and cast its silvery glow over him. I didn't have to say anything because I knew he knew I was there. He turned around and smiled at me. He held out his hand and I walked towards him and took it. In his other hand, he held a white rosebud.


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