Moonlight's Peril (Moonlight Series Book 1)

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Moonlight's Peril (Moonlight Series Book 1) Page 12

by Ashlynn Monroe

  Bianca grinned. “Has he approved this activity?”

  Reylin waved her hand in annoyance. “Of course not.” She winked.

  “Sounds good. I doubt I’ll get much sleep tonight. I just want her back, you know?”

  “I can understand. I’ll do my best to keep your mind off things. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather stay in Law’s room, at least for tonight? This room will be here for you if you need a little space.” Bianca flushed.

  Reylin chuckled. “He’s your mate. Being with him is perfectly respectable here.”

  Bianca wished she could explain without sounding like some user. She shook her head.

  “Well, let’s go down to supper,” Reylin said.

  The building, Reylin called it the common house, was set up like a dorm upstairs. Men’s rooms were on one side, women’s on the other and downstairs the beautiful sitting room and kitchen dominated the space, but there were a few extra bedrooms.

  Bianca paused in the hallway to look at a wall of photos. Many were black and white. So many smiling faces brought the magnitude of Law’s dominion into perspective. He had so many lives under his watch. One picture, in particular, caught her eye. A group of teens stood playfully in one photo. They were dressed in bellbottoms and swimsuits. She saw a boy who appeared to be a young Kane. Next to him, her mother, Joslyn stood in a bathing suit. She couldn’t have been older than fourteen. There was a very pretty woman standing behind them.

  Janna came out of one of the bedrooms near the kitchen. “Can I talk with Bianca a moment?” Janna asked Reylin.

  “Sure. See you after supper,” Reylin said to Bianca as she continued toward the kitchen.

  Janna touched the picture under Bianca’s gaze. “That was your mother with Kane and Barbara. Barbara was Kane’s mother. My sister was good friends with your mother and Kane.” Janna gave a little grunt. “This is really old. The tall brunette is my sister, Dorcy. It’s too bad Kane grew up to be such a bastard. He was a nice kid.” Janna shrugged. “Barbara was a very tough woman. She worked very hard to support her husband’s ruthless rule. Kane learned a lot from his mom. Your mother saved her life. Did you know that?”

  Bianca shivered. “How did my mother save her life?”

  Janna grinned and winked at Bianca. “I’ll give you the short version.” Janna took the picture down and looked at it for a second before returning it to the wall. “The Wolfe’s have always had a lot of enemies and Joslyn was a very brave little girl. An assassin aimed a gun at Barbara and Joslyn pushed him. The whole thing happened when Kane’s dad, Michael Wolfe, was running for mayor. Michael was the alpha, but he campaigned every election year just like Kane does, for the human’s sake. Everyone knew Barbara encouraged Michael to be ruthless. I’m sure most of the misery of those days happened because of her.”

  “Wow, I can’t believe Mom never told me the story. How old was she?”

  “Twelve, I think. Joslyn was orphaned a year later. Michael and Barbara took her in, and she became an honorary pack member. Wolves adopting a human child isn’t very common.”

  “My mother was Kane’s sister?”

  “No, not really. Your mother was a terrified teenage human living with the most powerful loup-garou family in the community. Kane never saw your mother as a sister.”

  “How do you know?” Bianca was engrossed and wanted every detail of the story.

  “Dorcy had a crush on Kane. His fascination with your mother was the talk of the school. Your mother had a way with people. As much as Dorcy wanted to hate Joslyn she couldn’t. People liked your mom.”

  Bianca touched the picture of her mother’s face. “Mom never talked about her parents; she just said they died when she was young. How did my grandparents die?”

  “Werewolf attack. They didn’t have the blood.”

  Rage bubbled up inside of Bianca. She wanted vengeance. “Who murdered them?”

  “A long dead lone wolf. Michael saw him hunted down. Justice was done.”

  Not in Bianca’s opinion, but she didn’t protest. “I wish I’d known them. My father’s parents died before I was born too. I was always jealous of children with grandparents.”

  Janna nodded. “I can understand. Being an only child had to be hard too.”

  “I always swore I’d have at least two kids, so my child didn’t feel lonely, like I did, but that never happened. It’s a shame that Chessa never had a connection with a grandparent. Lucas’ parents never wanted anything to do with us. I think they were afraid I’d want money.”

  “That’s terrible.” Janna scowled.

  “If they’d gotten to know me, they’d have learned that’s not who I am.”

  Janna chuckled. “It’s their loss, and it’s easy to make assumptions. I’m sure you’ve made plenty of assumptions about us.”

  Bianca blushed.

  Janna crossed her arms over her chest, but Bianca could tell the woman wasn’t really angry. “I can’t blame you. Our lifestyle must seem odd. We don’t all live like one giant family. The couples usual eat most meals alone in their homes.”

  “I thought you were a cult.” Bianca’s cheeks burned.

  “Most humans do. Until now, my son was single. I gave him the big house after his father died and he became alpha. He comes here to eat, but I don’t want you to think this is some commune or cult. We’re close, but not that different from humans.”

  Bianca wasn’t sure what to say. She nodded. Janna paused as if she were waiting for Bianca to say something. “S-sorry,” Bianca stuttered. Humiliation much?

  Janna sighed. “I know you aren’t madly in love with my son, but he’s a good man. He’ll get your girl home. Just don’t let the pack see you disrespect him. His position is not a birthright. He’s earned his place.”

  Bianca had no idea why Janna was telling her any of this. How could you know what I feel about your son, I don’t even know. How do I feel about Law? Bianca had no idea what to say. Janna paused.

  After a few moments, Janna huffed. “What I’m trying to say is I want you to pretend you’re Law’s. Give him respect, as if he were your mate. I’m not saying you need to be some Betty Crocker, but just treat him like you’d treat a man you cared for, who was a good provider.”

  “I’ve always been my provider.”

  “I’m not arguing with you. I’m a single woman, and I don’t need a man. I’m not saying that you do, but my son has done you a favor, please return his kindness.”

  Bianca shrugged. “Okay, I can do that for you, but I don’t want him to get the idea this is something it’s not.”

  “He’s not a foolish teenager. Law is a grown man. You can play along, and he’ll appreciate it. He told me about your girl, and that you aren’t sure if you have the wolf in you. I don’t think your mother was a bad woman, but there is a primal call when a wolf finds his or her mate. I believe your mother loved your biological father. It’s very rare for a human woman to become pregnant with a wolves’ child unless they are bonded. Human women have mated wolves. Your mother had an exceptionally vibrant spirit.”

  Bianca couldn’t argue with Janna’s point. No one lived as much life as Joslyn Archer had. “So she cheated on my dad?”

  “This is beyond cheating. Look inside yourself and think about Law. Ask yourself if there’s something there and do you want to turn away from what you feel?”

  Bianca was so not ready to have this conversation with Law’s mother. “So who’s my biological father?”

  “I don’t want to speculate. I have my suspicions, but I’m not ready to tell you.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  Janna put her hand on Bianca’s arm. “I wish I was. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to tell you more until I’ve had time to do a little digging. You’re part of this family, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “So what do I do now?”

  “You trust my son, and when we get your little girl home, you love her.”

  “Thank you for telling me about my mom.
I’m dying to hear more. My parents traveled all over the world, but we always ended up back here. Maybe she couldn’t stay away from my real dad.”

  Janna took Bianca’s arm. When they came into the room, the chatter died down. Law stood stiffly, gazing at her. She walked over to him and put her hand lightly on his forearm. Everyone was watching them. What she did in the next second mattered. Bianca stood on her tiptoes and pressed a light kiss to the corner of his mouth. He still hadn’t moved. She kept her hand on his arm.

  “I’m starving.” Bianca let her weight fall back to stand flat on her feet. “Should I do something to help with the meal?”

  He let go of a breath. “It looks like tonight’s rotation has it covered. Let’s have a seat.”

  Law pulled out a chair for her. She sat down, and the chatter resumed as people filled chairs. Families weren’t joining them. From the window, she noticed lights on in many of the small cabins.

  Bianca returned her attention to Law. “I still haven’t seen your house. We have a lot to talk about after supper.”

  He sat stiffly. “Yeah. Walk with me after we eat and we’ll talk.”

  Impressed with the meal, Bianca marveled over the variety. Dishes of vegetables—many creamed, venison, beef, and pasta passed from hand to hand. The fresh baked bread smell made her mouth water. She’d lost fifteen pounds since Ches went missing, but this meal looked ready to put it back with a few to spare.

  She took a little of everything. Janna gave her a pleased smile and nod covertly. Law didn’t eat much.

  “Are you okay?” Bianca whispered.

  “I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

  “Your mom talked to me. I get it.” Bianca put her hand on Law’s. Nik glared at her, and she dropped her hand. “Nik looks pissed off, what did I do to him? Is he still mad about the pepper spray?”

  “I’ll have a talk with him. He’s just worried about me.”

  They ate, and she listened to the conversation about the harvesting and canning. She wasn’t very domestic, so the idea of preserving food was daunting. Thank God I won’t be here long enough to worry about my skill gap.

  The food was good, but she was too full for seconds went the dishes came back around.

  A pretty woman with long brown hair came over holding a deep stainless steel pan and a spatula. “Bianca, I’m sorry about your daughter. Welcome to the family.” The woman offered Bianca a square of cake. “I’m Paige.”

  “Don’t be sorry, we’re getting her back,” Bianca said with a little more passion than she’d intended. “Everyone will love Ches. She’s funny and sweet. I can’t wait to get her home.” Bianca noticed Paige’s somber expression and realized it was time to change the subject. “This cake looks delicious.”

  Paige wore a sad smile. “I’m sure we’ll love her. This is my concoction. If you like it, I’ll share the recipe.”

  Bianca took a bite. Carmel gooeyness exploded on her tongue. “Wow, that’s delicious,” she mumbled over the mouthful.

  Paige smiled before serving Law a piece. When Bianca finished eating, she leaned over to Janna. “Where do I take my dishes, do you have a dishwasher?”

  “We sure do, and you’re looking at her. I’m on clean up.”

  “I’ll help,” Bianca said. “Law can we take our walk after?”

  He nodded, but the pensive look he’d worn during the whole meal was still on his face. “Meet me out on the porch.”


  Nik stood smoking a cigarette when Law joined him on the deck. “So, is she for real or shitting us?” Nik asked blunt as always.

  “She’s doing what she thinks is best for me. My mother talked to her. I have no idea how she feels about me. Humans can feel the bond; that’s what I’ve heard.”

  “Did she feel it with the kid’s real dad? Was she mated?”

  “Chessa doesn’t belong to another wolf and Lucas O’Neil wasn’t of the blood. Bianca doesn’t know who her real father is.”

  “Fuck.” Nik summed it up perfectly. “You gonna bite her?”

  “Hell no. I’m not going to hurt her. Bittens aren’t like us. It’s harder for them.”

  Nik shrugged. “Well, if she were my woman I’d bite her and be done with it.”

  “Is that why I see the line of ladies waiting for you to claim them?”

  Nik snorted. “Well, I’ll tell you what I won’t do. I won’t mate a human.”

  “I never thought I would. Good luck making fate your bitch. Sometimes the wolf picks for you. That’s what happened to me. I don’t want her to renounce my protection when this is all over.”

  Nik took a long drag off his Marlboro. “When it comes to mating I plan to die a lone wolf.”

  “A few days ago I had no intention of claiming. The human in me is falling in love, and the wolf in me is pissed off she’s not begging me to take her to bed.”

  Law grimaced at the sound of Nik’s laugh.


  Bianca, Janna, and Reylin finished the dishes together.

  Bianca stopped and just let the warmth and hominess of the moment sink into her soul.

  Reylin turned to Bianca, the left corner of her mouth quirked up and her brow furrowed. “What’s up? You okay?”

  “Has Law ever had a mate before,” Bianca asked.

  Reylin laughed. “Are you asking if my cuz is a virgin?”

  Janna snapped her niece with the wet dishtowel. “He’s never been married or mated,” Janna replied, and she made eye contact with Bianca. “As for the rest, he’s male so read into that what you choose. He’d be damn good to a woman. His father set a good example for him.” A faraway look came over Janna. Then she glared at Reylin, but her snort of laughter stole the effect. “Your mother is rolling in her grave right now.”

  Reylin laughed so hard she held the counter to stand still.

  Heat burned in Bianca’s cheeks. She rolled her eyes at Reylin. “It’s none of my business.”

  “Don’t bullshit yourself, girl. You want to know. I saw the way you two acted tonight—when you weren’t acting. The bond is real. You just have to decide if you’re willing to throw away something good or take a chance at something different.” Janna put her hands on her hips.

  “I don’t want to hurt him,” Bianca said.

  “Then don’t. It’s not hard. Just don’t think so much. This one is for your heart, not your brain. Go through the door on the left. We can finish up. If you want to stay with him, do it. You don’t have to have sex to enjoy a man’s company. You’re worried. Let what is between you be a comfort. As a woman who lost a mate, take my word for it, you’ll look back and regret sleeping in the dorm tonight.”

  Bianca shrugged.

  “I took a few of your things over to Law’s place, just in case. It’s a couple of night’s worth,” Reylin confessed with a hint of smoke in her voice. “We’ll take a raincheck on those embarrassing childhood memories. I know there is a bathtub picture and one of him wiping out on his first motorcycle.”

  “Um, thanks,” Bianca sputtered awkwardly.

  “Oh, you wouldn’t. He’ll never forgive you. I’d swat your ass if you were a few years younger,” Janna threatened Reylin.

  Reylin shrugged. “I think the poor human has a right to see what she’s been tangled up in.”

  Bianca laughed. Reylin was so similar to Kloe. The connection caused the new friendship to feel mature. “Well, I’ll let you two fight it out. See you later.”

  “Hopefully, not until noon or later, stay in bed with him as late as you want,” Reylin called after her. Bianca heard Janna snap the towel again.

  She was still giggling when she stepped out onto the porch and found Law. Nik didn’t glare at her this time.

  Bianca grinned at Law. “Your mom and cousin are hilarious.”

  Law grimaced. “Do I want to ask?”

  Her chuckled became a full-blown laugh. “No, you don’t, never, but I want to see that picture of you wiping out on a motorcycle.”

  He didn�
�t look happy. She looked at Nik to show him he didn’t intimidate her. “Can I borrow him for a bit?”

  “He’s all yours. I’m turning in any way. Night.” Nik pushed away from the railing.

  Bianca waited until Nik went inside before she spoke. “So, he seemed less grumpy with me,” Bianca said as soon as the door closed.

  “He’s trying to figure you out, and so am I.”

  Her eyes widened. “What do you mean, figure me out, I’m just me.”

  “How do you feel about us?”

  Bianca shrugged. “I have no idea how I should feel. Friends?”

  His eyebrows rose. “I don’t think I’ve ever been friends with a woman I wasn’t related to. Let’s walk.”

  He held out his hand, and she took it. He helped her down off the uneven rock steps. Crickets chirped and a whippoorwill called out. Dusk settled in and the pink haze of evening made everything a little magical, but the setting sun left the air chilly. Bianca rubbed her arms, and Law put his arm around her.

  “So what kind of music do you like?” Bianca asked. Please don’t say rap, please…

  “I listen to a lot of oldies. The Eagles, the Beatles, that kind of music. What do you like?”

  “I listen to most anything, but not much country. I’m also not a big fan of rap music or death metal. Chessa and I even like some of the same songs. My awesomeness freaks her friends out. I’ve been told I’m the cool mother.” She paused before going on when her eyes blurred with tears. “I miss her so much it hurts. You have no idea how much I want to run to her right now.”

  “I can imagine. I’ll take you around the place during the day, soon, but tomorrow I’m going to town to talk to Kane about my plan for helping Chessa. I want you to know that my house is your house while you’re here. I’m glad you decided to stay with me instead of in the dorm.”

  He pointed to the wind turbines. “We’re self-sufficient out here. It’s not a bad life.” His property was beautiful and well maintained. The smells of animals mingled with fresh cut grass. Quintessential country. “We raise our own food and sell what we don’t need at the farmer’s market. Many of the families have side businesses or extra revenue and people work in town too. If someone needs something, we see that they have it, but people keep their money. What we have as a group is shared equally. I don’t expect my people to pay a tithe like Kane does.”


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