One Night With the Billionaire: Book Two

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One Night With the Billionaire: Book Two Page 3

by Cassie Cross


  “Mmm…” he hums as his hand snakes across the curve of her hip, to the inside of her thigh. He lifts her leg, giving him full access to her. He slides his fingertips across her slit, already wet and ready for him. “I can and I will.”

  Kaia hands him a condom, and waits patiently for him to roll it on.

  He rubs the tip of his cock against her clit, and Kaia impatiently rocks against him, desperate for friction.

  “Please don’t tease me,” she says, marveling at how fast they went from sharing tiny pieces of their lives to her desire for him rapidly spiraling out of control.

  “What do you want me to do?” he asks, with a growl in her ear.

  “Fuck me. I want you to fuck me.”

  Jason plunges inside of her, and Kaia lets out a cry as his hips pound against her. He presses his hand against her belly, making each thrust feel deeper than it has before. Kaia closes her eyes as Jason rubs her clit, and sucks on the spot just below her ear that drives her crazy.

  He promised to show her places she’s never dreamed of.

  Tonight, she’ll settle for seeing stars.


  Jason walks out of his closet, fastening his cufflinks as morning sun begins to stream through his bedroom window. Kaia is sleeping soundly in his bed. Her hair is a gorgeous mess spread across his pillows, and the sheet is wrapped around her chest, dipping low and exposing most of her left breast.

  He has to get to the office, but what he’d really like is to crawl back into bed with her, wrap his body around hers and memorize the way his name sounds when she shouts it as she comes.

  The thought chills him. He’s always been perfectly able to distance himself from women, because he’s never allowed himself to get attached. He’s only known Kaia for less than a week, and he knows he’s in danger.

  He’s felt this overwhelming connection with her ever since they first met, and he can’t deny wanting to be around her as much as he can. For the first time in his adult life, he doesn’t feel the overwhelming desire to distance himself from her, to keep his options open. He doesn’t want to run her out of his bed to free up the rest of his day; instead he finds himself wishing he could linger.

  He told her he wasn’t going to make any promises, and he still isn’t, but he’s falling for her…fast.

  He can tell she’s curious about his life, but doesn’t want to push him. She’s giving him room to ease into things. Last night, after he made her come a third time, she tried to get up and leave, thinking he wouldn’t want her spending the night.

  He gently pulled her back into bed, and asked her to stay. It was definitely unlike him, but if he was going to put her in danger, he was damn sure going to keep her safe. He’d rather she be here than at her apartment.

  If only she knew how on-the-nose her comment about security was last night. Jason told her the truth: the best security is the kind you can’t see, and exactly the kind he employs.

  Truthfully, he didn’t just want her to stay so he could keep an eye on her; he wanted her to stay because he liked the feeling of waking up with her in his arms, and wanted to experience it again.

  He also knows that if she had a clear idea of what she was getting into with him, she might not be so willing to stay after all. And if she knew about his past, she might run screaming. He shakes his head, not wanting to overthink things, not wanting to make a problem where one doesn’t exist yet.

  Regardless of what happens in the future, he has to wake her up now, or he’ll be late to his first meeting of the day.

  Jason walks over to the side of the bed, and sits down on the edge, watching Kaia breathe steadily in and out, her face so beautifully peaceful. He finds himself wishing he knew whether she likes waking up to the smell of coffee or tea, whether she’s a morning person, or whether he can expect her to be grumpy with him.

  He figures the best way to rouse her is to do it slowly, so he gently slides his fingertips down the curve of her jaw.

  “Kaia,” he whispers, cupping her cheek.

  She lets out a soft hum, then cuddles against the warmth of his hand. Just that small action of trust makes Jason smile.

  “You have to wake up.” His voice is a little louder this time, and he can tell by the way Kaia’s eyebrows scrunch together that she’s waking. He swipes his thumb across her cheekbone, and she goes from sleepy to wide-awake in an instant.

  “Oh my god,” she says frantically. “I didn’t mean to stay, I-“

  “Relax,” Jason replies soothingly. “I asked you to stay, remember?”

  Kaia’s shoulders loosen, and she looks at him with sleepy, tired eyes. Jason thinks it’s probably one of the most adorable things he’s ever seen.

  “Yeah. I remember now.”

  Jason smiles at her, leans in and gives her a soft, quick kiss.

  “I have to go soon. I have a meeting.”

  Kaia’s expression falls just a little, doubt creeping in around the edges, and he feels the need to reassure her. She probably thinks that meetings are his go-to excuse, since he used one to explain why he couldn’t take her to breakfast the other day.

  “Hey,” he says. “This is part of whatever it is that we’re doing here. I have meetings almost every day. I’m not…I’m not trying to get out of anything or make excuses, okay?”

  The corner of Kaia’s mouth tips up into a small smile. “Okay.”

  He leans in to kiss her again, but Kaia turns away from him.


  “Pretty sure there’s some morning breath going on here.”

  “I don’t care,” Jason replies, as he cups Kaia’s cheek and turns her head so he has better access to her lips.

  “Good morning,” Kaia says with a smile, as Jason pulls away.

  “Great morning.”

  “I’m just gonna…” She motions to her current state of undress, and Jason lets out a little groan. He’s never wanted to call in sick so badly. But his company needs him, and if he’s going to make this work, he can’t let himself get distracted like this. It takes every bit of willpower he has in him to stand up, but he does it.

  “Would you like some coffee? Or tea?”

  Kaia gives him a grateful look. “Coffee would be great. A little cream, a little sugar?”

  Jason nods and stands, then walks out of the room before every ounce of resolve he has completely disappears.

  * * * * *

  Jason barely finishes making Kaia’s coffee before she’s walking out of his bedroom looking less put together than she had when she came over last night, but no less gorgeous. Her hair is piled into a messy bun on the top of her head, and her makeup is smudged a little around her eyes.

  She walks into the kitchen, standing next to Jason at the counter where he’s tightening the lid on her coffee.

  “A travel mug and everything?” she asks, teasing.

  “I wanted to make sure it stays hot.”

  Kaia breathes in and lets out a low hum. “Mmmm, I do have a long train ride home.”

  “No you don’t,” he replies. “My driver is going to drop you off.”

  “Jason, no.”

  “Yes, I insist.”

  Kaia shakes her head. “I can’t take advantage. That’s not…it isn’t important to me that you do that.”

  “It’s important to me,” he explains. He can’t tell her why - not yet, maybe not ever, depending - but he needs her to agree. “It’s part and parcel of whatever this is, whatever it becomes.”

  “Is this something to do with you not wanting people to know you’re seeing someone who isn’t…are you trying to keep up appearances?”

  That surprises Jason, and he isn’t able to hide it. “What? No. It’s just something that I need you to do, okay?” He’s fighting the urge to insist that she have her own driver full time. Maybe it’ll come to that, depending on how serious this thing between them becomes, but for now he’s going to take this one step at a time. “Please.”

ith no small amount of reluctance, she finally agrees. “Okay.”

  Jason smiles, and wraps her in his arms. “Thank you.”

  Kaia hugs him, then leans back and runs the palm of her hand over his stubble. He closes his eyes at the sensation, at the intimacy of it.

  “You’re welcome,” she replies, then stretches up on her tiptoes and presses her lips against his.

  Her mouth is minty and warm, and Jason feels her melting against his body as he wraps her up tight in the safety of his embrace.

  “Mmmm,” he hums when they part.

  “I used a little bit of your toothpaste.” Her eyes widen, and she continues with, “not your tooth brush. Just the toothpaste.”

  Jason grins at her, feeling the lightness in his chest spread out to his fingertips.

  “I want to see you tonight,” he says, before giving her another kiss. “May I?”

  “You may.” Her lips brush against his as she speaks.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven; we’ll have dinner at my place.”


  “Bring your toothbrush,” Jason says with a happy lilt in his voice. “I’ll supply the toothpaste.”

  “Oooh,” Kaia says with a delighted laugh. “Another sleepover.”

  Jason’s hand slides down her side, the pad of his thumb teasing the swell of Kaia’s breast. He drags his stubble across her cheek, and leans in close to her ear. “We won’t be doing much sleeping.”

  Kaia plays with the hair at the nape of Jason’s neck, and gives him a sexy smile. “Looking forward to it.”

  “Me too. Let me walk you down.”

  In the elevator, Jason slides his hand up and down Kaia’s back, relishing in the comfort of her nearness, getting every ounce of togetherness he can before they part for the day. It scares him how easy it is to fall into this, to want more and to take it, and to really make a go of things between them.

  He’s fought it for so long, but finding the right person makes letting go so easy. He thinks he’s found that in Kaia.

  He just hopes that neither one of them winds up regretting it.

  The elevator lets them out in the building’s basement, and Jason leads Kaia into the garage, where a driver is standing with the back door open, ready to usher her in.

  Jason gives Kaia a quick peck as he helps her in, then makes sure she’s settled inside. It isn’t until the car disappears up the ramp that leads out to the street that Jason walks over to a large man in a fancy suit with stiff posture, standing to the right of the door.

  “You’ve got eyes on her?” Jason asks.

  The man - Paul, head of his security team - gives Jason a solemn nod.

  “Two of my best guys - they’re in a car behind her. The driver knows not to lose them.”

  “I don’t want her stalked, I just need her safe. Don’t violate her privacy, just-”

  “We’ve got it handled, Sir,” Paul replies with confidence.

  Jason knows this. He had a long discussion with Paul about what exactly he was expecting from him and his team when he asked for a small detail for Kaia.

  He just…he has to make sure. He’ll never forgive himself if something happens to her. He can take someone coming after him, but not her. He won’t allow it.

  If allowing himself a relationship with Kaia resulted in her getting hurt in any way…

  Jason shakes his head, doesn’t let himself entertain thoughts like that.

  Kaia has the best security in the world looking out for her, and for now that has to be enough.


  It doesn’t take very long for Kaia and Jason to get into a routine. They see each other just about every night, have mind-blowing sex, and then lie in each other’s arms, talking about everything and nothing at all until sleep finally takes them.

  The sex is great, it’s wonderful, but the after—when she’s wrapped up in the safety of Jason’s arms—that’s quickly becoming her favorite part. It’s when she learns the most about him, when he’s most willing to open up to her.

  She learns little things about him: that he’s always hated Brussels sprouts, his favorite color is blue, he doesn’t like sitting next to the window on an airplane. He’s very slowly starting to open up to her about the big things, too, like the fact that his beloved grandmother died in a car accident when he was twelve, and that he set up a charity so he could anonymously donate money to employees who had sick children, and had difficulty paying their medical bills.

  Every night she spends in his arms, she gets to know a little bit more about him.

  Every night, she falls for him a little bit more. It’s happening fast, but Kaia’s so wrapped up in him and the euphoria she feels just being around him that she doesn’t stop to think about all that; she just wants more.

  Tonight, they’re lying together in Jason’s bed, naked and sated. Jason is on his back, and Kaia’s all tucked up against his side, her head resting on his shoulder.

  “I don’t want you seeing anyone else,” he says, out of the blue.

  A short little thrill lights its way out to her fingertips and toes. “Yeah?”

  The pillowcase ruffles as Jason nods. “Yeah.”

  “And who are you seeing in this scenario?” she asks, aiming for teasing, but not quite sure she gets there.

  “Just you. I only want to see you.”

  The thrill intensifies, and Kaia can’t hide her smile. She doesn’t want to.

  “Yeah? We’re making this official?” She’s teasing again, but there’s some truth in this question. Till now, their dates have consisted of dinner that’s been ordered in, and dark booths in the backs of exclusive restaurants where they sneaked in through the back door.

  If they’re going to have a relationship, Kaia wants it to be something that’s out in the open, something that she can share.

  Jason is quiet, and Kaia immediately knows she’s said something wrong.

  “I was just teasing, I-”

  “I know what this looks like,” he replies quietly, body tense.

  “You’re a guy who used to show up in the tabloids with a different woman every night. To me, it looks like you’re trying to do things differently now.”

  “I am,” he admits.

  “I’m not going to pressure you into anything, but…I won’t hide. If that’s what you want me to do, if you’re looking for a secret, then-”

  “I’m not, that’s not it. I just need a little more time before we…”

  “Go public?”

  Jason lets out a short huff of a laugh. “Yeah.”

  “Okay, then.” She’s absentmindedly tracing one of the scars over Jason’s left pec.

  “Why haven’t you asked me about them?” he asks, his voice rough and quiet.

  “What?” She lifts her head, resting her chin on his chest.

  “My scars,” he replies. “Why haven’t you asked me about them? Aren’t you curious?”

  Kaia’s heart skips a beat. Should she be honest with him? She figures he’ll know if she’s lying, but she doesn’t want to offend him.

  As if he can read her mind, he says, “Tell me the truth.”

  He watches her with an intensity that she’s not used to, and it makes her shift a little beneath the sheets.

  “Yes, I’m curious,” she replies, not wanting to expound upon her curiosity without being prompted.

  “Then why haven’t you asked?”

  Kaia shrugs. “I got the feeling that it was something you were self-conscious about, and the last thing I wanted to do was gawk at them, or treat them like they were some kind of exhibit. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  Kaia didn’t even realize his muscles had stiffened beneath her until she felt him relax.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  Jason shakes his head, then leans in and presses a kiss against the top of Kaia’s head. “No. You didn’t.”

  “Then what-”

  “You’re the first person who’s acted like they we
ren’t there. I just wondered why.”

  Kaia blanches. “Have women actually gawked at you?”

  “Not exactly. But they have…examined them the first time they’ve seen them.”

  Kaia feels anger rising up inside of her, unbidden. “No one deserves to be examined. No wonder you only had one-night stands.” She cringes when she says the words, even though she hears Jason laugh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

  “It’s okay,” he says, sliding his fingertips up and down Kaia’s upper arm. “I haven’t only had one-night stands, though,” he admits.

  Kaia’s eyebrows draw together. “You haven’t? I thought-”

  “There was one woman,” he admits carefully. “My last year in college, before I moved here. It wasn’t serious, but it’s probably as close to serious as I’ve ever allowed myself to get.” His whole expression softens. “Before this.”

  “What happened?” Kaia asks immediately, her curiosity getting the better of her. Whatever it was that happened, it clearly still weighs heavily on Jason’s mind, so Kaia quickly amends her question with, “You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”

  Jason considers that for a moment.

  “I don’t want to get too deep into it, but she was curious about the scars, and when I told her the story behind them, she…she didn’t take it well.”

  “That’s terrible. Was it...”

  “Was it what?”

  Kaia bites her lip, considers for a moment whether or not she should voice this particular question. She decides to risk it, mostly because she’s too curious not to.

  “Was it somehow your fault?” That’s the only way Kaia can imagine someone getting upset over scars that look like his, because otherwise, how could you possibly blame someone for something that happened that ended up with their chest and back being riddled with scars?

  Kaia actually hears Jason swallow in the quiet that stretches between them. Hesitation flits across his handsome face for just a moment before he shakes his head. “No, it wasn’t my fault.”


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