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A New Era

Page 18

by Chris Red

  Both guards rushed to the Yizrah’s cell whereas Kerian and Edwin left with decided step to verify that Salina still immobilized. Yizrah was always lashed solidly, and friendly gagged whereas Salina, cryogenically frozen, had not moved a lash. After making sure of the presence of these two prisoners, they decided to increase their supervision and to search Natan’s cell hoping to find any indications there. It was necessary to act fast. Time is pressed. He had not been located yet. It was really remarkable from his side. One has to recognize for Edwin and Kerian that it was necessary to greet their courage and discretion. Inside the room, no track seemed to come to light to them. They might inspect the smallest nooks of the compartment, they saw nothing. Nevertheless there was no window.It was as volatilized. Edwin examined closely the links of Natan. It had been removed and there was no track of cut or anything else.

  " You think what I am thinking Kerian? Edwin ask his friend while stretching out the piece of rope.

  - You think that we helped him?

  - Yes. You saw how much he was powerless when we captured them. And there, he would have fainted, like that? In a snap of finger?

  - If he was helped, it can be only by an element of the earth or the water. Somebody knows how to treat the wood or the mental control. I do not see other solution, suggested Kerian.

  - It seems right to me. I think that they have to be far from now on.

  - I do not believe, retorted Kerian.

  - You do not believe?

  - He showed powerless it's true, but they look rather united between them. They are certainly going to develop a plan to release their friends. "

  Edwin smiles; He was so worried by the well-being of their tribe which he lost in lucidity. From his part, Kerian always livened up his thoughts of simple, but often sensible reasoning.

  " What do you suggest?

  - To double vigilance as regards two others. And especially, to go to eat. They will act certainly after the nightfall.

  - Let us question the man even before. We have not got acquainted yet. "

  Kerian came out in favor, and they went to meet Yizrah. The latter sat in a corner of his wooden prison. The ankles and his wrists were bound,the links had been tightened with a lot of precaution, he was totally immobilized. Edwin observed him for a moment, he smelt of the annoyance in the eyes. He approached and loosened the mouth. Yizrah says nothing, he nevertheless seemed to appreciate to finally be able to move his lips. It was already a first step. He hoped he could finally understand what their kidnappers expected from them.

  " I come to pursue the presentations, hoping that you show yourself ......more docile, he tells Yizrah after a few time of hesitation. "

  Yizrah did not make the effort to answer this small provocation. Edwin resumed :

  " What is your name?

  - Turdan. Yizrah Turdan.

  - Enchanté Yizrah. I am Edwin Peters, and I present you my most faithful friend here, says Kerian indicating his right hand.

  - And you are used to reserve such a reception to the foreigners who have the misfortune to cross the forest?

  - No, you are rather privileged persons. We have already returned the alive intruders to the village, Kerian?

  - From memory, no, answered Kerian by sketching a slightly narrow-minded smile.

  - And what is worth to us so much leniency? Asked Yizrah who did not deflate for at all.

  - Your incompetence my dear Yizrah. Only the girl knows how to master her element apparently. You don’t seem very nasty, Having said that, you do not seem uninteresting either. "

  Yizrah took the chance to show his ignorance.

  " Her element? You speak about what Salina made?

  - Her name is Salina? Well, it is a very attractive name. Isn’t it Kerian?

  Kerian came out in favour of confirming and enriched his point of view.

  - If I remember well, there is not only her name which is attractive. "

  Edwin sketched a smile.

  "Small scamp goes!

  - That does not answer my question, reminded them Yizrah.

  - To tell the truth, you are not so much in position to ask questions. But because you are nice, and because, anyway, your path stops here, I am going to answer you. The nature is regulated by four fundamental elements: the water, the fire, the air and the earth. Before the Apocalypse, we did not live in accordance with the nature, we were not conscious of their importance. Nature reasserted itself from now on. thus it goes away also for elements. Every human being corresponds to an element, Even the smallest insects. Our element defines us, in particular the various facets of our personality. But to master his element, it is not obvious. Sometimes, it is enough a simple click, sometimes it requires a lot of patience and concentration.

  - Thus, Salina masters the fire?

  - Yes, and rather well. See the way she fell on me, she has a big confidence in her control.And seen the apathy which you showed, she had been careful regarding your confidence.

  - And you, you used the earth, but you froze her?

  - I master the water, I used the underground water, and I made it of the ice.When you master the water, you master it, which that

  Either his state, as liquid as solid either gaseous. Moreover, you may have a chance to discover it by yourself.

  - You plan to leave us alive?

  - For the moment, you do not seem to represent a threat to our safety. However, I do not promise that I will let you leave the village.

  - And if I understood well, you insinuate that I could master the water as you?

  - Absolutely. You are governed by the same element as me. I see him in your aura. "Kerian, who just listened carefully the discussion, intervened to try to add a flash of humor." You must be often grumbling then. "Edwin looked at him surprised, and slightly frowned:" we are not grouchier than the others.

  - Ah if, it is even your first quality. You see, you grumble.

  - Necessarily, you look for me. Go, of the wind, make for us of the air, it is what you know how to do best! "And they exploded to laugh both." Then that one, she is really muddy! "Meant Kerian. Yizrah looked at them of a stunned way. They scolded in front of him, while they had lashed him all the same. And their hot complicity brought him almost to feel of the sympathy for his holders. They had a good fund, it was quite obvious. In any way, he understood better the spiritual aspect which Aaron had taught to his nephew, as well as the revelations which had been passed on to him by Temba, Salina, Natan ... Everything was bound ... Everything was the truth ... He felt suddenly as a pain seizing him between eyebrows. A heat invades him suddenly. He had the impression to feel the water in his body. As if he felt it circulating. Kerian and Edwin turned around in his direction." Edwin, he does not look good the gentleman there.

  - It is normal. His consciousness is releasing itself. It is what arrives when we are confronted with the truth ... You know him well ...

  He(It) bent and put the hands on the shoulders of Yizrah.

  " Especially, does not panic Yizrah, everything goes well take place, breathes slowly and let go yourself. "

  The latter took literally its advice(council). He(it) felt(smelt) his(its) tension calming down immediately, he(it) focused on Edwin. Yizrah closed eyes and made the space. He(it) visualized(displayed) the traffic(circulation) of the water inside his(its) own body. He(it) felt her(it) intensely. Then, he lives a white point form. Of a brilliant white. This point thickened in a uncontrollable way. The light sprang from it and invaded its field of vision. Everything was not more than light. Yizrah was somewhere else. He(it) was totally disconnected from the world which surrounded him(it). Edwin and Kerian looked at him(it) of a dazed air. He(it) was in full levitation in front of the stunned eyes. It is not every day that somebody is illuminated in front of you. If they were with difficulty impressionable, there this time, they looked both of a stunned air, looking questioningly on the behavior to be adopted in this kind(genre) of situation. They did not ignore that you should not especially wake s
omebody who levitates, especially if he reaches(affects) the illumination as they had a presentiment of him(it). Then, suddenly, he(it) reopened eyes. He(it) stared at them then spoke:

  " I understand better now. How was I able to miss(to pass by) since all this time(weather)? Oh, I levitate ", he says in smiling.

  Kerian and Edwin exchanged a taken aback look, the subject of this on the whole unusual experience(experiment) did not seem more disrupted(perturbed) than that to levitate. And especially, they did not have to deal any more with the same man. Everything had changed in him. He(it) posted(showed) a brilliant serenity. He(it) rested(based) on the ground in a totally checked way. The face raised a permanent smile. Then he pursued.

  " You will not want it to me, I like you both. You are cute and I am certain that your friends who live in trees are also nice as you, but I have to make. I have to speak to my nephew. If you allow ... "

  And the links squeezing(tightening) Yizrah loosened alone. He(it) got loose by the thought. He(it) recovered then addressed these kidnappers.

  " You will be pleasant(kind), show me the path(way). "

  Edwin and Kerian were quite simply stunned by the reversal of attitude of Yizrah. His(her,its) confidence(trust) in him was

  Multiplied tenfold. He(it) addressed them with a quite new condescension. Contrary to appearances, he did not aim to be contemptuous, he felt simply different. As if he(it) was invulnerable. Nothing could reach(affect) him(it). He(it) had he(it) seems affected(touched) the truth ... The vitamin C, the meditation, the fourth dimension(size) briefly evoked by Salina, the elements ... Everything was bound(connected), everything had a sense(direction) ... It was necessary, more than ever, to encourage Natan to pursue the begun(undertaken) path(way).

  " And if we refuse? Ask for Kerian.

  - Why not to help us? I understood well that you hold(like) the safety(security) of your community, and the forest also, I presume. But we are not for that there. Your secret will be kept(guarded) well with us. Let us leave. "

  Edwin and Kerian exchanged a brief look, revealing certain embarrassment, before the leader speaks in his/her turn.

  " Even if we wanted to lead you to him, we could not ... He(it) escaped ...

  The shame is read on the face. Yizrah held on roaring.

  - Good thing you were supposed to let nobody go out from here living. I do not congratulate you the children. Well, anyway, I suppose that he(it) is going to try to mean looking for me, I am not made of bile. Salina, her, is always there?

  - In breaking news, yes, answered Edwin annoyed to be thought of as an amateur this time.

  - Well, showed of a little of gallantry and free(release) there. Then, you will explain to us why you are so much on the defensive. "

  Edwin came out in favour and invited Yizrah of a wave of the hand to follow them. They went to the hut where Salina was locked. Only the head exceeded(overtook) of the block of ice(mirror,ice cream) which imprisoned him(it). Yizrah rushed at once(in a row) to her. He(it) would be dying to try to put into practice his(its) control(master's degree) of the water. He(it) put jointly the hands on the ice(mirror,ice cream) to liquefy this mass of ice(mirror,ice cream). Edwin and Kerian observed the scene(stage) with attention. He(it) closed eyes, concentrated on his(its) task. He(it) felt every water molecule and he(it) tried to warm them. The result(profit) was immediate. She(it)

  Began to melt shyly before the process does not accelerate suddenly and before some water collapses in abundance and spreads in the room, wetting them all in the passage and flooding the parquet at the same time. Salina fell on the ground, resumed consciousness and leaned on the ground. She was fatigued. To identify darkened his face. His dark eyes expressed an unconcealed anger towards their hosts. She apparently had difficulty in digesting the welcome which had been reserved for him. But she was quickly comforted. Yizrah rushed immediately to her and embraced her. He helped him get up, took her by shoulders and addressed her.

  "It is finished Salina. You feel how?

  - I feel emptied, but thank you for all Yizrah, and she presented him with one of her most beautiful smiles.

  - Voucher. To us maintaining, says Yizrah by turning around towards their charming kidnappers. Thus of what you are afraid?

  - We settled down here for some time. We managed to live in harmony up to there and we hold particularly our lifestyle. Unfortunately, every time we saw people being foreign to us to penetrate in the forest, they living being by bad intentions. We so act to protect ourselves, but also to protect the forest. We are grateful to the nature which is a carrier of the life. She is crowned for us. A few months ago, men got in a recurring way into wood. They came to draw from it resources, and we even saw them making prisoners and transporting them with them. We took for habit to face them. Having captured some of them, we learnt some information on them. They are a member of a kind of militia in a modern city apparently. And they master elements, as us. They always work in teams of four, every element being represented. Due to fighting them, we managed to dissuade them to come in our region. We are not used to meeting men such as you Yizrah. We felt of forts will have penetrate in the forest, we believed in their return simply, explained Edwin.

  All this is understandable. But we don’t want to hurt you. We planned to go to Stambouli, the city that the militiamen spoke about, to find the brother of my nephew, and also to help Salina and the others who fight against these men who seem to play with fire. Do you think that we should rather help than to oppose Edwin? Yizrah asked him by holding out offering his hand. "

  Edwin did not answer. He just shaked hands with him(her) and looked down as a sign of approval. Then Yizrah did the same with Kerian.

  " But you cannot leave at once, added Edwin. According to me, you should improve the control of your element before leaving. We have no idea of what is going on in Stambouli, but we have kick them outside our forest. It was not easy. They are tough, more numerous than you, very organized. You are going to be on their ground. "

  Yizrah took a short moment to think, then he consulted Salina, who recovered little by little.

  " What do you think of Salina? is It not a bad idea? We should maybe take advantage of the chance of a lifetime to pull us before joining Stambouli.

  - Apparently, you woke up Yizrah. To pull you would not be of the luxury. But we do not know how long it will be necessary for Natan to reach this landing. We cannot delay too much. I had a vision on the path... We should hurry.

  - A vision?

  - Yes. Every element excels at a domain in a way. I am an element of the fire , thus i have natural predispositions to read the future. I have visions, I can also discover the history of an object jusy by touching it. Other elements are capable of it also, but it will often look like decipherable flashes. It will be less precise.

  - It is fascinating, smiles Yizrah. And as regards the element of the water?

  - As element water, you have a natural gift as regards the telepathy and all which is connected with it, whose spirit controls it. But I think that an element of the water will inform you better that me on this matter ", she answered in fixing Edwin.

  Yizrah followed Salina’s look and understood about what she spoke, and moreover, the concerned reacts in the same time.

  " I shall make practice with you Yizrah, I shall explain you the basics and principles of controling your element.

  - Good. And Natan, who is going to take care of him during this time?

  - I think that a person is quite appointed for this role, isn’t Salina? "

  Yizrah turned the head in the direction of Salina. This one anticipated for what the latter was going to ask.

  " Natan is of the same element as me Yizrah. I would be delighted to train him. And to tell the truth, it is what my grandfather wished. He wished that when the time comes, I help him to understand the control of the fire. But I am exhausted, I would like I could rest... "

  Salina bent over the fatigue. Apparently, she needed more to recuperate. Edwin respo
nded to her request, and they fitted out a room to allow her to sleep and to regain her strengths. This time, she was pampered. As soon as she stretched out, she collapsed to sleep. Thus she missed the return of the will-o'-the-wisp. Natan, accompanied by a mysterious and additional presence waited the night to make his reappearance. He ignored that Yizrah had managed to find a common ground with their former torturers. Edwin and Kerian had spent the rest of the day showing their charming small village to Yizrah. They had explained him their lifestyle, their habits, the way they had built their housing environments, due to elements that have the ability to treat the wood. They filled these lacks in terms of knowledge as regards elements. And they also evoked the fourth dimension.Regrettably, they were less informed on this matter than Salina or could not certainly being Temba for example. They were only conscious of the positive aspect of this period. They didn’t

  Suspect the threat pressing on them. But Yizrah understood better what had passed during the Apocalypse. Actually, the wheel of the humanity fate had taken a new bend. A long period ended. It was the end of the materialism. This one had arrived to the peak at the beginning of the XXIth century, technological breakthroughs had reached their limits. The man with a big H had not become aware to evolve, it was necessary to recover the spirituality and not the materialism. The world had self-destructed in a way. A very long cycle of duality had finally collapsed. The duality represented the good and evil and was governed in fact by the third dimension.

  The human beings and the animals bloomed in a limited world. Natural resources became impoverished ceaselessly, the numerous human inventions polluted the planet, and mostly, they prevented men and women from feeling the prana. Animals,itself, had lived so different era. They were in total harmony with the nature for the most part. Their level of consciousness was lower, but their lifestyle was the voucher. Unfortunately, all of them had a formidable common enemy due to its ignorance, the human being. Only the domesticated animals took out well. Most of the wild animals were killed, captured, haggled, raised to be eaten, hunted, pursued for their fur, their teeth, their skin ... The motives which urged the men to mistreat the various animal species were not lacking. And a good quantity of them slowly saw disappearing. Fortunately for them, the life calls the life. And the decrease of the ground magnetic field coincided with the development of the prana. The spiritual energy became intensified largely at the beginning of the XXIth century. It was necessary to see the main forerunner of the fourth dimension there. Although the men did not manage to find the way of spirituality anymore, this one opened to them independently of their will. The humanity was intended to evolve. And we do not escape our fate. This time, the duality ended. A period of transition, passage towards the fifth dimension began. But to come there, all which had lived as a parasite on the human beings is totally past:


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