UNBROKEN (Friends, Lovers, or Nothing Book 5)

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UNBROKEN (Friends, Lovers, or Nothing Book 5) Page 13

by Jackie Chanel

  Holding the doorknob, Sunny looked over her shoulders at me. “You comin’?”

  I nodded and followed her downstairs. I wish she was as excited as I am about making our baby announcement. Even though Mom knows, Sara and Delilah don’t. Kat and my friends don’t. This is big news. Even if she isn’t excited, I hope she can fake it for five minutes or crack a smile at least.

  “Hey!” I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. “Everybody go into the living room. We want to show you something!”

  I didn’t realize how many people were actually waiting in Sunny’s house until we all gathered in the same room. Mom, Summer, Sara and Tahir, baby Tyler, Paulie and Delilah, Peaches and Jermaine, Daniela and Garrett, Mike, Eddie, Erica, Roxy and Joey, Kat, two sets of twins: Liam and Cody and Jordan and Mikayla, and Clay tried their best to fit into the room. We should have done this at my house.

  “Oh Lord,” Erica groaned when Sunny and I took our places in front of the fireplace. “What is this? Are you about to give a speech?”

  “You already know,” Sunny said to Erica whose mouth snapped shut quickly.

  That was a shocker. I was still under the impression that we weren’t telling people. Either way, Sunny and I stood in front of our closest friends and family. I can’t wait to see their faces when we tell them.

  “So,” I started. “You all know a little why we invited you out here. Sunny’s shows in New York and LA were huge successes and she deserves a party. But there’s also another reason. Since she’s a bigger deal now, People Magazine wanted to give us a cover story and we wanted y’all to see our first cover together before anyone else.”

  Sunny turned around and pulled the 24x36 framed cover shot out of the cardboard packaging. When she turned around, she was finally smiling. She adores our first cover shot. She and Summer had a blast on set. Never, in all the years I’ve known her, have I seen Sunny so happy. She picked the final pose that was used for the cover. It’s just me and Sunny standing next to each other with Summer standing in front of me. All three of us have a hand on Sunny’s tiny belly. What I love about the picture is that Sunny’s engagement ring and our tattoos are so obvious and Summer’s little t-shirt I found online.

  I’ve been promoted to big sister. Effective February 2016

  Sunny and I agreed that we’d only talk with the media one time about our engagement and pregnancy together. People is getting the exclusive because they rarely write bad things about me.

  When Sunny revealed the picture, some of our guests were slower to catch on than others so their reactions came one after another. Sara and Delilah could not and didn’t even try to control their excitement. My sisters moved like a well-choreographed team and ran up to Sunny at the same time to hug her.

  “This is so great!” Sara gushed with both hands on Sunny’s stomach. “I hope it’s a boy so Tyler can have a cousin to play with!”

  Delilah pushed Sara’s hands away to feel Sunny’s baby bump. “O-M-G, it’s so small! This is so awesome! I’m so happy for you guys! Did you plan this?”

  “No,” Sunny replied. “We didn’t exactly plan it but we didn’t do anything to prevent it either.”

  Delilah threw her arms around my neck and burst into tears.

  “Why are you crying?” I laughed.

  “Because, this is like everything you’ve ever wanted and I’m so happy for you! Aiden, you’re getting married and having your own family! This is what Dad wanted for you,” she whispered in my ear and I understood why she was crying. It took everything in me not to tear up so I just squeezed my sister back and kissed the top of her head. We’d talk later.

  Sunny’s mom walked over to us. For a minute, I thought Peaches was going to be pissed that we didn’t tell her this part of our secret in Atlanta. She surprised me when she hugged me first instead of her daughter.

  “You really love my baby, don’t you?” Peaches said in my ear. I nodded. “I trust you.”

  Peaches let me go and turned to her only child. “You’re glowing, baby. I’ve never seen you happier. I’m so proud of you, Sunny Rain.”

  The touching moment between mother and daughter was rudely interrupted when Erica approached Sunny with a scowl on her face. Sunny stopped smiling and faced her friend.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Oh, you were just gon’ tell me about the baby but not that you’re getting married? That’s foul as hell, best friend.”

  “In case you didn’t notice, I didn’t tell anyone except my parents. Which is pretty much why you’re all here today. Furthermore, I didn’t tell you that I was pregnant. You guessed correctly, that’s all.”

  “You should have told me first!” Erica continued to complain. “We’re supposed to be sisters and shit.”

  Sunny rolled her eyes. “E, get out of your feelings. I don’t tell you everything that Aiden and I do. I don’t tell anyone all of my business. We wanted it to be a surprise and I’m not here for your attitude. Not today.”

  “Obviously it ain’t a surprise to everyone,” Erica snapped.

  Sunny smirked. The look on her face was a silent symbol that this was about to get ugly. Sunny had something to get off her chest and maybe, just maybe, Erica needed to hear it.

  “Why are you really upset, E? Because I’m pregnant, getting married, or that I’m doing these things with him?”

  Erica’s shoulders stiffened. Sunny had deliberately hit a nerve.

  “Are you kidding me?” Erica’s tone was ice-cold matching the look in Sunny’s eyes. “You think he’s the reason I’m pissed? I gave him to you on a damn platter, remember? Don’t even act like you could have done any of this on your own. If it weren’t for me, you’d still be singing that same old “he’s just my friend’ song and buggin’ out over Tristan.”

  This little scene was getting out of hand and was about to get loud. There was no reason for it either, not today. I put my hand on Sunny’s shoulder and shook my head at Erica.

  “How about you two don’t do this now?” I said.

  “I’m still trying to figure out what the problem is.” Sunny glared at her friend. “You need to understand that you didn’t give me a thing, Erica. I’m not going to keep having these conversations with you about him. You’ve been in your feelings about this for too long. Unless you can explain why you’re mad, don’t be.”

  “You know what,” Erica shook her head. “I’m not mad. Congrats, sis. But I’m about to be late for rehearsal so I’m out.”

  “Rehearsal with whom?” I demanded.

  “You ain’t the only person who pays me, Aiden. Bye!”

  I started to follow her because Erica knows that playing in anyone else’s band is a violation of her contract with me. She’s also signed to my label. She can’t just go off and do whatever the hell she wants anymore.

  Sunny grabbed my arm. “Let her go. She isn’t going to anyone’s rehearsal. If anything, she’s going to her place to sulk. I’ll check on her later. She isn’t your problem anymore. I shouldn’t have to remind you of that.”

  “You don’t,” I argued. “But she’s still my friend and for lack of a better word, my employee. That wasn’t personal. It’s all business.”

  “Her manager is right there.” Sunny pointed to Roxy. “Talk to her about her client if it’s just business.”

  Sunny walked away from me and over to her dad. Now she was mad at me? I was confused as hell. Roxy and Kat both noticed what was happening and motioned for me to come over. I couldn’t believe the two of them are standing on the same side of the room, let alone right next to each and weren’t trying to scratch each other’s eyes out. Kat has made it clear that she is not on board wit Joey and Roxy getting back together.

  “So,” Kat smirked when I approached. “You knocked her up again, huh? Is that why you’re going to marry her now?”

  “No. Why does everyone keep thinking that? I didn’t even know she was pregnant until after I proposed. But,” I looked at Roxy. “We have to push back the wedding date
until after she has the baby.”

  “Good,” Roxy replied. “Maybe you can do a real tour. I’ve had LiveNation on standby for two weeks. You’re supposed to hit the road again in November then head overseas in March.”

  My shoulders bristled at the thought of telling a pregnant Sunny that I was going to spend the last few months of her pregnancy on tour even though she was the one who gave me the ultimatum while we were in Santa Barbara. No matter what she said back then, she was not going to be okay with that new turn of events.

  “Can we please talk about this later?” I asked. “I’m trying to celebrate our news and you want to talk about a tour? I don’t even want to go on tour.”

  Roxy looked at Joey then at Kat. “Between his surrogate mother and his record label, one of you better talk some sense into him. I can’t have this conversation with him again.”

  Roxy sashayed over to Sunny. I just shook my head. This afternoon was definitely not going the way I planned it.

  “Babies and weddings are still a big deal, right?” I asked Kat. “I expected everyone to react like my sisters did but y’all just look like this is an every day thing.”

  “Aiden, y’all ain’t the first to get married or have a baby,” Kat snickered. “It’s a big deal for you and Sunny. We’re happy for you though. Y’all seem real happy. And that’s permanent, I take it?” she was pointing to my finger tat.

  “Oh yeah, this is permanent. We’re permanent.”

  “Then I’m happy for you. I’m sure you and Sunny know what you’re doing.”

  She didn’t sound like we had her vote of confidence. Even though everyone except Erica had encouraging words and well wishes, there was an underlying skepticism beneath their words. It bothered me but Sunny didn’t seem affected by it at all. Maybe she didn’t notice.

  As the crowd began to disperse and go into other parts of the house, Sunny started to look more relaxed. Peaches, Kat, and my mom went into the kitchen to get dinner started. Summer and baby Tyler were being spoiled by Jermaine and Joey so when Cody and Liam asked if I wanted to throw back a few at their bar, I was more than happy to leave with them, Mike, and Paulie.


  “Man, why you gotta go and have another kid?” Paulie slurred.

  It was a little after two in the morning and we were slumped over on the pool furniture while music poured out of the studio’s speakers. My backyard had about twenty people standing around drinking and talking. There are even drunk chicks in the pool. I yelled for them to get out before somebody drowned. I’m sure my homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover something like that.

  “Where did all these people come from?” I asked Paulie.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. We were at Roscoe’s then we were talking to that Tatiana chick. Then we came here. I guess you told her to bring some friends.”

  I leaned back on the lounge chair and reached for the Guinness next to me on the table. “Is this mine or yours?”


  I scanned the crowd looking for Tati. These must be her friends but for the life of me, I didn’t know why I’d invite her, of all people, back to my house to party. Tati is a model that I went out with a few times before I met her friend, Ramey. She’s just as crazy as her friend.

  I spotted the gorgeous Hawaiian bikini model standing by outdoor bar and talking to Wild Mike. When I saw him standing there holding a bottle of Ciroc and missing his shirt, everything became clear. This was his little gig. He and Jess must be off again because he always parties at my place when there are issues at home.

  Paulie kicked at my leg. “You ain’t answer my question.”

  “What question?”

  “Why’d you knock up Sunny again?”

  “I didn’t mean to. It just happened. Why?”


  Paulie tossed his phone in my lap. I looked down at the screen. He had about twenty unread messages from Delilah. I tossed his phone back to him.

  “Man, I don’t want to read your sexts to my little sister. Fuck’s wrong with you?”

  “It ain’t even like that. She’s been blowing my phone up all night. She wasn’t thinking about babies this morning. Now that’s all she wants to talk about. Thank you.” He frowned. “Thank you for that.”

  “Give her a kid if that’s what she wants,” was my advice. “You give her anything else she wants any other time.”

  “Man, I ain’t ready to be a daddy.”

  “Paulie, bro, I’m way too drunk to have this conversation with you. And you’re too drunk to have that conversation with Delilah. Just turn your phone off and tell her you were in the studio with the band. That’s what I do when Sunny starts nagging me about something I don’t want to talk about.”

  Paulie was quiet for a second then let out a boisterous laugh.


  He nodded towards the sliding back door. “Busted!”

  Sunny, Delilah, Jessica, and Cody’s wife Melinda, were standing in the kitchen by the doors and none of them looked happy.

  “Is he back there?” I heard someone yell.

  Sunny stepped aside and Jessica slid the glass door open so hard that I thought she was going to break it.

  “Why are they mad?” I asked Paulie. “We do this all the time.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Jessica rushed outside and searched the backyard briefly before she just started screaming Mike’s name at the top of her lungs. I jumped up and grabbed her in order to give Mike a second to take his hands off of Tati’s ass and put his shirt on before Jess spotted him.

  “Hey,” I said to Jess. “Keep your voice down! It’s after two in the morning! What the hell is wrong with you? I told you about coming here with that bullshit!”

  “Let me go, Aiden!” Jess pulled away from me. “Where is he?”

  “What’s your problem, Jess?” I asked.

  “None of your damn business,” Jessica snapped. “Mike! Where are you?”

  Mike casually strolled over to his girlfriend.”You’re supposed to be on a plane to Atlanta,” he stated. “Didn’t you say you were tired of my shit? Didn’t you say you were going back home? What are you doing at this man’s house actin’ like this for?”

  I looked at Paulie who was standing behind me. “Not my circus.”

  “Not my monkeys,” he finished.

  Instead of sticking around to get further caught up in Mike’s drama, I made sure to get as far away from Jessica as possible. When she gets pissed like that, she starts swinging. I walked over to where Sunny and Delilah were standing with their arms crossed and their mouths turned down. Sunny was shaking her head.


  “Really, Aiden?” she asked. “It’s almost three in the morning. You don’t see anything wrong with this scene?”

  “Not really. We’re just hanging out.”

  “There are half naked chicks in your pool!” Delilah shrieked.

  “But I’m not in there with them. Look at me. I’m fully dressed and completely dry.”

  “And definitely not sober,” Sunny pointed out. “You didn’t even tell me you were leaving. I’ve been calling you for the last three hours.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “Oh my God!” she yelled in frustration. “I can’t talk to you like this! Are you coming home or not?”

  “Umm, I am home,” I chuckled. “That’s why I don’t see what the problem is. I’m not out partying. I’m chillin’ at my own house.”

  “Whatever, Aiden.”

  “Well, this isn’t your house,” Delilah said to Paulie. “You need to come home now! I don’t know why you let Aiden get you in trouble. Sunny might not care but I don’t want my husband around my brother’s groupies. Let’s go.”

  “I’ll holla at you tomorrow, A.T.,” Paulie said as Delilah literally began pulling him by his shirt into the house.

  “Pussy whip!” I called after him. “You’re swimming in a big ass bowl of it!”

  “Fuck you!�
� Paulie yelled back.

  After Delilah left, it was just me and Sunny standing by the back door. I reached for her but she slapped my hand away.

  “I thought you were over this kind of bullshit,” Sunny muttered. “This is so disrespectful.”

  “To who?” I asked angrily. “Who am I hurting by sitting outside my pool listening to my music with my friends?”

  “You’re going to stand there and tell me that you know all of these people? That all those groupies are your friends?”

  “Babe, I understand that your emotions are all over the place because of the baby and all, but chill. You want me to tell the girls to go? Is that why you’re mad?”

  “Do what you want, Aiden. I don’t care. What you need to remember is that this may be your house and those might be your friends, but you are my fiancé. And this shit does not sit well with me. You’re not single anymore so you might want to stop acting like it.”

  With Jessica and Mike screaming at each other, Sunny and Delilah’s arrival, and Cody and Melinda arguing back and forth, the mood of the party wasn’t fun anymore. Someone— probably Liam—turned off the music and people started to leave out of the side gate to their cars.

  “Party’s over,” I said to Sunny. “Happy?”

  “I’ll be happy when you understand why I’m mad.”

  “Then stay pissed,” I told her and walked back into the house.

  My buzz was quickly wearing off. I made it through the house and up the stairs without stumbling once. Sara was coming out of Tyler’s nursery when I got to the hallway by my bedroom.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Did we wake up the baby?”

  “No. It was his three a.m. feeding. Are you just getting home?”

  “No. Me and some friends were out back. You didn’t hear us?”

  Sara shook her head. “Not a peep.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  I kissed Sara’s cheek and told her goodnight. No sooner than I was stepping out of my jeans, Sunny entered my bedroom and slammed the door behind her.


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