A New Era

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A New Era Page 14

by Chris Red

  " I am also enchanted Yizrah. I hope that we shall get to know each other better. But time is getting on, I am going to leave you, and you must havea lot of things to tell. "

  Natan had a look taken aback toward her:

  " Already?

  - Yes, take advantage of your uncle. You did not see him for a long time. Us, we see each other again tomorrow. "

  Then they kissed each other, to say to good night, in the chink of the door, under cover most that possible of the inquisitive looks. Before taking off in the darkness, she whispered to him in the hollow of the ear:

  " Do not forget my darling, you belong to me. "

  The time when Natan reacts, she had fainted at night black that reigned over Jalalah. And he hardly had time to recover from his small crush that Yizrah had taken back his seriousness. He just left room with the feelings. When Natan sat again and when he had noticed the appearance suddenly of his uncle, the first thoughts which he had were

  " he did not change at all ... "

  Natan thus decided to take the bull by the horns:

  " What happens my uncle? Why you are so serious?

  - How's that? I am not taht serious, answers Yizrah with a big suspicion in bad faith.

  - yes you are, it is the head which you make when you have something tell me. Come on Say it. "

  Everybody was stunned by the nonchalance with which Natan behaved. Ilhâm Ahmed and, who had rarely seen him like this. The other day, decided to go to bed and to grant them a little of intimacy. Yizrah thanked them discreetly for this attention.

  "So? Resumed Natan, when the couple left the room.

  - I found Eyal. He lives to Stambouli City.

  - are you serious?

  - very serious.

  - is he fine?

  - he did not say it to me personally, but he seems to be rather in good shape, answered Yizrah on a slightly sarcastic tone.

  - Is there a problem Yizrah?

  - Didn’t have the chance to get in touch with him this time Natan. I was able to perceive him only from spectator's seat in the arena which I evoked during the meal.

  - You mean that my brother is a star over there?

  - yes. He is extremely popular. But to approach him looks complicated."

  Natan bent forward.

  "The fact remains that we are so close to the target. Let us go to this city, we shall find a way to meet him. Salina, you know well this city apparently, you will help us, right?

  - don’t be afraid, you can count on me, she aimed to be reassuring."

  He did not certainly have to care about his help, she thought. She perceived her aura, she understood better and better what her grandfather felt before.

  "Natan, I came for that. But I see that you met somebody. She looks soft, charming, I felt the sincerity in his eyes. Think carefully before walking straight, Yizrah advised him."

  Natan scowled.

  "Yes, it's true, there is Ieleana ... But maybe she could accompany us ..."

  This suggestion did not pack either Salina or Yizrah. It seemed a little jealous and printed in problems of feminine rivalry when the second did not want to embark this girl whom she hardly knew in an adventure which could turn out very dangerous.

  " I am not sure whether it is a good idea. It could be dangerous for her.

  - Dangerous? You both hide things from me, exclaimed Natan.

  - more calm Natan, murmured Yizrah by meaning lowering the sound of his voice with the two hands.

  - What happens, then?

  - The situation is a little delicate in fact Natan, pursued his uncle by whispering. Salina whom you see is a member of a pro-independence group there, the Phoenix. They spy on the actions of their government. Let us say that they have certain suspicions on the integrity of their governor. It turns out that the sportsmen of whom Eyal is a member live in the living districts of Eyal governor would be a close friend of this man, who does not seem so nice as the citizens are willing to believe. Here is for the rundown Natan.

  - You forget some details Yizrah, protested Salina.

  - I summarized the main part, he defended himself.

  - Are You sure? There is no importing detail of Eyal whom it would be good to indicate. "

  Yizrah really looked unfavorably Salina ‘s behavior. This small plague was limited in front of Temba and the others, but outside her den, it expressed its real nature.

  " It is not the kind of thing which we say like that, it needs tact.

  - Stop making your coward. "

  Natan felt his uncle fulminating, and he who observed the scene with an amused appearance invited them to go to make a tour outside. The fact of speaking in a low voice slowed down certainly his uncle to reveal what he ignored. Once outside, the fresh air of Jalalah calmed Yizrah. He took a few moments to find his composure. Natan took them in the direction of the bench on the village square and indicated them to sit down there. He preferred to remain standing. Yizrah went back on the word:

  " You have to know certain things. Your brother is not the star of a commonplace sport as those of the XXth century. It is a key player of flyball.

  - Flyball? I like this sporting name.

  - If you allow me. You need to know that it is not the ball which flies, the players who do.

  - I beg your pardon?

  - They do not fly Yizrah, Salina resumed him.They levitate! Natan, your brother practices the levitation, as the other players of flyball. Certain powers developed in Stambouli City,As the levitation, but also the telepathy for example. Your uncle still has difficulty in digesting all this. "

  Natan smiles. It was his only reaction. What left Salina and Yizrah,stunned what they, brewed a lot of air.

  " My uncle, it looks like your nephews took the lead over you.

  - What do you want to say?

  - I thought of being the only Turdan to levitate.

  - You too?

  - Yes. Recently. And thanks to Aaron. "

  Natan took a moment of respite before launching into a long and important explanation. The meditation, the vitamin C, the doors of chakra, the spirituality, the education of Aaron., He spoke without stopping. He was as a possessed person. Yizrah discovered a new face of his nephew. A face which exceeded him, but he did not lose a crumb of the narrative. It was crazily instructive. He also admitted that Aaron had already spoken to him about Salina, about their telepathic contacts. He did not ignore much anymore. Yizrah took again a psychic shock. Of the same type as the one he had undergone when he saw men glide above ground level for the first time in his life. However, he knew better how to manage the psychological impact from now on. But it was not without consequence on the physical plan. Strong headaches took him. The skull seemed to him as painful, it felt hot flashes and strong pressure over his nose, between his eyebrows, As if a pneumatic drill banged as a deaf person of the inside. It is necessary to say that what Aaron had shared sparingly to his apprentice, Natan revealed it to his uncle in a very rough way. He did not leave the time to him to digest an information before hurled another one. He eventually concludes:

  “In brief, you should think of meditating Yizrah. "

  Yizrah was dumbfounded in front of the eloquence and the wisdom of his nephew. He would never have imagined that one day he becomes the pupil and Natan, the teacher.

  "By the way, I think of it Salina. You had to reached the spiritual awakening which evoked Natan.

  - Yes Yizrah. I practice all this.

  - Why haven’t you show it to me yet?

  - You never asked. Anyway, in Stambouli, it is forbidden. And here, imagine what would take place if they saw me ... You should not make anything with such capacities. It must be considered as a reward and not as a way to show off. "

  Natan took the opportunity offered to him.

  " Salina, did you take for a long time freeing the third eye?

  - Yes, it was not easy. It is about an organ which remained sleepy for a very long time as explained to you by my grandfather. It tak
es time. It is necessary to be patient, to free its spirit, to accept that the impossible is possible. But I feel that you will arrive there soon. You can see it, you are ready. On the other hand, you should not be be in a hurry with Yizrah. "

  The latter pouted.

  " But how come that Eyal and others achieve what seems not to be given to whoever?

  - I see. My grandfather could not speak to you about it. He showed you the longest path, but also the purest. He taught you the spiritual way. You will be in agreement with yourself. Your control of capacities will be beyond that of your brother for example. With a little of self-abnegation and luck, maybe you will be like me who knows.

  - And regarding my brother? asked Natan who did not take into account the attempt of humor of the granddaughter of his mentor.

  - Concerning Him, he had favorable circumstances. simply a shock. He and others had a rough awakening. But they do not perceive the content of their potential. They do not feel the spirituality. From then on, their powers are limited. They are blinded.

  - What a shock?

  - Look, my grandfather did not say it to you? During the Apocalypse, the prana was violently felt on all the immensity of the planet. For those as me or my grandfather, it was a click. We were already on the way, consciously. For others, as you and Yizrah even your brother or the majority of the inhabitants of Stambouli, the potential was freed, the prana circulates in you, but you need an awareness to collide, And a little of training also.

  - It does not explain quite Salina, says Yizrah who took advantage of this discussion to lift the veil on numerous shadow zones. If we listen to you, it seems positive, but in priori, to Stambouli, certain ill-intentioned people managed to wake up.

  - My grandfather would better know how to explain you than me.

  - Try, please. "

  Salina could not refuse to Yizrah for what he asked in so courteous a way, she resumed her explanations.

  " The history of the Humanity splits up in cycles if you want. And when a cycle ends, a new one begins. But between both, there is a period of transition which, following his evolution, will influence the cycle according to it. According to my grandfather, the previous cycle was the cycle of the duality, often represented by the symbol of Ying and the Yang, Or more simply the Good and evil. Our world was plunged in fact into a universe in three dimensions, the third element being the sum of the Good and the Evil. Today, we entered a universe in four dimensions governed by the elements of the nature, And if the positive elements among us were offered by the hurly-burly of life an opportunity to evolve, the negative elements also. The materialism, the religions, the wars, the majority of the viruses which corrupt the humanity was eradicated. But the free will lives. We have the possibility of rebuilding this world. But for that, it is necessary to eradicate definitively the Evil, to absolve it. The life makes simply so that we fight on equal terms, nothing more. This fight which we lead to Stambouli concerns us all. If we make nothing, the influence of Stambouli and his militia will extend. They have already built one

  Bastion, hypnotized the inhabitants. They are gathering in a single place the cancers which killed the men slowly for centuries. And if we make nothing, the humanity will remain enslaved in occult strengths, we have to return to people their freedom. We were never free, get hear each other! Never! We have finally the possibility of it! It is necessary to seize it! "

  The flames of the passion invaded Salina as she expressed herself, what seduced a little Yizrah, but he preferred to moderate her before she goes into raptures too much in its plea and draws a crowd of all the village.

  "Calm down Salina, he tells her while seizing her the arm to reassure her. We understand better the importance of your cause. I realize only little late the stake in the situation, but I am definitively convinced. I cannot decide for Natan on the other hand. "

  The latter dragged feet,The fate of his brother worried him, they had roamed in her pursuit during so much time and Salina had simply known how to find the words. The decision to set seemed obvious to her. Not fight, not join the cause of Salina and he would be of the cowardice. To abandon Ieleana was very expensive to him.He was afraid that Ieleana does not forgive this hasty departure, he was afraid of making her suffer.

  " I would find her. "

  Salina and Yizrah did not understand, they both fixed him waiting that they understood better.

  " Ieleana, I would find her,I would mean looking for her. She is my soul sister, I am persuaded.

  - If it is your soul sister, no doubt that you will find her, aimed to be optimist Yizrah. "

  Salina remained dumb. In spite of her big moose’s of humanism, she remained a woman above all. She liked Natan and hoped to make him to forget fast his beloved Ieleana. In any case, the main part was acquired, they joined both their cause, and she did not miss to warn immediately Temba of it by telepathy.

  " Temba! You hear me? "

  " Yes, Salina, I listen to you. "

  " Natan and Yizrah is with us. "

  " Good. We wait for your return. "

  " Well, if we were go to bed. Ilhâm prepared layers for us in the lounge Salina. May thenight carries advice to youNatan.

  - Thank you, my uncle. "

  Natan did not join them. He preferred to go to meditate at the edge of the cliff. He thought too much of Ieleana and what he had to announce her. Their departure should be imminent. To delay it would only complicate the situation. At the time of the sunrise, Natan ignored it, but he attended for the last time this scene in this peaceful village. The trio precipitated their departure. None of them really liked the farewells. The morning was marked by a lively discussion between Natan and Ieleana. She ended by a moving statement. However, this one did not remove Ieleana sorrow , but she was reassured by the sincerity and especially the reciprocity of the feelings of expensive and soft sound. He did not explain everything to her of course. He evoked largely the Eyal case . She announced to him her desire to accompany him, but he refused. He simply asked her to wait for him. She agreed by looking down, but pronounced no word. And in the big confusion of Natan, she was not there to say goodbye to them. She went to cry in her place, said Natan to himself. It broke her heart to imagine him doing so. Yizrah and Salina had prepared reserves for the journey. Provisions generously offered by the small family Jalalah. Yizrah still did not appreciate particularly the separations and he thanked and greeted Ahmed, his wife and his daughter in a sober way when Natan embraced him by the arms. Hemade in particular a big cuddle for Farah. After all this time spent together, he considered her a little as a small sister. Salina, the least touched of the group said more formal farewells, waiting for the end of the sequence feelings with a suspicion of impatience. Not that she did not respect this shared moment of intimacy, but he will miss from him short stories of Stambouli. She had a bad presentiment. When Natan had wiped his tears with the back of the hand, the small band faints in the desert. They took the direction of Jameston to begin. Then,

  Natan would explore again unknown territories, as before.


  Chapter 9: Ribardielli

  Often, to give an opinion about a man, it is enough to observe how carefully and accurate he handles his objects. Michele Ribardielli did not escape this rule. His office was carefully tidied up. Everything had a very precise place. No detail was neglected with general Ribardielli. His complete black was carefully ironed, four symbols representing four elements shone due to their brightness. He authorized in no speck of dust to come to tarnish them. These were arranged in diamond, the water and the fire on the same line, the air above and the earth underneath. Dare to penetrate into his office while he takes his meal. He would notice it. The slightest small imprint, the slightest uncalled-for object, he would see him. Open a drawer, it would know him. Not one ounce of dust was never lying about on its affairs. Every sub-file was in the good file. Everything was authorized, dated, listed, stuck. His personal pen benefited from an official place and it was the same fo
r all which belonged to him. Everything was squared. Imagine with which precaution he got organized. You would not like to find yourselves in his sights. Especially not. You made a step of fault in his direction, and he did not release you anymore. Not only, general Ribardielli was relentless, he rushed on the slightest bone good to eat away, but he was as wild as the most merciless of the predators that we can find in the jungle. When it had taken you as prey, he thought in nothing else than of squeezing you between his claws. Governor Stambouli had not made a mistake about the man by naming him at the head of the militia. He managed it with an iron hand in a glove of the same metal. The velvet, it was not for him, His favorite currency? Discipline, order and rigor.

  Before the Apocalypse, it was only an average individual, passionate about politics and history. He had not shone in the studies. Stemming from a family with income more than modest, he had not had the luxury to benefit from studies as high as his dreams of conquest. He imagined himself as dictator. Finally, chief

  Of army more exactly, according to his statements, But when you listened to him, it was not the simple army leader that you face, but well and truly a dictator, certainly charismatic is necessary to recognize, but terribly frightening. Regrettably for him, of the very depths of his native Sicily, he could aspire to nothing. He came from a great very far and had no penny: Ribardielli did not really present the essential characteristics to succeed in the world of the men.However, he took the care of plunging into brochures and historic works, he also flooded his brain of information through documentaries and movies. For example, Art of war of Sun Tzu was his bedside book. From Gengis Khan to Hitler including Napoleon, he didn’t ignored the worst emperors which had been able to proliferate on this good old Earth, a planet, that had not asked to be the host of so many useless massacres, when we thought well about it. The Antiquity, Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the French Revolution, the Lights ... He knew inside out most of the fundamental periods of the humanity history. Nevertheless, certain spiritual dimensions escaped him and he cursed in particular Mahâtma Gandhi. " what an execrable human being " he shouted as soon as the simple existence of this man who opposed to any kind of violence. And these Berlusconi, Obama, Sarkozy ... " Ugh!!! " His most expensive wish was well and truly to dislodge these marionettes which fantasized during so many years over the fact of taking the power, and which, when the objective was reached, became totally apathetic. He, for what he wished, it was not only the power, but this only concept would get for him only an insignificant orgasm. What fed his fantasies the most depraved was the prospect to see all the human beings, whom was judged as incapable, to walk under his directive.


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