A New Era

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A New Era Page 17

by Chris Red

  Chapter 10 : Edwin Peters

  Salina's trip, Yizrah and Natan continued without major obstacles. They moved forward according to a rhythm printed by the sportswoman Salina. Yizrah seemed to be the one who suffered the most. He was certainly used to the long walking, but he had no more the youth and the passion that is in his two young travelling companions. Besides, they had made a short stopping for Jameston. From there, they had left eastward, crossing a very dry region. They had walked in the daytime under a blazing sun and had taken advantage of the freshness of the nights to rest. The vegetation was rare, but completely non-existent. This rather desert zone in terms of houses constituted their most precarious passage. However, it was not a question of ancestral Valley of death or immense Sahara. At the end of this nameless desert, they were supposed to follow a path which had been polished through a majestic canyon. Yizrah, and Salina before him, had already followed this path. This path formed between rocks was magic. It was as if the nature had voluntarily sharpened it by hands. As if she had wanted to return the crossing of this possible canyon. Unfortunately, it was not anymore the case. The small group faced, in this place, in the first stumbling block of their journey. They had got between these orange mountains for the good hour of walking when they found themselves in a dead end. A collapse had take place. The passage was totally blocked. Stones blocked the road. It seemed to them impossible to continue. Natan and Yizrah stared at Salina, at both strapping lads imploring his help. Salina thinks of the solution of the telekinesis, but it was not its key point and it would take whole days to clear the path. She thought by observing the topography of neighborhood. Then she called out to Yizrah.

  " Yizrah ,Show me your map please. "

  No exploitable path seems to have there, the Latter ran silently. She seizes the card and studied it with a perplexed appearance. Natan and Yizrah scrutinized her slightest reactions. She frowned.

  "You have an idea my dear? Ask for Yizrah.

  - I see only a solution. Come to see. "

  Yizrah and Natan listened to her and took place by her side, looking at the map over the shoulders.

  "See. We are obliged to go back of the western side of the canyon, it seems they are no route to explore. My grandfather had spoken to me about this corner. He had presented this place as terribly steep, that it had nothing welcoming or convenient to be the host of travelers. On the other hand, look, in the East. There is a forest. He had spoken to me about it, but had deeply misadvised me to risk me there. Only as a last resort, he had told me. According to him, these wood are badly frequented and it is dangerous to walk there.

  - It seems that we have no choice Salina, and the idea to walk in the shade does not displease me to tell you everything, asserted Yizrah.

  - My uncle is right Salina, we have to turn back. We have no other option, outbid Natan.

  - As you like, she answered on a casual tone by returning the to its owner. "

  And they turned back to join the entrance of the aforementioned forest. When they arrived at its mouth, they were relieved to have no more the sun over the heads Seen from the outside, wood seemed welcoming. It had nothing inhospitable to whoever was like that prepared for it could be the case with the illustrious Amazonian forest. You should not expect to meet an exotic fauna and a flora there. After the border, they found to walk mainly surrounded by oaks and hazel trees. It reminded Yizrah of French wood. However, the forest was immense. There were no paths with marking on trees. To find their way would not be easy thing. They had moreover decided to content with going straight ahead. However, they hoped to follow the outlines of the canyon, but this one was completely masked by the vegetation.

  Stroll lasted several days. Their advance continued without obstacle. The animal population seemed non-existent. They did not meet. Nevertheless, Natan and Salina shared deep down in their heart the sensation to be followed or spied on. This forest split into two parts. They got through the first part, rather flat, without any concern. A new woodier region seemed to wait for them. More steep. A light ascent began. The vegetation also evolved. Pines and fir trees appeared while oaks became rarer, And this feeling to be observed that Natan felt and Salina, without entrusting him to the whole group, strengthened.

  It had been already two days since they had left aside oaks and other hazel trees.In view of the profile of the forest and the progressive rise of the ground, no doubt that they got closer to their purpose. Every time they paused, Yizrah studied the map which he had been able to complete thanks to Aaron. They were soon going to go out of these wood and to cross the climbing of the wall of rocks which surrounded Stambouli. He began to grow tired of this small excursion in forest, and in his turn, a strange feeling browsed him. Aaron had warned his granddaughter to venture into these wood, and up to there, they had not crossed the slightest form of life. Not even a small squirrel. He did not know how many kilometers they had to travel to find the open air, but his intuition told him that it was far too easy to continue. Spaces between trees became narrower. The more they got upstream, the more the forest oppressed them. The atmosphere became stifling, conifers granted them only little room. To crown it all, a dark mist settled down. Their vision of the surroundings was considerably reduced. Before, they could see clearly around them. According to their advance, the vice tightened on them. They walked in single line, Yizrah led the way, while Natan closed to him When, suddenly, Salina asked them to stop.

  " Stop! "

  Natan stopped, and Yizrah turned around in her direction:

  " I believe that we are followed. They are not going to allow us to go farther, she says with a worried air.

  Of what do you think of Salina? Yizrah asked her.

  - Nothing precise. I feel a presence surrounding us, and getting closer more and more. Unfortunately, the telepathy, is not my key point, I can’t manage to get their thoughts, I do not know who they are, but they are there, they come towards us.

  - To tell the truth, me too, I feel that we are not only Yizrah, outbid Natan.

  - I understand. Myself,I have very strange feeling for some time already, but we have no choice, it is necessary to pursue our road. Let us accelerate our walking, and let us avoid the breaks. Let us stop only in case of necessity. We should not that far from the forest.

  - Please forgive me for interrupting your small meeting, but unfortunately for you, the journey stops there, a man voice man made them listen. "

  This voice came from above, they turned around all three in the same direction, raised the eyes and perceived a man sat on a branch of tree, resting the back on the trunk, profile face in front of them, and crisping an apple. Salina fixed him straightaway with fury. He shows an impertinent confidence in him. Up to there, he had kept a low profile. He did not even look at them in eyes, his attitude irritated her. She felt submerged by an unbearable heat wave. She advanced toward its direction.

  "Come down from there instead of hiding you up there, sort of coward, Salina ordered him, in the great surprise of Yizrah and Natan.

  - It is not certainly the woman who is going to give me orders. And then, anyway ... "

  Salina did not leave the time to him to finish his sentence. She had trained with the palms of the hands two fireballs. Natan and Yizrah was stunned from what she just did. A small blue ball had appeared over every palm of the hand, had begun swirling on itself, becoming orange then red Flames crackled on outlines of the fire had emanated from her body and she seemed to control it. While their unknown of wood answered her, she threw her two fireballs in his direction. He hardly had time to express sound

  surprised that he jumps up to avoid this attack as sudden as violent. He recovered with a disconcerting speed and agility, before executing a backward somersault and falling again on his two feet, like a cat. In the passage, he let escape his apple, which he got back at the same time as he lands. Hardly he landed then Salina rushed in his direction and threw a new fireball. The unknown put himself of profile, seeming to strengthen his position,
in spite of the blazing missile which went right on him. He placed his hands in the face of the fireball and froze in a fraction of a second the latter. This one faints. Salina was amazed at such a parade. At point-blank range, it was unstoppable. Worse still, he did not leave the time him to pursue his offensive, he folded his knees, getting closer to the ground and in contact with his hands with the earth, this one froze. The ground went pale visibly and approached of his wild opponent. She only had time to execute a jump behind to avoid her attack. When she rested foot, of the ice springs from the ground and imprisoned his ankles. She stirred to try to get rid of the trap, but it seemed too resistant. He got closer to her meanwhile. He affected his arms immediately and these froze immediately. She found herself totally paralyzed, and dumb also. Her pride was taken in a blow. She dared to say nothing. He continued his road, passing next to her as if she did not exist, to go to Natan and Yizrah who seemed to have difficulty in realizing what they had just attended. He stopped four meters of them. He fixed them without batting an eyelid. Natan and Yizrah exchanged a brief look, wondering mutually about the behavior to be adopted. Suddenly, men arose from trees around them, they rushed in their direction, and imprisoned them in the same way as the one who seemed to be their boss made to Salina.

  "I am disappointed, I had hoped for a little more rebellion than you. You let your friend be neutralized without moving the smal finger. It is not a gentleman act boys, tell me", wondered their aggressor by fixing them alternately straight ahead in eyes.

  Seeing that it aroused no reaction on behalf of its two prisoners, he continued.

  "I am going to present myself. Edwin Peters, at your service" bowing out to them and said.

  Yizrah and Natan were invaded by a terrible feeling of frustration. Salina had taken the risks to protect them while they didn’t move the little toe. To tell the truth, they couldn’t do anything. Edwin Peters had totally made a fool of them. The only one Salina had managed to hold a little bit to show his authority. She was grateful to at least show what he was capable. And he scolded them heavily with the look. He stood up straight facing them, his piercing blue eyes stared heavily at them. Having caressed his very bushy beard, he crossed a hand in his very thick hair; he seemed to wonder about the identity of his victims. They did not look like those whom they were used to meet. But what struck mostly Natan and his uncle was the clothes as well as those of his men. They were almost totally stripped, only some sheets connected by a rope acting as belt masking their most intimate anatomy parts. Not only they seemed a little bit exhibitionists on edges, but especially, you should not be sensitive to cold to dress so.

  "You see, I and my community populate in this forest. it belong to us, Edwin Peters began by explaining.

  - You can populate it, but it does not belong to you, Yizrah, who suddenly felt courage invading him interrupted him.


  How would you dare to offend me on my territory while you are between my hands?

  - No. I am only telling the truth. We have no right to own lands. It belongs to nobody. Anyway, we only cross the forest.

  - You have a talent for repartee, you, I like you. It is a pity you are not skillful as with your element as you are with your language."

  Then Edwin turned around in the direction of his men.

  "They are not militiamen. They do not have so dangerous air, put to sleep and lash these two then take them to the village. I am going to take care of the young lady."

  Natan and Yizrah did not have time to react that they found themselves surrounded by a troop of men. And without understanding how the eyes plunged in into darkness. From his part, Edwin Peters had left doing the same with Salina who had been abandoned for a while.

  Natan and Yizrah was taken in a village, But not in any village , this one was height. The people of whom Edwin Peters was obviously the leader had built from trees Small huts used as nests to its wooden footbridges connecting them. Natan and Yizrah had simply been lashed in nearby huts while Salina, who had shown more capacities than the two travelling companions, had been handled with a lot of attention. Edwin Peters was busy freezing almost all of her body. Only the skin of her face was still in direct contact with the outside air. Furthermore, she was under close surveillance of two guards ,who took care maintaining it in good condition of cryonics. In brief, she could not go very far.

  Edwin Peters was the leader of these inhabitants of wood, but he was not considered as over the others. His hut had nothing more than the others. He had simply shown itself as natural leader of the troop. It was a humble man, just like the clothes which he is wearing and of the simplicity of his housing environment. It had been a source of inspiration for all those who had joined by his side. In particular for one of them a man to whom he had saved the life during the Apocalypse, a man who was his best friend for a long time. He was called Kerian. Undoubtedly he was an adorable man who had the pure heart. There was no more exemplary than him. But unfortunately, he was of common fame within their own brotherhood that he was sometimes distracted and clumsy. It was never very nasty, but it decorated the fame.It was difficult for him to end a day without committing a little dumpling. And this fateful day in the routes of Yizrah, Natan and Salina broke the rule. Kerian appeared quite proud of him in front of Edwin. The blue eyes sparkled with mockery. Heinhaled the good mood. Besides, he was very careful, as he

  Show the way he maintained carefully his long brown hair. He was rather thin, but sturdy and had a rather pleasant silhouette Kerian seemed very dynamic, and when he entered a room, he bring sensation of positive waves with him. Edwin Peters always welcomed him with a smile:

  " Then my brother, everything passed well?

  - Impeccable, we separated them from each other.

  - Well, smiles Edwin.

  - But, between us, why to imprison them like that? They are not militiamen.

  - Yes, I know well that they are not militiamen. They always operate for four and they would have brought into conflict more resistance. Moreover, they do not dare to venture any more here.

  - You amaze me! By having and keeping them, we are almost see again more of them.

  - Otherwise, you found anything of interesting in their affairs?

  - No, just provisions.

  - It is strange ... They did not come to make touristic tour ... I have the impression that they came here from where the militiamen are.

  - You do not plan to release them?

  - I do not know ... We always knew how to protect our anonymity. Nobody knows that we exist. We cannot release them and put our peace of mind in danger.

  - It is not false ... But both men seem so harmless. They looked completely lost.

  - It is just, but the girl ... She ... She looks pretty tough.

  - It will be necessary to interogate them to know their intentions Edwin.

  - Yes, you are right. Moreover you are going to lead me to them. We are going to begin by questioning the youngest. It is certainly the most brittle. "

  And they went out of his den, Kerian in the front. They walked on a footbridge made from wooden boards, attached between them and supported by ropes. The village had its view

  As a whole a circular shape. It looked like the system of Russian dolls. At the heart of the village, there was a kind of wooden place in the middle of four trees which constituted the pillars of this one. Then, footbridges turned around the place, with small passages connecting between them. Accesses to the huts which were stuck between footbridges had been set up. The more we went away from the central of the place, the more footbridges were long. Edwin lived towards the outside. Prisoners had been led in huts close to the central of the place where they met the inhabitants when they had to make decisions concerning the whole population. So, if they managed to escape, they would be fast located. Thus Kerian guided Edwin to Natan. They progressed towards the center. They greeted friendly all they met. Two men were in office in front of the hut acting as cell officers for the youngest of the intruders. Th
ey seemed serene, as if nothing had happen. Kerian and Edwin passed them after greeting briefly. They had an energetic approach; their confidence in their own strength was irremovable. Nevertheless, it was swept by a violent backhand. When Kerian and Edwin entered, they noticed that places were deserted; the links were undone of Natan lying on the ground. No prisoner. Just empty . A big white settled down. Kerian did not dare to open the mouth, he preferred to wait that Edwin reacts. He watched cautiously for the slightest movement of his lips. It was the first time for quite a long time that Edwin felt the disappointment. The feeling of failure had been familiar to him before the Apocalypse. This new distribution of cards had been beneficial to him. He had finally had the opportunity to have a lifestyle in adequacy with what he really was at the bottom of his heart. And he still had washed no insult up to there. He and his men had pushed away the militiamen who came from Stambouli to fetch resources there and kidnap men. He had felt the evil at these men, and fact of having undone them repeatedly until have dissuaded them from putting back feet in the forest had constituted his biggest victory. And now vulgar one young had taken French leave without nobody noticed it. They did not even know since when

  he had escaped. But you should not surrender to the panic. The well-being of his congeners maybe was in danger. It was necessary to react cold-bloodedly.

  He left the room silently, Kerian following him by the look, and went to both men guarding the entrance.

  “The prisoner ran away my friends. Go to see what the situation is regarding his companion. "

  Then, he turned to Kerian.

  "You, my brother, quickly take me to see the girl. "


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