Death in the Aegean

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Death in the Aegean Page 13

by Irena Nieslony

  “What?” David said, looking shocked. “I’d heard Justin, not Kevin, had been arrested.”

  “He had,” Jane continued. “However, Paul rang me with news of everything that happened after Justin’s arrest. Kevin came forward and confessed to the murder and was taken in to police custody............ Can I talk to Eve, please?” she asked, suddenly bursting into tears.

  “Yes, of course, come in. Eve’s just got up. I’m afraid I woke her pretty early. I’m staying at my own house at the moment while Emma’s here. I was out for my early morning walk when I heard all the commotion at Kevin’s house and I asked one of the Greek men standing outside what was going on. I popped in to tell Eve the news.”

  “Was she surprised that Justin was arrested?” Jane asked.

  “Yes. She didn’t think he was the one who’d killed Yiannis.”

  As David finished speaking, Eve came down the stairs. She had quickly dressed and deftly put on a little make-up. David smiled. He thought she looked beautiful without anything on her face, but with her artistic touch, she was stunning. For a moment, he wished Jane hadn’t turned up and he and Eve could spend a few hours alone together, but it looked like that would have to wait for another day.

  But why is Jane so upset and desperate to see Eve? he thought. There’s something fishy going on here. I think Eve has asked Jane to help her find the killer, but I doubt if Jane will say anything with me in the room.

  “Kevin’s confessed to killing Yiannis, Eve,” David said. “So my job will be a lot easier with Emma. I’ll be off and leave you two girls to talk.”

  Eve was too stunned to say anything. Hadn’t he confessed to killing Lucy as well? If he hadn’t, who did kill her? And had he really killed Yiannis or was he covering up for his son?” This case was getting very interesting. However, she didn’t want David to see how excited she was, so she went over to him, put on a sober looking face and kissed him on the cheek.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” she whispered.

  David’s stomach did a somersault. Eve was still able to excite him as much as she had in the early days.

  “Can’t wait,” he whispered back.

  I wonder if it’s all our arguments that make our relationship more exciting, David speculated. All this adrenalin seems to fire Eve up. However, I don’t know if I can handle it. God, why does she have to be so damn gorgeous?

  With David gone, Eve took Jane into the kitchen and put the coffee on.

  “Right, Jane, tell me what’s bothering you. I know something is.”

  “Paul doesn’t think Kevin is the killer and nor do I.”

  “Why did he confess then?” Eve asked, astounded.

  “To get his son released. He doesn’t want Justin to end up in a Greek jail for murdering Yiannis.”

  “Does Kevin actually think that Justin killed Yiannis then?”

  “He’s not sure, but he thinks he might have done and so does Paul. He has a bit of a temper apparently. Paul says he’s bi-polar, but he is on meds.”

  “Being bi-polar doesn’t mean he’s a killer, Jane. People don’t understand mental illnesses properly.”

  “Apparently, Lucy didn’t. Justin was her favorite until he was diagnosed with the illness.”

  “That’s very interesting, Jane,”

  Jane wondered what Eve was thinking now. Surely she didn’t imagine that Justin killed his mother. He was in Athens after all at the time of her death.

  Jane started to sob.

  “What’s wrong, Jane?” Eve asked, totally mystified as to why her friend had suddenly burst into tears.

  “I’ll be called as a witness in Kevin’s trial. Paul will find out that I went to the police about Yiannis. He doesn’t trust the police at all, Eve, and will hate me for going. Then he’ll ask me why I didn’t tell him about Yiannis and Lucy. I doubt that he’ll never speak to me again.”

  “Well, if he doesn’t, he’s certainly not the man you thought he was, and don’t look at me like that, Jane. You’re worth more than this.”

  Jane tried to stop crying. She knew Eve was right, but it was still hard to think that Paul might end their relationship over this.

  “It’s better I tell him now, isn’t it?” Jane asked.

  “I wouldn’t for the time being. Wait and see what happens. I personally don’t think that either Kevin or Justin is a murderer. The police arrested Justin because he was seen having a flight with Yiannis a couple of hours earlier. Then Kevin possibly admitted to the murder to save his son, but he hasn’t admitted to killing his wife. Personally, I reckon the same person killed both Lucy and Yiannis. We haven’t got much time, but we have to find the real killer.”

  “Oh, I hope we can,” Jane replied. “I really hope so.”

  * * * *

  “I don’t believe Dad killed Yiannis,” Justin mumbled, trying very hard to stop crying. “I bet he said he killed him to get me off the hook; in fact I’m sure he did, but I didn’t kill Yiannis either, Paul, I promise.”

  He knew he had to stay strong and most of all, he had to take his meds, otherwise he could act irrationally.

  “They’ve taken your Dad in and they’ll question him first. He was also seen arguing with Yiannis yesterday morning, Justin. I was with him in the local shop when Yiannis came in and your Dad had a go at him about your Mum. I had to separate them before they had a fight. Petros was in there and saw it, and so did Kristina, the shopkeeper.”

  “I still don’t reckon he did it, but the police might suspect he's trying to cover for me, don’t you think?”

  “They might do. It depends how convincing he is.”

  “Why’s he done this?” Justin asked, still unable to stop the tears.

  “Because he loves you, of course.”

  “But I’ve been so horrible to him since we landed on Crete.

  “You’re his son,” Paul said. “He knows you still love him and that you’re just missing your mother.”

  They both sat in the kitchen for a little while without saying anything.

  “Do you think he killed Mum, Uncle Paul?” Justin finally asked.

  “No, of course not,” Paul exclaimed. “Get that terrible idea out of your head. Your Dad isn’t a murderer.”

  Paul was shocked that the idea had crossed Justin’s mind. He couldn’t see his brother killing anyone. Yes, he had got into the odd fight over the years, but murder, no way.

  “But perhaps he did kill Yiannis?”

  “I saw him early this morning and he seemed his normal self,” Paul continued. “I would have known if he’d done something wrong. I’m certain that if your Dad had killed Yiannis last night, he would have been a wreck this morning. I know him inside and out Justin. I always know when he’s lying.”

  Paul was worried about Justin. He knew about his mental problems and worried that all this might be too much for the young man to handle.

  As it was, Justin was feeling very low. He wished his parents had never come to Crete, remembering how happy they had been back in England.

  * * * *

  Don Jones went into the local supermarket to get the Daily Mail. During the summer they stocked a selection of English newspapers for the tourists to buy. He didn’t know why they didn’t sell them in the winter as well. There were enough British ex-pats living in the village and surrounding area to buy them. Betty had asked the owner once, but he had just shrugged his shoulders and that was the end of that. She had walked off in a huff and told Don never to buy anything from that shop again, but as it was quite a drive to the next shop that sold newspapers, he had ignored her. He always found it best to keep silent rather than argue with her.

  That’s what Eve should do, Don contemplated. But then I’ve had over forty years of practice, not just one!

  Entering the shop, he saw David who had just paid for a newspaper himself.

  “Lovely morning yet again,” Don said with a smile on his face.

  “Good Morning, Don. I take it you haven’t heard the news then?”

/>   “What news?” Don asked eagerly.

  Living with Betty had been dull and boring these past few years and recently she had become a vicious nag. He had become more interested in the outside world.

  “Yiannis Neonakis was found murdered last night. It was a blow on the head from behind.”

  “Oh my God. Who on earth.....”

  His voice trailed off as David broke in.

  “Well, Justin Fowler was first arrested for his murder as they were seen having a fight in a bar a couple of hours previously, but a little later Kevin Fowler turned himself in for killing Yiannis.”

  “Goodness. That’s incredible. It did cross my mind that he might have murdered his wife, but why did he kill Yiannis? I wouldn’t have thought they even knew each other.”

  “Apparently Lucy and Yiannis were having an affair.”

  Don’s mouth opened wide.

  Yiannis and Lucy, he thought. Well, at least it lets me off the hook.

  “She was a lot older than him,” Don remarked. “I find it hard to believe.”

  “Well, Yiannis was a strange man. He was a bit promiscuous from what I hear.”

  “Yes, I suppose so.”

  Don had been worried that the police might arrest him and he hadn’t slept well the previous night thinking about it. The more he mulled it over the more he felt he had been stupid going to the police. It had been crazy admitting that he hadn’t been having an affair with Lucy Fowler. It had made him seem guilty, if not of murder, then at least of having been her lover. It looked as if he was afraid that someone would tell the police that he was in a relationship with her. He didn’t know why he had done it, but it was possibly because he was scared Betty might beat him to it.

  But Kevin murder Yiannis? I don’t think so, thought Don. Lucy had said that Kevin wouldn’t be bothered if she had an affair. He didn’t care for her and she had told him they were already contemplating divorce. Why would he bother to kill Yiannis for having an affair with her?

  While David was deciding to buy some chocolates for Eve, knowing how much she loved sweet things, Don spoke again.

  “I’m surprised the police haven’t suggested that Kevin killed Lucy as well, now that he’s confessed to killing Yiannis. I bet you wish they would. At least it would stop Eve looking for the killer and getting poisoned or having her house set on fire again,” Don laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

  However, David didn’t feel at all cheerful and couldn’t even bring a smile to his face.

  “I wish I could agree with you, Don. Naturally she hasn’t said anything, but I’m sure that she doesn’t think Kevin murdered his wife or Yiannis.”

  “She doesn’t?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Kevin’s adamant he didn’t kill Lucy and he only confessed to the murder of Yiannis when his son, Justin, had been arrested. Yiannis and Justin had had a fight in a bar earlier.”

  Don stared at him. He was starting to get worried.

  I hope Eve doesn’t start her detecting again. Why can’t she leave things alone?

  Don had always liked Eve, but at the moment he was scared. He didn’t trust the Greek police. Not particularly because they were Greek, but because they just weren’t English. He spoke barely a word of the language, despite having lived on the island of Crete for years and he had no idea how he would cope if he became a suspect again and were thrown into jail.

  “You think he’s covering for his son?” Don asked

  “He could be,” David replied. “However, I’m like you. I’d rather leave it to the police. It’s their job to find out the truth.”

  “Oh, I’ve thought all along that Kevin was the most likely suspect,” Don continued, determined to carry on the conversation and make a case against Kevin. “After all, it seems as if his wife and Yiannis were having an affair.”

  David wondered why Don had now become so adamant that Kevin was the murderer. Don was generally a gentle, kind man who never said anything bad about anyone else. David now wanted the conversation to end as he felt they could go round in circles.

  “Well, perhaps you’re right,” David lied. “We’ll have to see how today goes and if they let Kevin go or if they keep him in. Anyway, I must be on my way. I have my niece staying with me and she should be up by now.”

  “Oh, okay, nice seeing you, David. Tell Eve to forget about her amateur sleuthing. The police have it covered.”

  As David left, he shook his head, wondering what on earth was up with Don.

  * * * *

  At about the same time, back at David’s house, Emma was being woken by a loud banging at the door. She turned over to go back to sleep, expecting her uncle to answer it. When the banging continued, she realized that David must be out, so she reluctantly got up, put on her dressing gown and went down the stairs, hoping that the person might go away. However, when she reached the front door, the doorbell rang. Reluctantly, Emma opened the door.

  She was surprised to see Justin standing there. For a moment, she wished she could disappear. She had no make-up on and she hadn’t even brushed her hair. What would he think of her now he wasn’t seeing her at her best? However, she looked at his eyes and was shocked. Justin looked like he’d been crying. What could have happened in the few hours since they had last seen each other?

  “Justin, what’s happened? You look terrible. Come on in.”

  “Thank you. It’s been awful. I don’t know how to tell you this. You’ll wish you’d never met me.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’d never wish that. I had a great time with you last night.”

  Justin tried to smile as he followed Emma into the sitting room.

  “It's about Yiannis. He was found murdered this morning and the police arrested me.”

  Justin looked as if he were about to burst into tears again. Emma was so shocked that she couldn’t move or speak for a moment. Finally she managed to get some words out.

  “Oh Justin, why?”

  “I saw Yiannis having a drink with his friends last night as I walked home after leaving you. I was so angry that I went up to him and questioned him about Mum and their affair. He laughed at me and we ended up having a fight, but that was it. Some of his friends separated us and I went home. The next thing I knew, the police were at my door arresting me early this morning. But then Dad confessed to killing him and he’s been arrested and they let me go. I didn’t do it, but I don’t reckon Dad killed Yiannis either. He confessed so they’d release me. I’ve been horrible to him and he did this for me. I bet the police will now try and pin the murder of Mum on him as well. He’d never kill her. Their marriage was rocky, but he didn’t care for her anymore. He’d rather get a divorce, not murder her and risk going to jail.”

  Emma went over to Justin and took him in her arms. He was so gentle and vulnerable and she hugged him, letting all the tears flow.

  As his sobbing receded, Emma let him go and then spoke.

  “Come and sit down and have a bit of a rest. You look exhausted.”

  “Thanks, Emma,” Justin said, looking sad, but relieved that she hadn’t turned him away.

  After all, he had only met her the previous day and she could have been scared off by this happening so early in their relationship.

  “Are you sure, Justin?” Emma asked once they had both sat down. “Are you certain that your Dad didn’t love your Mum? He could have pretended not to, while everything festered inside him. Then, finding out she was having an affair, he could have just snapped and killed her and then killed Yiannis, her lover.”

  “No, you’re wrong. Emma,” Justin replied.

  “Who do you think murdered them? Do you think it was the same person?”

  “I don’t know, Emma, I really don’t. I’ll be glad when my brother, Wayne, arrives this evening. He’ll be able to take charge. He’s much more forceful than me.”

  “You’ve got your Uncle Paul as well, Justin...... and me.”

  Justin smiled for the first time that morning. He’d been afraid that E
mma wouldn’t want to know him now, but she did. Life wasn’t as bad as it had seemed ten minutes ago.

  Chapter 11

  That lunchtime, Annie and Pete had arranged to meet Eve at The Black Cat for a bite to eat and a drink, knowing that she would probably need a bit of company with David having moved back home.

  David had hoped to spend the day with Emma, it being her first day on Crete, but it seemed she had other ideas. When he returned from Eve’s, he was dismayed to find Emma in her dressing gown comforting Justin. Although David didn’t think that Justin had killed Yiannis, there was always the faint possibility that he had. David wasn’t sure that he wanted Emma spending too much time with him. However, Emma was a strong-willed girl and there was nothing David could do to change her mind. She had decided to spend the day with Justin and that was that.

  David then thought he might as well spend the day writing, but he didn’t know if he could concentrate. He was also concerned about Eve. She seemed convinced that Kevin wasn’t the killer and he was worried about what she might get up to if she were left on her own all day. When she phoned later in the morning to invite him to The Black Cat for lunch, he readily agreed.

  They arrived at The Black Cat a few minutes after Annie and Pete. Eve, seeing Pete ordering drinks, told David to go and sit down.

  “I’ll get the first round in, darling. Glass of red wine?”

  David nodded, quite surprised to see Eve getting the drinks in. Eve was a very generous woman and paid for many things, but she rarely went up to a bar to order drinks. Perhaps it was a slightly old fashioned streak in her that made her think that the man should be the one to go up to buy the drinks.

  Pete was at the far end of the bar, having just got a beer for himself and a glass of white wine for Annie. He moved over to Eve.

  “Not often we see you at the bar,” he said, a little nervously

  Eve glanced at Pete and just smiled.

  “There was nothing going on, you know,” he continued.

  “Going on?” Eve asked.

  “Don’t play games, Eve. I know you saw me with Lucy in Rethymnon a few months back. I bumped into her, that’s all. I had an appointment with a doctor there and she was out shopping. We had a coffee. That’s it.”


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