A New Era

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A New Era Page 5

by Chris Red

  Ilham, who took care before that to prepare a bed for the guest . The end up the night between the men . Aaron told them about some of his journeys and evoke many plants and wild life representatives that he could discover during his travels. Ahmed was passionate by the old man story. Natan felt the same, but something was bothering him regarding this new comer. He doesn’t seem strange to him. His face looks very familiar; he has rather a good memory of faces. And he couldn’t remember from where he got this impression that is torturing him. But, without bias, Aaron didn’t recognize him a all.

  Ahmed was the first to slip away.

  “may I excuse, it’s getting late ,we are not waiting for a lady, he laughed and said, Aaron when you like to sleep, make yourself confortable, Ilham prepared a bed for you, good night for both of you.”

  Natan then founf himself alone with this man that doesn’t seem stange at all, even though not remembering where he encounter him.

  “you not tired Natan.

  - No, not really, actually, a bit...but I have too much trouble sleeping at the moment...

  - Ah?! You are not the kind of person who is troubled by a woman ? cause for me, at your age...”

  “Non... I prefer....”

  Natan looked down before raising his eyes toward his speaker , approaching to him too serious:

  “ in fact, Aaron, to tell you everything, I feel violent humming, I am sweating, I have too much trouble sleeping , my heart beats are fast, we don’t have a doctor in the village and I can’t tell the others, to be honest, we rarely get sick. You who travelled a lot, you may have an opinion regarding this symptoms? You may know a grand father therapy.”

  The carelessness of the young man made him smile, but he act seriously against his interrogations.

  “I am not sure Aaron” he regretfully said.

  Before continuing:

  “I don’t have a grandfather remedy. But I may have an explanation. Only...he said before hesitating to say something else.

  - If only? Reacted Natan , can’t support this long silence.

  - If only, I may be wrong. Then, my experience makes say that sometimes it is difficult to believe what we can’t understand.

  - I can’t follow you Aaron, Natan puzzled replied.

  - Come with me, let’s make a tour outside.”

  Natan came out in favor and the two men stood up and went out discreetly from the house. He went in calm toward the bench in the small enlighten area by the sky full of stars of Jalalah. Scilence bear down on the small village. It was late, they were the only persons in it awake in this late hour.

  “ Natan, do you believe in god?”

  The other one didn’t expect this question:

  “ not really, I never dream about it. I know that before the...you know...the maps were distributed along the planet somehow. Well, my family was Jewish, practitioner, but I was a child. I found myself alone with my uncle. But he abandoned his believe , I think.

  - You are then capable to make your own opinion, you are nor formatted. Rethink about all what you learned in the past then explain to me your feelings towards god.

  - I am not sure what you are up to Aaron, replied Natan who naturally address the old guy before Aaron start to react .”

  Their relationship became suddenly so intimate

  “but to give you an answer , god...”

  Natan breathe out before answering:

  “No , I don’t believe in such a dogma, I don’t believe in the existence of a supreme being whopull the string behind the wings. It seem to be absurd to me. I think that we should just live without asking such questions.

  “I agree with you, replied Aaron , satisfied from the young wonderer. But does it mean that god doesn’t exist?

  - What do you want to say?

  - Siècles and millennium ago, humanity was influenced by ancient writings like the bible, the coran or the Torah. You may not know about its contents. But it’s not important. Humans found refugein these stories, but those also has divided them. There wasn’t yet any prove about its truthfulness, you understand?”

  Aaron stopped for a moment, to take his breath and to find the words. Natan look attentively to him, at the same time emerged by the discussion, but totally disconcerted since he doesn’t see the connection to his sleeping troubles. Although that he is appreciating the life in Jalalah, he often find the opportunity to have such rich out passing cadre of concern conversation since his uncle departure.

  Aaron continues:

  “ Men yet used to believe in something that wasn’t rational at all based on written traces, although their faith is not based on anything tangible. And they denied other believes that seemed absurd to them without invaliding it or confirm it for too long with certainty. How to tell you? Sometimes, we didn’t have to believe, we knew it, we can feel it and nothing is certain as what we personally feel, no one can tell you what you feel is wrong. Are you following Natan?

  - Yes, yes. I can’t see exactly the connection to my insomnia to teel you the truth, but I am captured about all what you are saying, he smiled and said.

  - Thank you Natan, don’t worry I will reach my target. Siècles ago , Gallelio discovered that earth is turning around the sun, not the universe ,he was a scientist. He was judged as heretic by the catholic who were themselves convinced that the sun is the one turning around the earth , as it was the center of the Universe. What I want to say, is

  What we believe or want we want to get believed in for reasons that deep inside escaping from us are not always true.

  What we know must all the time be for a cause. Now, here from where I came, I mean, based on my own experience, god is osmosis, he is everywhere, exist in us, on the air, in plants, and his energy is invading us. But, not all the men are capable to feel it. I don’t think that you are sick Natan, I just think that that your mind and your body is sinking in a totally natural world deprived from all interior track down, it keeps trying to find its real nature.

  - It is true that I don’t really feel sick. On the contrary, in fact.

  - No fear to be, but be careful, I don’t want to persuade you Natan, I would like to give you the chance to open your mind for transformation that you may living without realizing it or suspect it or even understand it. You still following Natan ?”

  Natan drunk the old wise man speeches, he nod to encourage Aaron to continue . which made him said:

  “Listen carefully. Our body is vibratory. Which means that it is sensible to absorb waves and invisible energy to eye that are spreading in the whole universe. Our body vibrates in contact with it. You neglect our potential all the time. And its always the same nowadays. Before the 21 century’s cataclysm , a lot of humans are awakened but unfortunately, more of them has disappeared. I don’t know what was your brain wave but what you are feelingeventhough I can’t confirm with certainty. It will be as a feeling, but I lived it, years ago. Man’s destiny is to evolve Natan.

  - Allow mw to interrupt you Aaron.

  - Yes, sure go ahead.

  - What do you mean by awakened?

  - I will tell you my own story to explain it, when I was so young ia had a job, I worked with the police. I was deicated to it, cause I had noble ideals

  Fighting injustice, bring mu modest contribution to the society and to reduce the misdemeanor. Unfortunately, there I found the black aspects of humans.i felt so lost for years, I was not in osmosis with what I like to be and what I do in reality. As a total, my thoughts, my speeches and my acts are not in harmony , I couldn’t say what was the click. But after Ian encounter made in my work. A suspect who to tell me all, who I was connected by great friendship, my life has changed, he encourage me to think by myself , to do my researches , about life, man origin to implicate what we have been inculcate since our childhood, especially Darwin theory, without holding a formal proves about the truthfulness of my researches achievements’, I would have the conviction. I achieved certainty , I awakened. I pass through a transformation period , when I
felt unordinary phenomena, similar to what you are feeling, and more, but it belonged to world where we are living . I found out some powers. Natan , you might see me as an insane, but I am used to this, but I will reveal your potential.

  - Natan, do you really feel sick, seriously ?”

  - Natan thought before replying , his head was down toward his legs that was hitting mechanically the sand :

  “No, not really... I feel different... but I am too scared to talk about it , to not be understood, and then made sin. I regretted that my uncle is not here.

  - i....

  - Ah ! got it ! I remembered ! at Jcko’s ! I was sure I saw you somewhere Aaron ! one day, I was sitting on a table with my uncle and you were there. We didn’t introduce to each other. To tell you the truth , you scared few persons that night.

  - Yes, it happen. I am between the rare persons who deign to be accepted to be listen what I want to say.

  - I don’t expet you to be a liar, I felt it that day.”

  Aarom smiled from his heard:

  “ thank you young man, makes me happy, this cheerfully compensate for every time I was treated as an insane... I would like to offer you my services Natan.

  - Your services ? Natan astonished.

  - Yes, I would like to guid you through your awakening, to help you. If you pass through the same evolution as mine the other day, with a bit of help and some advices won’t be too much for you. Then, this will allow me to erase any doubt that you may have. If this is not the case, if I am wrong, well , we separate.

  - Why not? I don’t have much to lose , you know I like to live here so much, but I always dreamed the extra ordinaries.

  The truth my young friend ! the truth nothing more.

  - But you know Aaron , I am not staying here... there is someone I must find.

  - Eyal, isn’t it?”

  Natan livid stand up :

  “How do you know my brother ? I didn’t mention him to you !

  - Calm down Natan. I will explain it to you later. I can help you to find him.”

  Natan was skeptical after a while, but his instinct is pushing him to gain his confidence. They stayed more time outside discussing , they went to sleep a few moments before sunrise, at dawn. It was a night rich in information foe Natan.

  Chapter 4: Stambouli city

  Yizrah and Natan had travelled a lot until now, but they didn’t visit except tiny part of the planet. They are many corners at earth they need to explore. A lot of zones still desert, others repopulated, the planets takes its course once again, it flourish fast in some regions, the weather conditions recreate what had been gone. The means of communication and exchanged had disappeared, never know how the life is in thousands kilometers. This was the case of Stambouli inhabitants. He can’t imagine that other humans can live in such rudimentary conditions, reflected by the Jalalah family. Life always find it’s way. Just sometime its evolution rhythm flow by slowly like a long river, other time it reveal turbulent and incontrollable to a waterfall. At Stambouli city , everything is precipitate.it is Protected by impressive chain of mountains circling the city. Stambouli is an evolution mystery for its inhabitants who meant to be, in a good place in the right time. Regarding the technologies, the buildings, the beauty, the wealth, Stambouli contain unimaginable treasure . no one wish to leave, neither that it open its doors to anyone. Despite of all its splendors the hierarchy on the other hand harmful to civilizations had regain its rights. An elite had imposed and regulate the life in society. If you walk around the city you can discover the face of “chief of places” , in giant digital screens reflecting in three dimensions. You can also perceive it in the multiple screens around the Arena of the village placed in the middle of the city. Sports also had regain its place and took part between a lot of activities that population “him” was indebted. The city was divided into more districts. ..when the whole earth surface the identity and the appearance at a community has stump, it was reinforced at Stambouli. Every districts has its own name,

  The inhabitants were for most of them grouped by racial origins. The naming have been changed, but by recreating such a city , men were assembled to live beside those who are the most similar to them. The competition spirit to struggle, and fighting had reappeared. That’s how that districts was regularly facing during its sportive joust.a championship had been created especially to entertain the governor, to whom Arena was offering. All this is part of Stambouli History. No habitant can forget it. It was aimed preserving in the memory by indelibly printed it on different important sites by the Arena entrance.

  A man contemplates the governor face. He observes his deep cheeks carefully, his sharp black eyes on top of it thick brown eyebrow, his skull balding from the middle , but borded on the sides with black hair. he has worry and reassuring figure. A weird feeling attack his body. Enveloped in a long and thick black coat, a hood covering part of his features. Then, after looking at him for the last time, he went toward the Arena entrance. He distinguishes from far away the commemorative writings of the governor and stamboulian people, but his rush was slow down by the crowd’s frenzy. This one came from everywhere, shouting, encouragements, songs. It was unheard of spectacle. His presence passed by without noticing in the middle of the agitated crowd. Even though, his look was not totally discreet. The way he observes, to look everywhere, to analyze everything. A visitor has been introduced in the city. No one seems to notice him. He took patiently his tiredness to approaches slowly, but definitely to the Arena’s doors. Those were still facing him. It wasn’t more far than twenty meters. A glass wall enlighten , in different colors seems to vocalize to vanish in the air , was spreading meters and meters high. We can hardly perceive the sky in front of such building. That wall stetched also in its length in a circular way. Glass paunch was covering it . certain sparkles in thousands colors, others

  Had digital screens, on which image of past events were succeed. A giant engraving over hanged by the entrance . Just under the doors, it was impossible to miss it. The visitor read carefully “ Stambouli Arena”... he looked to the right and left of the doors where the history of the place was diffused. Its progressing in the stadium direction. More than few kilometers. The people went inside in a hurry , after that they appeared suddenly from everywhere outside the stadium. They tighten up near the corridor that goes to the other cavern. There were stacked , shake around , agitated, his hood went back, his face hedges everywhere. No one disregard peoples worries were elsewhere. They can distinguishing, talking, shouting from everywhere, but he can’t distinguish any sound in particular, it is like a hubbub to him without name...

  Here he is, he arrived to the doors, the sky disappeared completely under his head. He went through a corridor distinguishing far away two guardians monitoring the entrances. Behind them, glace doors represent the last defense bringing to inside. When he approaches to the entrance, he put his hand in his right pocket to search for his ticket. He pulled it and study it minutely, to tell the truth, he doesn’t understand all of it. He raise his head, his turn is getting close. Now that he almost by the sid e of the glass entrance he can discern a sort of electric belt blocking the access to the middle of the place, after a spectator give his ticket to the guardian that he pass through a cart reader . he never saw such a sophisticated technology since...good ages ago. It seem to outdriven by what is observed.

  “ good morning, your ticket please , asked the guardian siting on the left side.

  _ Good day, here it is.”

  At the same time, he perceived an electromagnetic purple belt link up the two glass doors, the guardian pass the ticket in the reader. The purple light shut down suddenly after he heard a positive beep.

  “you can go, good match !

  - Thank you... you too?! “He replied before moving on. He walked few meters in the rout to Graal.

  it is rather a tight corridor with wall made from glass or from crystal, he doesn’t know. The partitions were clear, almost crystal clear, but not trans
parent. This technical spectacle was marvelous to the eyes. He let himself guided by the predecessor that are considered as guid and at the end of the tunnel, his ticket went out from a cart reader , a guardian took and give it to him.

  “good night Mr , seat 66 , line D , stand 8, go from this corridor by your right side. Good match.

  - Thank you.”

  In front of him, still there is the same crystal wall, the access to the stand is divided into two ways. As they mention to him, he took the one on the right side. He took some time to pass by the crowd: a lot of spectators are waiting down before getting their seats. There were discussing in small groups. By his right, far away, he perceived a young lady leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette. Brown , long hair a body rather tempting. His senses seem to be agitated. He went to pass in front of her and give her few furtive looks. She might be his daughter. But her curves , her forms, her small white sleeve less T-shirt skin-tight , exhausting her chest to perfection devouring without modesty the belly bottom ,highly troubling him. His eyes can’t avoid to look more down, her stretched pants leave you predicting the divine legs. But it is not just that. He continued to walk trying to not staring , even though his heart is beating very fast.

  Arriving to her, he fixed his look right to her.

  “Good night , sweet stranger !” she said with a teasing and slightly tone.


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