Distorted Hope

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Distorted Hope Page 10

by Marissa Honeycutt

I stared at the ground, mortified. I was certain my entire face was bright red.

  Nathan chuckled. “There’s a bathroom behind you if you’d like to clean up.”

  “Thank you, Patrón,” I mumbled and stood to make my way through the doorway behind me.

  When I had settled back into my spot, I stared at the Kindle in my hands, trying to decide whether or not I should turn it on. The unpredictability of my owner made it difficult to make decisions on my own. Perhaps it was supposed to be that way.

  “I had Mark bring it so you would have something to do while you were here with me.”

  I glanced up. “Why do you want me here?”

  Nathan lifted his chin and clenched his jaw, making me wish I hadn’t spoken. He looked at me for a long minute. “I like your presence,” he said finally, after a long silence.

  My jaw dropped open in surprise at his words.

  He pressed his lips together and looked back at his computer screen. “You may sit on the couch if you’d be more comfortable there,” he said without looking at me.

  My mouth dropped open further. He was allowing me, a woman, onto the furniture? What was going on? My mind whirred as I tried to understand the two sides of him. “Th-thank you, Patrón.” I stood with difficulty and sat gingerly on the edge of the couch, turning the Kindle on. The screen lit up with the page I’d been reading in Pride & Prejudice, and I quickly lost myself in the story.


  Blinking, I jumped at the hand on my head. I had become so immersed in the story it took Nathan walking over and touching my head to get my attention. I was curled up in the corner of the couch, my head resting on the arm and hugging a pillow as I read.

  “Oh, Patrón, I’m so sorry,” I exclaimed, quickly putting the pillow back into place and sitting up straight. I hadn’t meant to lounge. It just… happened.

  Nathan stroked my hair and gave me a tender look, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “I’ve not seen a girl lose herself in book like that in a very long time.” He cupped my chin and leaned down to kiss me gently on the lips. “It’s time for dinner.”

  He was acting more like how I would think a lover would act—rather than a slave owner—and it was very confusing. I loved Jason. It was Jason my heart ached for this morning. But when Nathan looked at me, it confused me. I was his possession, his slave. Why did he look at me like… like he cared about me?

  “Go up to your room and get cleaned up and changed. There will be a dress on the bed for you. Dinner begins in twenty minutes.”

  “Yes, Patrón,” I said, standing and straightening my dress.

  “Do you remember where your room is?”

  “I think so.”

  Nathan walked to a double wooden door in the corner of the room and opened it onto a hallway. “If you follow this, it will take you around to the staircase.”

  “Yes, Patrón.” I walked into the window-lined hallway. There were two glass doors along the hallway before it turned and I walked through two archways before coming to the entrance. Up the stairs and to the first door on the right, I found my room—the room I apparently wasn’t supposed to have.

  Mark had said I would have a room in the women’s house, but here I was, in one of the ‘nice guest rooms’, as he’d put it. And he’d sounded surprised when Nathan had told him to move my stuff here. Why? And what stuff did I have?

  Maybe Nathan wanted me closer to Jason, so he’d stay motivated. I winced, remembering the pain from this morning. I went into the bathroom and saw what had caused the pain. A thin, solid, brushed-silver circle sat around my neck. I touched it and found it very smooth and cool. No sign of the needles I’d felt in my neck. Was it electrified? Was that what Nathan’s remote did? Like a dog’s training collar?

  Well, I didn’t have time to think about it if I wanted to be on time for dinner. Locating a comb and hair products on the vanity, I combed my hair and pulled it back into my customary braid. I washed my face and sprayed a scented body spray over me before going back to the bedroom to look at the dress on my bed.

  It was pale blue cotton, soft, like the one I was already wearing. The skirt was full and the fitted bodice was low cut, with three-quarter length, loose sleeves. It would be warmer than my day dress, which was good, considering the air coming in through the windows was cool—cooler than it had been the night before.

  I slipped off the other dress and put the new one on. Once again, no panties or bra were provided. And of course, no shoes.

  Male voices echoed in the courtyard and on the patio. I heard Jason’s voice and hurried to the door and opened it. He was walking by my room when I did so, and he stopped short when he saw me.

  “Kyra,” he exclaimed and reached for me. He stepped close and wrapped his arms around me as I leaned my head on his chest.

  “Jason,” I sighed, savoring his warmth and wrapping my arms around his upper body.

  “God, I’ve missed you!” he said with his nose in my hair. “So much.”

  “Me t—” My words were cut off as pain erupted around my neck. I screamed and fell to the ground, hugging my arms to my chest. I knew pulling at the necklace would just make things worse.

  The pain continued until I saw Nathan’s feet in front of me. The needles disappeared and I looked up to see him frowning down at me, eyes hard and dark.

  “I warned you,” he growled.

  “Nathan, it’s not her fault,” Jason said quickly. “I’m the one who grabbed her.”

  Nathan’s expression didn’t change, nor did he look away from me. “Get up,” he snapped.

  Still feeling the residual pain, I struggled to my feet around the long skirt. Some of my hair had come loose from the braid and it hung in my face, clinging to the tears that had fallen down my cheeks.

  Nathan reached behind me and yanked on my braid. “I don’t want to see your hair bound up,” he snarled. “It should be loose at all times. Do you understand?”

  “Y-yes, Patrón,” I whispered, terrified of him once again. I pulled at my hair until it was loose.

  He glared at me for a moment longer and then turned on his heel and strode away toward the staircase. “Come, Kyra,” he snapped when I didn’t follow immediately.

  I picked up my skirts and ran after him.

  My nerves stripped me of my appetite and I trembled any time Nathan’s hand moved toward me, whether to pick up his fork or glass. I didn’t dare look at Jason. I didn’t dare look at anything except the plate in front of me.

  Once again, I was seated between Mark and Nathan. More men were there than at lunch and I was the only woman at a table of eleven men. Conversation flowed around me, but no one spoke to me. Why was I here? What purpose did my presence accomplish, save torturing both myself and Jason? It was a heavy reminder we weren’t allowed to be together.

  Maybe that was the point. To remind both of us Nathan now owned us and we could do nothing but what he approved.

  After dinner, most of the men retired to the living room, though some disappeared up the stairs. The women came in, scantily clad, and lavished attention on them. I sat at Nathan’s feet and he ignored me. He didn’t even put his hand on my head. For some reason, that bothered me.

  Jason sat nearby and I stared at his feet, wanting to crawl over to him and lay my head on his knee. A few of the women approached him, but he didn’t pay them any attention.

  “You can have them, Jason,” Nathan said. He paused, the sound of ice in a glass told me he took a sip of his drink. “You’ll be with them eventually.”

  My head snapped up and I looked at Jason, who was giving Nathan a dirty look. “I love Kyra,” he said behind clenched teeth.

  Nathan slowly tapped the bottom of his cup on the leather armrest, making the ice clink. “I admire your… loyalty, but I’m disinclined to let you have her any time soon. Your dick might fall off from lack of use.”

  Jason’s eyes narrowed. “Why?”

  “Because you don’t seem to understand Kyra belongs to me and not yo
u,” Nathan answered in a casual, though slightly threatening, tone. “Once I’m confident you understand that, then you will be able to be with her.”

  Jason’s jaw clenched and his grip tightened around his glass, but he said nothing more. I looked back at my skirt, heart aching more than ever.

  As if to further his point, Nathan put his hand on my head and stroked my hair. I closed my burning eyes, trying to ignore his touch. I wanted to run up to my room and cry.

  The women’s high voices intermixed with the men’s, much like they had the night before, when I’d arrived. Every once in a while, I would hear the low moan of a man and it took me a while to figure out what it was. When one of the girls settled between Mark’s feet and began giving him a blowjob, I understood the source of the sound. My cheeks burned and I hoped Nathan wouldn’t make me do that to him here.

  This was my new life and it depressed me. Not that I’d had any great plans for staying in Arizona, but at least there, Jason and I could have been together—together and exploring the new, physical aspect of our relationship.

  The men talked around me and received blowjobs. No one approached Nathan, though, which was curious. Surely he desired some sort of attention while the men around him did. Only he and Jason remained celibate.

  I didn’t see anyone having sex, though there were quite a few heads bobbing up and down and most of the girls were now naked. Sometimes, a couple went upstairs and returned a while later; sometimes, they didn’t return at all. It was all very orderly and civilized.

  Jason was quiet, only speaking when spoken to, and he kept his answers short. He was angry; I could hear it in his tone when he spoke. Colin was more talkative, even cheerful. He didn’t even seem to notice when his daughter was giving a blowjob to the man sitting next to him.

  My legs began to go numb again and I shifted uncomfortably. I realized I wasn’t used to sitting all day. Being a server kept me on my feet and busy, and dancing kept me flexible. If I continued to sit around all day, I had a feeling I would start gaining weight. That idea didn’t thrill me.

  While in Nathan’s office that morning, I’d heard the girls outside, chattering and giggling. Would I be able to do that sometime? I loved the idea of taking a book to the garden and lying in the warm grass to read.

  The office—and the rest of the house, for that matter—was light and airy, so it wasn’t unpleasant to be inside. All the windows and doors had been kept open during the day. That was nice. The cool, sweetly-scented air was a nice change from Tempe’s congested, dusty air.

  The setting didn’t bother me in the least. It was my new occupation that did. Mark had said skills could be learned. Would I learn those skills soon?

  The room had begun to clear out, and Nathan tugged my hair gently to reclaim my wandering attention. “Time for bed, Kitten,” he said, helping me to my feet.

  I looked around and noticed Jason had already left. Maybe it was good I hadn’t known before now. The thought made me want to cry. It was some comfort that he was angry he couldn’t have me, but how long would he wait to be with me? What if Nathan didn’t let us be together for a month? Would Jason still refuse the attention of the other girls?

  I climbed the stairs behind Nathan, holding up my skirt and wondering if I’d be lucky enough to sleep in my own room tonight. I paused at the top of the stairs as Nathan walked toward his room. After a few steps, he stopped and turned around, frowning at me.

  “You stay with me unless I say otherwise.”

  “Yes, Patrón.”

  I caught up with him and followed him to his room. Once inside, he closed the door and strode to his bathroom. “Undress and kneel at the foot of the bed.”

  This time, I knew what to do and knew what would happen if I didn’t do it. I undressed and took my position on the rug, wondering what tonight would bring.

  Nathan came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and came to stand in front me. His gaze was heavy as he stood over me; I didn’t move, instead keeping my eyes fixed on his bare feet. His ankles were bare, as well, and I wondered if the rest of him was, too.

  My eyes unconsciously traveled up his long legs. His calves were beautifully defined and lightly covered in blond hairs. I had never realized calves could be sexy before, but on him they most certainly were. His powerful thighs were hard, as I already knew, and well defined. The blond hairs continued all the way up his legs to a thicker patch at the junction of his thighs where his enormous erection stood out, long and thick.

  I stared at it, feeling myself becoming aroused when I remembered what I had experienced earlier in the afternoon. My tongue darted out and across my bottom lip.

  “Touch me, Kitten.” Nathan’s voice seemed so high above my head.

  I lifted myself up onto my knees and reached out for him. His cock jumped slightly as I tentatively stroked him up and down, his skin so hard and velvety at the same time. When a drop of pre-cum glistened at the tip, I leaned forward and tasted it with my tongue. His chest rumbled when I did so.

  Looking up, I saw his eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted. His chest expanded and contracted with noisy breaths. Was I really affecting him that much? I hardly knew what I was doing.

  “Suck me,” he said without opening his eyes.

  I moved forward and opened my mouth to take him in. His chest rumbled again and I began to move my head back and forth over his cock. When he put his hands on my head, I became nervous, and he pushed my head closer to himself. But it wasn’t forceful; he was guiding me to where he wanted me to be.

  I pushed my tongue down as far as it would go and took as much of him into my mouth as I could. A thrill shot through my body when I felt him at the back of my throat, and I only gagged a little bit.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, clutching my hair in his hands. His eyes opened as I was looking up at him and he grinned. “That is one of the sexiest things I’ve seen in a long time.”

  Smiling was impossible, but I tried to show my thankfulness for his compliment with my eyes, and was pretty sure I succeeded because his eyes crinkled again. He stroked my hair gently for a moment before pulling me back off his cock.

  “I want you in bed,” he said. He picked me up and placed me in the middle of his king-size bed. The covers had been turned down already.

  Nathan lay next to me and caressed my cheek before leaning across to brush his lips against mine. His fingers trailed down my neck, eliciting goose bumps down my neck and arm. When he reached my hip, he circled back up to my chest and I shivered as he cupped my breast.

  As he nibbled on my lower lip and I sucked in a deep breath. He took advantage of the open mouth and thrust his tongue in and out of my mouth as he traced my areola lightly with his fingers. My back arched, pressing against his hand.

  I let out a soft moan as he found my nipple and pinched. My thighs squeezed together and I wrapped my arms around his neck. When he pinched again, I could feel it all the way down in my clit.

  His lips moved down to my neck and I lifted my chin for him. I could feel his hot breath as he trailed his tongue down the side of my neck to my collarbone, where he sucked gently for a moment. A sigh escaped my mouth and I tightened my grip on his neck.

  I moved my hands down his neck onto the smooth skin of his shoulders. My fingers traced along the hills and valleys of his muscular arms and down around to his side. The muscles flexed under my soft touch.

  He trailed kisses down my chest to my breast and took a nipple into his mouth, making me gasp and arch my back. I moved my hands back up and into his hair, pressing his head against me as he swirled his tongue around and around the taut peak. He rolled me to my back and kissed and lapped at my other nipple for a few minutes before moving further down my belly.

  “Oh!” I sighed as he kissed above my hip bone. His tongue dragged downward and over the sensitive skin which had so recently been waxed.

  Nathan groaned as his tongue moved upwards between the swollen lips and I wiggled, trying to escape the overwhe
lmingly pleasurable sensations. He chuckled and spread my pussy open to an erotic assault.

  Around and around he moved his tongue before pressing forward and inside me. He lapped and sucked the very wet and sensitive folds and I sighed and moaned in pleasure. Nathan had an amazing mouth!

  “Oh!” I cried as he sucked my clit into his mouth. “Oh… Na—” I stopped myself before I said his name aloud. Would he be angry?

  I looked down when he stopped moving, afraid of the anger I was certain to see in his face. I was surprised to see him looking at me, not with anger, but with something else. Longing, perhaps?

  He pushed himself up with his arms, the muscles in his chest and shoulders contracting as he did so. His eyes didn’t leave mine. My eyes widened as he crawled up my body, knees between my spread thighs.

  I stared with wide eyes and took in a shaky breath as he positioned himself at my entrance. His eyes didn’t leave mine as he pressed forward slowly. His gaze was so intense, so forceful, it took my breath away.

  My mouth opened as he penetrated my body, but I couldn’t look away from his steel-gray eyes. They had me pinned to the bed as forcefully as if he had used his hands to lock my arms over my head.

  When he was halfway in, he stopped. “Say it,” he said in a husky voice. “Say my name.”

  My mouth gaped and I stared at him. I couldn’t believe what he’d just told me to do.

  “Say my name.” His voice was strained as he remained unmoving, halfway inside my body.

  “N-Nathan,” I whispered and he closed his eyes slowly and took a deep breath.

  He began moving forward again, ever so slowly. When I whimpered in pain, he stopped and opened his eyes. They were still intense but softer somehow.

  He moved down to his elbows and captured my lips, holding my head in his hands, not moving any further. When I had relaxed, he kissed me gently and moved forward again until he was seated all the way in to his balls.

  He stopped for a moment and I moved my hips around him. He was so deep, so unbelievably deep inside my body. My pussy lips felt so stretched around him, but it was a good feeling. So intense, so… intimate.


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