A New Era

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A New Era Page 2

by Chris Red

  “I think that we will leave Natan to take a rest, he suggested winking to him, who show a smile full of tiredness and relief, but as for you Ahmed, he continued, I would like to show you something outside if you want.

  _ Yizrah, are intriguing me ?

  It was night outside, they must discussed for hours and hours. Ilham took advantage of this moment to send Farah to sleep

  And provide Natan with whatever is necessary for him to take a rest peacefully. She doesn’t wait for someone to ask her to do so, before she goes to sleep. At the same time, Yizrah and Ahmed escaped secretly under the sky full of stars !

  “Ah, it is beautiful those stars, said Yizrah sighing , while raising his head toward the sky.

  _ I hope that you don’t do your drugs act Yizrah ! answered Ahmed. After all, I don’t know if you have much time to have combats with life that you brought, he added clinging to his new clerk.”

  Yizrah looked to him from the side of his eyes and murmured:

  “watch out Ahmed...watch out...”

  Then the two guys explode in laughing.

  “Ah, Yizrah, it feels fo good to see other people, I must confess that even if we are not happy together, it is so good to find a human contact.

  - And me, I must confess that I would like to talk as friends, don’t you agree?

  - Yes, you are right, as much as life became so simple, we should make our relations simpler.”

  - Yizrah took out a small packet from his pocket , unfold it, took rom what seems to be weirdly a cigarette, he gave one to Ahmed :

  “you smoke ?

  - In the past, yes. But this was a long time ago. Where did you find Tabaco? He asked him.

  - Well, with Natan, we pass by a small community a bit spread out , by the name of Jameston as we told you before. We found out that they owne a land, with fertile environment, they have different kinds of plants, vegetables, fruits, and also Tabaco.

  - It’s fascinating, we didn’t feel the joy of meeting any one in our path. We seems to be given over to ourselves, confessed Ahmed.

  - Yes, I understand. We also knew this feelings. I think that we were haunted somewhere else.

  But will you allow me to use the flame of your chimney to light up the cigarette? Asked Yizrah.

  - Well sure, please, replied Ahmed while opening the door to him.”

  When a high temperature generally prevailed during the day, the nights was usually refreshing, Ahmed had built a small chimney by that effect that allowing to keep inside the settlement in a reigning temperature at night.

  “here you go Ahmed, use those paper of tobacco dried by old ways, he told him while giving the cigarette.

  - Thanks friend, he said before suffocate from the first puff.”

  “ouf, well, It seems that I lost the habit. Thanks any way. More seriously , what you gonna do with Natan ?

  Are you going to continue going around the world without rest to find his brother?”

  Yizrah replied thinking:

  “I don’t know...it’s not a living for him , I am so scared...that he went through a lot of things, but Eyal is there...somewhere...we should find him... I feel that Natan would never get tired as long as he doesn’t know the truth.

  - I understand.

  - Well, its true, I made my life, I knew love, I lost my relatives, you know...but I lived, nothing will make me more happy than finding Eyal and watch Natan finding the joy of living. He lost everything, Eyal is his last hope.

  - You are tough, you didn’t loose it, reply Ahmed giving a look full of compassion to Yizrah.

  - No...definitely I don’t have anything more important than him in this world. In every village we passed through where we didn’t find any lead, or any source of hope, I can feel it thrusting , and it’s killing me. Like I told you before, I made my own life once I have certain pleasure in exploring the planet and searching Eyal is the best thing that I can do. I have a suspicious that he is still alive, he was alive the last time we saw him,

  Our roads has been separated enforcing by things. Regarding Natan, it’s hard...it’s not a life for him. But he will never abandon his little boy, I have the impression that he won’t do that, he is not the mother’s boy for nothing , I am telling you, I have never seen a person stubborn like my sister...Ahmed...I don’t know if I made it clear for you, but...you are a very lucky man, as well as your family...the family who wasn’t broke up are so rare. Your live has turned upside down, even though you still united, in the same boat.

  - I am totally aware of this Yizrah. Thanks to my wife and daughter I succeeded to keep my head high and achieve all what I accomplished here.”

  The two men exchanged a look. Silence of a cathedral reign over them, everybody seems to be asleep in side. Their eyes focused in star-studded sky. Yizrah seems to be very suspicious despite the good term between each other’s, Ahmed understood that there is something disturbing him so he decided to take the first move :

  “Yizrah, you seem a bit suspicious, is there something you want to talk to me about?

  - I...well...when I saw you and your family...it is the environment that I want to Natan... that he lives his youth ...I’m afraid that we are committed in a path which is not making him happy...I understand his selfless... but...

  - Don’t say more, I understand. But you can’t abandon him, he will be devastated.

  - No, I can’t, but he can.”

  The two man exchanged a fast look, Yizrah looked down then he continue :

  “Tell me, you and your family...your life is here, isn’t it? You are not planning to go in a vacation recently.”

  That made Ahmed smile.

  “No, for us, this place, is for living, I know very well, why would we put our happiness at risk? We are happy , and to tell you the truth, we were never mentioned the possibility to go somewhere else.

  - I felt it before, really...I can suggest an idea my friend?

  - I don’t know why, but I saw you coming, we barely know each other , but I do understand you. It is regarding Natan, isn’t it?

  - Yes, I would like to put him under your care, I was thinking about it all the afternoon... the way you accommodate us, the scent of happiness and calm that we can breathe at you ...that what Natan needs...before of course continue his researches if I fail by then.

  - It’s been a long time that someone complimented me, I would have love it if you were my boss when I used to work...thank you for your confidence any way, I will be honored to watch over him, but he won’t accept it. And he may feel bored. Besides, we barely knew each other, but he became a man by being with you, I will never doubt it... he should be strong and learn to just live his life. I will talk to him tomorrow if I got the approval from you and Ilham.

  - Cool my friend” said Ahmed.

  The two men stayed for a moment still without exchanging any word, just the cigarette was sharing out between them, until it was totally consumed. On the one hand, Ahmed thought about this night as the most amazing, as well as the possibility of having a new companion with them. He was rather happy, but he also felt compassion for his two friends. On the other hand, Yizrah was lost in his ideas, he remembered the day before that he was with Ahmed and his family, of their warmed reception. Ahmed trusted him right away he knew from the first moment that their encounter wasn’t fortuitos, and that they will be friend. Even though he has was worry about Natan, he was certain that leaving his nephew to return for him later, the time that Natan rest a bit and mature, was what he should do. He must do his own searches. Natan won’t accept it, he won’t understand. An instant later Ahmed convinced Yizrah to go inside to sleep. Both of them need rest.

  It was a cool night, the house enlightened by the stars like the canopy of heaven, almost everybody were in deep sleep. Only Yizrah who had difficulty to sleep , he was preoccupied by thinking. His mind didn’t deign to pause, until the physical weariness end up by taking him to the tenacity of mind. A lot of questions were running through his mind. Was he doing the r
ight thing to leave Natan ? who will he react?

  Despite his difficulty to find sleep, Yizrah was the first to wake up, even before Natan.we can say that this young scrooge sleep deeply. What he ignored was , in future, he would pass less mornings to have an easy time, but rather help Ahmed in his daily routines. The gentleman should wake up at dawn, finding a new rhythm that he didn’t use to , cause traveling from a village to another never gave him the advantage to know well the meaning of the word “work”. His uncle was totally aware of it, he didn’t wish for his nephew to spend all his life searching for a brother with minor chance of success. He should at least give him the opportunity to become a man, he proved unwillingly the need to be strong, to know few of the inconveniences of life, to suffer a bit, but also get introduced to the joy and the family life. All these will help him to be much stronger and less sensible toward the deceptions and the obstacles that may put him it the path which will lead him to his lost brother.

  While the young man was asleep, for the first time, Ahmed was not the only one to put his hand on the dough. Yizrah was the one puting one’s shoulder to the wheel. Ahmed’s courage and passion , makes him feel no doubt that he took the right decision regarding Natan. Life holds sometimes strange surprises, he said. The time that he thought was wasting, he made the most significant meeting of all his tour around the world. Of course, Ahmed and his family live totally at the marge of the rest of the world, but they can bring a lot of good things to his nephew, he knew he can counted on them, which was only mutual before. Yizrah was that kind of man who

  Never forgot what ‘s been done to him, which he will give it back to you when he can. The two men talked for a few moments this morning. The host doesn’t want to mess up his guest. He doesn’t forget that he is in life crossroad’s which require to seal the fate for the most precious human being for him. Peaceful calm reign between the two men, but it was a soothing one. Sometimes, some people don’t have to communicate in a certain way to prove that they are together. This was the case between them. Both of them dread the moment that they should talk to Natan. Although , one of them is dreading more.

  Since his arrival, Natan is gazing the clay house with orange materials mixing up with landscape. He raise up his eyes to the sky, observing the sun curve, the main indicator at the moment of the apocalypse realizing that it is time to eat. He has no idea about the number of hours he spent with his eyes shut, now that he gain the benefit from a refreshing sleep, his stomach is screaming from hunger. He loved two simple things after all, sleep well and eat well. When he lays down at night, he has the impression to be one to one with himself, his uncle is not around, he felt beset by doubt , his heart misty with grief. If being with uncle allow him during the day not to think much about his brother, even though their common questing; the night, his feelings are totally different.in such cases, the tiredness becomes is best friend. They walked a lot under the sun, passing by hosts more welcoming was inspiring, his mind was also busy, a heaven of peace has been offered to him. Finally he can enjoy one long sleep that he had longed for. So The time comes to eat properly and to regain the power for new ones. He rather not to think about the direction to take to continue their tour. He has so much confidence in the family master. The only option they have is to keep exploring more and more the numerous corners of the planet.

  During that time, Farah and Ilham were observing them with curiosity. He didn’t noticed their presence, he Seems sinking in a second state, when they saw him stretching out his body, Farah laughed before saying:

  “it’s been a long time since you slept like that, isn’t it?”

  Surprised, Natan returned, I didn’t sleep that good for so long, since... euh...I don’t even remember the last time.

  _ in a moment, I thought that you will never wake up, the little one was overbidding , who, is bursting with energy.”

  Ilham looked at them with curiosity, she was saying that those two would make a sacred duet. She ignored at that moment that the little one’s dream will be a reality soon. When her dear offspring keeps teasing the one she seems admiring secretly, she saw both workers coming back with their hands full of provisions.

  Reaching the place, Farah threw herself toward her father as usual. But this time he wasn’t the only one to have the right to tease the little child. After him, it was Yizrah’s turn to be embraced by the little girl which relaxed him a bit. In fact, his look seems concentrated.

  He was so preoccupied. Natan noticed immediately that his uncle seemed deeply moved. He never saw that expression before in his face. Most probably, he can’t remember it. He just had to observe , wondering what is the reason behind these thoughts. The other one didn’t give any attention to the way his nephew would look at him. He just enter the little Farah’s game. He lay down then ruffled her hair with his left hand. The little girl rush toward her mother making face. Yizrah just threw himself toward Natan fast, but with a deep look, captured between by the young man. That exchange was short, but seems to be several seconds, for both of them. Natan realized the something is wrong, there’s something fishy going on, or whale under hoose shipping , as Yizrah used to say.

  The reunion was short and happy, the small group of friends, taken by Farah’s sparkling , entered inside to eat. Ilham and Ahmed played together. As for Yizrah, he was also lot in his thinking. That it didn’t escaped to the two kids, in particular, Farah who can’t keep herself from annoying him. So he regain back his smile. Kids have this unique ability that we loose somehow when we grow up to make others laugh and smile when they wanted to do so. Carried by their lack of concerns and aside from all the troubles that worry the grownups , they are nothing but joy and amusement. Which the grownups need sometimes to became themselves.

  As for the married couples Jalalah can discus in a low voice , in their intimate sphere. Ahmed decided to entrust discreetly to the chosen of his heart the subject discussed with Yizrah the other night.

  Ilham was choked when she knew the uncle’s projects for his nephew. She returned back, she keeps observing them, in particular Natan and Farah. “ Farah would also had a big brother . in a way... After all, can’t see any harm in that.... Even if...., “ she was thinking. She gave her approval to Ahmed but she made clear that it must be upon Natan’s choice.

  Once the meal was ready, Ilham and her husband reunited their guests. Smells good, they received more greetings for their hospitality. Ilham thanks Yizrah for helping her husband, above all for keeping him company .

  “Nat’, can you come with me outside? I need to talk to you.”

  Natan just follow him, he was in a hurry to know what his uncle is covering.

  The two guys moved forward slowly, closed to each other, Natan didn’t take his eyes off Yizrah for a moment, he wasn’t patient watching out for the first word coming from his mouth. He was seized by some fear from his uncle aptitude. He wondered what he may dread.his uncle was trying to find the words. When suddenly, he stopped: “Nat’, listen. What do you think about that place and this family ?”

  Natan didn’t see what he is really up to do:

  “well, I like them so much. They seem to be the most pleasant persons whom we ever met! I think I will miss them ...definitely that’s why we shouldn’t stay too long.”

  His uncle looked at him, his face start to brighten and let go a little uncontrolled smile.

  Natan continued with a joking ton :

  “if we stayed too long, then we should never leave uncle.”

  Yizrah turned facing his nephew, scraping his chin before start to say:

  “ listen Nat’, what do you think about staying here?”

  _ but my uncle! And Eyal! He protested.

  _ Calm down! I know very well. I didn’t say that we abandon him . I am saying... eh well... you are young , you need home, to grow up normally... I will continue searching, I know where I can find you...

  _ you want to leave without me? What should I do here alone?

  _ you will live with Ahm
ed and his family. You will help them as they help you. You will need eat. I can’t keep you spending your life anywhere for too long.

  _ But I like spending my time traveling...

  _ I will come for you, don’t worry about that.

  _ I am not, I am just... you put me in the final touch... I want to find Eyal to feel useful ...i

  Want to be part, I don’t want anyone to take me as company,. I don’t want to spend my life beside the friends who returned back!

  - Finding your brother seems complicated , it may take weeks or even years, which may result nothing at all. It require patience.

  - But I am patient !

  - No, you are determined, it is not the same. You have character, but with every disappointment, your moral is touched, I know it well.

  Forget Eyal for a while, learn to live in a community form your faultless character. You can understand this Natan?”

  Natan looked down , Yizrah couldn’t see his eyes as it was hidden by his white hair. He tried to put his right hand on his left shoulder , but end up swept away by his other hand.

  “ leave me ....” He said sadly, before weave from his uncle toward the house.

  Yizrah didn’t move and observed him entering the house with his head down.

  One night pass. Another meal , in silence. The two men didn’t talk at all. Now, the sun is about to rise , giving the atmosphere a slightly heat. Ahmed is sitting beside Yizrah, preparing together his provisions. In fact the Jalalah family took care of to build up small reserves from food and water by time. They decided withoutv hesitating to dig it up to make sure that Yizrah all what is needed in his journey. The last-mentioned knows where he will go. He is going to find the last community he met lately. Then? He doesn’t have any idea, he will let himself go with the wind, fom an encounter to another , from an improvising to another.However, there is an interesting rumor, but he didn’t mentioned it with Natan because before taking that step he wish to verify its reality. If those sayings reveal to be based on evidences. There will be hope to find Eyal. Anyway, he doesn’t have any better options. Except continue to move from one community to another.


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