Five Star Attraction

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Five Star Attraction Page 15

by Jacquelin Thomas

  “Would you like to have dinner with me and Joshua?” She grinned. “You’re not the only one with skills in the kitchen.”

  “I’d love to join you for dinner.”

  “How does eight o’clock sound?”


  “What’s perfect?” Sage asked, walking over to where they were standing.

  “Natasha and I were having a private conversation.”

  Sage gave him a sly smile. “Well, I guess I’ll be going then. I’ll give you a call later, Natasha.”

  Ari laughed as his sister sashayed away. “She doesn’t have a subtle bone in her body.”

  “I need to get out of here, Ari. I have to stop by the store on the way home so that I can cook you a fabulous dinner.”

  “I’m in the mood for fabulous.”

  She smiled at him. “Good.”

  Ari walked her out to her car. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

  In a surprise move, he kissed her.

  When he released Natasha, he said, “There is no wine this time.”

  She pulled his head down to hers, covering his lips with hers. “I’ve wanted to do this all day.”

  Ari’s feelings for Natasha and the guilt that plagued him had nothing to do with reason. Yet, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being unfaithful to April. He had been faithful to her in all the years they were together. It was time to move on, but Ari didn’t know how.

  Malcolm and Barbara Alexander arrived Saturday afternoon. Natasha, Ari and his siblings, along with the staff, greeted them when they walked into the hotel.

  Ari introduced Natasha to his mother.

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Barbara said. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Natasha smiled. “All good, I hope.”

  Members of the staff came up to say hello and introduce themselves.

  “I’m sorry about having you give up part of your Saturday like this,” Ari said.

  “Oh, this is fine. I wanted to meet your mother.” Natasha glanced over to where Malcolm and Barbara were standing. “They are so patient. I’m sure they can’t wait to get to the penthouse.”

  “They will stay down here as long as needed,” Ari told her. “My parents really appreciate their employees.”

  She looked up at him. “I guess this means we won’t be working together as much.”

  Initially, Ari had wanted to put distance between them, but now, he dreaded the thought. “Dad okayed the tour to see the rest of the properties. He also said you can take your son and the nanny.”

  “She’s actually his nurse,” Natasha corrected. “That’s great. Joshua is going to be so excited.”

  His parents navigated to the private elevator, retreating to the penthouse to relax from their early morning travel.

  “I guess I’ll see you on Monday,” Ari told Natasha. “I don’t want to take up all of your day.”

  “I promised Joshua that I’d take him to the movies, so I better get out of here.”

  Ari didn’t want her to leave, but he remained silent. Weekends were quality time for Natasha and Joshua. He would not be selfish by keeping her away from her son. Joshua needed her.

  The following week, they took the private plane to San Francisco. With his parents at the helm, this was the perfect time to see the other properties.

  Sage and Natasha sat and talked with Monica. Joshua and Ari sat together so that they could play a game.

  Blaze sat alone behind them, eyes closed and earphones attached to his iPhone.

  Every now and then, he bobbed his head as if listening to music.

  They landed an hour later.

  They were ushered to a limo, which drove them to the Alexander-DePaul San Francisco Hotel & Spa Resort.

  “Blaze and I are going to fly back to Los Angeles tonight,” Sage announced. “Dad needs us to take care of some stuff for him.”

  Natasha stole a peek at Ari, trying to read his expression.

  He shrugged and said, “Well, it looks like it’s just going to be you and me, Natasha.”

  “I suppose we’ll have to find a way to manage without them.”

  Ari broke into a grin. “I’m up to the challenge. How about you?”

  Natasha nodded.

  “I get the feeling we’re not going to be missed at all,” Blaze said.

  Sage winked at Natasha and replied, “Me, too.”

  As soon as they arrived to the hotel, Natasha checked Monica and Joshua into their suite. Once she had them settled, she went downstairs to join the others, who were in a conference with the general manager.

  “This hotel is nestled in the heart of this amazing city, but miles away from an ordinary experience. We recently completed renovation and now feature five hundred guest rooms and suites,” the manager was saying.

  Natasha sat down beside Sage.

  After their meeting, they were taken on a tour to see the newly renovated guest rooms and suites.

  “You and Blaze really don’t have to leave,” Natasha told Sage in a low whisper. “To be honest, I think Ari is more comfortable having you two here with us.”

  Sage shook her head. “Trust me. My brother wants to have you all to himself.”

  “Did he tell you this?”

  “Not in so many words,” Sage responded. “But I know how he thinks.”

  “I don’t know about this.”

  “You and Ari need some time alone.”

  “Sage, we are not in a relationship. Your brother and I are just friends.”

  “Not yet, but who knows what will happen this week.”

  Chapter 17

  Ari cornered his brother outside a conference room and asked, “Okay, tell me the truth. Why are you and Sage really leaving?”

  “Dad wants us back in Beverly Hills. He has some marketing ideas he wants to run by me, and he wants to go over some development projects with Sage.”

  “That’s interesting,” Ari murmured. “I just got off the phone with Dad and he told me that you called him and said that you and Sage would be returning home this evening. What’s up, Blaze?”

  “We just thought that you and Natasha could use some time alone,” Blaze responded with a grin. “But we hadn’t counted on her bringing Joshua and the nanny.”

  Frowning, Ari stated, “This is a business trip. You and Sage need to learn about each of these hotels. Especially you, Blaze.”

  “I will be traveling to see all of the hotels over the next month, so don’t worry about me. I know how to do my job.” Blaze paused a moment before adding, “It’s okay for you to move on, Ari. April wouldn’t hold it against you if you fell in love with another woman.”

  “No, she wouldn’t,” Ari agreed. “But I don’t know if that woman is Natasha LeBlanc.”

  “Then why not find out for sure?” Blaze queried. “You will never know if you don’t take a chance.”

  “From the moment I looked into those gorgeous brown eyes of hers—it’s like I’m on drugs. I can’t get enough of looking at her.”

  “I have a strong suspicion that she feels the same way about you.”

  Ari met his brother’s gaze. “Are we really that transparent?”

  Blaze nodded. “Use this time together to explore your feelings for one another.”

  “It’s been a long time since I felt this way about a woman.”

  “In my opinion, it’s long overdue,” Blaze responded. “Don’t get me wrong. You know that I loved April like a sister, but it really hurt me to see you grieve so much.”

  “I miss her so much. She was my best friend.”

  Blaze nodded in understanding. “I miss her, too. But the thing is…Ari, you need to start living again.”

  “I’m not sure I know how,” Ari confessed.

  “She’s a start.”

  He followed Blaze’s line of vision and nodded.

  “Why don’t we get in the limo and take Joshua sightseeing?” Ari suggested after Blaze and Sage left to fly back to Los

  “I’ve never been here before, so I’d like to see some of the city. I figured Joshua might like to get out of the suite. Plus, it will give Monica some time to herself.”

  Natasha considered his idea. “Joshua will be thrilled, but I want to make sure he’s feeling okay and doesn’t have a fever.”

  They sat down in the lobby.

  “Joshua was a typical five-year-old boy, Ari. He loved playing football, wrestling and playing with his friends. Around Thanksgiving, I noticed he was tiring and started to run a low-grade fever. I also noticed he was starting to bruise easily when he bumped into things. I took him to the pediatrician, who ran a blood test. I found out on Christmas Eve that Joshua had leukemia.”

  Ari reached over, taking Natasha by the hand.

  “I know that he’s going to be fine,” she said. “But there are times when I get scared.”

  “Everything within me also tells me that Joshua is going to be fine.”

  She ran her fingers through her curls. “I believe it, also.”

  They sat there for a moment in silence.

  “I guess I better get to the suite,” Natasha said. “Joshua is probably wondering where I am.”

  “Should I reserve the limo?”

  “Sure. I’ll call you in a few minutes.”

  Ari watched her leave before walking over to the concierge desk. “What can I do for you, Mr. Alexander?”

  “I need you to arrange something for me.” Ari told him exactly what he had in mind.”

  “I can arrange everything for you, Mr. Alexander.”

  He left there and made his way to the private elevator that would take him to the penthouse suite.

  Ari quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a polo shirt.

  “We’ll meet you in the lobby,” Natasha told him when she called. “Joshua’s so excited.”

  He left the penthouse ten minutes later.

  Joshua was waiting near the elevator when he stepped out. “Mr. Ari, what took you so long?”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to make you wait.”

  Ari scooped Joshua up in his arms. “Let’s go.”

  “C’mon, Mommy.”

  “I’m right behind you,” she said.

  “I like riding in this limo,” Joshua told him. “I feel like I’m in a submarine.”

  Ari and Natasha laughed.

  As soon as they returned to the hotel, Joshua had dinner and then went into the room to watch television. When Natasha checked on him, she found him asleep, holding on to the toy horse Ari bought him.

  “Joshua had such a wonderful time today,” Natasha commented. “Ari, thank you so much for everything you did for my son.” She hadn’t seen Joshua this excited about anything in a long time. Natasha’s eyes teared up as she recalled how attentive Ari was with her little boy.

  “He’s a great kid and I wanted to make today special for him.”

  She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him.

  Ari wrapped his arms around her, drawing her closer in his embrace. Her body pressed to his, he felt blood coursing through his veins like an awakened river.

  Their eyes locked as their breathing came in unison.

  Natasha tried to ignore the aching in her limbs and the pulsing knot that had formed in her stomach.

  Without a word, Ari swept her, weightless, into his arms.

  Inside the bedroom, he eased her down onto the bed. His hand unbuttoned her blouse, but before Ari could go any further, he pulled away, saying, “I’m sorry.”

  His rejection was like a bucket of cold water. It washed over her, cooling her ardor.

  “It’s okay,” she said as she began buttoning up her top. “I understand.”

  But the truth was that Natasha didn’t understand at all. Ari wanted her and she wanted him to make love to her. The ghost of his late wife was present. Her ex-husband never had problems sleeping with other women, despite their marriage. Ari was truly like no other man she’d ever met. She always seemed to meet men who couldn’t stay faithful, but Ari was faithful to a fault.

  Natasha looked up at him, noting his pain-filled gaze. “You’re just not ready, Ari.”

  “You are such a beautiful woman. I…”

  “It’s okay,” she said with a shrug. “Why don’t we just keep this at friendship?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing.” Natasha eased off the bed. “Joshua might wake up at any moment.”

  He followed her out of the bedroom.

  She walked him to the door. “Enjoy your evening, Ari.”


  Natasha didn’t want to hear another word. “It’s best you just leave.”

  Ari felt like such a heel.

  Natasha was right. It was best that they just remain friends. He never should have gotten involved with her on a personal level. He had vowed to never get involved with someone he was working with, but Natasha changed all that for him. From the moment he saw her, Ari knew that his life would never be the same.

  “I should have kept it business between us,” he whispered.

  It was too late now.

  Ari was in love with Natasha.

  He had never thought he could love someone else. He had loved April with his heart and soul. But Natasha was able to infiltrate his heart, leaving Ari conflicted.

  The next morning, Natasha left her room hoping to avoid Ari, but he was just leaving his suite.

  “Good morning,” she said, not looking at him.

  “I’m sorry about last night.”

  She shrugged in nonchalance. “Forget about it. I have.” Natasha was not about to let him know how much his rejection hurt her.

  Ari’s eyebrows arched a fraction at her words. The air suddenly felt thick with tension between them.

  He tried to make small talk while they were in the elevator, but Natasha didn’t have much to say. She could no longer deny that she had fallen in love with Ari, but he was still in love with his dead wife.

  She walked out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened. Ari quickened his pace to catch up with her. “We need to talk.”

  Natasha slowed her pace. “There’s nothing else to be said, Ari. You’ve made yourself very clear. You are still very much in love with April.”

  Keeping his voice low, he responded, “Apparently, you’re upset with me. We need to discuss this.”

  “No, I’m not, Ari,” she snapped. “Look, let’s just focus on why we’re here.”

  “Natasha, I do care for you.”

  “I can’t deal with this right now.” Natasha glared at him. “Please, Ari. Let’s just forget about last night.”

  “It’s not that easy for me,” he told her.

  “Then it’s your problem.” She walked away from him as soon as she spotted the food and beverage manager.

  Ari didn’t follow her. He thought it was best to give her some time alone.

  He spent most of his morning checking on some information Malcolm had requested regarding the renovations.

  By lunchtime, Ari went looking for Natasha. He found her in the café with Samuel, the general manager. They looked pretty cozy, he thought jealously. When the man reached over and covered Natasha’s hand with his own, Ari couldn’t help but wonder if they had been involved in the past.

  He returned to the office he was using for the day.

  Natasha found him there half an hour later. “I just wanted to apologize for snapping at you. It was unprofessional of me.”

  “Apology accepted.”

  “Have you eaten anything today? Samuel and I were expecting you to join us for lunch.”

  “I wasn’t hungry. Besides, you and Samuel looked pretty cozy.”

  “Ari, what’s wrong with you?” she asked.

  “Could you close the door behind you, please?”

  Natasha did as he requested. “I hope we are not about to rehash—”

  He cut her off by blurting, “Were you involved with him?”
  “With Samuel? Ari, he’s a married man.” She looked at Ari as if he’d grown three heads. “What type of woman do you think I am?”

  “I saw you two in the café. He was practically all over you.”

  Natasha shook her head. “It wasn’t like that.” She couldn’t believe he was jealous. He had some nerve, when he couldn’t let go of his late wife.

  “I stood there watching the two of you. I know what I saw.”

  “Then you should put on your glasses.” She turned to leave.

  “Natasha, please don’t leave.”

  “Then don’t go there with me, Ari,” she warned.

  “I’m just saying that the man is attracted to you.”

  She dismissed his words with a wave of her hand. “You are wrong on so many levels, Ari.”

  He gave her a knowing look. “Did he invite you to dinner?”

  “He’s just being nice. We are having dinner tonight, but you can join us if you’re so concerned.”

  He shook his head. “He didn’t invite me, so I’ll be in the suite tonight contemplating his future with the company.”

  Her anger dissipated and Natasha broke into a grin. “You wouldn’t.”

  Ari gave her a tiny smile. “Actually, I’ll be having a great dinner in my suite with Joshua.”

  “You don’t have to babysit for me.”

  “I’m not. Joshua and I have had this date already planned. Since Monica has some friends here in San Francisco, I thought it would be nice to give her some time off so that she can visit with them. And give you a break. I was going to suggest you go to the spa for a pampering session, but…”

  “I won’t be out late. It’s an early dinner.”

  “It’s fine,” he assured her. “Have fun.”

  Natasha shook her head. “I can’t do this.”

  “You can and you will. Joshua and I will have a good time together.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  He nodded.

  “You don’t look like you’re okay with me having dinner with Samuel.”

  “No, it’s fine,” he assured her, but deep down, it bothered him that she was having dinner with another man.

  Samuel leaned forward and said, “I’m glad to see I was wrong about you.”


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