A New Era

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A New Era Page 8

by Chris Red

  " Why not? But if I really get into detail, i promises it will be long.

  - I have plenty of time.

  - We lived in Paris in that time. As you do not have to ignore it, the Arab League had hit hard in Europe during summer. Germany had fallen. But the Jewish League had nevertheless taken London and the British islands. Both camps intended to take up Paris. The city was literally under bombs. My uncle was a member of a group of Resistance fighters. Even if we were a family of Jewish confession, Yizrah disapproved totally of the belligerent behavior of the Jewish League and wished to protect France. he had become one of the leaders of its small group. We often saw him at home, but never for a long time. He passed approximately once a week. He brought us foods and delivered us information on the situation. Then, he disappeared. And then one day, Aaliyah, my mother, decided to leave Paris. We had to leave on November 24th. The capital was on fire and on blood, it looked like more and more a field of ruins. Yizrah got my mother in touch with a man of Spanish origin.

  This man delivered false papers. My uncle had assured my mother that it was about a right-hand man. As she could not leave me and my brother alone in the house, shehad taken us with her when she went to the appointment which had been fixed by this trader of papers. Excuse me, I do not remember his name. The meeting was planned in Champ-de-Mars. Formerly, it was about one of the key places of the Light City. But in some month, the decoration darkened, the benches where we could sit down disappeared, souvenir shops had deserted, replaced by soldiers' presence monopolizing places. The Eiffel Tower, still stood. I wondered how no bombhad been able to affect it. Maybe that in a surge of consciousness, bombers saved it... who knows ... But it eventually falls in its turn. This famous day. From the awakening, I had as a presentiment that everything was going to tip over. That the situation was openly going to turn sour, that felt the thunderstorm with full nose, But not the small thunderstorm. Rather that of the terrible kind.

  Especially that time, our uncle was very obliging with us. He did not stop telling to our mother to take all the possible precautions. He told us that tornados knocked regularly inside France. Those hurricanes raged on the Atlantic Coast. Storms bloomed. The earth trembled even in the South of the country.

  Once arrived on Champ-de-Mars, my mother made us go round in circles. The landscape was dark. Nobody wanted to continue there. As in the rest of the city, with my brother, we saw people fleeing, suitcases in the hand, they ran around. When a bomb fell, even at the other end of the city, shouts and waves of panic followed. The point of meeting have to be very clear, we looked for a long time for our path. The sky was black, I remember. I had never seen a sky so dark. Our mother held us both by the hand. Eyal to the left, me to the right. Eyal did not stop shouting that he wanted to return home, that he was afraid. As for me, I contemplated the sky, I saw flashes of lightning appearing far off and beating down on the earth. And then the voice of a man interrupted my fascination, he shouted " Madam Turdan! " It was the smuggler. He had recognized our mother.

  My uncle rarely makes a mistake on people. He often has a good instinct. Regrettably, this man betrayed his confidenc,. Ours. Certainly, I forgot his name, but the face will remain forever engraved in my memory. He sometimes haunts me at night. At the time of giving papers to my mother after she had given the money, men appeared armed. They took us for target. The Spaniard proposed a market, he took Eyal in hostage as well as the money and he leave us the safe life and the papers for two also. There, I do not know any more exactly in which order everything took place. I was paralyzed. Eyal panicked. Our mother doesn’t know at all how to manage the situation and the Spaniard took a malicious pleasure in taking advantage of it. Everything was very fast. Eyal tried to run away. One of the henchmen of the criminal arrested him straightaway and embraced him Aaliyah resigned herself. She gave in to the exchange. They took Eyal at this moment. They seemed to want get money from him, children's market

  Had appeared at these dark times, you should not ignore it, and I believe that some were also removed to be formed as servicemen. I remember having moved back some steps backwards, just like the men who were held by my side in front of criminal. In the back, a gigantic tornado had formed very quickly. She went any right to Champ-de-Mars. What stayed of the Defense was scattering in the sky polluted of Paris. But the deceit of this scoundrel did not stop there. He took out a firearm, clocked it in the direction of Aliyah. He asked her to return him papers. He apologized and explained to him in a pitiful way that he did not have any choice. I, as her, we fixed the tornado which moved forward. it was immense. My mother took me suddenly by the hand and began running, pulling me with her. facing, the Eiffel Tower. And another gigantic tornado behind her. The metal tower was about to collapse. Then a shot. It was my mother who lose ground. I heard the men right behind us shot. Violent and brutal. Insane also. I felt her releasing my hand, giving me an empty look. Her shirt was flooded of red as high as her breast. I spontaneously threw myself on her. She stammered something before going away. I understood nothing. I was in tears. They had already left very far. I held her in my arms a few moments. Then at the end of a few minutes, while tornados destroyed everything around me, a hand settled on my shoulder and a familiar voice spoke to me. "Sorry Natan, I arrive too late." I returned, my uncle was there. Looking distraught. I smelt the anger, the guilt, the enormous sadness in his look. But he knew how to keep calm. He embraced me before sliding me in my ears,” now it is just you and me, you should be strong Natan. We have to leave." It was a tearing to abandon my mother.

  I remember having wiped some tears before nodding assent shyly after these words. He took me by the hand, and pulled me with him. We ran. The nightmare was always perceptible around us. The destruction of the capital was moved forward . While all my world was

  To collapse, it was in the turn of the Eiffel Tower to spin. The man had begun the work, nature came to complete him. We ran a lot, he seemed to know where he is going. The panic was present everywhere around us, people ran away from buildings. The servicemen of the Arab League who sat inside city walls left their posts. Yizrah saw the corpse of an Arabic soldier being lying on the ground in a deserted street, he stopped, searched his pockets, examined one wallets, confided it to me. He observed around us we were alone. He removed the clothes of the dead militiaman, undressed and put on his holding. He also seized his weapon which he hid under the typical beige shirt of the Arab League . Then We left, he opened the road for me. We turned to left, to right. We arrived to his car. I recognized it.,The one that he used only within the framework of his secret actions. He made a sign for me to rise, and explained to me that we were going to leave Paris, he tells me to hide in the safe. He gave me instructions, warned me that the journey would be long, but that it was, regrettably, the only safe way which he saw to run away from the city and the region. I was terrorized Aaron.

  I did not stop thinking of my mother and Eyal. Before leaving, I tried to recover and to tell him that it would be necessary to search for Eyal. He tells me that he was sorry, but that he was not anxious to risk my life. He told me that he would put me first in safety and then, he would looking for him, that he would find the Spaniard.

  I thus hid in the safe of its 4x4, in the emptied potatoes bag beforehand by my uncle. In the resistance, they thought of everything, no detail escaped them, they were very scrupulous. It was one 4x4 typical of those used by the Arabic army. Certainly that they had managed to steal it from them. Before leaving, he told me that we left to Saint-Etienne, in one of the fiefs of the Resistance, that the journey would thus be very long, strewed with roadblocks and that I must be very brave and patient. The journey was an Calvary, I was shaken in all directions and I was banged in the other bags of reserves. The exit from Paris was difficult and long, I heard the car stop regularly. Didn’t miss discussions between Yizrah and the controllers. But I understood nothing. They

  Expressed in Arabic. My uncle impressed me by his control of this language. It was a real c
hameleon. I lost any notion of time locked into the safe.Then at the end of a few hours, the car stopped. I heard nevertheless no noise. The safe opened. " Natan, You can come out ,Paris is behind us. " I took out my head of the bag of potatoes, no light penetrated into the cockpit .Behind Yizrah, the sky was always very dark, I saw his shirt agitated in all the directions the wind blow so hard. We had a break for provisioning. He explained me that we would make another one or two breaks before Saint-Etienne, but he did not want to lose of time. I could come out of the safe when the city of Moulins is behind us. Approximately three hours of road in the meantime. Three hours still to pass in the safe. Then, there won’t be no more control, we entered free zone. We also took time at this moment to discuss more in depth what had passed. I did that, but these words did not really help, I was always shaken. Only, his presence reassured me. I held it against him to have arrived too late, to send Aaliyah, his sister, at this man. And I keep thinking of all this when we resumed the road ... I saw my mother again collapsing in slow motion ... her soul fainting while the eyes emptied of will ... I saw Eyal again taken by these men... Yizrah put the hand on my shoulder ... Too late ... I would have almost preferred that he arrives earlier not after the battle ... But apparently, he had always fought for us, and he fought for me, I did not have no one except him ... He suffered so much as me, but he had to save me ... He did not have the right to plunge I think, with hindsight ... You know Aaron, I think that we realize the greatness of the men in the crucial moments ... And this day, my uncle was exceptional ... moreover He left the Resistance silently ...

  Arrived at Moulins, it was the liberation for me. I could sit down next to Yizrah. I was not any more lugged in all directions, but still a slightly in the darkness. Dark clouds darkened the sky, as if they imprisoned us into a world of darkness. hard to know if

  The night had fallen or not while we approached Saint-Etienne. In priori, did not fall before a few hours, nevertheless, we had the impression that the sun had stopped existing. We did not distinguish the Moon, not even a single star. But it was not the only problem. While we were a few kilometers away from Vichy, the traffic was slowed down. people ran around ... Far off, we saw flames extending ... Yizrah got out of the car and left in search of information. A train had gone off the rails as high as a grade crossing; it was the total panic him to tell me, rescuers did not know which way to turn. Furthermore, it complicated things for us, it was necessary to make an enormous detour to go to Saint-Etienne. Numerous roads were closed, some were not feasible, a violent storm had struck the region. Trees were spread on hundreds of kilometers. The disturbances being numerous at that time, the available ways to free roads remained insufficient. Fortunately, that leading to Clermont-Ferrand was still free. And in what my uncle knew, the highway leading to Saint-Etienne was still opened, which was rare thing. Yizrah was less expressive, he remained concentrated on his mission and quickly left with a fanfare. He did not address me only to show me the decision which he had just taken. I had never seen him so serious.

  Other pitfalls waited for us regrettably while we sank in Auvergne. Having exceeded Clermont-Ferrand, the road was blocked again... He did not need to go to the search for information this time to understand why. We distinguished clearly far off a mount dominating the region. Of the fire was spat in the sky ... The sky was not black anymore. The red was added to the picture certainly dark, but of magnificence as I had never seen it. A destructive beauty coming from it. We were literally on buttocks. "The volcanoes of Auvergne wake up ...", my uncle murmured. He was bewildered. The eyes were captivated. We had taught me at the school that these volcanoes were put out since thousands and thousands of years. Yizrah explained to me that it was the Volcanic hill of Sancy. And that he was afraid whether it is the detonator of all

  The volcanoes of the region. It was necessary to turn back. This journey did not seem to want to end. I was fatigued. I began to close eyes. And I felt leaving.

  When my eyelids opened, I was lengthened(stretched out) on the ground, wrapped up in a braid. I looked around me, I was in a kind of cave. Yizrah sat near me, blindly, the head was slightly tilted downward. I recovered. My uncle called out to(questioned) me... " Finally, here you are woken! " I had slept long hours. He explained me the situation. We ran a short time later out of gas to have turned back, to stunned by the alarming situation, he(it) had completely forgotten the petrol gauge. He(it) thus looked for a place where put itself under cover, he(it) found a natural cavity situated in height. Thunderstorms muttered hardly, he(it) did not have time to hesitate. Luckily, this cave was big enough to accommodate us both. He(it) had carried(worn) me inside as well as all the reserves. He(it) did not know any more where was the car, and he explained me that he heard(understood) heavy rumblings resulting(coming) from the outside then terrible rainfall, and it is true during long hours. When he(it) tried to see what took place outside, everything was absolutely black, impossible to distinguish no anything a few meters away in front of him. Ashes had also fallen again on the region. My uncle had prepared a fire(light) inside. We were so able to warm and feed. We so stayed for a few days, I think. Impossible to say how much exactly. Two or three, I think. We watched regularly how the situation evolved outside. Until this famous moment when sun rays made their reappearance. The decoration had been transformed. Trees were torn away, were mutilated, the ground was wet, the panorama seemed different. The surrounding mounts seemed different. There was no more a track of roads in neighborhood. As if there had been never. The volcano far off did not seem to be anymore the same. We gathered our affairs and we decided to turn back in the direction of Clermont-Ferrand. We walked all day long, we never found city sign ... This is the way our trip began. We noticed that everything had changed. Nothing more would ever be as before.

  Narrative fascinating Natan. For what that is now worth, I am sorry for your mother and for your brother.

  - It is made Aaron, we cannot modify the past.

  - But we can feed on it to shape our future, added Aaron by giving a friendly pat to his(her) young apprentice.

  - You lost close friends(relations) during the Apocalypse also?

  - Yes Natan. Except Salina, my granddaughter. Thanks to what I am going to teach you, the telepathy, we were able to find ourselves. We have a strong link. The same kind(genre) of link which you have with your uncle.

  - Except that we do not communicate by telepathy we he says with a slightly envious tone.

  - Not still Natan. But it is going to come. You know Natan, I felt(smelt) your aura as soon as I saw you. You have an incredible potential. Your brother also has him(it) certainly.

  Natan pretends to smile being afraid that Aaron tried simply to comfort him(it) without suspecting its profound sincerity.

  - At first Natan, he(it) is going to need to purify your body as I have already explained it to you. But unlike me or unlike Salina when we tried to exploit(run) the faculties(powers) hidden from our brain, we were in full globalization. The consumer society was for its peak. Our bodies were polluted from everywhere. Not yours. You lived in a healthy way for years. Eat fruits, many vitamin C, and everything will take place more quickly than you think. And this pendant protègera you negative waves.

  I hope so. You know, at times, I have the impression to know when Ahmed or Ilhâm are going to ask me for something, for what they are going to ask me, it is difficult to explain ...

  - That is called the intuition my young friend. They are the beginnings of something bigger. Do not think too much, lets things be made. You will almost have to make everything by yourself from now on. I would be you less and less useful Natan.

  - You plan to leave too to your tour(ballot)? Asked for Natan of a blasé tone.

  Not, not yet. You need a small click to finish your personal route(course), and I could help you there. Then, my work with you will be finished.

  - And you will leave?

  - Yes Natan, I shall leave. Our paths(ways) had to cross(meet), it is so, I think.
Only, I am only a stage in your life. And then when I shall leave, Yizrah will return.

  - You know nothing about it, answered brutally Natan. Where do you plan to go?

  - I would like to see again(to revise) Salina. But I do not like going where she(it) is. I still think, but my hour comes Natan. I am closer of the end that of the beginning. You, from your part(on your side), you have to carry out(to achieve) still so much.

  - We shall see ", answered Natan who seemed almost irritated.

  The possibility of seeing Aaron abandoning him(it) reminded him(her) the departure of Yizrah. He(it) also thought again about Eyal.

  " Do not make your pig's head Natan. Follow me, I am going to show you something who(which) is maybe going to cheer up you.

  Chapter 6: wake up Yizrah !

  Having slept so peacefully as an infant during long hours, Yizrah eventually half-opens eyes. He was lying in a bed foreign to him, in a room which was not less. On the other hand, the graceful face of the young lady which slept in seated position by her side was familiar to him. He recognized sensual Salina. She had to stay up with him during all the duration of his falling asleep. It comforted him. In spite of his mysterious behavior, he did not doubt anymore her good intentions. The fact that he faint causes much concern for him and warmed a bit his heart. To tell the truth, he stayed up more often for other than taking care of him. He was not used to find himself in this situation. And still, he ignored how she had taken him with great difficulty while gentleman lost consciousness. While she sat near her bed to watch for the moment when he would recover, it is well and truly Yizrah who shook delicately his walk-on so that she opens the eyes.


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