The Return of the Watchers (Armageddon Rising Book 1)

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The Return of the Watchers (Armageddon Rising Book 1) Page 12

by Denny Bennett

  “Humans are certainly not at the top of the spiritual ladder, so to speak, yet they are not at the lowest either. There are some beings who are so much more evolved that they would recognize humans the way humans recognize ants- as significantly lower life forms.

  “If we go back in time, we can see that the Earth was formed long before humans came about. It had many types of creatures that grew over the millennia, including small, ape-like creatures that eventually began to change, or evolve into upright walking mammals. This is not information you don't already know. These mammals did not possess the same spirits that humans do; theirs were animalistic in nature, yet they were advancing over time to where their bodies would be able to accept a human spirit, albeit a poorly developed one.

  “Homo Sapiens were an engineered species originally designed to house a human spirit. Their design was not too different from the Homo Erectus living at the time, with the exception of their spirit. The first two, known as Adam and Eve, were prototypes for others who, after a time, were placed all around the planet to help populate it. The region of Earth where they were placed was unique and special; I think you are aware of the ancient story of the Garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit. It was Gadre'el, one of the Satans, who deceived Eve into eating that which she should not have. There were lasting consequences for this action. For one thing, she was now able to produce offspring that were corrupt. Cain was one such offspring and his descendants still roam the Earth. As time went on there was an intermingling between Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens, producing unnatural results, corrupting the gene pool. In that era another insurrection from Heaven took place,” Matthias said, observing Dorian's reaction to this information.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt such a fascinating lecture, but I’ve been here a while and I don't want to worry my loved ones,” Dorian said, checking for a watch that wasn’t on his wrist. “Oh, you need not be concerned over the time you’ve spent here. Time in this dimension is offset significantly from that of Earth. One Earth year spent in this dimension would only show the passage of sixteen days of time there. You have only been here for about five minutes and no one is at the cabin where your body is now. We are currently monitoring it for your safety,” he said putting to rest Dorian’s concern. Dorian paused and sighed. “All right, continue then.” “Very well,” Matthias replied. “Now, where were we? Ah yes, the insurrection. A long time ago by Earth standards, a group of two hundred and twenty Angels travelled to Earth in an effort to take human wives for themselves.” “How did they get to Earth? Did they fly over in some kind of alien spaceship?” Dorian asked. “Not using a craft. At the time of the original arrival on the planet, multiple gateways were left around the surface to allow for faster travel to and from their home world. The gateways could transport light beings; however, other objects could not be transported by these means. The invader's corruption and betrayal was unexpected and had devastating results. As it was, the progeny of human and defiled Angels did not provide suitable inhabitants; many, but not all had unusual mutations that made their cohabitation impossible. The first sets of offspring, the Nephilim, were gigantic in stature; spawning the fables of the Titans. Other offspring were more human sized. The Nephilim gave rise to the Elioud. In addition, the fallen Angels educated their offspring, including the humans, in many things that were outside of the intentions of The Creator.” “Such as?” “Forbidden subjects, such as the use of weapons and armor, the use of magic, enchantments, astrology, writing, and so on. From a casual perspective it would seem that knowing such things would not seem unreasonable; however, the evil and corruption within them was unleashed by this knowledge, becoming more rampant as their resources dwindled. The giants consumed everything in sight, faster than the land could sustain, while the humans were unable to control their lust for power. The two began to turn on one another.

  “There was much bloodshed on the Earth at that time and The Creator, Elohim, decided to cleanse the Earth of it. A plan was placed in motion to purge the land of almost all of the Earth’s inhabitants. The fallen and their leaders were captured and imprisoned within the Earth, while almost all of the giants and Nephilim were destroyed by the angels. Your mother was one of the Archangels that fought and imprisoned them.

  “Afterwards, the great flood was unleashed, and the remainder of the world’s inhabitants were destroyed. I’m sure you’ve heard the account of Noah. The spirit forms of the giants were left to remain on the Earth, as well as many of the Nephilim. As for the humans, the few that were not too corrupt were given a rebirthing.” “So what happened after that?” “Everything on the Earth was destroyed, but not everything within it was. At that time there were seven human females who had had an immaculate conception; that is, they all had a child without a human father. All were chosen because they were righteous women and those special children we call the Dumuzi. There were seven before the flood and five after. The original seven who were of Angelic origin were as skilled as the Angels themselves, but did not share their knowledge with humans. That is when Anidon came into existence.” “I'm sorry, Anidon?” Dorian asked. “It is the home for beings like us, our sanctuary. Your father was one of the original seven who found the dimensional space within the Earth. He along with the other six and their families found Anidon as a safe haven during the great flood, and it is still in use to this day.

  “So now you have a basic understanding of the course of human history and why humans are on Earth,” Matthias said. “Thanks for that, but what does all of this have to do with me?” “Today we face unprecedented numbers of the fallen and their agents. There is not a single government on Earth that has not been infiltrated by them, and events are leading to a worldwide takeover. In addition to human weapons and technology, all the advancements of the Angels are at their disposal as well. They have infected various governments on this world and on others in an attempt to gain control and ultimately, we suspect, to use the humans' spirit energy to attempt a take over of Heaven again. Another great war is approaching as multiple prophecies are coming to fruition. If we do not have all of the support we can possibly get, all will be lost. We simply do not have the numbers to contend with the opposing forces. Will you at least consider joining our cause?” Dorian was overwhelmed with the amount of information he had been given and it was becoming unbearable. “Okay, this is too much. I feel as if I’m losing my mind here. Thirty days ago I was writing a grant proposal for my research and final exams for my students. Now I’m caught up in some end of the world scenario with alien Angels and demons. I thought it might be nice to know about where I came from and why I was given up for adoption. But this- this is beyond my wildest imagination.

  “Listen, you don’t need me. I’m pretty sure the Angels can take care of themselves, right? They won their war before, I’m willing to venture they can do it again. Besides, what can I possibly offer? I'm just a researcher. I don't think I would do very well on a battlefield or anything like that.” Matthias could see that he might have overestimated Dorian’s ability to take in all of the information and remain rational. “My apologies. I see that I’ve upset you and you have every right to be upset. To give you all this information about your birth parents and the history of Earth- I suppose it was too much.” He started to move towards Dorian to rebalance him and Dorian recoiled.

  “I'm fine. It's okay,” Dorian said holding his hand up. “Very well, as you wish,” Matthias said in a diminutive voice.

  “You work your whole life to save up for a place, get a few things along the way, have friends, family. I suppose none of it matters., It's all an illusion, as you say. It's bad enough the humans are tearing each other apart on a regular basis and destroying themselves. What's going to be left after all is said and done? Isn’t there enough death and destruction already?” Matthias looked at him with gentleness. “Dorian, even though the world of Earth may be changing does not mean everything is coming to an end. It signals the dawn of a new beginning. The material things you had on
Earth were there to give comfort to the hardships that all beings face while training their spirits. They are Earthly things, and as such will perish with the Earth. You are not of this Earth, and your future lies beyond your imagining.” “Matthias, I see the desperation in your message and the situation, but I'm not sure what use I'm going to be for your cause. I have no real skill set apart from a specialized knowledge that I very much doubt would be of any benefit to your needs,” Dorian pointed out. “You have a great power within you that lies dormant. We can show you how to use it. The knowledge we have gained from our leaders and experience over the millennia can be yours if you would allow us to instruct you. I’m sure you’ve noticed the events taking place on the Earth of late; the wars, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, volcanic activity, murders, thievery, and the overall corruption. These are a direct result of the actions of the fallen Angels and their accomplices. They have been poisoning the humans and searching for a way to free their brethren, events which have been foretold long ago by some. You have already been caught up in it, as seen by their attachment of the Shemzol to your head. There is more good you can do with us than with your research, and I believe there are others on Earth that you care about; others worth fighting for. We will need everyone on the side of light to help us fight the darkness or we are lost.

  “Whether you join us or not, war is coming to you and all whom you hold dear. Please consider carefully, Dorian. Our future, everyone's future, is at stake. If I may entreat you with a small request, I would like to introduce you to a few others of our group. Would you be willing to meet with them?” “I'm really not interested in joining your cause, but I will consider it on one condition,” Dorian said with indifference. “What do you require?” Matthias asked. “That you remove that thing from the back of my head.” Matthias smiled. “Of course, we can assist with that. We will need to prepare you in advance for removal. Come, let us go to meet the others,” he said. They had gotten up from the sitting area and moved towards the back of the room. Dorian followed him to the place where they had arrived. The next moment they were both outside the Pessipone. Dorian paused and looked over at Matthias. “Why did my parents abandon me? Where are they now?” Matthias tilted his head with an uncomfortable expression. “Your father will seek you out when the time is right and explain, whereas I cannot speak for your mother. Rumor has it she has been imprisoned. Your father has asked that I not reveal to anyone else who she is, so it is vital that you do not think about it when we arrive at our destination. As far as the rest are concerned you are the son of Urieth and a human mother, and therefore an Elioud like me. Although your appearance is similar to mine, that may not be the case when we activate your Shi. Also, be advised there are some who can read surface thoughts. Until you are instructed on how to block this, do not think about your birth mother. Do you understand?” “Yeah, I got it, don't think about it, no problem,” Dorian replied. “Follow me,” Matthias said, moving towards the entrance. They travelled to one of the platforms used to disembark the breece. “We are leaving Verdes Seventeen and will be traveling to a secure location on Erustian Prime. There we will meet with the others and discuss removal of the object from your head. The travel sensation will feel similar to the first time you journeyed here. Prepare yourself.” They both stood together on the platform. Matthias said some words and instantly the two of them were bathed in a bright light. Once again, Dorian found himself whirling through a tunnel with flashing lights that twisted and contorted around him, then suddenly stopped. It took a moment for his senses to adjust to the new surroundings before he discovered they had been transported to a large room with about fifty beings of various shapes and sizes. The room itself was, like everything up to this point, unique. The beings inside were moving about making gestures in the air, uttering sounds that could be perceived as language. He couldn’t understand most of them, except for a few that looked human. Clearly there was technology far more advanced than anything on his Earth. The matter in the room appeared to be floating in place, giving the impression everything inside would disappear if a switch was thrown. Each of the walls, including the floor and ceiling (if that is what one would even call them), were like a giant window to various other-worldly places and dimensions, continuously changing. Each view was completely different, much the way video surveillance cameras would switch and Dorian wondered if he could walk out of the room and into the world beyond the window. “Aye, you can,” A humanoid female composed of light said to Dorian as he was observing his surroundings with amazement. Dorian looked over at Matthias, unsure if he was the one whom she was speaking to. Matthias smiled. “I believe my friend may be responding to a question you asked yourself. Allow me to introduce you to Yelnisha, one of our operatives in our special operations group, the Avavago. Some privacy please, if you don't mind?” Matthias asked with respect.

  “Of course, Matthias,” she replied, smiling coyly at Dorian.

  “Is everything all right Dorian?” Matthias asked with concern, noticing Dorian appeared bewildered by all the sights around him. “Ah, no. I mean, yes, yes; everything’s fine. Everything is fine,” he replied softly still absorbing his surroundings like a newborn baby. His heart began to feel light with excitement at the thought of learning and knowing so much more than he had ever thought possible. “Matthias, you return so soon?” one of the beings asked as it approached the two of them. It had an amorphous body that shifted into a humanoid form. Dorian observed its tentacles transform into arms, elongating into hands and fingers that extended towards Matthias. “Ah, I see then,” the being continued as the two exchanged information through touch. “My apologies, Dorian; this is Zazu,” Matthias said. “Greetings, Dorian, we have eagerly anticipated your arrival,” Zazu said, extending an appendage towards Dorian. Matthias smiled, holding in his laughter as Dorian sheepishly looked over to Matthias as if to ask ‘is it okay?’ He touched Zazu, which felt a lot like exchanging greetings with Matthias. “I will leave you to your tutelage, Matthias. Dorian, until we meet again, Shadom ni ana,” Zazu said, returning to the area in back. Dorian turned to Matthias with a stunned expression. “Their kind are known as the Distrogan; obviously they are not from Earth or one of the Angels, but from a distant planetoid in another galaxy not too far off from the Milky Way itself. They were used over the millennia for their skills in espionage and subterfuge, due to their unique ability to rearrange their molecular structure at will. Unfortunately, most of the Distrogen were hunted or enslaved by those who feared what they could do or who exploited them for their abilities. Very few remain, and they must return to their home world every year to renew and replenish themselves from the source of their life- the planet itself. Zazu has been with us for over a thousand years now and I consider it a good friend.” “It?” Dorian asked. “Yes, well, they are not male or female as we are accustomed. Now Yelnisha over there, whom you previously met, is one of the Elioud, an offspring of the Nephilim. “One of her many unique abilities, as you may have already surmised, is thought capturing, or mind-reading, in simplistic terms. We can teach you how to close off your thoughts to others, including her,” Matthias said as he moved about the room. Dorian was following him, partially paying attention to what he said and partially to his newfound surroundings. “I was wondering to myself if you could just walk through these walls to the places we’re looking at. Apparently you can, according to her. Hey there's the cabin!” he shouted as one of the walls in the room switched to a view of his body lying on the bed where he had left it. “Well, only beings of light can walk through. Many of our bodies are also in secure locations on Earth or other areas and are being monitored just as yours is,” Matthias explained. “This place we are in is one of our bases of operation, where we monitor the activities of those like us and the agents of the fallen.” “Sounds like the CIA for celestial beings,” Dorian mused out loud. “Well, we are not funded by any government; we operate within the order of our society of Anidon. Our numbers are very small, less than seventeen thousa
nd in total and not everything involves events on the Earth. We mainly observe their activities, but occasionally we do have some direct contact with the enemy. It is usually limited due to the risk of being observed by ordinary humans, as well as the risk of capture by the enemy in order to learn our whereabouts and numbers.

  “I think we’ve covered quite a bit for today. We should conclude things for the time being and continue on another occasion. What do you say?” Part of Dorian didn't want to leave; this was all too fantastic and every new sight left many questions. “I understand, Matthias, but we still need to have that thing removed from the back of my head,” Dorian replied. “Ah, yes, the Shemzol. I had almost forgotten. In order to remove it we will need to go over some things. No doubt Amprodias mentioned that the device binds to the flesh and with spirit, correct?” he asked. Dorian nodded. “It is used to track spirit energies and sends a signal to the sigil holder when the Shi is active. It was originally designed by the fallen Angels to monitor and track the Nephilim, as a sort of homing beacon.

  “They've been using them more and more lately on ordinary humans or on humans with latent Shi. Anyway, in order to remove it we will need to teach you how to awaken your Shi energies. The problem, however, is that the device will send a signal to the enemy that your Shi is active, along with your precise location.

  “Because you do not possess active Shi, it would seem they are unsure if you are a person of interest to them. For what purpose I cannot say for certain-, however, based on past events, it seems that they are interested in the blood of a specific individual. It may be you, it may not be. I can only assume that they do not even know you are a hybrid, but awakening your Shi will remove all doubt, as hybrids have significantly different Shi from ordinary humans. Another point worth mentioning is that some have awakened their Shi to discover latent abilities, so you will undoubtedly experience some changes.” “So what happens if I don’t have this removed?” Dorian asked. “If you were not a hybrid, as you are, eventually it would fall off and turn to dust. In your case, I do not believe you would come to harm, but I cannot be certain. The pain could become quite intense,” Matthias said, noticing Dorian’s look of concern. “You have questions, ask.” “So, if I have this straight, we’re going to 'activate' my Shi? Then what? It’s going to fall off, or start beeping? Hopefully not explode?” Matthias laughed. “No, it will not explode. At least I do not believe it to be so,” he said with a slight grin, observing Dorian’s worried countenance. “This is not funny, you know,” Dorian shot back, looking around as several others within earshot were chuckling. “More important is the act of awakening your Shi. It may be quite uncomfortable. I should warn you right now, your life as you know it will be completely different from what it is now on Earth. You will sense things that you never had before- heartbeats, electrical impulses from others, thoughts and unexpected phenomena.” Noticing that Dorian wanted to say something, Matthias paused. “I already can. Or at least I have on a few occasions recently. It more or less happened on its own, but was a very strange sensation. Does that mean my Shi is active?” Matthias was taken aback by this revelation. “Indeed, you are an interesting one. It would seem that you may have tapped into your Shi without realizing it, but it is not active; we would all feel it and you would know. In addition to those things I mentioned, you may also be able to see celestial beings in your flesh form; spirits of various origin as well as spiritual energies surrounding flesh beings. In time it may be possible for you to learn how to make light energy into solid matter. You may also be able to penetrate the thoughts of others and the abilities you have in your flesh form will be magnified greatly. These are some of the things you may experience, and some things unexpected as well, since....” He stopped his sentence short when it became obvious others were listening. Some of the ones eavesdropping stared more intently at Dorian. “Finally,” Dorian thought to himself. “I’m going to become a superhero.” His thoughts brought extreme laughter from several beings nearby.


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