A New Era

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A New Era Page 30

by Chris Red

  The general took his time to sit down. He took pleasure to make salivate the one that he wished to knock down. However, he had no interest to be hidden any information it is about the searches led by the militia. On the contrary, he had carte blanche.

  I expected not less for governor.

  - Well, in that case, go to wait for me in the hall. We are directly going to go on site with my personal fly car, you will have to serve us of course as guide, you see no inconvenience to it there?

  - Not at all. "

  Then the general executed the military salute and went to the elevator to return to the entrance hall. The governor came to find him a few minutes there later. The latter invited him to go out of the building, and a car which levitated some centimeters above ground level waited for them. It was clean, classy, but sober, nothing to do with the military flying bus that Jérémy borrowed. The vehicle had been painted in black, what conferred him an at least solemn aspect. In any case, the flycar emitted no gas in the atmosphere. The governor and the captain took a seat in the back. They did not discuss along the route. The governor remained pensive, he ground the brains to guess which wonderful surprise the captain could well reserve him.Seen the attitude, there was no doubt about it, he was going to attend something big. The general, him, was held forward, most moved the closer to the driver to indicate him the path. He repeated with a zeal embarrassing his indications, what had the gifts to annoy excessively the driver. Unfortunately, if this one dared to answer general, useless to say that he would not see any more the daylight. After several minutes of journey, suddenly, the device stopped while they were in high height, and the driver began the descent with a lot of precaution. Windows were armored, what allowed those who were inside the passenger compartment to be able to spy what took place outside in any discretion. The governor took pleasure to observe hectometers of rock parading under the eyes, until arrive as high as the ground. From there, he perceived numerous soldiers working for his account. But these inspired him after all only some contempt. It was no more and no less only about vulgar insects.

  " Here we are almost arrived governor, indicated Ribardielli to Stambouli. But from now on, we must continue by our own ways. "

  Lazarus Stambouli had him a disdainful look, making him understand that even if he knew that he had no choice, he moderately appreciated only to get involved in a class which he considered as subordinate. Furthermore, he felt extremely vulnerable in these rare occasions where he walked on the same ground as them, feeling trapped by their presence.

  " Well, we have no choice, I presume.

  - Unfortunately, no, answered the general, who, him, had no apprehension to walk in the middle of those whom he considered as his men. On the contrary, he felt even stronger than he was already. "

  They extricated themselves at the same time from the vehicle. They scrutinized each in their way the surroundings. The one observed by trying to hide his concerns and tried to remain impassive to show well his superiority; other one held on smiling and took a great pleasure to find there, surrounded with his militiamen, on the ground, whathe considered as hi garden. To tell the truth, even if he dreamed since so young of the power, he was not before a man of action. He fooled himself by himself, he liked chiefly the sensation of adrenalin. For what he wished more than anything, it was not so much the power, it was the bloody and heroic battle which would allow him to acquire it. He hid by his verbosity the feeling of superiority that he felt with regard to the governor at this precise moment, but his triumphant speed, his decided step revealed nevertheless all the opposite. The governor who walked behind the general understood him well in the look of the soldiers which they crossed. The way they stopped in front of their general, the frank way they execute the military salute; their attitude was highly respectful. But, it was not for Lazarus Stambouli all this, it was reserved well and truly for Michele Ribardielli. They looked at him with the distrust. Stambouli thought again about his interview with Allegro. This one dreamed to take the place of its superior. In spite of the proofs, it seemed complicated thing. The last thing which the governor wished was a mutiny.

  The general, followed by the governor appeared at the entrance of the gallery. Four men raised themselves on tiptoe, applied their left hand against the temple of fronts and remained motionless. They waited. The general took a few moments before emitting the slightest word, not to torturing them, but to exulting of his authority in front of the one that he hoped to discharge.

  "Rest!" Ordered the general.

  The soldiers obeyed immediately and the guided tour continued inside, the governor walking in the steps of his hierarchical subordinate. They sank profoundly in limbo of the mountain. Several times, they were confronted with a crow's-foot, and the captain chose of which side to go without the slightest second of hesitation. He knew the galleries which had been dug by his men by heart. The governor could not say about it so much. And, finally, after about ten of minutes of walking, they arrived at what seemed to be a dead end. At the bottom of the tunnel sub-ground, a light tried to escape.

  "General, it is good of the light which I perceive?

  - yes, my governor. We arrive."

  They arrived at the end of the tunnel, which formed a species of entrance. The general stopped at the threshold of what seemed to be a gigantic room under

  - terraine. He spoke before inviting him inside:

  "here is where the searches for the orgone led us: we succeeded on this room governor. A room which was previously closed. You go to see, he says in turning around, it is prodigious. You saw nothing like it. The stellar door, close by, it is not much, it was made by the hand of a civilization which populated the planet. On the other hand, this, it is the nature which wanted him.

  - Let me see that of my own eyes. Thus stop making me general simmer, annoyed the governor.

  - Good. Follow Me."

  Ribardielli penetrated into what he considered a sanctuary. Four men kept the room and adopted the position of the safety when both officers entered inside,

  Ribardielli dismissed them in the tunnel and asked them not to return with no account. Stambouli moved forward at the rate of a grandfather, he seemed not to know how to walk anymore. He was simply frightened. His arms hung, like dead stalks. In the face of raised itself him a tree of an immense size withdrawing on itself just under the ceiling of rock which held him prisoner. His sheets were made purple and seemed enormous. In the feet of the tree, roots were masked by a lawn of a radiant green. Around the lawn and around the tree, a vast area of water seemed to prevent any access to the tree, but especially, it was thst who allowed the tree to live. Rocks and water were separated by a slender border compound of herbs ... The difference of vegetation was brutal and without any possible explanation.

  "Governor, I present you the Tree of life, chanted Ribardielli with big pride."

  The governor always moved forward in the direction of the tree. He stuttered in his beard. It was totally inaudible for the general. He walked in a chaotic way, and failed stumbled repeatedly. The governor stopped in front of the water and fell on the knees. He carried his hands at the level of his face and contemplated them while he got ready to plunge them into the water surrounding the Tree of life. The general got closer to him and intervened before Stambouli pursues its action:

  "what do you plan to make, governor? We do not know the nature of this water. It can turn out dangerous.

  - If we refer to the Christianity, the Tree of life was a symbol of immortality.

  - You are not without knowing that the foundations of this religion collapsed. Just like the other religions. The Tree of life was represented in the other religions also. He did not have the same symbolism at the Jews.

  - It's true, it was much more complex at their home, Far too much to my taste. You know, there was only of the forgery in the religions. There was especially a lot of manipulation to divert the men of the truth. See by yourselves, the Tree of life do exist and, It would be good for the one wh
o would allow life on the planet. It was an old

  believe that said that its roots were profoundly so much pushed that they served as channel between the Tree and the core of the Earth, so conferring it the sufficient energy to make life on the planet.

  - You should not forget the important role played by the Sun as well as of the Moon.

  - It goes without saying general. But believe me, I feel it, we are in the presence of a fountain of youth, assured Stambouli by scrutinizing any reaction on behalf of his general who did not seem very inclined to see him becoming eternal,Would you be afraid that I become immortal my dear general? "

  General Ribardielli quivered for a brief moment, what was sufficientso that the governor notices well that he claimed the opposite.

  " Of course not, I care only to protect you. You hold the reins of the city. If something bad happened to you ...

  - You would be capable of succeeding me, I am certain of it. Your men respect you general, you are the man the most mattering after me, it is nothing.

  - Thanks to the confidence which you granted me governor, recognized well in spite of him Ribardielli who despised when he had to play servant's role recognizing with its master. "

  The governor, who had stayed at the water's edge during all this time, moved closer to the palms of the hands in a oblique way, plunged them into the water and approached them within reach of his mouth. He drank slowly some drops of water that he had collected. it had no particular taste, but it felt as a kind of click, of impulse inside his own body, it felt revitalized. He had never felt in such a shape all his life. He took advantage of it to provoke Ribardielli.

  " Any case, general, everybody does not seem to grant you the same confidence as me or as the men that we met on the site. "

  Ribardielli pretended not to understand. He frowned before questioning him.

  " What do you want to say?

  - A militiaman, and not any, insisted on meeting me. You know well that, usually, I save myself only to you ... But this soldier so persevered that I eventually accepted. He had information concerning you, as well as about an organization of the name of Phoenix.

  - I am sorry my governor, but I don’t get about what you are talking about.

  - You are a man provided with numerous qualities Ribardielli. But the lie is not a part of your best assets. Your guilt is read on your face.

  - I assure you that I am bound neither by far nor closely to this criminal conspiracy, answered the general who understood very fast that to get tangled up in the lie would talk him only to the wrong.

  "He had to get out from now on of this trap which had to be tightened at him by this vile vermin of Allegro.

  " I trust you general, you do not have the material of a traitor, and what I was able to identify with objectives of Phoenix, it does not look like you Then, why these mysteries general?

  - I wanted to handle this affair in the greatest secrecy, I did not want that these bandits can corrupt whoever with their nauseating ideas, Especially not within the army Or of your entourage. We know you close players of flyball governor. "Lazarus Stambouli felt offended by this answer. He did not allow whoever to judge his relations and the upholder of these. However, he tried to put aside his subjectivity, and realized that the reaction of general Ribardielli was full of sense. Furthermore, he seemed to him totally sincere. Nevertheless his intuition indicated to him that something limped in this history. Then, he was anxious to inform him of the fate who went their reserved being.

  " Be without fear, nobody will ever know about their existence. We know where their den is. Captain Allegro has for mission to stop them, we shall question them of course before making them execute. You don’t have nothing to be afraid of ,they could reveal us, a general?

  Not in the least. The purpose of the secret operation which I led by freeing one of theirs was to eliminate them, and possibly, if necessary to locate them. Unfortunately, it failed, as you were able to notice.

  - Good. However, know general whom you should rather make so that this kind of incident should not occur again. Otherwise, nobody will call you more general. And I would ask you not to hold it against captain Allegro. A discord between two of the most important men of our militia would be inopportune.

  - Thank you for your leniency governor. Those want us that we did as regards the site?

  - We have to protect him out of sight of the indiscreet. Raise the guarding by right-hand men. That nobody outside them not to approach places. And make execute the slaves who worked on the site, they should not speak about it especially to whoever.

  - As regards the slaves, it is already made.

  - Perfect general, we can leave the premises then. I would have suggested well you enjoying the water of the Tree, but I care too much about you. That nobody touches this water, understood general. Do I do well to understand?

  - It is very clearly my governor.

  The governor smiles to express his delight. He had put back the general to his place. He had only to contain the crazy ambitions of captain Allegro. He took off towards the exit, outstripping the general when, suddenly, he felt the temperature of his body rising. He bubbled, he waddled then he stumbled. The general, who attended of back the scene, did not realize at once, he rushed by his side.

  "Governor, what happens to you?"

  The latter had put knee on the ground and seemed to choke. He turned his face to the general. He was literally as red as a beetroot. The general wanted to hold him in the back to help him get up. He removed immediately his hand of a gesture lively as we make him when one to approach his fingers of a too intense source of heat. The governor was ardent. Ribardielli began instinctively moving back. Lazarus Stambouli put his both

  Hands on the ground, and a shout of agony escaped from his mouth. He did not stop looking to his general. This one was dumbfounded. He had not planned to witness the atrocious death of governor Lazarus Stambouli. Finally, the show's main attraction occurred. The governor took flame under eyes stunned of the one who was nicknamed the Doberman. His body went up in flames slowly and crashed brutally on the ground. Certain piles of his body got loose. When the center stopped wasting away, Ribardielli approached gropingly, he observed without feeling the slightest punishment what stayed of its remains. His first reflex was to notice that his face remained recognizable.

  "Old madman ..." muttered the general to himself.

  He began to think to find a solution to take out of this trap which had been tightened at him by the fate, when suddenly, he felt a presence. He concentrated in the direction of the tunnel. Somebody approached. A strong aura, He saw a man show up by the extremity of the gallery and get into the room. This one stood to attention to greet him.

  "Hello my general. - hello captain."

  Chapter 18: arrests

  Natan and the others had crossed the tunnel. They had used the illusionist's same tour to extricate itself from it. This tunnel resulted in the afro-Latin district. Salina had taken the lead the group to lead them towards their den. Edwin, Natan and Ieleana observed with divergent feelings the technological panorama which was offered to them. They had all the sensation to be dipped back in the XXIth century such as it was him before the Apocalypse. Suddenly, Salina made a sign to stop. She was sawing a precognition. It lasted a brief moment for her partners while for her, it had seemed to last several minutes. She turned around towards them, the face perspired the concern. None of them had still ever seen her so anguished. The cheeks had grown pink because of the nervousness which had seized her.

  " We have to hurry, they are in danger. Follow me. "

  They had to cross again all the Scandinavian district to go in the western district where the restaurant was situated. Salina began running, and the others followed her spontaneously, unguardedly. They crossed the crowd by catching some eyes on them, because hurry in streets was not popular, in particular in the rich districts. Salina knew the city by heart, her path was all mapped out. Any way, the others should postpone their
tourist visit.

  Governor Stambouli had granted a period in Allegro to go to arrest the members of the organization Phoenix, but the captain had decided to lose least possible time. He wished to put all the assets from his part on his side with the aim of occupying the office of Ribardielli and had, to do it, quickly gathered elements necessary for the capture of the terrorists. Spanish worked on the top of a group of twelve men. These had minutely been chosen by himself. He paraded almost in the streets of the city. His(her,its) speed look proud, his determined step. His hour of glory had come. It remained persuaded that the governor

  could not forgive Ribardielli for his little secrets. He would take his place, and unlike the one that he already considered as his predecessor, he would not dither to stir up a coup d'état. The men walked behind him silently. No noise in rows. The passers-by looked at them dumbfounded, wondering about their purpose. They had not for habit to see so many patrols gathered under the cup of a captain. The identity and the face of the captains were not necessarily common knowledge, however, their suit was well known. It was not thus difficult for the citizens to understand that the man in the scar which managed this squad was a captain.

  Suddenly, Allegro stopped. His men stopped their walking. They were in front of a restaurant, which seemed modest seen from the outside. The captain turned around towards his men and pointed at the same time the finger in the direction of the front door.

  " Here is the den of the outlaw. Come in, search places and leave nobody free. As possible, avoid the deaths.

  - In your orders, captain. "

  And they rushed inside. Allegro stood back. He protected to take any useless risk. The crushing numeric superiority should be enough to take him rather easily. Furthermore, the militiamen were provided with a particular orgone. He waited for a few moments, for the time which the thunderstorm spends. We heard shouts of figh, battle. Then, suddenly the complete silence. It went well, he had just ended the cigarette. He threw his cigarette end on the ground, crushed it. Then, he entered. A thick smoke blocked him a little the view(. Some dust had been moved. The furniture had been destroyed in general. But he did not assess places. Several people were seated in front of the bar, the hands lashed with an orgone which deprived them the power to use their element. The soldiers remained dumb, they were assembled in front of prisoners and just moved away what is needed to allow to pass their captain. This one saw some wounded persons among his, but he paid no attention to it.


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