1. Earth Pack Rules: Her Alpha Lovers Part One

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1. Earth Pack Rules: Her Alpha Lovers Part One Page 2

by Michele Bardsley

  This whole fucking thing was stupid.

  The light went green and he heard the door click. He pushed it open.


  At the sound of Jack’s harried voice, he looked over his shoulder. His co-alpha ran down the hallway, followed by a curvy, red-headed babe dressed in a black bikini. Her breasts bounced in the most beautiful way as she jogged behind Jack.

  Holy crap.

  “Get in, damn it.” Jack nearly rammed him through the door as he and the mystery woman piled in behind him. Jack turned and made sure the door was shut tight and then engaged the other safety locks.

  “What’s going on?” asked Grant. He sniffed the air. The female was a werewolf. He could practically taste her panic. Jack’s vibe was no better.

  “Marriage?” The red-head grinned at him, all attitude and fire. She was good at hiding her fear. With that delicious body she could probably distract the freakin’ pope. There. Above awesome breast number one: A heart tattoo with a fiery sword plunged through it.

  “She’s the one?” asked Grant.

  “I think so.”

  “Suits me.” He strode to the red-head, ready to test their attraction level, but she threw her arms up.

  “Don’t make me punch you,” she warned. “I don’t even know if I like you yet.”

  “Oh, yeah,” said Grant, grinning. He loved a woman with a mouth on her. One he couldn’t easily boss around. “Let’s keep her.”

  “Okay, but we might have to fight the entire Blood Pack.”

  Grant’s ardor immediately dimmed. “Shit. You’re a Blood?”

  “Alpha’s daughter,” added Jack as he strode by and headed toward the wet bar.

  “Your Karen’s kid?”

  “Don’t look so surprised,” she said snidely. “I hide all my malformations.”

  Grant gave her the slow onceover, and then his eyebrow winged up. “Where?”

  “I think I will punch you.”

  “Bring it, babe.”

  “Let’s save that shit for the honeymoon,” said Jack. Ice clinked into an old-fashioned glass and he poured three fingers of single-malt Scotch. “She’s in trouble.”

  Grant winked at her, his fiery-hearted bride, and joined his best friend for some booze. He was more a beer guy, so he rounded the bar and pulled open the mini-fridge. He grabbed a bottle of black lager. “You want something, sweetheart?”

  “My name is Roxie. Bourbon. Straight-up.”

  Grant chuckled. “Bourbon for the lady.” He made her drink, leaving out the bottle. He had a feeling she’d want more than one. He opened his beer and leaned back, sipping on it while Jack filled him in on Miss Trouble. When he was done, Grant shook his head.

  “Damn. I know Karen has a rep for being a bi—er, bad ass,” said Grant. “But would she really throw you to the wolves, Roxie?”

  “Oh, yeah. It’s what her dad did when he was alpha. My father won her in the Suitor’s Brawl and nine months later, I arrived.”

  “He died right after Roxie was born. He crashed his motorcycle into a canyon wall,” inserted Jack.

  Grant nodded. No daddy. No-good mom. Roxie had it tough, so she became tough.

  “A couple months later, my grandfather’s fourth mate killed him—and my Mom killed her. She became alpha and mated with Cody, who is the biggest asshat of the Blood Pack.”

  “You’re the only child?”

  “The only daughter. I have a couple of half-brothers. Crawl is a fucking idiot. Yes, his name is Crawl,” she said, answering Grant’s question before it could leave his lips. “Cody named him. I was a little over a year old when Crawl was born. A year after that, Derek came into the world, and Mom put the kibosh on having more babies. Cody took Crawl under his wing, and ignored me and Derek. Mom didn’t really care if we were around or not. So, me and Derek kinda raised each other.” She paused to finish the bourbon. Grant poured her another, and she nodded her thanks. “Derek was the one who convinced Mom that me going to college was a good idea, and then he joined the Marines. He thought going to war in another country gave him a higher survival rate than living in the Blood Pack.”

  “Sounds brutal,” said Grant. “I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged. “Thanks, but that’s my past. I’m more worried about my future.”

  “Sounds like marrying us is your best way out of the Suitor’s Brawl.” Grant finished his beer and tossed it into the trash can under the counter. “I’m going to take a shower.” He shared a look with Jack. He tried to mentally convey one thought one: Convince her, dude.

  Grant liked Roxie, and he figured that was enough of a foundation to build the alpha triad for the Earth Pack. Jack was more of a thinker, and that was okay. When his friend took to over-thinking things, which was a lot, Grant could step in and get the ball rolling. And when Grant’s first reaction was to barrel into a situation fists flying, which was also a lot, Jack pulled him back. They made a good team—and Roxie would be part of that.

  He’d been ready to take the final step for a while. He had faith in the triad, in the Earth Pack, and even in dead Matilda.

  All they had to do now was convince Roxie.

  Jack found her, so he got the first move. But when it was Grant’s turn … he grinned. He couldn’t wait to see what he and Miss Trouble would do together.

  “MAYBE YOU JUST need convincing.” The rich timbre of Jack’s voice had a sensual quality that made Roxie’s nerves prickle. They both leaned against the wet bar, sipping on their drinks. He put down his glass and plucked hers out of her hand.

  The lazy intent glittering in his hazel eyes warned her, but before she could protest, he lowered his head and pressed warm, soft lips against her mouth.

  Shocked into stillness, Roxie didn’t move—not even when Jack pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. He tasted of scotch, which wasn’t bad, and his lips did not demand, but coaxed. Her breasts pressed against the hard planes of his chest and her nipples hardened.

  Damn, it had been a long time since she’d been kissed. And she couldn’t remember the experience ever being like this. His tongue flicked the corner of her mouth, and a jolt of electricity zapped the pit of her stomach. With that opening salvo, he invaded, his tongue tangling with hers.

  Heat coiled her belly and sparked every nerve ending. Arousal liquefied her body, clouded her mind, and dissolved her doubts.

  This was what she’d been looking for. Only she hadn’t known it. She’d never really belonged in the Blood Pack. College had been great, but had only filled part of her restless longing to be part of something that mattered.

  This experience, this feeling, this need to be fulfilled … well, damn if Jack wasn’t doing a good job of giving it to her.

  He stopped kissing her, his breathing erratic as he looked at her and grinned. She hung onto Jack’s shoulders, trying to calm her galloping heart rate. Feeling shaky, Roxie let go of him and touched her mouth, and felt the swelling of her throbbing lips.

  God, he was so cute. No, cute wasn’t the right word. He was freaking gorgeous. And Grant? He was a looker, too. Bigger, more muscled, and probably a beast in the sack.

  Both of these alphas were panty-melters.

  Jack’s face was all sharp angles, softened only by the fullness of his mouth and the warmth sparkling in his hazel eyes. His longish blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail. She wondered what it looked like down … what it might feel like in her hands. Muscled. God, he was muscled. The fit of his swim trunks would be declared illegal in some states.

  “Thanks for saving me,” she finally managed to say. “Twice.”

  He clasped her wrists and tugged her forward. “Let me scent you.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “Scenting is only intent—it’s not true mating. You know that. It’ll give you some protection.” He brushed back her hair. “Would it be so bad to become ours? The Earth Pack is great. We have a beautiful farming community in Oregon. No brawls. No jostling for position within t
he pack. It’s a different life. A good one.”

  It sounded wonderful. Really, her reluctance made no sense, other than feeling like she didn’t have any control over her life anymore. Maybe being in college had given her that illusion. Returning home to her distant mother and raging asshole step-father, not to mention her cruel and stupid brother, had been a bucket of cold water tossed right onto her goddamned ambitions. Somehow, she had convinced herself that with a sociology degree in hand, she could change the Blood Pack’s brutal structure. In the end, though, it boiled down to a little girl wanting her mother to love her. Yeah. Roxie wanted her mother to be different.

  Mom would never change.

  But Roxie could. She had.


  She looked at Jack, at his longing, his concern, his gentleness. He would bring her pleasure, she knew it. And Grant—he wasn’t a peaceful man. But he was strong. And she needed strength as much as she needed gentleness.

  “Maybe … just scenting.”

  He smiled, and his hazel eyes dark with desire. Her heart trilled. Was that the beat of fear? Or of longing? Both, she decided.

  Jack dropped to his knees and grasped her hips. He pressed his mouth to the vee of her thighs. Roxie almost fell over. Oh. My. God. His accuracy was uncanny. Shock and pleasure reverberated in her core as she tried to form an objection.

  The wet warmth of his lips penetrated the thin material. His breath fluttered through the barriers. She grabbed his shoulders and steadied herself. Was this happening? Really?

  He looked up at her.

  “Last chance,” he said, his voice hoarse with need. “Do you want me to stop?”

  JACK WAITED AN eternity for Roxie’s answer, but she finally said, “No.”

  Relief flooded him, followed by white-hot lust. Jack eased the bikini bottom down her thighs, exposing her smooth, well-trimmed pussy. “That’s a beautiful sight.”

  The spice of her sex was ambrosia. He leaned forward and kissed the spot just above her crease. The mere pressing of his lips against her warm skin sent sparks of hot desire shooting through him. Dragging his tongue down the slender line, he feasted on her plump, slick flesh.

  He dipped inside, tasting her feminine essence. Then he skimmed along her slick folds until he reached her clitoris. He flicked the swollen nub.

  She moaned.

  He slid two fingers inside her wet heat and curled them upward.

  “Oh, God,” she cried. “What … is … that?”

  Bingo. Houston, I’ve found the G-spot. He stroked that bump eagerly. He looked up and noted with satisfaction that her eyes were closed and her face was flushed.

  He captured her clit between his lips and sucked on the sweet little nub. He gladly accepted the assault of her fingers digging into his skull as he both pleasured and scented her. He re-settled his hands onto her ass and gorged on the nirvana that was Roxie. He could’ve stayed there forever, licking her and tasting her, but he needed to wait for Grant before he brought her to orgasm.

  Both of their scents needed to be on her so that anyone werewolf within sniffing distance would know Roxie belonged to them both, and therefore belonged to the Earth Pack. It was the strongest protection they could give her—until she mated fully with them both.

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Grant’s voice infiltrated Jack’s thrumming lust. His wolf wanted to howl and claim Roxie right now.

  Grant knelt next to him. He was still wet and only had a towel wrapped around his waist. Jack didn’t want to relinquish his spot, but since his fingers were already inside Roxie, stroking the tender flesh, he moved his mouth to her thigh, and lightly bit her.

  She moaned.

  Grant pressed his face against her well-soaked pussy, and began to lick. The men held onto to Roxie’s thighs as Jack worked his fingers in and out of her, and Grant suckled her clit.

  “Yes! Oh, God!” Roxie now clutched at both of them—her fingers tangled into Jack’s soft blond hair and pulling at Grant’s wet brown strands. Her thighs began to quiver, and she cried out as the orgasm overtook her.

  Grant got the first taste of nectar, but he moved his lips over her hip, kissing her trembling flesh, so that Jack could partake of Roxie, too. Jack sucked on her swollen flesh, enjoying the way her pussy sucked at his fingers, the way she moaned as his tongue quickly pushed into another orgasm.

  Jack removed his fingers, and he and Grant both offered Roxie twin kisses on her hips, before getting to their feet.

  Roxie stared at them, her eyes still glazed with lust, her thighs glistening with the evidence of her pleasure. She tugged up her bottoms as they watched her. Jack’s entire body quivered with lust. His cock pressed painfully against the netting in his swim trunks. He knew Grant wanted her, too.

  Jack wanted to worship Roxie like the goddess she was. He wanted to kiss every inch of flesh, memorize every curve, and if she granted him the right, plunge his aching cock inside her. If she agreed to mate with him and Grant, they would take her fully, both at the same time, so that the triad would be complete.

  He wanted to draw her into his embrace, but she looked skittish. He opted for smoothing a loose curl away from her cheek.

  Grant, who was as subtle as brick smashing into your face, said, “Let’s fuck.”

  “Aw. Such a romantic.” Roxie offered shaky laugh. She turned, obviously unsettled, and walked to the nearby couch. She flopped onto it and sighed. “I have no idea if this is the right thing to do, or not. I mean, if Mom’s feeling bitchy enough, she’ll send brawlers to mess up those pretty faces. She might even send brawlers to the Earth Pack just to fuck with you.”

  “So, you’d rather run away?” asked Jack.

  “No, not really. I want to settle down. Use my degree somehow. Be part of something.”

  “Be part of the Earth Pack.” Grant sat next to her. “You can’t get more settled down than an Oregon farming community.”

  “Sure, it would be great for me. But, hel-lo, have you met the Bloods? They’re assholes. I think the Earths deserve better than what I can offer you.” She twisted her hands and chewed her bottom lip.

  Jack thought she looked adorable. He sat on the other side of her, and there she was, between him and Grant, the bridge between the alphas, the completion of their sacred triad. “We can handle the Bloods. The only real question is this: Do you want to be our mate?”

  “Jeez! Maybe we should date first,” said Roxie. She looked down at her hands, obviously discombobulated.

  Over Roxie’s bowed head, Jack looked at Grant. They’d gotten pretty good at knowing each other’s thoughts. Grant gave him a slight nod, which Jack knew meant the ball was in his court.

  “It’ll be okay,” said Grant as he stood up. “No matter what you decide, we’ll help you. One way or another, Roxie, I promise that you’ll be free of the Bloods.” He reached down and patted Roxie’s leg like she was a sad poodle. Jack rolled his eyes. His best friend had never been very good at comforting people. He was better at pummeling them.

  “Thanks,” said Roxie. “You can stop patting me now.”

  Grant acquiesced and stepped back. “I’m starving. I’m going to get something to eat and figure out where the Bloods are right now. We’re on the VIP floor, so they can’t get direct access to us. Still, I don’t like them sniffing around. Why don’t you stay here until we figure out the next move?”

  “I really appreciate your help. I do. I’ve been staying at the hotel in a discounted room—I didn’t want to get a place yet. I was just trying to figure out what to do. I need my clothes, my purse—”

  “No problem,” said Grant. “I’ll make sure all your things are transferred here.” With that promise, he loped off to his bedroom, located on the left side of the suite.

  Jack’s bedroom was on the right. And he really wanted to take Roxie into it, peel off her swimming suit, and take her.

  Oh, hell yeah.

  “Okay if I shower?” she asked.

  “Sure. Use Grant’s bathroom. I have one
in my bedroom, too. We can both get showered up. I’ll order room service. You know what? Take a bath,” he suggested. “Pamper yourself. Relax as much as you can.”

  Roxie smiled. “I could get used to two gorgeous men taking care of me all the time.”

  “The benefits of the alpha triad are many,” he said. “And believe me, Grant and I would love to take care of you—in every way possible.”

  “Hmm.” She leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you, Jack.”

  He watched her leave the living area and head toward Grant’s bedroom. He walked out fully dressed as she walked in, pausing to give him a kiss, too. He thought about joining her, offering to rub—well, everything—and giving in to his baser urges.

  Given the look on Grant’s face as he watched their mate saunter into his bedroom, his best friend had the same thoughts.

  “Whew,” said Grant. “I want her.”

  “I want her, too.”

  “Well, work on sealing the deal, would you?” Grant headed toward the door. “I’ll get her stuff sent up, and then I’ll track down the Bloods.”

  “Recon only,” said Jack. “Get us information. No fists of werewolf fury, all right?”

  Grant shrugged. “Sure. Whatever.”

  Grant left, and Jack knew there was a 50-50 chance Grant would not punch a Blood in his gonads. But Grant could handle himself.

  It was Jack who drifted in uncharted waters.

  Hmm. What did an alpha have to do to convince a girl to mate with him and his best friend?

  JACK TOWELED OFF his hair, the last thing he needed to dry before getting dressed. Roxie’s things had arrived while she was still in the bath, so he’d put the tidily packed suitcases and boxes in Grant’s room where she’d see them when she finished. He tossed the damp towel under the sink and grabbed the terry cloth robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. He put it on, cinching the belt tight, and began to consider what to order from room service.


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