12 Naughty Days of Christmas: Volume Four

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12 Naughty Days of Christmas: Volume Four Page 21

by Piper Stone

  “Daddy, I’m sorry. I apologize first of all for making the mistake of confusing the envelopes by thinking they were all for William and me. My lack of attention caused you, Mama, and me, countess hours of worry. It truly was an accident, but one that was so unfortunate I deserved to be punished. Also, I did everything I was accused of; it appeared that I was self-centered and selfish, but inside of me was a lot of hurt, also jealousy. Kat is so wonderful; she’s prettier than me, she’s smart, she cooks and I can’t boil water. She skates so well, and she has a job teaching children who love her. I can’t talk to a little kid without making a royal mess of it. Daddy, I said mean things to Kat, and about her because I thought that pointing out her weaknesses would make me feel better, it would make me appear a bit smarter, or a bit more lady-like. Instead, it showed me as a mean-spirited brat who craved all of your and Mama’s attention. I was only nice when I was with William, and even then, I said mean things about Kat to make me look better to him. I am ashamed of myself. I am truly sorry, Daddy. I beg your pardon, and I sincerely promise not to be that horrible Barbara ever again. Please forgive me?” She was crying when she stopped talking.

  Thomas had tears in his eyes, but he opened his arms and she quickly stepped into his embrace. “Of course, you are forgiven, dear child. Your mama and I love you. We always have and we always will. I am proud of you for examining your emotions, and I am proud of William for taking you to task. It wasn’t easy to leave that duty to him, but you are too sweet to act like you have been. Have you sorted everything with Kat?” he asked.

  “Yes, Daddy. Kat forgave me too. We are true sisters again.”

  “That makes me even happier, daughter. It will be time to leave for the wedding soon. What do I need to be doing?”

  “I believe Mama wants you to change your suit, Daddy. I need to slip into my dress too.” She grabbed his hand, and pulled him along as she ran up the steps. “Here’s Daddy, Mama.”

  “Oh, Thomas, please come into our room and change, dear. I’ve put out a better suit for you. It’s one that Katherine loves. What do you think of my dress? Is it suitable for mother of the bride?”

  “Did Kat pick it, my dear?”

  “Why, yes. But you know I care what you think, dear,” she appealed to him.

  “I love your dress, Naomi. You look like a bride yourself. My bride, and I do love you.”

  It was wonderful to hear his wife giggling and to see the laughter in her eyes. It truly felt like Christmas now, and he had his gift – his family together and happy. Merry Christmas!

  Downstairs, the front door opened, and William came inside. He heard voices upstairs, and called out, “Hello, I let myself in.” He wondered if he would even be welcome after the way he left, threatening his fiancée with cancellation of their wedding. Given Barbara’s temper, he was afraid she would tell him to get out. His heart would bleed if that happened.

  “Darling, I’m glad you are here!” Barbara ran down the steps to stop in front of him. “I have apologized and been forgiven for everything by everyone except you. I apologize for putting you in the position of having to correct my terrible, rotten, self-serving behavior. I finally realized that I don’t need to be anyone but who I am; I don’t need to be mean to Kat to make myself look better. I love you, William, and I will simply die if you don’t marry me. I was so upset I said things I didn’t mean. I want you to know that I didn’t hide the note Seth sent on purpose to cause trouble. It really was a mistake, and I am so sorry for the pain I caused my parents. I need to tell you why I was so awful the last couple of days, but it is so difficult to say, Willy. I want to be your wife in every way. I lay awake at night, longing for our wedding night. I didn’t think I could endure another moment of waiting, and that is why I was so hateful. I couldn’t tell Mama and Daddy that, so I was unforgivably nasty instead. I am sorry,” she whispered. “Please forgive me, Willy?”

  “Darling, I forgive you. I also want our wedding night to arrive. I do understand why you were reluctant to say that in front of your mother and father; I wouldn’t want to say it in front of my folks either. One question, did your sister forgive you?”

  “After you finished spanking me, then left, I was heartbroken. It was Kat who came to me and comforted me. She listened to me blurt out everything; when I begged her pardon, and asked if she could forgive me, she simply said yes, then it was over. Kat is a good sister to have.”

  “A wonderful Christmas present, right?”

  “Yes, indeed.”

  He bent down to kiss her, and Barbara’s family came down the steps. “Get your wrap, honey. It’s very cold outside, snowing,” William said. “Hello, everyone. Merry Christmas!”

  “Hello, William, Christmas Blessings to you,” Thomas said jovially, a big smile on his face.

  “You look radiant, Katherine. Seth is truly a lucky man.”

  “We are all lucky, William. You are marrying a beautiful woman too. We will be a much bigger family after this Christmas is over.”

  “Yes, it is so exciting. Kat, Mama, and I were discussing that. I hope we can make tomorrow special for everyone at the wedding. Daddy and Kat want to sing Christmas carols at our reception. That sounds like so much fun, doesn’t it, Willy?” she asked his opinion.

  “My folks will be happy to hear that. They love to sing, and it will make our Christmas wedding seem like Christmas. Thank you, honey.” He wrapped her heavy cloak around her shoulders, then leaned down to kiss her. “I love you, Barbie.”

  The ride to the church didn’t take long. Seth was already there, waiting anxiously for them to show up.

  “You must go inside the church, young man. You may not see the bride until her father walks her down the aisle,” Naomi bossed.

  “Kat is here, isn’t she?” he asked, then called out, “Kat?”

  “I’m here, Seth. We’ll be married soon if you go inside so I can get out of the carriage,” she teased.

  “Going inside right now. Merry Christmas, family,” he called out as he walked through the big, heavy doors.

  “Come along, daughters. It is very cold out here.”

  The wedding was lovely, the vows heartfelt, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the church. After all the kissing and congratulations, Seth insisted they all go to the restaurant for a celebratory dinner together. Once they were seated in the festively decorated private dining room, they were served appetizers and champagne, complements of the restaurant owners. Seth thanked them, and made a toast to his bride. The dinner was over all too soon, and Seth insisted they leave so the staff could get home to their loved ones too. Thomas wanted to remain behind to give the staff a large tip as a thank you, but his new son-in-law promised him there was no need. He’d already taken care of the matter.

  The family went back to the house, and enjoyed their typical Christmas Eve. Somehow Naomi had found time to make some of their favorite traditional recipes, and they enjoyed being together.

  When it was time to leave for Midnight Mass, they all put on warm coats or cloaks and made the trip to the church for the second time that day. The singing before mass was special as it always was. During the service, Katherine went forward to sing the solo Father Jacob asked her to sing. She did a beautiful job, but even more special, Father Jacob remembered to give thanks for her safe return, and introduced her as Mrs. Seth Peterson. Kat was very pleased to be addressed by her new name.

  After mass was over, Seth and Kat went to his apartment in town to celebrate their wedding night. It was her first time in his apartment, and she decided it suited him. The apartment was fairly small, but it contained all he needed to live in town during the week. He carried her to their bedroom, and asked her not to be afraid.

  Kat promised that she wasn’t afraid; her new husband introduced her in a very special way to making love. She assured Seth that she was fine, very happy, and asked if they could make love again. He obliged her, happy with his lady turned wildcat.

  Morning came too early, but they rose, dressing f
or Barbara and William’s wedding. Barbara put on the pink dress her sister had picked, having decided that she was going to celebrate the day, and not waste one second complaining about the color of her dress. The bridesmaid dresses were pretty in her sister’s eyes, and this was her wedding day as well as Christmas.

  The bride was beautiful as she walked down the aisle on her father’s arm. Most importantly, Barbara was happy and proud to marry the man she loved. Kat’s opinion of William had changed drastically in the last two days, and she was happy for her sister. He was of more substance than she’d realized, and Barbara truly loved the man, as he did Barbara. It wasn’t difficult to be part of her wedding now that she knew William truly had character.

  Their guests’ congratulations were graciously received by the bride and groom. The reception was well attended and the food served was delicious. Seth felt sorry for the people who had to work on Christmas, but he kept his peace on the subject, knowing his father-in-law would reward them well. As promised, the Christmas carol sing-along was started, and everyone had a great time. Barbara had small Christmas gifts for every person there. Once she and William opened their wedding presents, thanking everyone, she announced there wouldn’t be a dance. Instead, she wanted everyone to go home and cherish their families on Christmas day. She thanked all of them for coming; making her dream come true of marrying her William on Christmas, because he was the gift she would cherish most each year after. People applauded, and then left, anxious to have their own celebration at home.

  Kat was thrilled to spend the rest of Christmas with her husband. They went home to their place in the country. Her father gave Seth the time off as a wedding present for both of them. The first week of their marriage was filled with making love, eating good food, sleeping a bit, and more making love. They made promises to each other, and discussed what their life would be.

  Seth also took the time to teach his new bride that certain words were not permitted from her sweet lips. The spanking was given on bare skin, and it was thoroughly embarrassing for the new bride. It was one thing to be naked when making love, but a different matter altogether to be nude while he was clothed, giving her a sound spanking.

  Afterwards, Seth held her and assured her that he loved her more than life. Kat believed him, and whispered, “I gave my sister a hard time about her Christmas wedding, but I am going to need to apologize for that. Our Christmas wedding was absolutely perfect, Seth Peterson, and you are my most cherished gift ever. I love you.”

  “You are my cherished gift, and I had to wait almost four years for St. Nick to get it right, Mrs. Peterson. This is honestly the best Christmas of my life, and I look forward to many more with you. Who knows, perhaps we have already started our family – a new child to share next Christmas with.”

  “I don’t know who would be most excited, darling – us, my parents, or my sister? We want to have lots of little cousins so they can play together and make Christmas memories.”

  “I am willing to do my part,” he said, then lovingly kissed Kat again, starting another fire to keep them warm.

  The End.

  Joannie Kay

  Joannie Kay has been writing for some time now, and her favorite genre to read or write is westerns. She loves the handsome cowboys and the feisty, sassy heroines those men try to tame. Joannie also likes to write about women who aren’t afraid to stand on their own when the situation warrants. Joannie has been married to the same wonderful hero for forty-four years now, and they have two adult children, and two grandchildren they love to drive across the country to visit.

  Don’t Miss These Exciting Titles by Joannie Kay and Blushing Books!

  Maggie’s Revenge

  Ashley’s Joyful Wonders

  A Minx Called Fanny

  Unwilling Bride

  Wifely Duty

  In Love with the Sheriff

  Reasonable Explanations

  Someone to Watch Over Me

  The Impossible Wife

  Clary Mae

  A Cordial Welcome

  The Problem with Jordan

  The Perfect Wedding Dress

  The Sheriff Wears Pants

  Hidden in the Walls

  The Sisters-In-Law

  A New Mam for the Girls

  She is My Sister

  Peppermint Sticks for Susie

  The Demure Bride

  Good-Bye to Mama

  Molly’s Cop

  The Neighborhood Prankster

  More Than Fireworks

  Walker’s Rules

  The Unwilling Groom

  The New Mrs. Jenkins

  Tucker’s Frustration

  Last Chance

  An Unruly Tongue

  Hurricane’s Tempest

  Jake’s Secret

  The Wallet

  The Intruder

  The Naughty P.I.

  Too Old for This

  Mrs. Winters

  Love Thy Neighbor

  Hiding Miss Peaches

  Hurricane’s Tempest

  But What About Me?

  Clifton County Fireworks

  The Preacher’s Dilemma

  The New Panty Collection

  Miss Carter, Schoolteacher

  The Rusty Bucket Series

  The Firecracker Gets Her Man, Book One

  Harvest Moon, Book Two

  Spring Blessings, Book Three

  The Viking’s Thrall Series

  The Tavern Wench, Book One

  The Runaway Wench, Book Two

  The Widow Wench, Book Three

  The Viking’s Thrall, Three Book Set

  Laurel and Joseph

  Laurel and Joseph, Book One: The Early Years

  Laurel and Joseph,Book Two: A New Beginning

  Holiday Stories and Collections

  A Scary Halloween

  The Easter Egg Hunt

  The Cutest Valentine Ever

  Joannie Kay’s Christmas Anthology

  A Teabag Christmas

  A Christmas Medley

  Christmas Nurse

  The Christmas Prank

  A Christmas to Remember & Other Short Stories

  A Christmas Memory

  Holiday Wishes

  The 12 Naughty Days of Christmas Anthology

  The Wakefield Santa

  A Christmas Duet

  Santa Simon

  Holiday Heat

  Christmas Tales from the Old West


  Lords & Ladies

  The Joannie Kay Anthology

  Attitudes: A Collection of Real-Life Spanking Stories

  Taming the Wild West, One Fiery Bride at a Time

  Confessions of a Spanking Author anthology

  Connect with Joannie Kay:


  Love at Last Flight

  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2017

  Libby Campbell

  ©2017 by Blushing Books® and Libby Campbell

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

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  Libby Campbell

  Love at Last Flight

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Holiday planning

  Lauren prayed all week for snow. Not beca
use she wanted a white Christmas or anything as romantic as that. What she wanted was enough snow to make the entire city, but especially the airport, grind to a halt. The Weather Channel had been warning of an unusual cold snap for a week now. It might be the only thing to save her from the worst holiday ever.

  On the last day before the office closed for the season, she dragged her suitcase behind her, all the way to work. At Stella Jay’s bakery, the line-up was out the door. Waiting customers stamped their feet as their breath rose above them in steamy clouds.

  “Still no snow, eh?” asked the cashier as he rang up her coffee and cinnamon roll. With his dark hair and tidy beard, he reminded her of Richard. That made her cranky.

  “Nope. No snow,” she muttered.

  You are always responsible for how you act. Richard’s voice echoed in her head.

  Ashamed of her rudeness, she poured her change into the tip jar. “Merry Christmas,” she said, forcing a smile.

  When she went outside, the first snowflakes of the season were dancing down from the ashen sky.

  Four months before, Mom phoned on a Saturday morning when Lauren and her sister Sara were deciding what to do with the sunny day that lay ahead.

  “Hi, Mom,” Lauren said. “Sara’s here with me.”

  “Lo-lo! Sara! Good morning!” Mom trilled with delight, as if finding her two daughters in the same space was pure magic. Without taking a breath, Mom went straight to the point. “Your father and I’ve been talking about Christmas.”

  “It’s only August,” Sara protested.

  “Yes, but if we’re going to get together this year, we need to start planning soon.”

  “Gee Mom, we moved to Victoria to get away from Calgary winters,” Lauren said.


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