A New Era

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A New Era Page 28

by Chris Red

  The sun lay down over them, replaced by the appearance of the moon which stayed up over the top of trees. The forest was plunged into the twilight, but everybody did not sleep. Certain night animals made their voices heard. Natan had already enough evil to fall asleep, he did not need that. Ielana slept like a baby, madam allowed even to snore. Salina was lost in the arms of Morpheus. Yizrah breathed so discreetly as the humming of the engine of a tractor. And Edwin seemed to sleep also, it was lengthened, the head turned to the sky. Natan got up, by taking care of waking nobody. He needed to walk, to take a walk. He could remain motionless anymore and keep thinking without being able to find a moment of respite and letting go itself.

  "Problems of insomnia?" Asked Edwin.

  Natan stopped dead, as paralyzed person.

  " Apparently I am not the only one, he answered.

  - I don’t sleep much at night, my body doesn’t need seen sleep anymore since it does not know anymore the inconveniences of the physical tiredness. I just meditate.

  - I see. It is maybe what begins to happen to me then.

  - maybe. But it takes time before feeding only on the spiritual energy Natan. You have hardly just opened your third eye. Is there anything that bothers you?"

  Natan rubbed his foot on the ground before answering: "it is possible ..."

  Edwin got up and invited Natan to go away a from the camp to be able to discuss without waking the others.

  " Tell me Natan, I shall not judge, you know me very well.

  - I dream sometimes Edwin. I believe that they are premonitory dreams.

  - It is a probability actually Natan. You begin to be in agreement with your element. The first faculty of fire elements, it is the precognition. And often, it begins to show itself in the form of dreams.

  - Yes, Aaron, the grandfather of Salina, had spoken to me about it. I found this very exciting possibility at the beginning ...

  - But ...

  - But I had thought only of the positive sides.

  - To see the future is a big responsibility Natan. But if you are there , it is that you are capable of accepting it.

  - Yes, I begin to understand that the precognition involves big responsibilities. But, you too, have visions or dreams?

  - That arrives at me. Most of the time, my visions appear to me in the form of dreams, but as I sleep little ...

  - And you had sometimes a vision which returned with recurrence?

  - No Natan. I see what you are getting at. You do not manage to fall asleep, because you are afraid of reliving a dream, Am I wrong? "

  Natan noded assent, without pronouncing a word .

  " It is because this vision must be very important. Can you tell me what you see, either is it too painful?

  - Not, I can. Furthermore, you are a member of it.

  - I listen to you.

  - When the dream begins, we are four, me, you, Kerian, and another man than I have not met yet. I ignore what we have just committed. I see Kerian running in front of me, I have a look behind me, you are there. We are in a building which seems immense and we leave what seems to be the entrance hall. Apparently, we avoid this place. We are not any more right to stay there. The hall is rather mat, sober, furniture is cold. There is no light, everything is dark and we have no visibility of it

  Outside world. Kerian takes us by running towards the exit. We exchange no word, only look. Kerian opens the door, and there, we face darkness. It's dark, the sky is dark, but it is intensely reddened by the flames which consume the earth, Shouts, tears, blows. Here is all which reaches our ears. We perceive forms moving, fighting, fighting. We have in front of us an immense city, but clearly decimated. The fire, the present everywhere, warms me cheeks. I manage to put my eyes nowhere, the chaos reigns everywhere and I feel as lost. Fortunately, you are there. The man who accompanies makes a sign for us to move forward, whom we do not have time to lose. We take off by trying to be the fastest possible. We stop briefly to fetch information. And suddenly, we pass in front of an alley. Kerian kept considering right in front of him, but me, I have the misfortune to throw to it a quick look; but what I see there immobilizes me on the spot. You stop too and ask me what happen. Kerian turns around. I say nothing, I point you simply the horrible show which my eyes attended while stuttering "there". In the face of us is a man on the knees, holding a woman in his arms. Apparently, her lungs stopped filling with oxygen, her heart stopped beating, her dress is bathed in blood. We distinguish a hole in the middle of her stomach. Her face is stained with blood, drops flow along her lips to drain on her dress to her chin. The man in question painted his cheeks with the tracks of his fingers. Nevertheless, he keeps caressing her in passing his hands fervently in hair. He murmurs something, but it is imperceptible for us. He cries at the same time, he stutters, he refuses to accept the loss of this dear being. We observe it during a few moments, without paying us at all attention. When, suddenly, he turns around towards us. As if he had felt our presence. As if we disturbed him. And there, he fixes us with eyes as bulging. He seems possessed. He looks terrorized, and at the same time, he terrifies me. The reason seems it left him. His hands tremble, his lips vacillate, his eyes seem to look for an answer. We could even think that he is the perpetrator of the crime

  That was committed and whic returned him. Then, by means of a pat in the shoulder, you make a sign to tell me to leave, that it is not better to linger in front of him. I felt the eyes following us even when we turned the back on him. It is when I left his eyes that I wondered about his costume. He carried serviceman's dress, he had four symbols sewn on his shirt. It was not whoever. We pursue our road and we cross a being imperative enough gate to be underlined. In fact, we leave a surrounding wall , but I have put the feet there still never, thus I do not know what it represents. And to have left it, we are thrown on the ground following an explosion behind us. It is there that I wake up.

  - Actually, it is not commonplace as dreams. You know Natan, if it is what has to take place, although you make, you cannot prevent it. We write our own fate, but at the same time we interact every some on the others and due to this fact, certain events are inevitable.

  - It means that it is really going to occur?

  - It seems to me obvious, Natan. it is going to need that you become used to this kindof premonitions. Because, soon you will have them not only at night.

  - What do you want to say?

  - You will be able to see the future eyes wide open. You will have sorts of trance. And, one day, you will understand even the future without needing to see it.

  - At times, I do not know if it is just of the intuition or a premonitory instinct. In fact, I have the impression to guess what is going to take place.

  - It is exactly that Natan. It is in the present that builds itself the future. You guess what is going to take place in the future moments by analyzing the present moment. You anticipate the consequences of the men actions .At the beginning, you are going to doubt, you are going to establish several hypotheses of future for every situation which you are going to meet. And one day, you will know in a snap of a finger what an action is going take place as consequence.

  - I see. If I may allow myself, I have the feeling that we are facing a great danger.

  I know well Natan, but when a danger appears, it is necessary to face it. We do not have other choice. In any case, I am satisfied, we are going to see Kerian again. The fate seems to refuse to take us away for a long time.

  - I found strange this separation I have to admit, slid Natan to Edwin while getting up. In any way, thank you to have bothered to listen to me, I am going to rest for some time ,

  it is going to be very hot tomorrow. Good meditation.

  - Thank you, rest well.

  Edwin watched Natan going to bed. He observed him with a suspicion of admiration. Natan abounded in a fabulous potential. And he had from now the certainty that the fate had gathered them for a long moment. He had difficulty in explaining why, but he felt a very particul
ar attachment towards Natan. He appreciated him a little as a younger brother, while nevertheless, they had no blood tie.

  If Edwin was the last one to fall asleep, on the other hand, he was first to wake up before everybody. He was able to admire the orange-colored complexion enameling the celestial ceiling over the mountain which appeared at them. He would never stop savoring this show, he said to himself at this moment. Then, he attended upon awakening progressive of his travelling companions. Natan and Salina were nevertheless the first loans to leave. The fire which burned in them was an exceptional engine: they possessed an energy which was permanently renewed. It was necessary to them a few moments hardly having opened eyes to be again on form. For Ieleana, she needed a little more time, but she a little let revitalize by the ardor of the scatterbrained fires whereas Yizrah, , needed to go there also at his pace, the water being undoubtedly of more taciturn nature. So, the troop waited friendly that the latter had left its lethargy to be finally able to leave this forest and cross the mountainous barrier which offered itself to them to being able to join unpredictable quoted from Stambouli.

  Unfortunately for them, nobody really knew places. Salina and Yizrah tried to find a way to find the kept tunnel secret. But it was not easy thing. Edwin and him had never thought of leaving the forest, thus he was there

  Totally unknown territory. And in what concerned Natan and Ieleana, they looked like a couple of tourists. But they did not completely content with following the others. Ieleana tried to meditate by walking not to feel physical tiredness at first, but also secondly to sound the topography and spot possible weaknesses in the mountain. As long as she perceived nothing, she preferred to remain silent and to trust Salina and Yizrah, who collaborated with enjoyment, but unsuccessfully.

  They walked during long hours along the western custard tart of the mountain, they went in step of ants to the north of the chain. The famous tunnel was situated in the northwest of the chain. Salina, as well as Yizrah, hoped to recognize places and to identify the entrance of the secret passage any minute now. During their escapade, they had been able to contemplate downstream the forest which they had abandoned. But since one or two kilometers, the topography was not the same any more. Trees and other natural plants became scarce, the earth became more clayey. They could observe heap of orange color standing out from theground. Pebbles appeared, before giving way to rocks. The exit of the canyon which they had hoped to borrow was outlined. The doubt had begun to seize Salina, but having noticed the continuous evolution of the vegetation, the enthusiasm submerged it. Yizrah was also largely relieved , he had understood that they had carried out the most difficult part of the route. Natan, him, felt ill at ease since a few minutes. He had a bad presentiment, he was afraid that an obstacle blocks again their path. And he watched for the reactions of his lady-love, who had remained very silent since far much for a long time and seemed very concentrated on this unknown ground which surrounded them and which he considered hostile.

  When, suddenly, Salina stopped. She stretched out the arm in front of Yizrah, who walked by her side, to indicate her pausing for a moment. Then she turned around in the direction of Ieleana.

  " You were about to say something Ieleana?

  - Yes ... How do you know? She stammered.

  The fire sees everything. However, he does not understand everything.

  "Natan endorsed what Salina just said.


  “I felt it too my darling, he says taking the hand. What were you going to tell us? "

  Anxiety did not escape either Edwin or Yizrah, who scrutinized Their expectation from her simply that she pronounces what they had already got in her thoughts. She hesitated a few seconds, nibbling the lip, and having a brief look filled with condolence towards expensive and soft sound.

  " The earth speaks to me in this region a lot. It seems very particular ... Very secret ... I distinguish an impressive number of galleries and caves under the mountain. Some seemes even to sink so far into bowels of the Earth ... But it is not that which worried me. I think of having spotted a gallery which possesses two openings, contrary to all the others - Perfect! exclaimed Natan, who had found his impudence further to these good news. He did not see why she seemed so worried. "Edwin put his hand on Natan's left shoulder." Let her finish.

  - Thank you Edwin, resumed Ieleana whose anxiety had not abandoned her face. However, there is a problem. I feel the presence of several men. There are two groups, one in every extremity of the gallery.

  - They protect certainly the passage, deducts Edwin from it, Maybe that this entrance had escaped them. The fact remains that it is not anymore the case my friends. He is going to need to play guile.

  Salina and Yizrah exchanged a brief look, expressing their mutual disappointment. Natan was perplexed. And Ieleana was in the grip of doubt. She thought even for a brief moment of turning back. But to beat a retreat did not really correspond to what Edwin had behind the head. His brains would work at full speed to try to find the safest plan. He invited them to settle and to collaborate to find the best solution. After a few minutes where each thought in the corner without having an idea which is worth being shared, Edwin turned to Yizrah and Ieleana.

  "In this kind of situation, I think that the faculties of water are going to be useful. The water is endowed with instinct and with reflection, Ieleana, you showed your value by coming to Natan's rescue. What would you suggest in this very precise case?"

  Ieleana, sketched a light smile and blushes a little, flattered by what she considered a praise coming on behalf of a being such as Edwin, for whom, she had a lot of respect.

  "Thank you, Edwin, but the situation was different, and the motivations also. I was grateful to intervene, while there I have the impression that we are going in a trap. However, we benefit from the same advantage as I possessed: the effect of surprise. Only, the objective is not the same. There, in what concerns us, it is simply necessary for us to cross. The question that arises, it is to know if the altercation is inevitable. Our purpose not being to point us out, it would be preferable to infiltrate the most discreetly possible. But, we have to get under the nose of four men. The passage seems to me rather narrow, it would be necessary to penetrate into the gallery into one at the same time.

  - You described well the context Ieleana, chained Edwin. Yizrah, an idea?

  - As for me, I do not see other solution than the control of the spirit. We could try to make them even an illusion to cover everybody. However, I am not sure to be up to it. And I doubt that we can treat so many spirits at the same time, isn't it Edwin?

  The latter grimaced before answering:

  "it depends on their level. In any case, it is very tiring and very dangerous. We do not know them. It seems to me very risky.

  - Furthermore, they are among four. They form certainly a combination of four elements. Yet, even if we have the advantage of the number, we are rather unbalanced. However, we have three elements of the water contrary to them. Our best chance depends on our collaboration Edwin and Yizrah in my opinion. Especially that they should not be on their guard, maybe they are bored if they are there since a moment and when there is no activity. Any

  Way, in direct confrontation, seen our distribution of elements, we don’t have any chance. "

  From their part, Salina and Natan observed the scene with backward movement, slightly offended not to be consulted. However, the youngest of all aimed to be reassuring.

  " In any event, we are going to reach on the other side, it is certain. I saw it.

  - How's that? You saw who? Asked for Ieleana , perplexed in front of so much insurance on behalf of her lover who, apparently, did not share everything.

  - I had a vision of us in this famous city.

  - All right, answered Ieleana, apparently disappointed by the attitude of her darling. In brief, I propose that Yizrah operates the control of the spirit in the first place. He will sneak in the first one, followed by me to support him. Then, Natan then Salina will f
ollow. I am sorry for you two, but I think that if we fall in an ambush, you will be the most capable of protecting us. You are more in the action than in the reflection. Finally, Edwin would come lastly also by operating the control of the spirit. We shall remain close from each other. Afterward, it will be necessary to us to remain discreet. I think that they have to watch outside, and not inside. In the worst case, they could think that colleagues to them are in the gallery, to take their succession for example.

  - Excellent plan, Ieleana, I do not have nothing to add. Anybody has a better idea? " Edwin asked for the rest of the troop.

  They came out in favour all to answer the question, and seemed all amazed by the metamorphosis which had taken place at Ieleana. She took more and more confidence and revealed in broad daylight her sense sharpened of the reflection. She omitted no detail.

  They took a few moments before carrying out their plan. When the time comes, they approached with caution the entrance by following the indications of Ieleana. She and Yizrah tried hard to mask their spiritual energy not to be spotted. They arrived at the top of a kind of small abyss. They were surrounded with rocks. A big granite block allowed them moreover to hide them and to observe below the men who represented an obstacle. They were

  Dressed in a suit of military look. Each of them carried a suit of a very particular color. it was in blue, another one in red, one in green, and finally the last one, in yellow. They communicated at this moment by telepathy. Salina explained to them briefly that the suit represented their element. Thus Ieleana had not made a mistake on this subject. Four militiamen were situated in about ten meters below them, but in about twenty meters downstream. They were posted in front of a rather wide cavity so that two men can enter it at the same time. They stayed up, and seemed to occupy their time to discuss. Given that the surroundings were quiet, they were not really on the alert. He delayed simply them leaving this post. The sun banged well, and it was not pleasant for them to keep the entrance of a hole which did not attract the crowds. But, it was the orders. They did not have any choice.


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