A New Era

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A New Era Page 19

by Chris Red

  The materialism, the money, the politics, the religions, the borders, the nationalities ... One degree of minimum material had to allow the men and women of any lands to be finally in adequacy with four elements. And four elements should born the fifth element: love. Yizrah ignored all this. He had no idea of how Edwin, Kerian and others as Aaron, Salina and Temba had become aware of all this. The main part was that this, made him escape. He trusted them, he felt that it was the truth. He thought about all those who had died in the preceding years of the Apocalypse and during fateful moment, he spoke about it to Edwin in his hut after Kerian had left them.

  " Edwin, something taps me. Apparently, a new chance was offered to the humanity but nevertheless, among us, many were killed. The destruction brought the possibility of a better world, but only for the survivors.

  - It depends on how you grant to the death Yizrah. "

  Edwin, who was sitting, got up and approached his interlocutor then he clocked pointed his index between the eyebrows of Yizrah.

  " There, in this region, is your pineal gland Yizrah. It is here that your soul stays. Your body says appointing the whole skeleton of Yizrah by moving the hands in the air with a lot of dexterity, is only a physical envelope. Your physical body goes out, but your soul leaves immediately this empty shell. Each has the route of his own. I call that the progress of the soul. "

  Suddenly, he was interrupted in his evening lesson. he felt somebody trying to force the psychic barriers of his spirit. Edwin understood that Natan and his mysterious rescuer was back. However, the person who tried to control his spirit had to be a beginner. He did not was consider it, but he decided to be passive so he enters with confidence. Yizrah scrutinized Natan with attention, who was held in the entrance of the room. He had never observed at his nephew's a look so determined. He seemed gone back up as a cuckoo. But it was necessary to intervene

  Before he becomes enraged, he by-passed Edwin and rushed to him.

  " Calme down Natan, we are eventually heard. They are even going to help us.

  - Ho ... How? "

  Natan eyes had turned completely. He had passed of the state of trance to save his uncle in the feeling of frustration to have wasted his time having developed a useless plan. He made a sign to his accomplice to appear and to fail the continuation of the operations.

  " Ieleana can you come, release him, the situation is apparently settled. "

  In his turn, she entered the hut and appeared in front of Yizrah, next to his lover and opened the mouth.

  " I release him, then? "

  Yizrah made a sign to tell her that yes by a movement of the head, and Ieleana released Edwin. This time, Edwin was relieved to recover then he examined the one who had helped Natan and who had also had the courage to attack him under his own roof. So, Yizrah decided to redo the presentations:

  " Edwin Peters, I present you my nephew, Natan, and his girlfriend, Ieleana, whose presence to the program was not planned."

  Edwin bowed out to greet them.

  " Natan and Ieleana, Edwin was supplying me with clarifications on numerous points. I think that it could strongly interest you. What would you tell Edwin to start over? "

  Edwin did not answer at first. He preferred at first to go to sit down, then he opened the hands towards the outside and seats cut in the ice then appeared:

  " Sit down my children, it may last a long part of night. "

  Chapter 11: goodbye, Allegro!

  The residential area was situated right in the heart of the city. A building overhung the others. It was the Lazarus Stambouli's personal residence. He did not live in it alone, his domestics possessed their own districts also, but it was his domain. It was not particularly vast, but It was impressive all the same and stood, on numerous floors, very high in the sky. The building dominated simply the city. Having said that,he represented only little thing at the bottom next to the majesty mountains surrounding the inhabited valley. Unfortunately, the man had this nasty mania to underestimate the nature. The human being is an ant which ignores its small size. Quite the opposite even, it had the annoying trend to be considered a giant. The fact remains that it was difficult not to see if only a small square meter of its place of residence where that you are in the city. On the other hand, he had rather sober tastes. Buildings did not give in the beading. It was entirely painted in black. Including the windows which were tinged and did not allow to see what could possibly brew inside. Other buildings of the residential area had not been provided with the same megalomaniacal size, but had been endowed all the same with the same blackish complexion. The dull was with current tastes.

  Everything around the private residence of the governor had been built the districts of the flyball players. It was an impressive complex. A part was dedicated to the personal housing of the players, but there were also the rooms of training, games, weights rooms, leisure activities, they benefited from a catering service devoted to their cause. This complex formed the outlines of a cube, with the tower of the governor in its center, of cubic form also. Every building of the residential area was linked all in all just like the system of Russian dolls. The only ones of the small inner courtyards connected them one to the others, and the small passages

  Allowing to enter and to go out as you pleases to reach the various buildings. But to tell the truth, for the most part of time, each stayed at home. The players of flyball saw their slightest fulfilled desires and they prefer not to leave a place where they miss nothing. From his part the governor remained most of his time immured in his ivory tower although he liked to visit occasionally the players. They were moreover the only ones to have regularly the privilege of its visit. But he preferred to receive rather than to move, and it happened that some are invited in his domain. On the other hand, he had maintained a certain distance with the militia. Certainly, they were there to serve him, but deep down in his heart, he despised them. In chess, they would be only pawns. He would be king, The major component, but also the most fragile. Fortunately, he had his queen to protect him, worth knowing general Ribardielli. He would maybe have estimated to have a little more feminine and more attractive queen, but he had a formidable right hand there , at the same time loyal and merciless man. Furthermore, the general managed the towers, worth knowing the captains. He had more evil to encircle the role of the flyball players . were they crazy or riders? The one or the other one, it was a certainty, they allowed him to distract and to maintain putting to sleep the plebs. But in that case, he missed a room. And it could raise problem Especially when we ignore the nature of his opponent. Lazarus Stambouli was held, on this rainy day, behind the window to contemplate the sky to weep buckets. His instinct tapped him. He felt that the machine was going wrong, but the enemy remained invisible for the moment. However, according to the reports of general Ribardielli, everything went well. What was not totally true as you know ...

  Meanwhile, captain Allegro walked in the rain, he crossed the residential housing of the militiamen to go to the last building , that of the general. The players flyball were surrounded between the residence of the governor and the general offices. Allegro came back from Stambouli prison, situated in the entrance of the residential zone. And carrier of one bad news with that. So, he exceeded the residence

  Captains, that where he accommodated, without stopping, he was focused on the general office. He was worried, because he already thought about what he was going to receive. And this time, he knew that she was deserved. He had made a beginner error and had given an order to her men without having realized even the nonsense of the mission. Actually, he had omitted a light detail. Jérémy had infiltrated with the identity of Regazzi and he had been imprisoned under it roll. To eliminate Regazzi meant eliminating Jérémy, and by the way, leaving real Regazzi alive in the hands of Phoenix. The general was going to be furious. Allegro paid no attention on drops of water which dirtied his uniform, while each of his steps threw with violence brightness of water. He moved forward nevertheless of a step deci
ded, pressed to finish in it. It was not man's kind to run away and to hide behind excuses. He knew how to assume his blunders. Even in the face of a man such as Ribardielli. What tortured him, it was the eventuality to lose the confidence of the general. He had in particular managed to reach captain's row thanks to an intimate link with the governor personally. But what he shared with Lazarus Stambouli did not protect him a status from untouchable. He did not doubt a single moment when if he was not as high as the requirements of the general, this one would relieve him of his duties without batting an eyelid. Well then, it would become again a simple pawn.

  He used the control of the thought to open the front door of offices deprived of Ribardielli. As he crossed corridors, his tension increased and his heart pounded. He had a light moment of hesitation before knocking at the door. Then he dashed, anyway he knew very well that the general had already felt his presence since a moment. To go back would be totally pointless from now on. He heard the deep voice of the general indicating him to return. He entered and appeared in front of him with a shy appearance, a little shameful. He looked like a child who had committed a stupidity and who was frantic at the time of admitting his misdeed. The general had the Lowered, but allegro head inhaled the guilt with full nostrils and it did not escape him when he raised his eyes in the direction of the captain. He discovered this attitude on behalf of

  Captain Allegro for the first time. It was at least unusual. He had understood before the latter speaks that everything had not taken place as expected.

  " Captain Allegro? You came to confirm me the abolition of the Phoenix member and the soldier who revealed information allowing the latter to infiltrate us, is it.

  - Not exactly, my general answered Allegro with a trembling voice.

  - You intrigue me captain. Give some explanation.

  - We have ... Finally ... I ... I committed a small error of assessment which damaged the realization of the mission which you had confided me. "

  Ribardielli had taken place forward towards his office,the tied hands, elbows put on the office and he changed position having heard the words " small error of assessment ". He fell over behind his seat(siege) and began rubbing the chin with the left hand. And with the right hand, he made a sign to tell him to continue, seeing that he was a bit afraid to venture in detail.

  " We ignore where is Umberto Regazzi. We ignore even if he is still alive. Jérémy had taken his identity, he is known under the name of Regazzi in the prison registers. Regazzi did not make that to inform Phoenix, he was probably kidnapped to allow their member to take his place. "

  The general did not stop rubbing his chin and observed his captain in a impassive way. He stayed calm. And it worried more Allegro. The latter was afraid that his general breaks a hose at any time.

  " Good. We fully agree my dear captain, it is pitiful, right? It is an unworthy error of your status. "

  And then he began to laugh, again and again, more and more hardly ... He began to bang the office. He had left in a fit of the giggles under eyes startled by Allegro, who felt ridiculous.

  "Then captain, it is strong, frankly. Sorry, he says drying the tears of laughter which flowed on his cheeks. I do not even manage to irritate me so it is pathetic."

  He heaved a sigh before recovering and finding his seriousness.

  "Please forgive my behavior. But don’t worry, it is not so catastrophic as that. It represents even an interesting opportunity. We are going to benefit from the situation. Unfortunately, captain, it does not concern you anymore. You have just lost my confidence. However, you can thank the confidentiality of our operation, it allows you not to be discharged of your functions. Break, captain. But you will be kind, I would like to receive your men, tell them that I wish to meet them please. - in your orders my general, answered captain Allegro who swallowed his pride with a lot of difficulty."

  Allegro left his office with a violent feeling of humiliation. He was more than boiling. The rabies invaded him. He was expected in what the general goes out of his hinges and sprays him. He had not planned in what this one sees himself taken by a giggle and dismisses him with the consideration which we grant to a useless person. However, he obeyed the orders of his general and he had contacted by telepathy his men to indicate them that they were urgently asked by the general personally.

  Ribardielli rubbed hi hands. He sat in his armchair, pulled well behind modest sound office. He studied four men who were held in front of him. He raised a smile tinged with a light sadistic nuance. Then, he recovered. Four Spaniards were held in the guard to you there, waiting that the general gives an order.

  "Break, soldiers!"

  Almería, Gutierrez, Navarro and Floured relaxed, but the expression of their face remained pale and devoid of feelings. They had got ready to take a smoke in their turn, after their boss. He had to consider that it was a collective failure. They had not had the presence of mind to notice the blunder of their captain.

  "You look stress guys", Ribardelli began

  He took a time of silence, he began walking and by-passing his office to get closer to them, buttocks leaned to the office, in a semi-lax position.

  " I have a proposal for you. "

  They were all put under stress, and wanted to look mutually to share their incomprehension of the situation, but even if they rested, they concentrated all their attention on the general. And no one was intrigued by his first words.

  " What would you say if I gave you the possibility of leaving the army and if I offered you the double of your current salary at the same time? "

  They were taken aback. Jesus Gutierrez was the first one to react and to dare to question their general:

  " Are you serious? After what has just taken place?

  - It is not your fault if captain Allegro is an incompetent. But of course, you will work for me, personally.

  - What do you expect from us?

  - That you train a kind team of cleaning to Stambouli. You will be wearing civilian clothes, fed and accommodated in the district of your choice. It is very simple, you wait for my orders, I tell you where to act, when to act, you act. I would be the brain and you, you will be my hands. In less, naturally, than you are afraid of washing the dirty linen? "

  They looked, completely stunned by the unlikelihood of the situation. However, none of them saw a reason for opposing this proposal. It was about a golden opportunity. They did not really love the militia nor to serve the governor. It established for them only a way to be free from need and danger. Better was worth being near the governor than to be his enemy could think whoever had made a commitment in the militia. Ribardielli waited for an answer. Gutierrez looked at his partners, he seemed to be the one who was going to become the leader of this team, neither Floured, neither Navarro nor Almería showed a sign of refusal thus, he spoke on their behalf.

  our hands are not quite clean any way you know well general.

  - Well, I have to consider you as former militiamen, right? "

  Jesus Gutierrez turned to his colleagues:

  " If one of you prefers his current condition, it's now or never to notice."

  Nobody answered. They remained stoical, determined to leave the army. Their general tender them an exit towards the freedom, they were not rather crazy not to take it.

  " Well, sirs. I am going to take care of your personal files. You can go to assemble your belongings. I am going to do what's necessary to find you a temporary accommodation in town. As regards your missions, you will receive them by telepathy. It will be the only way which we shall use to communicate. Is it very clear?

  - It is very clear general, they answered all at the same time.

  - Good. As regards your salaries, I would make transfers on your personal accounts. I am a man of his word , you do not have to care about this detail.

  - good general, they intoned.

  - And please, please ... Stop calling me general. "

  They came out to signify their obedience.

  " Good. You
can arrange. But be ready. I should quickly require your services. "

  They made for last time of their existence the salute to their general. However, they had difficulty in imagining that they would never put their feet in this office again. As for Ribardielli, he had a lot of work. He dealt with illeco presto their case, the administrative had to be botched as quickly as possible, there was no time to lose with that. He had to go to go to the prison to question Jérémy. The general found different pretexts for each of them to justify their withdrawal of troops. Anyway, he knew very well that they aroused no interest. Especially that nobody dares to question a document signed by the hand of general Ribardielli. He made of numerous

  Steps essentially by telepathy, to make sure that they would be operational as quickly as possible . The afternoon ended by a big relief seized him. He could finally go to visit this famous prisoner.

  Jérémy sat in a corner of his cell. He waited. What? He ignored it, but he hoped that it was not a question of inevitable term of death. Deep down in his heart, he waited for a miracle. That somebody comes to release him . But in his cramped accommodation ,the hope was not really allowed. Nothing encouraged him to develop. Everything incited him to go out. Thus he waited there Seated on the ground. The head buried between the knees. The hands held the skull. He thought again about Temba, Salina, Ayame ... Of what would they think if they saw him in this state? He, who had accustomed them to always show a strong image. He whose care freeness had carried him in an inextricable situation. He, who usually was so proud, He could well tidy up his pride, and even to forget it Was only going to receive a visit? The forgetting seemed to torture him. The grating of the door to open made him jump. A man entered and closed the door behind him. Jérémy raised slightly the head. What seemed to be an officer stood very straight in in front of him. He wore a very flashy uniform, carefully ironed. His brown hair exceeded under his cap. He has dark eyes. And this look fed by the very darkness fixed him with an unbearable hardness. It seemed to him to have an idea of the identity of his visitor. But he doubted, he did not imagine possible that we can grant him so much importance. There had to something wrong. The general opened the light having spent a few moments to study the prisoner:


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