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12 Naughty Days of Christmas: Volume Four

Page 52

by Piper Stone

  “I do now. I saw her face when you mentioned Daniel’s name. But I didn’t realize it until I was up there looking at the last of the house burning.”

  “She asked me the name of the mountain too. When I told her, she fainted.” He stared at Matthew, who had shoved his hands into his pockets. “What are you going to do with her?”

  “Send her home, if she’ll go. Other than that, I haven’t a clue.”

  “I do. Why don’t you marry her?”

  Matthew glared at him. “Why don’t you keep your opinions to yourself?”

  “I’m serious, Matt. She needs someone to look after her. You need a wife. You’re lonely, and face it, there aren’t many prospects here.”

  “You need a brain in your head. And what she needs is to turn around and go back home to her family.”

  The sheriff laughed. “Probably. But the preacher will only be here another day before he leaves town. Think about it. The jail’s empty, and I’m going home. She’s all yours.” With one last glance, he clapped a grumbling Matthew on the shoulder and headed down the walkway in front of the office.

  Matthew stood, looking from the outside in, gathering courage. It wasn’t easy. A deep breath later, he walked into the office and stopped, staring down at her.

  Her gown was still plastered to her body, and her hair, though drying out some, was straggly. She needed a bath and to be put into a warm bed. He cursed himself under his breath for even thinking about being the one to do that. At the same time, the vulnerability she exhibited called out to his protective instincts.

  Cassandra turned then, raising innocent and sad eyes to his. “It was our house,” she whispered.


  Tears were pricking, he could tell.

  When she spoke again, her trembling whisper was filled with grief. “I-I don’t know what to do now.”

  “Cassandra, you need to go home. I can possibly have the doctor and his wife take you in for the night, and I could put you on a stage in Boone tomorrow, for home.”

  Matthew wasn’t sure what he expected, but the flash of her deep blue eyes surprised him. It wasn’t defiance he saw there now. It was devastation.

  “I can’t go back. I’m not welcome there.”

  He stared at the forlorn little ragamuffin in front of him. His heart ached for her. A moment later he found himself on his knees, gathering her hands in his. “Cassandra, you don’t understand. This is a small town. People here don’t have much. They wouldn’t be able to take in another person. With the house gone, there’s nowhere for you to go. There is no hotel here. No boarding houses.”

  The look she gave him melted him, and he grasped her hands more tightly. “Listen to me. I could take you home with me, but to do that, I’d have to go get the minister and have him marry us.”

  Her eyes were wide. But there was a glimpse of something else there too. Hope?

  His mouth flattened into a line, and he studied her small face. Abandonment was written all over it. Her hands were limp inside his.

  His chest tightened, and he took a deep breath. “All right, Cassandra. I’m only going to say this once. I’m willing to marry you. My wife died four years ago, and I have no children. I’m wealthy enough to support you, and I will, if you agree.” He lifted her chin, and she looked up, her eyes fearful. “But be aware,” he continued, “I will have distinct requirements of you, and before you make that decision, you need to know what they are.”

  She blinked. “Requirements?” It was a whisper.

  “Yes. Are you listening?”

  She gulped, and nodded.

  “The first thing you need to know is, I will expect you in my bed. I’ve been celibate in the four years since my wife died. And if I am to take on the responsibility of caring for you as my wife, I’ll expect your submission to me. Completely. Is that clear?”

  Her face became a delightful shade of crimson.

  “The second is obedience. You are never to go up in the mountains. There are wild animals up there. You’re never to put yourself in danger. You are always to let me know where you are, so I know you’re safe. That’s one thing I refuse to compromise on.”

  She nodded, and he continued. “The next thing is, there is to be no defiance. I’m quite serious about that. Rebelliousness and attitude will land you in serious trouble. And I think that will be the one you will have the most trouble with.”

  She scowled. “You mean I’m not allowed to express my opinion?”

  He tipped her chin upward. “You are always allowed to express your opinion. But I expect you to keep it respectful. Do you understand?”

  She sighed. “I suppose so.”

  “There is more. I want you to know that if you disobey me, there will be consequences.”

  She raised her head at that. “What… kind of consequences?”

  “I’ll spank you.” He watched as her eyes filled with shock. “If your behavior requires correction, I’ll put you over my knee and use my hand on your bottom. If you repeat the offense, I’ll use a paddle the next time. If you repeat it again, I’ll take my belt to you. Is that clear?”

  The color on her face was increasing.

  “I can see that you’re embarrassed, and I’m sorry, but you need to know this. I want you to think about it and tell me if you can agree to these conditions.”

  There was a pause. She finally glanced up at him. “Yes,” she said, very softly. “I agree. But I won’t agree to like it.”

  Matthew struggled to keep the amusement from his expression. “I didn’t expect you would. But that’s not all. There is one more thing, Cassandra.”

  Slowly, she raised her eyes to meet his, and waited.

  “This may be the hardest for you.”

  She blinked with uncertainty. “Sir?”

  “There is to be no celebration of Christmas in our house.”

  Cass sucked in her breath. “No Christmas!”

  “I realize that’s a hard thing to agree to. But I promise you, I have reasons for it. Perhaps it won’t always be this way, but right now it’s the best I can do.”

  Her eyes brimmed with tears. “I see.”

  “Cassandra.” His voice was gentler. “I do realize that this is very hard for you. It’s a tragic time for you to even think of marriage. But here it is. You need someone to take care of you. When I wrote telling you the house was yours to claim, I was prepared to split wood and help with provisions. And other than that, you could have lived as you please.”

  “You would have done that for me? Why?”

  “Because Daniel Fairfax was one of my best friends.” His voice was abrupt. “But we must face facts. The house is no longer there. As it is, the only thing I can do for you is to offer to marry you, with these conditions. I know it’s hard, but I have reasons for them. At some point I’ll explain what they are. Right now, I can’t. If you’re agreeable to this, I’ll go and see if I can get the minister and a witness or two.”

  She pulled her hands away and brought them to her face. Out from under her small hands, she spoke in tears. “I-I agree to your requirements.”

  She nodded as she spoke, but he could see wetness seeping out from under her hands, and he felt wretched. Gently, he moved her hands away from her face and took a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping her tears. “Wait here for me, Cassandra. I’ll be back in a few moments.” Once he saw her nod, he ran from the building. Within two minutes he was back, in a clean shirt, and holding blanket.

  “Stand up.” It was softly given, but still an order, and she stared at the hand he held out. When she took it, he raised her to her feet.

  “You’re shaking. Turn around, and remove my shirt.” As soon as she had unbuttoned his shirt and handed it over, he wrapped the blanket around her from behind. Turning her back, he made sure it was pulled together in the front. “Can you wait here? I’ll go and get the minister.”


  He gave her shoulders a squeeze. “I’ll be right back, Cassandra.”
r />   Cass burst into tears as he left. What was she doing? How could she agree to his requirements? She could understand his request for obedience, that was one thing. But no Christmas? She had dreamed for months of spending Christmas in the house Daniel had built for her. She would make wreaths for the door, for the windows, greenery for the mantle, even a Christmas tree filled with the artistic little ornaments she’d make for it. She’d dreamed of them being together on Christmas morning. But now there would be no Daniel, no wreaths, not even the house.

  She must be out of her mind to agree to this.

  She heard footfalls approaching on the wooden walk outside, and quickly tried to dash away the tears that flooded her face. It was a supreme effort to change her expression into one that wouldn’t betray what she felt.

  Matthew introduced her to the minister and his wife. The sheriff moved to stand on the side of them while the ceremony was completed.

  How she got through it, she didn’t know. Her whispered, trembling vows, she barely remembered. But before long, it was over.

  They were now man and wife.

  Man and wife… The words had such a finality about them, when the minister spoke them. Was she really married to another man? What would Daniel say if he knew? She decided that he’d likely be furious with her for coming ahead instead of staying with her family, but she doubted he would mind her marrying Matthew. Daniel had said only good things about his friend.

  It was the sheriff who took her aside, as Matthew paid the minister.

  “Mrs. Downing.” His voice was quite low, as he nodded toward Matthew. “Daniel would be pleased if he knew you’d made this decision. Matt will take good care of you. He’s a good man.”

  She looked away, bitterly. “A good man who doesn’t celebrate Christmas.”

  The sheriff frowned for a moment. “Christmas is once a year, Mrs. Downing, and he has his reasons. It’s not my place to tell you what they are, but I expect Matt will tell you someday. Don’t judge him too harshly. He’s a wise and just man.” He stood there, watching her for a moment. “I just thought you should know.”

  “Thought she should know what?” Matthew’s deep voice spoke up behind her, and she turned.

  The sheriff met his eyes thoughtfully. “You can ask her that.”

  It was the minister’s wife who took Cassandra’s hand next. “Mr. Downing is a wonderful man, my dear. Please don’t worry. He does a lot for this community and he’ll make you a good husband. Rest assured.”

  Matthew grinned. “She’s not so sure, right now, ma’am. But I’ll try to convince her. Thanks again for coming.”

  Matthew turned her to face him, when they were the only ones left in the office. “Come, Mrs. Downing,” he said gently. “I don’t know if you’re shaking because you’re cold, or because you’re terrified, but it’s time to get you home and warm.”

  Warming Her

  The first thing Matthew did was to bring her into the bath off the bedroom on the second floor. From what she’d seen of the house, it was neither plain nor excessively fancy.

  “I’ll show you the house in the sunlight,” he said softly, as he removed the blanket, and undressed her. As he waited for the water to heat, he took a sheet and covered her, and again tucked the blanket about her. She stood, trembling, and looked down. It came to her knees.

  “The first order of things is to get you warmed. It’ll be a miracle if you don’t catch your death.” He paused, as he reconsidered the word, and added, “I’m sorry, Cassandra That was a poor choice of words.”

  “It’s all right.”

  “I’ll get your trunks tomorrow. I have a woman who works for me, Cassandra, but she goes home at night. You won’t be expected to work. You can do things you desire. The only things expected of you are the things I discussed with you this afternoon.

  “That’s all?”

  His mouth quirked up in a grin. “For you, being obedient may be harder than you think. Daniel told me quite a bit about you. Even how you narrowly missed his head with a china plate. Oh yes, he told me several things about you. However, don’t think I would have let you get away with that one.”

  She averted her gaze. “Daniel would never have spanked me,” she muttered.

  Matthew stood over her, his voice quiet, but threatening. “I am not Daniel, Cassandra. You would do well to remember that.”

  She took a step backward, unintentionally. He was adding the boiling water to her bath now, and took a wooden paddle from the wall to stir it in. Her eyes grew large when she saw what he was using. He was studying her face, as he hung it back up. When he reached in with his hand to test the water, he nodded. “See what you think. It should be all right.”

  Clutching the blanket to her, she leaned down, dipped in her hand, and nodded. It felt wonderful.

  “In with you then.”

  “But you…” She stared at him. “Would you consent to leave, please?”

  “No, Cassandra. There will be no hiding from me.” He took her shoulders, turning her to face him, and tugged the blanket loose from her fingers, letting it fall to the floor. Her arms immediately wrapped across her chest to cover it, and he took her wrists, and lowered her arms to her sides. “Don’t be embarrassed. You are quite beautiful.”

  She felt it as the blush rushed up the back of her neck, and a moment later, her face also felt hot.

  He leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Time to get you warm.”

  Cass lowered herself into the tub and pulled her knees up to her chest, trying to avoid his eyes. But as she reached for the sponge, he took it from her grasp. “Lean back,” he said softly.

  She blinked, but obeyed, at his gentle push backward.

  “Good girl.”

  “I’m hardly a girl.”

  “I’m well aware of that. How old are you then?”


  “Compared to me, you’re a child.” He grinned.

  She stared in disbelief. “How old are you?”

  “Add almost a dozen years. Close your eyes.”

  Instead, she opened them wide. “What are you going to do?” Her voice quaked.

  “I’m going to wash your hair. Do as I say.”

  She blinked, and obeyed. No one had ever washed her hair for her before, except her mother, when she was a little girl. Suddenly, she looked up at him. “Are you sure?”

  He was still grinning. “Are you going to give me this much trouble every time I ask you to do something? Close them. I don’t want you to get soap in your eyes. Every time I do that, it burns like fire.”

  She immediately obeyed.

  She could feel his hands gently rubbing the castile soap into her scalp, in gentle circles. It felt heavenly. By the time he rinsed it and finished, her lids were relaxed and her head rested in his hands. She was warm and felt more comfortable than she had all day long. She heard his gentle voice speaking above her, and barely realized that he had lifted her out of the tub. With a sigh, she leaned against his chest. The last thing she remembered hearing was his deep amused voice, saying, “You little rascal. How dare you fall asleep on me on our wedding night.”

  She was warm and contented. There were arms around her and someone was planting soft, sweet kisses on her face. The kisses moved down to her neck, and she sighed happily, before opening her eyes.

  Matthew was inches from her face, his rugged wavy dark hair handsomely awry, and his brown eyes laughing. The corner of his mouth was turned up on one side. “Good morning, beautiful girl. You fell asleep in my arms. Did you rest well?”

  Her face was crimson. “Very well. Did you?”

  “The way you blush is adorable; did you know that? I left the lantern on, in case you awakened. I was disappointed that you didn’t. Remember what I said yesterday about submitting to me?”

  She did remember. He’d expressed to her that he’d planned to have her in his bed. “How could I forget?” There was a certain amount of defiance in her voice.

  An eyebrow rose. “You�
��re allowed to get by with that remark this time, young lady, but don’t forget what the penalty for rebellion is. Right now, I’m eager to get to know you.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I held you through the night, watching you sleep. You were delightful to have next to me.”

  She watched his eyes warily and he murmured tenderly, “Cassandra, it’s normal to be apprehensive. I know you’ve done this before, but I’m sure my lovemaking will differ from Daniel’s. You needn’t be afraid of me.”

  His kisses began again, sweet and soft, down her neck, and he took her wrists and raised them above her head. Holding them together with one hand, he slowly trailed downward to her breast.

  She let out a little moan, as he took her nipple into his mouth. The sensation sent fingers all the way to her core. “Oh my,” she whispered.

  He smiled. “You felt that?”

  She nodded, eyes widened.

  He moved down, kissing the underside of her breasts, smiling down into her eyes and moving back to her belly, as she whimpered softly. Then he moved his face back to hers, brought his hand around the nape of her neck, tilting her face toward his. “I want your eyes on me, Cassandra. Understand? Don’t look away from me.”

  She forced herself to nod.

  He leaned forward and kissed her nose. “I’m going to touch you now.”

  As if he hadn’t already. Cass waited quietly, as his hands lowered to her most private place. She was unprepared for the things his hands did to her, and the way they moved along her slit and into her channel, teasing, enticing. She began to throw her head backward, but he held her firmly.

  “Eyes, Cassandra.” His voice was gentle, but firm. She had to force herself to meet his handsome face and dark, hungry eyes.

  She was trembling. The way he controlled her with his eyes and his voice was amazing. Something inside her stirred and built quickly. Suddenly it burst, and wave after wave rolled over her. Her eyes closed of their own volition, and her body took over, as she shuddered for an eternity.


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