Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Becca Van

  Talia laughed through her tears at Keira’s off-the-wall statement, and turned to look out the window. Her breath hitched and her pussy dripped as the sight of nine tall, sexy, handsome men getting out of trucks, but her reaction was only for the three men who had already claimed her heart.

  Talia watched as Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock Friess pinned their eyes on Michelle. Greg, Jake, and Devon Domain only had eyes for Keira, and as she slid her eyes to the left she saw that Chris, Blayk, and James were looking at her. She could see their worry and concern, but she could also see the fire in their eyes as they stared at her. The men were beside her moments later. She gasped as she was plucked from her seat and lifted over the back, and then she was in Chris’s arms. He cradled her against his chest as he looked down at her.

  “Are you okay, darlin’? Did that bastard hurt you?”

  “No, I’m fine. Just a little scraped up is all.”

  “Where are you hurt, baby?” Blayk asked from her side.

  “Just my hand and knees, but they’re already healing.”

  “Let me see, sugar,” James said. He took her hands in his, and he winced at her scraped, bloody palms. He released her hands and knelt down. He pushed up her jeans, being careful not to hurt her, and he grimaced at the deep cut in her right knee. Blayk was at his side examining her wounds as well.

  “We need to get you home, baby. I want to clean these up for you,” Blayk said.

  “Okay,” Talia replied with a sigh and snuggled into Chris. It felt so good to be in his arms as her three men fussed over and cared for her. She hadn’t been cared for in so long. She looked over Chris’s shoulder as he carried her out of the café and saw Michelle and Keira being carried out behind her. She didn’t care that the other patrons gawked at the scene they made. She was happy and safe with her men here with her. She was looking forward to going home.

  Talia was surprised when Chris let her sit in her own seat in the truck then figured he probably wanted her safe and secure with her safety belt on. She sighed and closed her eyes as James slowed the truck and turned into the driveway of the Friess pack house. She was feeling rather tired and drained after the events of the day. She wanted to shower and change and maybe take a nap, but first she would let Blayk tend her wounds. He was a doctor after all, and she knew he would need to feel as if he had taken care of her.

  She opened her eyes when James pulled the truck to a stop. Chris was out of the vehicle and at her door before she could blink. He unbuckled her belt and lifted her up into his arms once more.

  “I can walk, you know,” Talia said gently.

  “I know you can, darlin’. Why risk hurting yourself when you have me to carry you? I’ll help you with your bath and then Blayk can fix you up. All right?”

  “Okay, but I’m not even hurt bad, just scraped up a little,” Talia said, hoping to placate Chris.

  “We should never have let you go out alone, Talia. One of us should have been with you so we could protect you. We knew there was a possibility that bastard would find you. This should never have been able to happen. We could have prevented it,” Chris stated.

  Talia could tell by the tone of his voice that he was berating himself. She had never had anyone so concerned for her welfare before, and the knowledge that he and his brothers worried for her filled her heart with joy.

  “You can’t be with me twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. It’s just not possible. It wasn’t your fault, Chris. I knew the risks as well, but I was so excited about going out with Michelle and Keira, the thought of being found and attacked never even entered my mind. So if anyone is to blame, it is me,” Talia said.

  “No, darlin’. It’s our job and need as your mates to make sure you are safe. From now on you don’t go anywhere without one of us by your side.”

  “Won’t that be difficult since you guys are the security around this place? I know that’s not all you do, but I know you have responsibilities to keep the pack safe.”

  “Yes, darlin’, we do have responsibilities and our first priority is to you. You are our mate, Talia. We can’t lose you. We have waited for you for a long time,” Chris said.

  Talia sighed and rested her head on Chris’s shoulder. She hoped she had hidden her disappointment at him not telling her what she wished to hear. She didn’t understand why she needed to hear her mates tell her they loved her. She knew she was in love with them, but she wasn’t sure if she could say the words out loud yet. How could she expect to hear those three words from her mates when she couldn’t say them herself?

  Talia pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She wondered if it had been her ex after her, or if it had just been a coincidence. The windows on the vehicle had been too dark for her to see through, and everything had happened so quickly, she hadn’t been able to get a look at the license plate. Could it really have been Paul in that truck? She didn’t know anyone besides her mates and some of the pack members. She hadn’t been here long enough. She knew there were probably members of the Friess Pack she hadn’t even encountered yet. There were always people coming and going at all times of the day and night.

  Talia lifted her head as Chris carried her into the massive bathroom. He sat her on the vanity and turned on the faucets on the tub. He turned back to her and was about to help her remove her clothes when Blayk and James entered the room.

  “Blayk, you should go and check on Keira. I had to push her out of the way of the truck so she wouldn’t get hurt,” Talia said with concern.

  “Did she fall?” Blayk asked.

  “Well, no, but that’s not the point. She’s pregnant, so you should check on her.”

  Talia became a little disconcerted as Blayk stood staring at her, but his eyes were unfocused. She saw a smile cross and face, and then he looked into her eyes.

  “Keira’s fine, baby,” Blayk said.

  “How can you know that? You haven’t even examined her,” Talia asked with a frown.

  “I know because I just spoke to Greg through our telepathic link. He says Keira and the baby are just fine.”

  “You can talk to each other in your heads?” Talia asked incredulously.

  “Yeah, baby. I thought you would have known that,” Blayk stated.

  “Well, no. It seems there are a lot of things I didn’t know.” She had never really been part of her ex’s pack. No one ever told her anything.

  “Don’t worry about it now, darlin’. Let’s get you cleaned up,” Chris said and pulled her top over her head by the hem.

  Talia was naked and in the tub moments later. Chris got in with her and began to wash her. The cut on her knee and the abrasions on her palms stung like a bitch when she first got in the water, but when it eased after a few moments, she savored the warmth relaxing her aching muscles. Once she was clean Chris picked her up and handed her over to Blayk. He held her steady while James dried her off, being careful not to touch her injuries. Blayk wrapped her up into a large bathrobe, and she giggled when the arms covered her hands and the hem pooled on the floor around her feet. He bent down and picked her up and carried her to Chris’s bedroom.

  “Just sit tight, baby. I’m going to clean you up,” Blayk stated.

  Talia smiled as Blayk turned and reached for a black bag she hadn’t seen resting on a chair off to the side of the room. James walked over to her and began to roll up the sleeves on the borrowed robe. She inhaled the scent and knew the robe was Chris’s. She held still while Blayk cleaned her wounds with alcohol swabs, and then he covered the gash on her knee with a large bandage. She was glad he had covered the worst wound as she didn’t want to get blood on the quilt or sheets. Even though the gash was healing rapidly, a little blood still seeped from it. She covered her mouth and yawned. Her eyelids felt heavy, and she wanted to take a nap.

  Talia smiled when Chris entered the room fully dressed again. He must have seen she was tired because he walked over to her and picked her up. He held her in one strong arm and pulled back the covers. He placed her on th
e bed and covered her, making sure she was warm.

  “Take a nap, darlin’. You’ll feel better after sleeping for a couple of hours. We have a few things to take care of, but we’ll be here when you wake up,” Chris said.

  Talia felt herself drifting off to sleep, secure with the knowledge that her men were close by and keeping her safe.

  Chapter Six

  Chris walked into the large study at the back of the house, his brothers following. He looked at the concerned faces of his three Alphas and knew it was going to be a long afternoon.

  “How is your mate?” Jonah asked.

  “She’s a little banged up, but she’s okay,” Chris replied.

  “Did she see who was driving the truck or get the license plates?”

  “No. She said the windows were too darkly tinted to see anyone and that things happened too fast for her to get the plate. Did Michelle or Keira see the truck?”

  “No,” Jonah replied. “They said all the heard was a screech of tires and then Talia pushed them out of the way.”

  “Thank God they’re all right. I don’t know if it was Talia’s ex,” Chris said as he took a seat. His brothers were standing at the back of the room listening intently. He had seen them before he sat down.

  “From now on, none of the women in this pack go anywhere without one of her mates by her side. We take care of our own.”

  “Yes, Jonah. We’d already spoken about not letting Talia go anywhere without one of us with her. We don’t plan to let her out of our sight when she’s not in the house,” Chris said.

  “Good, then that’s settled. See what else you can learn from Talia about the pack she was with. We need to know all we can about them, and I want you to see what you can dig up on their Alpha,” Jonah stated.

  Chris rose from the chair and headed to his desk and laptop in the security room. He and his brothers had a lot of work to do.

  A couple of hours later Chris stretched as he stood up. He had found little to no information on Paul Rogan and his brother, the Alpha. He had a feeling they were looking in the totally wrong direction, but he had no idea where else to look. Chris strode from the room, leaving his brothers to look for possible enemies. He intended to see if Talia was awake. The need to feel her small, slender body against his after this morning’s fiasco was pulling at him.

  He opened the door to his room just as Talia rolled over to her back and opened her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed from sleep, and her hair was tousled and her eyes sleepy. She had never looked so sexy. She smiled at him as he walked to the bed and sat at her side.

  “Hey, darlin’. Do you feel better?”

  “Yes, thanks. I can’t believe how long I slept,” Talia replied, and she glanced at the clock on the bedside table.

  “You’re catching up on all the sleep you missed out on while you were on the run,” Chris said as he gently pushed her hair back, away from her face.

  “Maybe, but I never was one to take a nap,” Talia replied.

  “You have no idea how sexy you are, do you, darlin’?” Chris whispered as he leaned down over her, bracketing her body with his arms on either side of her.

  “I’m not sexy.” Talia whispered her reply.

  “Oh yes you are. Let me show you just how sexy you are, darlin’,” Chris said and leaned down to kiss her.

  Chris groaned against her lips at the first taste of her. He knew he would never be able to get enough of her. He swept his tongue into her mouth, tasting every nook and cranny as he gathered her up in his arms. He pulled her onto his lap and slid his hand beneath her robe. He moaned as her little nipple stabbed against the palm of his hand while he kneaded her soft flesh. The whimpering sounds she made as he plucked her hard peak between his thumb and finger made his cock jerk against the zipper of his jeans and his balls ache. He wanted to strip down to his skin and sink his cock into her warm, wet depths. He slowed the kiss and began to nibble and lick his way across her jaw to her ear. He nipped at her earlobe and flicked his tongue into her ear canal. She mewled with pleasure and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer to her.

  Chris undid the belt of her robe and separated the material. He lifted his head and looked down at her exposed breasts and body. He could smell her cream and wanted to lay her down on the bed and feast on her. So that was exactly what he did. He removed the robe from her body and gently placed her on the bed. He rose to his feet, shucked his clothes, and crawled up between her legs. He smoothed his hands up the inside of her thighs and sighed when she opened to him. He lay down on the mattress between her thighs and lowered his head to her bare pussy. He licked over her clit and grasped her hips in his hands to hold her still when she bucked under him. His cock pulsed and throbbed against the quilt with eagerness as he scented her arousal.

  He sucked her little engorged nub into his mouth and slipped two fingers into her cunt. He nibbled and laved her as he pumped his digits in and out of her pussy. He loved listening to the sounds she made as he pleasured her. He heard the bedroom door open and knew James and Blayk had joined them. He heard the rustling sounds as his brothers removed their clothes, but didn’t stop what he was doing. He looked up along the length of Talia’s petite body and groaned at the sight of her. Her neck was arched, her head thrown back, and she was flushed from her breasts all the way up to her forehead. Her hair was spilling around her shoulders as her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow.

  Chris withdrew his mouth and hands from her body. He couldn’t wait any longer. He wanted, needed to feel her wet warmth envelop him. He moved up between her thighs, waited until she looked at him, and then began to push his hard cock into her cunt. He held her hips firmly as she tried to impale herself on his dick, but made sure not to hurt her. He eased his way into her sheath with slow, short digs, until he was buried balls-deep.

  “Are you okay, darlin’?” Chris asked as he held still.

  “Yes. Please, Chris.”

  “Please what, Talia?”

  “Please move,” Talia whimpered.

  “Okay, darlin’. I’ll give you what you need,” Chris rasped out.

  He began to move then. He thrust his hips slowly, forging his way in and out of her body. He had never felt anything that even compared to making love with his mate. He was in bliss as his cock slid in and out of her wet cunt. He could feel every ripple and flutter of her internal muscles and knew he would never be able to get enough of her. He was aware of James and Blayk lying on either side of Talia as they kissed her and played with her nipples, but he concentrated on giving his mate pleasure.

  “You feel so good, darlin’. Your pretty little cunt is so hot and wet and tight. I love making you feel good, Talia. Your eyes get glazed when we pleasure you. Your skin is so soft and sweet. I love the taste of your cunt. I could spend hours eating out that pretty little pussy,” Chris said on a groan as he thrust his hips forward. “Does that feel good, darlin’?”

  “Yes,” Talia replied and then sobbed out her pleasure. “I need more.”

  “Tell us what you need, baby,” Blayk said.

  “I want all of you. I need you to love me at the same time,” Talia cried out with desperation.

  “Are you sure, sugar?” James asked. “We don’t want to hurt you after this morning.”

  “I’m fine. I need all of you.”

  Chris stopped pumping his hips and pulled Talia up onto his lap. He moved to the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor, and lifted her up off his cock. He turned her around so her back was to his front. He placed her legs over his and spread his thighs wide, giving James access to Talia’s pussy. He watched his brother lean over and kiss their mate, and then he stood up, bent his knees, and began to penetrate Talia’s sheath. Chris moved out of the way when James lifted Talia into his arms. His brother lay down on the bed on his back, taking Talia with him so she was lying on top of James.

  Chris moved up behind Talia after he grabbed a tube of lube from the bedside, and he kissed along her spine as he b
egan to massage the cool gel into her anus while James held her ass cheeks open. He was careful and gentle with her as he penetrated her canal, stretching her muscles out in preparation for him to fuck her ass. When he was satisfied that her ass was relaxed and loose he began to push his cock into her anus. He groaned as the ring of muscles clamped down on his erection. She was so hot and tight, and he was in danger of climaxing too soon. He sighed when he felt Talia push back against him, easing the tightness around his rod, and he was able to surge forward gently until his balls were flush against her skin. He held still, giving her time to get used to being so full of cock.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Blayk asked.

  “Yes,” Talia moaned.

  “Will you suck on my cock, Talia? I need to feel that sweet mouth of yours wrapped around me.” Blayk groaned.

  Chris didn’t hear Talia answer, but he saw her reach out and wrap her hand around Blayk’s dick, and then she took his cock into her mouth. Chris had never seen a sexier sight. He couldn’t hold still any longer. He began to move his hips backward and forward, making love to his mate. He loved the sensations of her flesh sliding along the length of his shaft. He moved in countermotion with James as they began to love their woman in earnest.

  Chris wrapped his arms around Talia and filled his palms with her breasts. He pinched and tweaked her nipples as he fucked into her ass. He loved the little sounds she made as she sucked and loved on Blayk’s cock. He could feel her internal muscles coiling tighter and tighter and knew she was close to reaching climax. He leaned down and nibbled on the side of her neck, and then he licked over the mark he’d made when he claimed her.


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