Her Chosen Wolf: The Were Chronicles, Book 1

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Her Chosen Wolf: The Were Chronicles, Book 1 Page 7

by Renee Michaels

  “You’d better not, or I’ll paddle your sweet rump.”

  “Oh, daddy. Promise?” she purred, enjoying the flare of desire in his eyes.

  “It’s wicked of you to tease me when you know I can’t do a damned thing about it.” He backed her up against the wall.

  “Haven’t you ever heard of a quickie or it isn’t in your vocabulary?”

  “Oh, I know all about them.” He ran the tip of his tongue over the outer rim of her ear, making her quiver. “But I like my loving slow like molasses.” He nipped his way down the length of her neck. “That way my woman is not left unsatisfied because I rushed things.” He slipped open the buttons of her shirt and pushed aside the lace of her bra to draw the puckered tip of the mound into his mouth. She whimpered like a puppy.

  The suction on her breast tugged on the tissues in her cleft. Justice separated her legs and set them on either side of his hips. He stepped between them and notched her crotch on the thick denim-covered ridge of his cock. He flexed his hips, putting the right amount pressure onto her clit. The motion of the iron-like bar rubbing her, and the hot, hungry mouth suckling her hit all the right spots.

  “Justice, please.”

  He caught her mouth and stifled the scream she let out as she came, shuddering in his arms.

  He rested his forehead on her damp brow. “Later tonight when this is all over, I’m going to take you like I want to now. The rage of the coming fight will still be with me so be prepared for a long night of loving.”

  “I’ll be waiting, as always.”

  “I hope so. God, I hope so. Drew will guard you until I return.” His eyes clouded momentarily.

  “Justice, what is it?”

  “Nothing.” He handed her a Tootsie Pop. “Make sure you’re in one piece when I get home.”


  Drew stood in watchful silence beside Saffa on a rooftop across from the Redmaven den. He positioned his body to shield her from the briskness of the icy wind.

  She took a gulp of her white chocolate mocha with the required extra shot of expresso, and grinned at him. “I still can’t believe Justice agreed to let he me help.”

  A short crooning howl sang out.

  “Saffa, you’re up.” She handed him her cup and shed her clothes.

  Her eyes changed first. The feathery ruff of an eagle owl soon circled her face. Her body compacted and she shrank.

  Saffa took a flying leap off the ledge of the ten-story building. She flew high above the buildings, executed a knee-weakening loop de loop before she went into a smooth glide.

  The familiar timbre of Justice’s growl rang out in warning.

  She swooped down and took out the cameras by ripping out the connections with her talons. Her part finished, wolves began to leap across the narrow alleyway like a dark, deadly wave.

  Setting down beside Drew, she picked up her clothes and quickly dressed while he maintained a watchful eye on the surrounding buildings.

  “Wish you were in there with them kicking butt?” Their eyes fixed on the darkened windows.

  “No, I have my hands full here. The stunt you pulled in the air is going to cost you later.” They shared a rueful grin.

  Their ears pricked up at the brutal sounds of a brief hard-fought battle.

  The screech of tires on the tarmac pulled his gaze from the building. The familiar sight of Rick’s panel truck pulling into the alley eased the tension from her body.

  “Come on. We should have left when the fighting started.” Drew led the way down the fire escape.

  She gasped when Drew scooped her up into his arms and sprinted out of the alley. He ran several blocks before he hailed a passing cab and shoved her in. She looked around to see what the fuss was about.

  It hadn’t been much, but Drew had caught a whiff of acrid, fearful, anticipatory sweat. A cub about to make his virgin strike. It was all he’d needed to get Saffa out of the alley fast.

  He turned to the cabbie. “I’ll give you two hundred dollars over the fare if you’ll drive like a bat out of hell,” Drew offered the cabbie.

  “For two hundred bucks, I’ll fly.” The driver entered the flow of traffic by sliding between two cars like a hot dog into a bun, with a few nerve-wracking inches to spare. He ignored the honking, swerved into the far left lane and took off like a rocket as Drew requested.

  “What’s wrong?” She looked behind them nervously.

  He wasn’t perturbed; a lone beta wasn’t much of a threat, but Rick’s building was under surveillance. Maxime could very well have men stationed nearby. He had to get Saffa indoors fast. “I smelled a Redmaven on our tail.” Rattling off their address, he passed the driver several bills. He instructed him to take off as soon as they got out. “Call Aimee and tell her we have company.”

  “Should we go home or double back and wait for Justice?”

  “No need. This is not unexpected. They won’t get you.” He gave her a toothy smile full of all the savagery he felt. He’d get to fight tonight after all.

  The cab screeched to a shuddering halt. Drew hustled Saffa out of the cab and toward the entrance. Someone lunged at them. The only warning he had was the whoosh of displaced air. He twisted to take the brunt of the blow.

  He staggered back, his shoulder burning from the claws piercing his shoulder. He plunged his hand into the man’s stomach, damaging vital organs. Saffa scrambled through the door, followed closely by Drew hauling their attacker in his wake.

  He pulled the man up by the neck and slammed him against lobby’s wall. “How many of you are watching this building?”

  Blood trickled from the corner of the stranger’s mouth. “Fuck off. We’ll get her. She was promised to us.” He coughed up more blood and Drew dropped him to the floor.

  “Get him out of here and double the guards.” Drew grabbed Saffa by the arm and frog marched her into the elevator.

  Saffa let them into her apartment. “You’re bleeding.”

  He walked over to the sink and washed his hands. “It’s already healing.” Shit, he was going to have to take matters into his own hands. Because of his love for Saffa, Justice wanted to give her time to adjust to their little trio, but they couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Let me tend to your wound.”

  “My wound is the least of your worries, Saffa. The reason the mutt had the balls to come after you is because you don’t carry my scent. You were with a wolf whose scent you didn’t carry, open game. It’s dangerous and might be a distraction for Justice if he has to worry about your safety.”

  Drew knew she understood exactly what he meant, and she couldn’t pretend she didn’t. “You are my mate’s sec. I’ll do whatever needs to be done.”

  “A duty fuck?” His lips twisted derisively.

  She sighed heavily.

  “We have to combine fluids. You’re not my mate and it isn’t my intention to usurp Justice’s right to father your cubs” He turned to face her. “However, there is a way.”

  She looked up at him, doubt in her eyes.

  “Why don’t you let me show you?” He pulled Saffa into his arms and pressed a persuasive kiss on her trembling mouth.

  “Justice,” she panted against his lips.

  “I’m taking nothing away from him, and he’ll agree this needs to be done. He didn’t press the issue because he considered your feelings,” Drew gently pointed out to her.

  Drawing her into the dim room, he rid them of their clothing before Saffa had time to protest. He eased her down onto the over-sized sofa and lay beside her.

  “Drew…” Hell, he didn’t want to frighten her, but the smell of her hardened him to a painful rigidity. Sweet Saffa, who made his once-atrophied heart beat a little harder.

  “Don’t worry. I know exactly what I’m doing. I need you hot and wet for this.” He caressed her with the tenderness he knew she needed.

  Drew grazed her hardened nipples with the tips of his fingers before he skimmed down her torso where he spread his wide palm over her ne
rvously quivering belly.

  He stroked her until her skittishness dissipated and she turned to face him.

  A tentative smile spread across her face. “You’ve very good at this, aren’t you?”

  “I do the best I can.” He parted her lips with his tongue. She accepted his overture.

  He swung one of her legs over his hips and started to feast on her breasts.

  He separated her folds and Saffa arched her pelvis forward, inviting more of his caresses. His nimble fingers danced over her button, and she groaned into his mouth.

  Delicately, he massaged her. Saffa wrapped her leg tightly around him, pulling him flat against her. He lifted lubricated fingers to his lips and licked them greedily.

  “I think you’re ready for what I have in mind.”

  Drew slid his cock between the lips of her vagina. It rested snugly along the length of her cleft. He maneuvered her hips to an angle to slide his shaft silkily over her throbbing flesh.

  It took everything in him not to sink into her, the pleasure was sweetly keen.

  Her juices began to flow freely, his intention all along. Her pearl flattened under his long, slow stokes and he couldn’t get enough.

  She jerked, but he cupped her butt to assure continued contact. He grimaced. His body sawed back and forth jerkily.

  “Come, Saffa.” A gush of lubrication coated his driving cock.

  He placed his hand under their intimate connection, gathering her secretions. Drew worked his cock with the slickness of her fluids and the creamy tissues of her cleft. Using each thrust to build up to a mind-numbing orgasm until he jetted his come into his palm. Rubbing their combined secretions into her skin, he saturated her with his scent, placing her in his safekeeping.

  Chapter Eight

  Bloody and battered, Justice surveyed the carnage before him. Bodies and assorted limbs littered the concrete floor of the bare room. Members of his pack worked with the Sinclairs to rid the building of the detritus. They’d take the bodies high into the mountains and give them back to nature, as was meant. He stared into the blank eyes of the young were whose life he’d ended.

  He was no more than a boy, but his bulky body had the massive muscles of a mature werewolf. The man-child had been hard to kill because of his abnormal strength. The single-minded frenzy he’d fought with was no match for experience and training. The boy had been bred to kill and, had he been taught to fight, it could’ve just as easily been Justice on the floor.

  Justice had always combated weres he considered equals so they’d stand a fighting chance. In the aftermath of a fight he’d be riding high on the righteousness of such a kill. The sin of it all was he shouldn’t have had to put the boy down. Pity for the child who never stood a chance fueled the anger brought on by his failure. Yes, he bore part of the responsibility for what had happened here, as did every were who had let the Redmavens run unchecked. Christ, he ached like he’d been pounded by a battering ram.

  “Just, there is something in the basement you’ve gotta see,” Rick called to him.

  The stench was a warning worse was to come. Rows of small cages lined the walls and ran down the center of the dank dark room. Justice saw them for what they were. Two-foot-by-two-foot cells. A drain sat in the base of each cell for sewage, and a bowl with a mess of God knew what sat in one corner. Bile rose up in his throat, feeding the rage inside him.

  “Justice. Look here. I’ve hacked into the files. They’ve been breeding these weres longer than we thought. To make the cubs vicious they’ve been using isolation, hunger and high doses of anabolic steroids. The records are all there.” Rick pointed to the screen with a sick look on his face.

  It was worse than he’d imagined. “How many?”

  Rick shrugged and sighed wearily. “So far, I’ve found files on a hundred and eighty-three cubs. I need to go over the files in detail.”

  The numbers were higher than he’d imagined. He closed his eyes. Mere boys. “The number of pumped-up weres we encountered was less than half of what’s on record.”

  “We did a quick count and I’d say we took out about forty.”

  Cold suspicion settled over him, fueled by a growing concern. “I have a bad feeling about this, Rick. It feels like these boys were sacrificed. Any Redmavens left alive?”

  “Only one, Saul. You remember him, don’t you? He’s the one with the irritating giggle. Fucker sounds like a hyena. The Sinclairs are having a little chat with him as we speak, for now anyway. The girl’s mother found the man who took her daughter, poor bastard. Don’t ask me to describe what she did to him.” Rick placed his hand protectively over his crotch.

  “What about the women?”

  “Six in residence, but one of the she-wolves said she was held somewhere else before being brought here.”

  “We have to find where she was being held and the missing boys. If the Sinclairs haven’t finished off Saul, I think I’ll go have a word or two with him myself.”

  “Not all the women are weres, Just. They are in bad shape.”

  “I’ll contact Saffa and let her know we’re bringing the women to one of the vacant apartments in the building. We’ll arrange for the human females to be taken to Gretchen. She’ll take care of them. The weres have the choice of retuning to their families or they can stay with our pack.”

  Justice took one last look at the room. “Burn it to the ground.”

  It would put the Redmavens on notice. Their secret was out, which made them as dangerous as a cornered snake.


  Justice stood under the punishing spray of the hot water and he still couldn’t wash away the stink or the knowledge of what he’d seen. The Redmavens had over a hundred feral wolves on the loose and Saul had no clue where they were. Maxime hadn’t shared that bit of information with his underling.

  “Are you going to stay in there all night?”

  Turning his head, he saw Saffa holding a towel for him. He shut off the water, stepped out of the shower and she enclosed him in the warmth of fluffy French terry cloth.

  “It’s hot?”

  “Towel warmer, frontier man.” There was a smile in her eyes but the underlying uncertainty in them stung his heart. He missed the light of laughter he’d seen in them earlier. She wrapped her arms around him. He leaned into her embrace, taking comfort in her presence.

  He sniffed her. “It’s done?”

  Saffa nodded.

  “Where’s Drew?”

  “He took off with the Sinclairs. He thought we might need this time alone together.”

  “Come to bed. It’s been a long day and tomorrow will be here way too soon.” She padded into the bedroom, shedding the silky robe before sliding between the covers. Saffa held up the blanket, inviting him to join her. Such a simple act of welcome, and one he needed badly.

  Justice gathered Saffa’s nude body into his arms, inhaling the freshness of her. None of what he’d seen tonight would touch her. Saffa ran her hand up and down the length of his bare back. It was more comforting than she’d ever know.

  It stirred a need in him. It was far from gentle, but he needed to lose himself in her, to forget.

  “Saffa I…”

  “Shhh, shhh.” She pushed him onto his back. “Let me love you.”

  She bent down and pressed a soft kiss on his lips, a mere whisper of a caress. He parted his lips to let the sweet tip of her tongue in. Her kiss began tentatively. At her leisure, she explored his mouth to take a good taste of him. Testing his mood to find out what he needed, her tender kiss drawing him out of the deep funk he’d slipped into.

  But he didn’t need gentle. He caught her mouth with all the ravenous need he had for her.

  Finally, she drew back. “Ahhh, this how you want it?” Her chuckle held no hint of innocent allure. It was a throaty purr of erotic, seductive suggestiveness from a woman who had plans. He couldn’t help but grin at the amorous glint in her eyes. She flicked his nipple with the tip of her tongue, caught it between her teeth and suckled th
e flat nub into an aching peak. He quaked when she reached down and took him into her small hand, easing down the steely length to cup his stones.

  His hips jerked and his body quivered under her caresses.

  “You’re so ready.” She slid down to settle between his parted thighs. “But what are you ready for?”

  Saffa kissed up the length of his shaft, from balls to crown. “Is this what you want?”

  She set the tip of her tongue into small seam at the apex of his cock and smirked when his thighs trembled on either side of her. “Or this, maybe?”

  Saffa swirled her tongue over the knob, he groaned. “Uh huh, you like the sensation of my tongue on you, don’t you?”

  The length of him disappeared into her mouth as she lowered her head over his groin. The hot haven of her mouth enveloped his quivering cock. She fitted him against the natural curvature of her palate, holding him in place with her tongue, subtly stimulating him with her mouth. Saffa didn’t neglect the lower half of him. Her hands fondled him tenderly, gripping him when his hips jerked and flexed.

  Creating a vacuum with her mouth, she suckled on him hungrily. The tugging on his member sent rhythmic surges of sensation through his shaft and up his spine.

  Could someone fully embrace this sweet pleasure, yet be kept on the painful edge, one step away from blissful completion all at once? Yes, it was possible because he was there.

  A grating rasp of a groan escaped from him. “Sweet Jesus, Saffa.” He arched off the bed and ripped her mouth off of him.

  She sat back puzzled at his reaction. “What? You didn’t like it?”

  “I do. I need to be more involved, not only on the receiving end. Come here. ” He reached for her. Taking hold of her hips, he twisted until they lay on their sides, his face a few short inches from the closely trimmed, red-hued down on the plump lips of her cleft.

  “Oh, okay,” he heard her murmur on a loud gulp when he the parted the lips of her slit. The soft kiss at the end of his cock and the quick flicks on its head made him lay there cross-eyed for a moment, distracting him from the cock-stiffening picture before him.


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