Broken Wings (The Broken Series Book 3)

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Broken Wings (The Broken Series Book 3) Page 9

by Ruff, K. S.

I glanced nervously between Kadyn and Rafael as I rose from the couch. “I told you. Rafael is teaching me self-defense. He was trying to catch me off guard. I didn’t hear him come in. I thought he was still over at his place.”

  Kadyn’s eyebrows rose along with his voice. “He has a key?”

  “He owns the place,” I reluctantly confessed.

  Kadyn’s fists clenched as he turned to face Rafael. “I knew it! He has been manipulating you, just like Michael.”

  “I’m nothing like Michael,” Rafael gritted. “I was just trying to keep her safe.”

  “Stop!” I yelled.

  Kadyn and Rafael gaped at me.

  I lowered my voice. “Just. Stop. We’re going to talk through this like adults. There will be no more fist clenching, no more raised voices, and no more hitting. Kadyn, please, sit over there.” I pointed to the chair by the television. “Don’t say another word to each other until I get back.” I gave them both a stern look, then bolted to my bedroom.

  I stalked across the room. I couldn’t figure out what to do next. I wanted to talk to Kadyn, but I couldn’t ask Rafael to leave. We had a date. If I asked Kadyn to leave, I might never see him again. I couldn’t even believe he was here now… with roses. I shook my head. This was so not going to end well. “Argh!” I screamed. I pounded the heel of my hand against my forehead. “Think, Kristine, think."

  I fell back onto the bed and immediately scowled. I felt under my back as I tried to figure out why I’d fallen on something hard. My phone. I stared at it for a few heartbeats. Then it hit me. I bolted upright, scrolled through my contacts, and hit send.

  “Hey, Kri. I thought you had a hot date with Rafael tonight.”

  I groaned. “Shae, I need your help. Can you come over? Now?”

  “Sure,” she responded hesitantly. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”

  I took a deep breath and blew it out. “Rafael sort of had me pinned to the floor. He was trying to make a point about self-defense. Kadyn came over unannounced, and he let himself in when he heard me scream. God, Shae. He hit Rafael. I don’t know what to do. Both of them are downstairs seething mad. Kadyn brought flowers. I can’t believe he’s even speaking to me. Holy, crap! What am I supposed to do?”

  “I’ll be right there,” she quickly responded before disconnecting the call.

  I collapsed onto the bed. I shot upright as the timer on the oven sounded. The lasagna!

  I ran downstairs. My eyes flitted toward the living room as I rushed toward the stove. Both men were still sitting where I’d left them. Good. I turned the timer off and pulled the lasagna and bread from the oven. I took a deep breath, mustering as much confidence as I could, before turning to face Kadyn and Rafael. “I don’t want to hear any arguments from either of you. I put a lot of time into this seafood lasagna, so we’re going to talk over dinner.”

  Rafael shot me an incredulous look. “You want me to eat dinner with a guy who just punched me in the face?”

  I fisted my hands on my hips. “And why was he punching you in the face?” I prompted.

  Rafael rolled his eyes. “He was trying to protect you.”

  I raised a single eyebrow. “Hmmm. Looks like you guys have something in common. We can begin our conversation there. Kadyn, why don’t you grab a Sprite from the refrigerator? Rafael, you grab the wine and three glasses. I’ll gather the silverware, napkins, and plates.”

  Both men appeared stunned by my sudden bossiness, but they did as I asked. They hovered behind two chairs on opposite sides of the table as I set out the silverware and plates.

  Kadyn’s eyes narrowed. “Why are there four plates?”

  I huffed out a breath. “Because my friend Shae is on her way over here, and it would be rude to eat in front of her.” Both men stared at me questioningly, but I refused to elaborate.

  I glanced at Kadyn as the doorbell rang. “Do you mind answering the door while I get the lasagna? Rafael, will you grab the salad, dressing, and bread?”

  Rafael followed me into the kitchen. He boxed me in when I approached the counter.

  My fingers strayed to his nose. “I’m so sorry.”

  His face knit with concern. “What’s going on, Kristine? He brought you flowers.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know, but I think we’re about to find out.”

  He kissed my cheek, then whispered, “Just so we’re clear… there’s no way I’m letting you go.”

  I handed him the salad and bread as he pushed off from the counter. “I don’t want you to,” I replied.

  He nodded once before walking into the dining room.

  I trailed behind him with the lasagna. I set the pan on the table before turning to greet Shae. I froze mid-step. “Is that Scrabble?”

  Shae laughed. “Yep. I love this game, and I never get to play. I thought I’d take advantage of the fact that you have a full house and make you all play with me.”

  “I don’t play Scrabble,” Rafael replied as he returned from the kitchen with the salad dressing.

  Kadyn grinned. “What’s the matter? Don’t know any big words?”

  “Kadyn!” I gasped.

  “Oh, I know plenty of words,” Rafael retorted, “and in eight different languages. How many languages do you speak?”

  Kadyn’s jaw clenched as he pulled out his chair. He didn’t bother answering the question.

  Shae set the game on the buffet cabinet before sinking into the chair at the end of the table. “Smells great, Kri. What is it?”

  My hands shook as I poured the wine. I handed Shae and Rafael their glasses. “It’s a crab and lobster lasagna. I tried to recreate the recipe from a dish I ate in Paris. Go ahead guys, dish up.”

  I took the chair opposite Shae, so the guys were sitting between us. Everyone served himself. I eyed them all cautiously before offering a toast. “Budmo.”

  Rafael’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. Kadyn’s eyes narrowed.

  Shae laughed. “It’s a Ukrainian toast,” she explained. Her sparkling brown eyes met mine. “Za vas.”

  I leaned back in my chair and sipped the wine. I was trying to gather my thoughts while everyone else dug in.

  Shae toyed with the salad before trying the lasagna. “Wow. This is really good, Kri.”

  “Very good,” Rafael agreed. “I didn’t realize you could cook like this.”

  “I did,” Kadyn responded. “She used to cook for me all the time.”

  Rafael froze with his fork halfway to his mouth. His eyes narrowed. “In case you missed the memo, she was cooking this lasagna for me.”

  Kadyn glared from across the table. “It wasn’t my idea to join you.”

  Shae cleared her throat. “I can see I have my work cut out for me.”

  Everyone looked at her. “What?” I asked. “What work?”

  She leaned back in her chair and tapped her chin. “Now, let’s see if I’ve got this straight. You used to date Kadyn. Michael came along and threw a wrench into that. Kadyn decided he didn’t want to date anymore. Then you started dating Rafael. Kadyn got mad when he heard you were dating Rafael. You had words. He left. You didn’t think he’d ever speak to you again, and now he’s shown up with flowers.”

  My jaw fell slack. “Shae…” I warned.

  She smiled. “So, let’s consider the parties’ interests.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You are not mediating this!”

  Shae laughed. “Well, given the tension around this table, it’s pretty obvious I’m going to have to de-escalate the conflict before we can play Scrabble.”

  I set my wine glass on the table. “What? You want to clear the air so we can play Scrabble?”

  Shae nodded. “So, back to the parties’ interests… That one’s easy. Both parties are interested in dating Kri. Am I right?”

  Rafael and Kadyn exchanged looks, then slowly nodded.

  Shae smiled. “Okay. Now on to positions. You both believe Kri belongs with you and only you. You don’t want her dating anyone else.”
br />   I buried my face in my hands. This wasn’t a train wreck. It was a nuclear disaster. I looked pleadingly across the table. “Shae, please. Let’s not do this.”

  Shae glanced from Rafael to Kadyn. “Am I right?”

  Both men mumbled, “Yes,” as they resumed eating.

  I shook my head before trying the lasagna. I glanced down at the pasta in surprise. I had nailed the recipe.

  Shae looked thoughtful as she sipped on her wine. “Needs… Now that’s a bit more difficult to define. Kadyn, what would you say your needs are?”

  Kadyn choked on his Sprite. “My needs?” He looked at me, thoroughly confused. “What is she talking about?”

  I shot him an apologetic look. I was stunned that he was even participating in the conversation. “What do you need from me?”

  Kadyn looked thoughtful. “Time. I need some time with you, so we can work things out.”

  Shae nodded before turning her attention to Rafael. “Okay, Rafael. Your turn.”

  Rafael’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not so sure I like where this conversation is headed. I don’t intend to negotiate the terms of my relationship with Kristine with anyone but Kristine.”

  Shae smiled. “I’m not making any decisions about your relationship. You are.”

  Rafael folded his arms across his chest. “I need time with her too. Time to prove I’m the one she should spend the rest of her life with.”

  I gasped. The rest of my life? As in marriage?

  Kadyn growled. “You are not the one she should spend the rest of her life with. I am.”

  I shot Shae a desperate look as I tried to steady my breathing.

  She offered me a sympathetic nod before continuing. “Okay, then. Bear with me. We’re almost there. Rafael, what is it you value?”

  Rafael raised an eyebrow as he turned toward me. “Value?”

  I groaned as I shoved my plate aside. I let my head fall across my folded arms. “Values… like honesty, respect, monogamy, personal security, love,” I mumbled from inside my arms.

  “I want all of those things,” Kadyn interjected.

  “So do I,” Rafael bit back.

  Shae grew quiet. She looked thoughtful, then finally responded. “Well, the good news is you have a lot of common ground.”

  I lifted my head from the table. “I don’t see how this resolves anything… and oh by the way, little miss mediator, you haven’t considered any of my interests, values, or needs.”

  Shae laughed. “Why, Kri! I thought you’d never ask. Go ahead. Tell us what you need.”

  My head fell back onto my arms. “Oh, God. I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”

  “We can’t sort through this until you tell us what you need,” Shae quietly responded.

  I lifted my head. My gaze shifted between Kadyn and Rafael. “I can’t choose between the two of you. Not right now. I care about you both. I don’t want to hurt anyone, and I have no idea who the best person is for me. I need time to sort through my feelings… time to figure this out.”

  Shae refilled our wine glasses. “Good, Kri. You need time. I think it’s safe to assume you value all the same things they do, since you offered up that list of values first. You’re interested in dating both men, and your position is that you won’t choose between them… not right now, anyway. Am I right?”

  I nodded as I slouched down in my chair.

  Shae took a deep breath. “Okay. Everyone needs time. So we’re going to make sure everyone gets the time they need.”

  All eyes locked on Shae.

  She glanced at Kadyn over the top of her wine. “Kadyn, pick one evening you would like to spend with Kri… one day of the week as sort of a standing date.”

  Rafael rose from his chair. “Absolutely not. She’s dating me.”

  Shae nodded. “Yes, she is, but she’s going to start dating Kadyn too. She needs to spend time with both of you in order to make a decision about who to date exclusively.”

  The smallest of smiles flitted across Kadyn’s face. “I’ll take Saturday nights.”

  Rafael glowered at Kadyn as he leaned across the table. “You are not dating Kristine. You had your chance, and you blew it.”

  Kadyn rose from the table. “I did no such thing. Your brother stole her from me.”

  “Stop,” Shae exclaimed forcefully. “Sit down, both of you, before you upset Kri.”

  Both men slowly sat.

  Rafael’s eyes sought mine. “You can’t want this, Kristine.”

  My eyes filled with tears. I glanced pleadingly at Shae.

  Her eyes and voice softened. “How else are you going to decide? You need to spend time with both of them.”

  I slowly nodded.

  “Then I want to see her on Fridays and Sundays,” Rafael responded irritably.

  Kadyn’s eyes met mine. “If we’re picking multiple days, then I’d like to see her on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.”

  I shook my head. “Thursday is my late night at school.” My eyes flitted back toward Shae. “My entire schedule could change in a month, when summer session begins.”

  “Let’s just get through this first month,” she encouraged softly. “Besides, Kristine needs a night to herself. The rest of the evenings should be evenly divided between the two of you.”

  I drank my entire glass of wine and refilled the glass. “I cannot believe we are negotiating this.”

  Kadyn reached for another piece of lasagna. “Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, then.”

  Shae glanced at Rafael. “Are you okay with Fridays, Sundays, and Tuesdays?”

  Rafael shook his head. “Not really, but if this helps Kristine see that I’m the man she belongs with, then I’ll do it.”

  Shae exhaled loudly as she fell back against her chair. “Okay. Let’s establish some ground rules.”

  “Ground rules,” I repeated numbly.

  Shae disappeared into the library. “Hold on. I need to track down a pen and some paper.”

  I glanced nervously from Kadyn to Rafael. I wondered if there was a single one of us that was happy with this arrangement.

  Shae plopped back into her chair with a notebook and pen. “Okay, Kadyn. Offer up a ground rule.”

  Kadyn laughed. “That’s easy. I don’t want him following or spying on us when we’re together.”

  Shae nodded. “You got that, Mr. Bodyguard? You’re off duty when she’s with Kadyn. He’s fully capable of keeping her safe.”

  “He didn’t keep her safe from Justin Morris,” Rafael retorted.

  “And, you didn’t keep her safe from the lunatic who tried to drown and strangle her to death,” Kadyn bit back.

  “That wasn’t on my watch. She was with Jean,” Rafael responded through gritted teeth.

  Shae threw her hands in the air. “Enough. I think it’s safe to say those were extremely rare and very extenuating circumstances. I think you’re both capable of keeping her safe. Kristine, would you agree?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I feel safe with both of them.”

  “Fine,” Rafael replied. “I don’t want him spying on us either.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Kadyn muttered.

  Shae tapped her pen against the table. “Rafael, do you want to add a ground rule?”

  “Yes. I don’t want her having sex with him.”

  “Well, I don’t want her having sex with you either,” Kadyn responded.

  “Each of you said you value monogamy. So, I assume everyone agrees that you should abstain from having sex while Kri is dating you both,” Shae interjected.

  The conversation stalled.

  I glanced around the room. I could have sworn I’d just heard crickets chirp.

  Neither Kadyn nor Rafael looked pleased.

  I didn’t know what to think. I’d already had sex with both men, although not in the same calendar year. I knew it was wrong to sleep with two people at the same time, but I also knew they’d be pushing the limits of this agreement, doing everything th
ey could to make sure I wanted to have sex with them. How was I going to resist that?

  Shae cleared her throat. “The alternative is you can all get tested for STD’s and exchange the test results so everyone knows it’s safe.” She looked pointedly at Kadyn and Rafael. “Then you’d have to come to terms with the fact that you’re not the only man Kri will be sleeping with.”

  My heart pounded as I waited for Kadyn and Rafael to respond. Nobody said a word.

  Shae filled the silence. “Okay. I think you should all get the tests done, just to be on the safe side. We’ll keep the ground rule in place, but the test results are good to have in case anyone slips up or in case you want to remove the ground rule later.”

  I nodded numbly.

  “Kristine, do you want to add a ground rule?”

  I looked at Kadyn and Rafael. “I don’t want anyone fighting.”

  Shae studied the two men. “Can you both agree to that?”

  They both nodded.

  Shae smiled. “Okay. Any other ground rules?”

  Rafael cleared his throat. “I’m teaching Kristine self-defense and Russian. She needs the instruction, but I don’t want that eating into the limited time I have to date her, and I don’t want Kadyn here thinking that I’m breaking the rules if I offer some instruction on his days.”

  “You’re not the only person capable of teaching her self-defense,” Kadyn responded. “I can teach her too.”

  “I’m not sure when Kri is going to have time to fit that in. She starts work on Monday, and she still needs time to go to school and complete her homework,” Shae responded with concern.

  Rafael’s eyes met mine. “What if we work on your self-defense skills for an hour each weekday morning before we go to work?”

  Kadyn looked frustrated. “But that just gives you more time with her. Why don’t you take the mornings that correspond with your date nights and I’ll take the mornings that correspond with mine. We can both teach her self-defense.”

  Shae refilled her wine glass. “That sounds like a good compromise. Anything else?”

  The three of us exchanged glances, then shook our heads.

  Shae folded her arms against the table. “Okay. I’m going to suggest this agreement stay in effect until Kri and I leave for Ukraine, which is approximately one month from now. Hopefully, Kri can use that time in Ukraine to reassess her feelings and to decide which one of you she wants to continue dating exclusively.”


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