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A New Era

Page 21

by Chris Red

  However, we do not say that the phoenix is reborn of its ashes? We can suffocate a fire, but it is very complicated to break in him the breath for good. The fire can get tired, weaken until the agony, but as long as the most insignificant of flames vacillate and get along with great difficulty, the probability to see it finding its greatness is always very present. If it becomes blurred, it is more hard to return. To boost a fire, a twig is sometimes enough, coal either a little of hot breath. The fire simply needs energy, that we put back, all what is needed is fuel in the machine. Salina had given everything up to there to help Natan. She thought of having exhausted her reservoir of advice. She was wrong. She had had no words yet which it was necessary. The problem with a man in the grip of the doubt, is that he does not confide any more. From the moment the happiness of others slams him quite hard the face, he becomes out of the question to share his Punishment and his agonies. He would be afraid of feeling ridiculous in the eyes of the others. Natan was there, He did not dare to speak any more, not even to Ieleana. In fact, if the fire and the water are as the yin and the yang, they are the creative and destructive elements, when an element of the fire needs somebody to understand him, an element of the same edge is very recommended. Natan had not seized the importance of Salina's presence, and the same with her, had not been made the idea of being the mentor. Up to there, she had been used to being guided, advised, supported. It was a question for her of a new shape of responsibility. It was necessary to help Natan to become a man. She

  A woman was hardly sure to have become. The mission was not so easy for her. She doubted permanently when she opened the mouth. She questioned herself ceaselessly, blaming inside for not being up to it. Every time she approached Natan at the time of their sessions, her legs trembled, her knees collided. She was very sad to check her fear. The pressure suffocated him, and the increasing difficulties of Natan did not help him relax. However, these two beings were very complementary and livened up by the will of the fire. The failure was not in their nature, it may lower the head and to stick out the tongue in the face of an obstacle, but never to abdicate.

  Natan had appeared one morning at their usual meeting place, but early. He was sitting cross-legged blindly when Salina arrived. When she sat down by his side, he reopened eyes and fixed it toward her eyes. She was stunned. She had never seen a look so determined. He was transformed. She could read his will to finish in it in the depths of his eyes. He did not tremble. He was apparently more likely as the ugly duckling.

  "You are so serious this morning Natan, she says in him presenting with one of her most attractive smiles.

  - listen to Salina, I'm fed up to sleep badly at night ... to stagnate ... not to arrive there. I should arrive there. Stop trying to be smart.

  - well, I am delighted to hear you saying so.

  - Before meditating, I would like to share something with you. I think that will make me feel good."

  Salina was intrigued at the same time and happy to see that Natan wished to confide in her.

  "Well, I am listening .

  - At night, I always see the same dream. I am in a city. There is fire everywhere, people fight, some are hurt, other dead. I am with Edwin and Kerian. There is also a name about which the face tells me nothing. We are in a very dark street and we observe a man crying a lying woman died in his arms. It is the terrible vision ... and that seems so realistic ...

  I see, answered Salina by looking down.

  - You see?

  - Yes. I have already had this precognition. Finally without Edwin and Kerian ... I saw this city in the grip of flames. It is Stambouli City Natan. And especially, it is a vision of the future. You awakened your third eye Natan, she says in clocking the environment of his front. You are almost there. "Salina took Natan by the hand and squeezed it slowly to comfort him.

  " It is going to happen? We cannot prevent it? He asked on a hesitating tone.

  - Unfortunately no ... All what we can do, is to get ready for this event. But do not worry, this vision is going to disappear. You should not think about it.

  - Not to think about it? You are beautiful you.

  - I know well that it is difficult Natan, but that is the way it is. When the time comes, you will know what to do. Any way, we have to go over there and the sooner the better. And, we shall need you.

  "Salina seizes the Natan's second hand and look directly to his eyes to convince him by the strength of her only look." I am afraid of not having been you very useful up to there Natan. It is necessary to be lucid, I was a bad guide, However, if you allow me to give you an ultimate piece of advice. Make the space. Forget everything. Ieleana, your uncle, your brother, Jalalah, the life, the planet ... I do not know I ... Everything ... You should be ready for anything to abandon. It does not mean that you have to abandon everything of course, but you should be ready to sacrifice yourself for the good of others if you feel it is needed ... You understand? Excuse me, I am afraid of not being very clear. "

  Natan smiles to reassure her." It is bright Salina. Thank you. But if you allow me, I would like to be alone.

  - Well, I leave you young man. I count on you.

  She slid him a furtive wink before getting up and going away. He had closed eyes, he did not see Salina physically anymore, but he felt his aura, his physical energy ... He did not know how to put of words on that. But he

  Felt a form of life going away. And it is when i had gone away enough to the point that he felt nothing more around him that he plunged into a new meditation. He made the complete space. To think of nothing seems harmless seemingly, but in fact, to stand still without speaking or without thinking is a very complicated exercise. It was necessary not feed even thought towards chakras. The first doors opened in a snap of a finger. The spiritual energy crossed all the pores of the skin. He was totally filled with it. His brain was plunged into a deep dumbness. His body, was on the boil. An intense heat increased as he progressed. He trembled compulsively, without noticing it. In fact, he was about to levitate. His body tried to rise in the air, to get loose from the ground all on its own. Natan had left, he was somewhere else, his third eye had finally opened in big. Itches and feeling of floating assailed him inside the thighs, along its hips and in the low back. The eyes might be closed, his field of vision was assailed by the colors which form a rainbow. They alternated each their tour. He saw some red, then some orange, the yellow , the green , the blue then the purple and finally a brilliant white, a blinding purity. Its body and his soul were as separated ... At least, he did not feel any more his physical envelope. In fact, his soul had simply got the up. The illumination struck him. Any man reached by the grace could not determine how long it had lasted, indeed, he had lost any temporal notion. The truth struck him in full heart with an intensity of an almost splendid violence. Hefelt attracted and had lost every control.

  Suddenly, a double immense door appeared right in the heart of this white light which invaded him. It opened and he was as inhaled inside. He found himself in a kind of library there. This place seemed so vast as the universe, he crossed corridors and saw scrolling archives at the speed of a plane. Suddenly, he stopped in front of a wall of books. One of them in particular extricated itself and settled by floating in the air in front of him. It opened alone. Pages scrolled slowly enough so that he can understand what it

  Involved, but enough fast so that it does not become boring. He was simply trying his annals Akashic Records, which contain the memory of his previous lives. But nevertheless, it went far too fast. And what he saw had to belong only to him and to him alone. Suddenly, he was as struck. His eyes reopened, he had regained consciousness. He took a few moments to realize that he was one meter above ground level. "Keep silent you levite Natan, what could be more normal ... Stay calm ...", he says to himself in blowing. He also felt almost ardent balls of heat in the hollow of his hands. He looked briefly to the right, then to the left. There was a small flame in every palm. "Everything is perfectly normal Natan, supple rest."
Then he felt in his back a ball of energy growing up as it gets closer. He recognized well this ball of energy, it was Salina.

  "I began to discourage Natan. - when there is no hope left, it is at this moment when it is necessary to count on me my beautiful. - my beautiful?" Salina Answered on a perplexed tone.

  She approached him and stared at him with a disdainful air.

  "You, you gain confidence. Gentleman levitates and that's it, he takes himself for a man. You still have a lot to learn Natan.

  - I learn quickly, asserted Natan on a presumptuous tone.

  - well, then begin by learning to raise yourself."

  Natan had an inquiring look in her direction. He looked to her to put his hand on his shoulder, then he lost suddenly every control and fell heavily on buttocks.

  "That will teach you, gentleman boaster. Go to eat a little to regain strengths. Then, we can finally attack the serious things.

  - yes, mistress", he answered of a derisive tone.

  Natan got up and left in the direction of his compartment. Salina observed him from the back. With a certain charm, she saw a new man there,. She bites her lip by thinking again about him and about Ieleana. She knew that her soul mate could not be

  Another fire element, she could not stop feeling a purely physical desire for this young handsome hunk.

  Natan penetrated into his compartment. He saw Ieleana and Joana sitting on the bed there to devour very juicy fruits. They stopped their discussion when they saw him. Ieleana looked at him lovingly. Natan raised the blissful smile of the satisfied moron. When we aren’t the most intelligent and the happiness takes us then we cannot refrain from smiling.

  " here you are darling? You happy? Asked Ieleana.

  - I made a success. I still feel the fire traveling in each cells of my body. "

  His beloved got up of the bed and went to him. She snuggles up in the arms, slid him a soft kiss in the neck before whispering in his ear:

  " It is good my darling, I am proud of you. "

  Joana felt little of too suddenly. A feeling at least depraved seized her. She was on one side happy for her friend, and at the same time terribly jealous. Natan was attractive, young and had everything of the ideal boyfriend. He was thoughtful, soft, kind, funny ... There is nothing more terrible when we undergo the solitude to be confronted with the happiness of others. Joana made off discreetly. It became unbearable for her to stay next to these two intertwined bodies which did not form more than one. Natan drowned himself in the eyes of Ieleana. He was as bewitched. When he found himself snuggled up in the arms, he was often submerged by a feeling of plenitude. His solar plexus radiated of all his magnificence. His heart pounded. He felt floating in a whirlwind of enjoyment. But these moments of intense pleasure always ended. They turned around and see that Joana was not any more there, then gave an embarrassed look mutually. Ieleana decided not to let the uncomfortable settle down.

  " And if you visited your uncle to tell him the good news. I am going to go to find Joana. She had to feel of excess.

  - All right, my darling. Have fun. "

  They kissed each other for a long time before going away one of the other one without stop looking to each other. He was the first one to turn around, he

  moved forward to a decided step to go to find Edwin and Yizrah. On his way, he met Kerian. They discussed briefly. Natan announced news of the day. Kerian, due to his cheerful nature, was not able to refrain from giving a frank embrace to the young man to congratulate him as if he had just lost his virginity. He had resumed his way with an unconcealed sensation of happiness on the face. Natan had never seen somebody so kind and of so selfless. He saw in Kerian somebody who gave respectability with the real sense of the generosity which is to give and to be satisfied of the happiness of his fellow man without waiting for anything in return. He stayed a short moment after his interview to observe him going away, not because he was in love but rather because he saw his aura. Kerian was surrounded with a yellow energy. He had not paid it attention, but now that he thought of it, he had seen a blue energy around Ieleana and around Joana. Every element had its own color and your element drew the outlines of your personality. Edwin, Aaron, Salina ... All that they had told him was the simple truth. He thus rushed to go to find his uncle. He knew that both trained to exit of the village, to the forest. Arrived over there, he saw his uncle using a lasso of water and practicing certain movements with a stunning dexterity. It was as if he made water dance. In movement it looked somehow like water. He also noticed the blue aura which accompanied the elements of the water. Then he began runnin, he rushed towards them with a little pronounced discretion. So, they stopped and turned around toward him. Yizrah saw his nephew almost flying towards them, a smile enameling the face with such an innocence. He didn’t look that good for a long time , and, he had not seen him so happy. Immediately, He had understood. Natan had made the big jump as well. Natan rushed without stopping in the arms of his uncle, which pushed him back. Edwin scrutinized with curiosity the complicity between both men. Natan turned around in the direction of the latter.

  " Takes him not bad Edwin, but I believe that we are not going to stay for a long time among you.

  - I take him not bad, quite the opposite. But do not ignite too much. You have a lot to learn.

  - I know well. But the worst is over from now on, answered Natan with a new assurance.

  - You are finally going to be able to begin to train Natan, indicates Yizrah. You have already lost quite a lot of time, you should quickly set to work, he outbid.

  - I consider it well. I am going to find Salina. She should be waiting for me. "

  And he made off so fast as he had appeared. Edwin and Yizrah were able to resume their activity. A smile enamelled the face of the apprentice. He was relieved for his nephew, what increase his motivation for Edwin's biggest happiness which was satisfied to see his pupil progressing at a brisk pace. He had to teach him more.

  Days scrolled, and Salina saw Natan progressing with an impressive rhythm. Every element harbors its own advantages and inconveniences, and in a way, they are all equal. There is no hierarchy between elements. Quite the opposite, it is the meeting of four elements that constitutes the fifth: love, the most prestigious of the spirituality symbols. Having said that, the fire is the element which could be considered as the most dangerous, or at least the most impressive to tame. A center which leaves in all directions is very difficult to contain. The learning of the fire is thus the one which requires most patience, peace and dexterity. What can moreover seem paradoxical if we hold in account the fact that the elements of the fire are often of a very impulsive and passionate nature. It is not only a question of channeling the fire,but also of moderating oneself. And in this small game, Natan was simply brilliant. He succeeded in mastering his ardor with a disconcerting ease and a speed. To succeed in being in agreement with the fire, it is necessary to let escape the fire which transcends you by small drafts. For some, it was about bigger drafts than about others. For Natan, he jumped the stages with a puzzling ease for Salina. He put only little time to fill the delay accumulated on his partners. However, the real-life experience of Yizrah pleaded in his favor. He had no difficulty being in agreement with himself. Natan was printed by a lot of maturity, but the life reserved for him

  Another bunch of certain tests.In what concerned Ieleana, it was the most studious, the one that required most a certain supervision. She was very mature and close to be completely in agreement with herself, but her strength of character and her mental solidity still remained to be put to the test.

  At the level of their capacities, they mastered them almost all more or less in their entirety. Yizrah had developed the telepathy with Edwin. The levitation, the gift of precognition or the telekinesis were not its key points, but he had added these ropes to his bow.In what concerned the water in itself, it was the ability of feeling the water circulating inside its body, to regulate it, to warm it, to refresh it. He also feels t
he presence of water in the environment, underground as in the air. The various states of the water, worth knowing solid, liquid and gaseous put her no obstacle. He was from now on capable of transforming some icy water for example. But to make an ice cube from steam did not establish either a problem. He could play on the shape of the water, treat it, stretch it, multiply its quantity. The only drawback appearing at him was its inaptitude to use the water in an environment totally deprived by the slightest small water molecule.

  In what concerned Ieleana, she had become an outstanding telepathist. Rather, she mastered also the telekinesis, but the precognition and the levitation make for her a little more difficult obstacles. However, her key point lived lay in the rising link which united her with the nature. She saw herself attached to the mother earth with a new intensity for her. Any shape of vegetation was for her as one of her own organs. Trees, vegetables, sand, ground, flowers ... All that you could touch was particularly sensitive to him. She felt more that the other elements the life which was in these nevertheless motionless beings. And she could also interact with them.

  From his part Natan had already begun to feel the precognition, but in an uncontrolled way only for the moment. And it intervened mainly in the sleep. He was the one so far who was the most late at this level. On the other hand, the levitation and the telekinesis rested don’t cause him any

  difficulties. As for the telepathy, Salina had taught him basics. Then, unlike his darling and unlike his uncle, the fire is not present everywhere, it is not always tangible. Natan can feel the heat released by the daily radiation of the sun. If he was at the edge of the crater of a volcano, he would feel at home. However, when Yizrah and Ieleana interacts with the already present water around them, he had this unique power to create no more and no less of the fire. For that purpose, he visualized a ball of energy, concentrated the heat at the heart of this one and made increase the temperature until it result from it the appearance of a flame. Eventually, it would be also capable of making spring from the lava outside the ground or to create fireballs. At this moment, Natan was the one so far who had most progress to be made. Before taming the fire, it was necessary to be capable of resisting the fire. It was moreover the objective of its next exercise. Salina had announced that he was going to have to plunge the hand into a center which she would have prepared for him. She had explained well to him that it was the inescapable ritual initiation when we wanted to be of the fire.Useless to specify that in spite of the tenderness and of the sweetness shown by Ieleana, he had difficulty suppressing his nervousness the previous evening at the time of going to bed. And the night seemed to him very long ...


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