Death in the Aegean

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Death in the Aegean Page 16

by Irena Nieslony

  The following day was busy all round. Eve and Jane went to the police station to give their statements about the previous night. Anything to do with Greek bureaucracy always took a long time and today this paperwork was no exception. Eve was naturally frustrated, thinking of all the things she could be doing instead of sitting in a hot and stuffy police station.

  On their way out, they bumped into Kevin. He had just been released and was naturally relieved, but was in a state of shock having discovered that his own brother was the killer. He was also stunned to find out that Paul had had an affair with Lucy.

  That afternoon was Yiannis’s funeral. Greek Orthodox funerals were held as soon as possible after a person died. Not many of the ex-pats attended as he wasn’t a popular character. Betty however, being forever inquisitive, decided to go. Don refused to attend, feeling that Yiannis was part of the reason why Lucy, his good friend, had been murdered. Kevin also crept in near to the end of the service. He felt as if he should pay his respects as his brother had killed Yiannis, but he was worried that he might not be welcome. To his relief nobody reproached him, possibly because he too was a victim of his brother’s anger.

  * * * *

  In the late afternoon, David and Eve, together with Jane, Justin and Emma, met Annie and Pete in The Black Cat. Wayne had gone to the beach after spending all day trying to organize transportation for Lucy’s body to be taken back to England. It was turning out to be a nightmare and he needed to relax. He too was in a state of shock. He had always been close to Paul and was finding it hard to grasp that he was the murderer.

  Justin was upset as well, but he was being distracted by Emma and the reality of the situation hadn’t completely sunk in.

  “It’s a wonder you want to talk to any of our family, Eve, after last night,” Justin commented.

  “It’s hardly your fault, is it?” Eve replied. “Anyway, I’m fine now.”

  David sighed and wished that she wouldn’t get over these dangerous situations so quickly. If she remembered them more vividly it might make her think twice about being reckless and irresponsible again. However, he was also feeling guilty that he had left her to go home to stay with Emma.

  Emma’s old enough to be on her own. I should have stayed with Eve and looked after her. Paul probably wouldn’t have tried to kill her with me in the house.

  “Ah, there’s our heroine,” a loud voice boomed. “What would Eve have done without you last night, Jane, dear? She probably wouldn’t be sitting here today.”

  Jane shuffled in her chair uncomfortably, knowing Eve wouldn’t like Betty putting her in the spotlight.

  “I’m sure Eve would have done something,” Jane mumbled.

  “Nonsense,” Betty said. “Paul would have killed Eve there and then.”

  “Betty,” David said sternly. “Can you please not speak like this? It’s as if you’re wishing Eve dead.”

  “She probably is,” Eve put in. “She’s only jealous because I always know who the real killer is. The police got it wrong again.”

  Betty glared at her and David sighed.

  Oh Eve, you’re going to annoy Betty again, he thought, she hates it when you make yourself out to be the best. Still, you should have your moment. You’ve been so bored lately and then you had a horrible night last night. You need cheering up.

  Annie decided to change the subject. Things never went well in any exchange between Betty and Eve.

  “So, how was Yiannis’s funeral, Betty,” Annie asked.

  “Well, it was sad of course, but there was quite a turn-up for the books,” she said, pulling up a chair as Don brought their drinks over.

  Eve sighed, not wanting her to join their party.

  “Yiannis’s wife turned up,” Betty continued.

  Eve’s ears pricked up. Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad idea after all to have Betty at their table.

  “I didn’t know he was married,” Annie spoke, sounding quite dumbfounded.

  “I don’t think any of us did,” Eve added.

  Everybody shook their heads.

  “I hung around until the end and did get bits of the gossip from one of the ex-pats who were there,” Betty said, looking smug. “Apparently he met her in England in the spring and they got married within a couple of weeks. She was supposed to move over in August.”

  “What a strange set up,” Eve remarked.

  “What’s she like? Do tell.” Annie asked.

  “Rather beautiful I must say. Tall, dark haired, slim. Yes, a looker. I doubt if she would have put up with any nonsense from Yiannis.”

  “I wonder if we’ll get to see her, or is she going straight back to England?” Eve asked Betty.

  “Bet you wish you’d come to the funeral now, don’t you?” Betty sniggered.

  Eve decided not to get into another argument with Betty. She wanted to get as much information as possible about this new woman. She could hardly believe that Yiannis had got married. He certainly hadn’t been the type, what with his roving eye. This woman must have something special about her.

  “Well,” Betty continued, surprised that Eve was waiting patiently for her to carry on. “I heard that Yiannis had left everything to her in his will. Seemed a bit rash to me, but she’ll probably have to sort all that out. His parents are dead so he’s got two houses and a bit of cash.”

  “I didn’t realize he was that well off,” Annie said. “You don’t think she married him for his money do you?”

  “I did think that, but apparently she has her own business and is well off.”

  “You seem to have found out a lot during the funeral, Betty?” Eve remarked.

  Betty glowered at her, but still continued speaking, quite proud that she was the one to know everything instead of Eve.

  “I heard it all from Cassie, an ex-pat who works in a coffee shop where some Greek ladies go for coffee most mornings. Cassie speaks Greek and when they were talking about Yiannis the other day, she understood them. They had found out about Yiannis’s wife, Joanna........Well, speak of the devil.....but what is she doing with Kevin.....”

  Everyone at the table turned to look. Justin’s mouth opened wide.

  “What on earth is Dad doing with her?”

  “He did pop into the funeral,” Betty remarked. “Near the end. Perhaps they got talking, you know, about....”

  Betty stopped. She didn’t know how to say it delicately.

  “It’s okay, Betty,” Justin said. “You can say it. They got talking because his wife and her husband were both killed by my Uncle Paul.”

  “I’m sure that’s it,” Emma said. “They’ve got a lot in common now and probably need to get a few things out of their system.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Justin replied, not entirely convinced.

  Still, Emma was good for him. She thought rationally. Plus, he had told her that morning that he was bi-polar and she hadn’t flinched. It was such a relief that she still wanted to go out with him.

  Annie and Betty carried on talking about the funeral and Pete engaged David in conversation. Eve however had her eyes fixed on Kevin and Joanna. They were walking over to a table with their drinks.

  Kevin gently put his arm around her. It was only for a few moments, but Eve thought he was being a little too familiar with someone he’d just met. They sat down and as Kevin said something, she laughed.

  Hmm, the merry widow, I see, thought Eve. There’s something not quite right about her. I know Kevin wasn’t in love with Lucy and he’s relieved to be out of prison, but I’m surprised to see Joanna looking so happy on the day of her new husband’s funeral. No, there’s something fishy going on and I’m going to find out what it is.

  “Eve,” Jane said. “Are you alright?”

  “What? Oh, sorry. Yes. I was miles away. I should be asking you how you are.”

  “Funnily enough, this has made me think about James again and how much I loved him. I wonder who that woman was who killed him?”

  “Me too. I always wanted
to go and find out, but she could be anywhere in the world.”

  “I know.”

  “So, have you decided what you’re going to do, Jane? Stay here or go back to England?”

  “I think I’ll go back, but not until the summer’s over.”

  “Oh, good. I’m glad you’re staying, even if it’s just for a few months.”

  “What are you two talking about?” David broke in, giving Eve a kiss on the cheek.

  “Oh, nothing much.” Eve said.

  “Good. I don’t want either of you to think about last night. It must have been very traumatic.”

  Both women nodded, but Eve’s mind was wandering again.

  There’s definitely something not right with Joanna Neonakis. Yiannis was not the marrying kind. How did she persuade him to marry her so quickly and why did he keep her a secret? And why has she latched onto Kevin Fowler?

  The door opened, interrupting Eve’s thoughts, and Wayne came in. He saw Justin and waved, but before he got himself a drink, he saw his father sitting with Joanna. Eve watched his face. Within a moment, it looked like thunder. As Joanna touched Kevin’s hand, Eve was sure Wayne was going to explode, but she only rested her hand there for a moment. Wayne calmed down a little and went to the bar, without speaking to his father.

  If looks could kill, Eve thought. He’s not happy seeing his Dad with another woman so soon after his Mom’s death, is he? And Joanna is definitely flirting with Kevin....and right after her husband’s funeral.

  Eve looked at David. He looked as if he was in a world of his own as well and she wondered what he was thinking about. She wouldn’t tell him her feelings about Joanna. He would only worry. This was her secret for the time being. All she knew was that there was definitely something not right about Joanna Neonakis and she was going to find out what it was.

  * * * *

  Eve and David returned to her house about an hour later. She had noticed how quiet he had become at The Black Cat and thought that they needed time alone to talk about whatever was bothering him.

  “Have I upset you again, David?” Eve asked as soon as they got in.

  “No, of course not, darling. Why do you ask?”

  “You were so quiet in the bar.”

  “I know I was, Eve. I was feeling guilty for leaving you when Emma came over. She’s old enough to look after herself. I think it’s about time we.......”

  David hesitated. He wanted to ask Eve if they should live together on a permanent basis, but he was scared.

  What if she says no? That could be the end of our relationship.

  Eve, however, was thinking something completely different.

  At last; David’s going to ask me to marry him. I can’t believe it. I’ve been waiting for this for so long.

  However, David was still wavering and Eve was getting impatient.

  “I can’t wait a minute longer, David. I know you’re going to ask me to marry you and the answer is a resounding yes; yes please.”

  David was stunned. This wasn’t what he was going to ask at all, but it was what he had wanted for a long time. He just hadn’t expected that such a modern and independent woman like Eve would ever consider marriage.

  “I haven’t got you a ring yet,” he mumbled, too stunned to speak properly. “I only decided to ask you this morning.”

  “That’s alright, darling. You don’t know my ring size anyway. We’ll go into Chania tonight and have a look in the jewellery shops.”

  “Yes, that’s a good idea,” David replied, gaining his composure at last. “Then I’ll take you for a meal at your favorite restaurant. I think good food and champagne will be in order tonight.”

  Eve threw her arms around David, and a moment later their lips met. Eve melted dreamingly into his arms, a vision of herself standing in a beautiful white dress next to David in a tuxedo, appeared in her mind. They were on one of the picturesque beaches on Crete with at least a hundred friends wishing them well. David, however, was thinking of a small intimate ceremony in a registry office. After all, they weren’t in their twenties anymore. He had forgotten that this was her first marriage and it would be likely that she would want a big wedding.

  “I’m so happy that you asked me to marry you, David,” Eve finally said. “I thought you never would.”

  Eve had already forgotten that she had taken the words out of his mouth.

  “I wasn’t sure that you were the marrying kind, Eve. Up to now, I was afraid to ask you,” David replied, hoping that his face wasn’t turning red.

  He was feeling a little guilty because he was only going to ask her to live with him. Still, everything had turned out perfectly in the end.

  “We will have to promise to be honest with each other from now on,” Eve said.

  She too was still feeling guilty that she had been prepared to lie to him about searching for Lucy’s killer.

  “I agree,” David said, taking Eve’s hand and pulling her to him again. “I love you, Eve Masters. I just hope you’re not going to be too bored living here on Crete with me.”

  “I’m never bored when I’m with you, darling,” Eve replied. “And I do love you too; very much.”

  I hope that I will be enough for her, David wished.

  I’m sure I won’t be bored once I’m married, Eve contemplated, all thoughts of Joanna Neonaki disappearing from her mind completely.

  Copyright © 2014 by Irena Nieslony

  Originally published by My Weekly at DC Thompson [UK]

  Electronically published in 2014 by Belgrave House


  No portion of this book may be reprinted in whole or in part, by printing, faxing, E-mail, copying electronically or by any other means without permission of the publisher. For more information, contact Belgrave House, 190 Belgrave Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94117-4228

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  This is a work of fiction. All names in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to any person living or dead is coincidental.




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