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UNBROKEN (Friends, Lovers, or Nothing Book 5)

Page 35

by Jackie Chanel

  “I know,” she murmured. “I know.”

  She looked up at me with those honey-gold eyes and my heart about broke into pieces. I’d put that hurt and fear in her eyes, that doubt in her voice, that pain in her heart. I’d done that to the woman I love and it may never go away.

  Chapter 36: Somethin’ You Wanna Know

  EVEN THOUGH I WOKE up in the same bed as my wife, even though we had dinner out together and came back to her hotel room and made love until were both too exhausted to speak, even though the first thing she said to me this morning was ‘I love you’, I woke up knowing that my second day in New York was still going to be worse than my first day.

  I decided to treat Sunny and Dani to a real breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Today is release day for Ramey and Tatiana. The Tylers being in town at the same time as them is going to stir up some shit, but that’s what we pay people for.

  “I have to say,” Dani started talking as soon as we were seated at our table. “A lot of people wouldn’t be as excited as I am to be a personal assistant, but damn! This job is incredible. Like, I’ve only been doing it for two weeks and I’ve been to New York, San Diego, and Atlanta. Me,a girl who never left southern California in all of her life. I want to kiss the jerkoff who quit this job.”

  “Nobody quit,” I told her. “Sunny thought she was too good for a PA. Said I worked her like a dog when she was mine and she couldn’t do that to someone else.”

  Sunny grinned at Dani. “He did. And I’m not too good for an assistant. I had a great assistant...two in fact. Now they’re so good, I was forced to promote Delilah to Style Manager and Kirk to Style Associate.”

  “Are Delilah and Kirk making the move to Atlanta?”

  “Delilah’s going for good. Kirk is coming for a few months once we find the right space.”

  “Well, what about me?”

  I stifled a laugh. This girl was serious about her job. When she first started rambling about how great it was to work for Sunny, I thought she was just starstruck. I was wrong. Anyone willing to make a cross-country move after two weeks to be a personal assistant was in it for the long haul.

  “You want to come to Atlanta?” Sunny asked.


  Sunny glanced at me but that decision wasn’t on me. It could work though. Mona is moving.

  As if she read my mind, Sunny answered, “Well, we do have the condo we’re renting for Mona. If you don’t mind a roommate, you can stay there if you want.”

  “Works for me.” Dani grinned and dug into her chocolate chip pancakes. “Did you see what Nicki wore to the BET Awards? She needs to fire her stylist. Say the word and I’ll call her assistant and put in a good word for you.”

  Dani and Sunny had such good rapport and were so focused on their reason for being in New York City that I didn’t want to ruin their breakfast. I ate my eggs and bacon silently, watching how alive Sunny was, how animated she gets when she’s talking about clothes or her ideas for a new collection. She gets the same glossy excited look when she’s playing with Summer. Clothes and motherhood...the two most important things in Sunny’s life. I know my place in her life, my rank. I just hope that I’m not easily replaced or forgotten when my reason for being in NYC is made public.

  “Babe,” Sunny leaned over and tapped my shoulder. “Did you hear me?”

  “Nah, what did you say?”

  “We have to get out of here. We have Michael Kors in forty-five and the Meet & Greet at RainDrops after that. Are you going to handle that thing today?”

  “I’m going to try.”

  “We’re flying home after the RainDrops event. When will you be back in LA?”


  Sunny stood up and came behind my chair. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. “You got this,” she said in my ear. “See you tonight.”

  Dani stood up too. “Thanks for breakfast, Aiden. I won’t be seeing you tonight.”

  No sooner than Sunny and her assistant had cleared the restaurant ext, Tracy and Roxy took their places at the table. I looked around the restaurant in sheer surprise. They hadn’t said a word to me about coming to New York.

  “How’d you know where I was?”

  “I’m your manager,” Roxy answered. “I always know where you are.”

  “And I spoke to Shanda,” Tracy said. “Ramey has a break at one. If you’re going to talk to her about the DNA test, you need to do it then. The book just came out today so we may have a couple of days before readers put two and two together and start asking questions. I think the best thing to do right now is to put out a positive message. There are some good jabs at Sunny and you in the book, but we don’t want to be on the defensive. You should post a congratulations tweet to her. Maybe even get your picture taken buying the book. Let the people see that you and Ramey have squashed the beef.”

  “And while I’m playing nice with my ex-wife, what am I supposed to say to my current wife? ‘Sunny, I know this is the worst shit that can happen but that pic I took with Ramey at her book signing...we just did that for the Gram.’ Is that what I’m supposed to do?”

  Tracy’s response was short and sweet. “Yes. If you come at Ramey like a rabid pitbull, all mean and angry, then Shanda will do what she did five years ago and destroy you in the media. This time, you and Sunny have a lot more to lose than just a black mark on your reputation. So, as your publicist, I’m telling you that playing nice until we get the DNA results back is what you’re going to do. If Sunny’s people are smart, they’ll tell her to get her ass back to Los Angeles and stay away from anyone with a camera and a microphone.”

  Arguing with Tracy was a waste of time. I advised her to tell Mona whatever she wanted her to tweet and post because I wasn’t doing it. My only mission in New York today was to get a DNA test.

  “Order some breakfast,” I told them as I stood up. “Charge it to Sunny’s room, room 415. I’m going to hit up Dreamz and see if he’s in the studio today. Hang out there until I can link up with Ramey.”

  It takes balls of steel to lie to Tracy and Roxy face-to-face, but I had to do it. The last thing I need today is two shadows trailing me and yelling that I’m making a huge mistake. I have business to take care of, business that has nothing to do with my career.


  The line at the Barnes and Noble in Times Square was two blocks long. I can’t believe all these people wanted to read a book written by two not-so-great-anymore supermodels. I waited in the Sprinter, staring out the window trying to catch the moment Ramey arrived. She wasn’t the type to skip out on saying hello to her adoring fans by using the side or back entrance.

  Tatiana pulled up first. Stepping out of her limo with her agent, she was all smiles and giggles. She always looks like she’s so surprised when people show up to her events. I don’t know how she ever pulled off a career in modeling when she acts like she hasn’t ever been famous.

  A red Ferrari slid into the empty space in front of Tati’s limo hijacking Tati’s moment. Ramey’s current boyfriend—a small man with a Napoleon complex and a taste for models half his age—hopped out of his little car and opened Ramey’s door like he was about to escort the Queen into a fucking bookstore.

  I opened the Sprinter’s door and jumped out. The screams and cheers from the crowd intensified by a hundred. Like I told both Ramey and Tati, I’m more famous than both of them.

  “Come with me,” I said to Ramey. Ignoring her angry and embarrassed scowl, I took her arm gently—I didn’t want to manhandle her in front of her fans—and led her to my ride.

  “What the hell, Aiden? What are you doing?”

  “Get in.”

  “Hey, buddy!” her boyfriend shouted. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Mind your business, prick!”


  “Shut up and get in the car, Ramey. I just need to talk.”

  She didn’t want a bigger scene so Ramey climbed in. I got in and closed the door behind us.

/>   “You really can’t be serious,” she said.

  “I want a DNA test today.”

  Still frowning, Ramey threw her phone at me. “Today? Are you crazy? I can’t do it today! You could have texted me that instead of ruining my book signing.”

  “Ruining your book signing would have been me walking in there screaming ‘You lying gold-digging whore!’ and flipping your fucking table. But I didn’t do that.”

  Ramey crossed her arms. “Is that what you think I am? You think I’m a gold-digging whore? You think I wrote that chapter because I want a check from you?”

  “I don’t know what you want. Is that what you want? A check from me for the next sixteen years would set you up good, don’t you think?”

  “I’m set up pretty well, already. I don’t want your fucking money, Aiden.”

  “Then what’s the catch? Why didn’t you say anything before?”

  “Because I don’t want you to be my son’s dad!” Ramey snapped. “Don’t get it mixed up. Talking you off the ledge in your damn hotel room doesn’t mean we’re friends. You and I may not be enemies but we’re definitely not friends. I still hate your wife.”

  I wasn’t buying it. Ramey is spiteful and vindictive but I know when she’s lying. “You’re full of shit. If you didn’t want anything from me, why would you write that bullshit?”

  Ramey looked down at her lap then she started laughing. “How many songs have you written about us? How many of those songs did you put on your albums? Why did you write songs about us? I wrote it because it felt good to finally say something that I’ve been holding in forever. I took your name out. I have a lot of exes. I didn’t think it would be so obvious.”

  “And Gio?”

  “He put me out before I ever wrote that book. Matter of fact, I’m not even sure he knows that I wrote it. He’s in Italy most of the time with his other family. He has four kids with a woman his mother loves. I was just something to do in the states. He didn’t want Gia and he really didn’t want Hendrix.” She shook her head slowly. “Actually, I’d prefer him to be the father. Nothing makes me happier than increasing his child support and alimony. He’s going to be paying me until he has a stroke and dies. And then his wife will pay me. Now my plan might backfire if you’re Hendrix’s father and Gio finds out. See, this whole thing wasn’t about you. Nothing I do is about you anymore.”

  “I don’t really give a shit about your personal vendetta against your husband. I personally need to know if you’ve fucked up another one of my marriages.”

  “I wasn’t the one who fucked up your first marriage. You can blame your new wife for that. Just to let you know, I’m perfectly content with allowing Gio to believe that he has a sixth child. You can move on like none of this ever happened. If anyone asks, I’ll just deny that I was talking about you.”

  I thought I knew Ramey but her having the audacity to say something so stupid baffled me.

  “Are you high? If I have a kid out there then I damn sure want to know, Ramey. I was going to be easy with this, but now I don’t trust you.” I handed her a business card to a private clinic that I visited this morning. “You and Hendrix need to be there at one. We’ll get the results in three days. If you don’t show up or those results aren’t in my hand in seventy-two hours, I will sue you for a paternity test right in the middle of your goddamn book tour. You don’t have the money and Shanda doesn’t have the clout to make something like that go away.”

  Ramey’s ice-cold eyes darkened with unspeakable rage, fury, and probably fear. Not that I gave a shit at that point. She grabbed her phone off the floor and flung open the door.

  “I don’t know what you’re plan is, but let me tell you this, Aiden. If he is your son, you are not taking my kid. I will never allow that to happen.”

  “I don’t want to take him, Ramey. I’ve never even met the kid.”

  “Hopefully, you never will.”

  Her boyfriend was standing in the same spot he was when I slammed the door in his face. He looked like he wanted to punch me when Ramey, red-faced and heated, walked over to him. He started to open his mouth but I shot him a warning look so fast that his mouth snapped closed instantly. I smiled and waved to Ramey’s fans who obviously love me a whole lot more than they do her.

  I hope Ramey understands how serious I am. I’m definitely not playing with her. I have the best law firm in LA on retainer. If she thought our divorce was bad, she will be in for a rude awakening.

  Since we aren’t friends anymore.

  Chapter 37: What If

  “HONESTLY, I DON’T KNOW how you’re not freaking out right now.”

  Delilah and I were each sitting at our desks browsing commercial real estate in Atlanta on our computers. We’re trying to find the perfect location for the new S.T.Y.L.E.Z studio. We’re going all in this time. We’re looking for space that is at least two floors and can double as a showroom and retail store. The space has to be massive. I’m actually really excited about it. Plus, thinking about the new studio and organizing the move to Atlanta is definitely the kind of distraction from the cluster fuck that has become my husband’s life that I need.

  “How are you not losing it?”

  “I don’t know. It still feels unreal to me. And I’m focusing so hard on not being pissed at your brother that it’s easy not to be mad.”

  “I probably shouldn’t ask this but we’re related now. Tell me something...if he tells you that the baby is his, are you going to leave my brother?”

  No one, surprisingly, has asked me that question directly in the four days Ramey’s son has been an issue. Even Aiden hasn’t outright asked and I know it’s because he’s scared of my answer. I’ve asked myself that question a million times and I just don’t know. I don’t want to rush into all these feelings that may be unnecessary because the feelings I do have for this entire situation are irrational at best.

  I’m supposed to be supporting my husband. I’m supposed to communicate with my husband. We had all those counseling sessions with Pastor Hodges so that when something like this occurred, we’d both know how to deal with it.

  “Bubbles, I really don’t want to think about it. Our wedding photos are supposed to be in from all the photographers today. Now really isn’t the time to be thinking about a divorce.”

  “I see what you’re trying to do,” Delilah said, “but this isn’t something you can ignore. Sure, the wedding photos and video are on the way but so are the DNA results. I just need to say this. Even though I know it’s going to hurt like hell if the test shows he’s the father, please try to remember that my brother has loved you every day for the last ten years. He’s not as strong as you are. And if you love him, don’t do that to your friend. You leaving will break him. I know it will.”

  I nodded in agreement. Aiden’s not doing so hot now and he didn’t even have the results when I left for work this morning. But I can’t say what I will and won’t do. I don’t like prepping for what if situations in my personal life. I can deal with situations like,

  What if a heel on a pair of Steve Madden boots breaks?

  What if the couture gowns don’t arrive from Paris in time for the Met Gala?

  I can’t deal with what if your husband has a baby with his ex-wife.

  Not just any baby...a son. The only son he’ll ever have.

  How the hell am I supposed to know what I’d do or am going to do? I wasn’t prepared for this. I wasn’t aware that this was something I should have been preparing for. Right now, although she means well, I cannot deal with Delilah’s proactive advice, or anyone else’s. This should just let me work and me and Aiden handle this however we need to.

  “Did you find anything?” I asked, desperately trying to redirect Delilah’s attention back to the only issue at hand that concerns her.

  “Everything is outside of Atlanta or downtown. I don’t want to work downtown. Do you?”

  “Not exactly, but maybe not far from downtown. Castleberry Hill is a good location. See if you
can find anything there. We are not putting our studio anywhere near Atlantic Station.”

  “There’s a space in the Castleberry Hill Art District. It’s not move-in ready though. I just sent you the link.”

  I opened the link she sent. Something about the pictures sparked my interest. Two floors. Warehouse layout. Glass storefront. The space wasn’t pretty but it hit all the marks on our long list of requirements. We could make it pretty. At $3000 a month, we don’t have a choice but to make it pretty.

  I emailed Rory, my business manager, asking him to set up a viewing as soon as possible. The property’s been on the market for a few months. If Rory can get me a viewing appointment this week, I’m ready to sign the lease...well, maybe. I don’t know yet.

  “No, I’m not checking her phone, Kirk!” I heard Dani shout. “That’s not my job. Stop being nosy.”

  A few seconds later, Dani came into the fitting area with my cell in her hand. She was looking pretty stylish for an assistant whose only job today was to find a moving company that won’t take a week to get our stuff (or just Aiden’s...I haven’t decided yet) to Atlanta and to consolidate all the contacts from everyone’s cell phone. I don’t know how it happened but not all of us have the same information for all of our clients, vendors, and stores.

  Dani had on a pair of throwback low rider jeans, blue Prada sneakers, and a spaghetti- strapped tank that matched her shoe color and stopped right above her belly button. She looked like stepped back into 2010. When I worked as a wardrobe stylist on the Entourage set, that was one of my favorite looks for one of the female leads. She has the slim waistline to pull that look off effortlessly.

  For once, the studio was so quiet that Kirk and Dani had some time to take care of the menial but important tasks that we don’t usually have time to do like updating our contacts, inventorying fabric, and refilling our travel kits.

  Dani held out my phone. “This thing keeps going off.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Aiden keeps texting. He stopped calling about twenty minutes ago.”


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